ILuaAPI has been moved to dan200.computercraft.api.lua. One creates
a new API by registering an instance of ILuaAPIFactory. This takes an
instance of IComputerSystem and returns such an API.
IComputerSystem is an extension of IComputerAccess, with methods to
access additional information about the the computer, such as its label
and filesystem.
- Makes ITurtleItem implement IColourableItem
- Only cache one turtle item model for all colours, rather than one for
each colour.
- Allow ITurtleAccess to set an arbitrary colour.
This provides a publically accessible way of interacting with wireless
networks, hopefully extending to wired networks in the future.
Unlike the original INetwork/IReceiver system, networked devices listen
on all channels, filtering when they recieve the packet. This allows
other peripheral mods to be more flexible in their packet handling.
- Make InventoryUtil deal with item handlers instead. This
significantly simplifies the implementation, the interface now
does most of the hard work.
- Add InvWrapper item handlers to printers, disk drives and turtles
- Add IItemHandlerModifiable accessor to ITurtleAccess
- Migrate all other inventory code (mostly turtle commands) to use
item handlers instead.
- General improvements of the docs.
- Move all ItemStack code to the ItemPocketComputer class
- Make PocketAPI execute on the server thread, rather than the computer
This may be useful when you want your tool to also provide additional
methods. For instance, a pickaxe could provide methods to check whether
it can break the block in front.
Updated the source code to the version shipped as the 1.80pr0 alpha
release. Also removed some unnecessary files from the LuaJ subfolder
which were bulking up the repository.