mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 10:38:12 +00:00
Merge branch 'mc-1.14.x' into mc-1.15.x
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,120 @@
--[[- Interact with redstone attached to this computer.
The @{redstone} library exposes three "types" of redstone control:
- Binary input/output (@{setOutput}/@{getInput}): These simply check if a
redstone wire has any input or output. A signal strength of 1 and 15 are
treated the same.
- Analogue input/output (@{setAnalogueOutput}/@{getAnalogueInput}): These
work with the actual signal strength of the redstone wired, from 0 to 15.
- Bundled cables (@{setBundledOutput}/@{getBundledInput}): These interact with
"bundled" cables, such as those from Project:Red. These allow you to send
16 separate on/off signals. Each channel corresponds to a colour, with the
first being @{colors.white} and the last @{colors.black}.
Whenever a redstone input changes, a `redstone` event will be fired. This may
be used in or
This module may also be referred to as `rs`. For example, one may call
`rs.getSides()` instead of @{redstone.getSides}.
@module redstone
@usage Toggle the redstone signal above the computer every 0.5 seconds.
while true do
redstone.setOutput("top", not redstone.getOutput("top"))
@usage Mimic a redstone comparator in [subtraction mode][comparator].
while true do
local rear = rs.getAnalogueInput("back")
local sides = math.max(rs.getAnalogueInput("left"), rs.getAnalogueInput("right"))
rs.setAnalogueOutput("front", math.max(rear - sides, 0))
os.pullEvent("redstone") -- Wait for a change to inputs.
[comparator]: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Redstone_Comparator#Subtract_signal_strength "Redstone Comparator on the Minecraft wiki."
--- Returns a table containing the six sides of the computer. Namely, "top",
-- "bottom", "left", "right", "front" and "back".
-- @treturn { string... } A table of valid sides.
function getSides() end
--- Turn the redstone signal of a specific side on or off.
-- @tparam string side The side to set.
-- @tparam boolean on Whether the redstone signal should be on or off. When on,
-- a signal strength of 15 is emitted.
function setOutput(side, on) end
--- Get the current redstone output of a specific side.
-- @tparam string side The side to get.
-- @treturn boolean Whether the redstone output is on or off.
-- @see setOutput
function getOutput(side) end
--- Get the current redstone input of a specific side.
-- @tparam string side The side to get.
-- @treturn boolean Whether the redstone input is on or off.
function getInput(side) end
function setBundledOutput(side, output) end
function getBundledOutput(side) end
function getBundledInput(side) end
function testBundledInput(side, mask) end
--- Set the redstone signal strength for a specific side.
-- @tparam string side The side to set.
-- @tparam number value The signal strength, between 0 and 15.
-- @throws If `value` is not between 0 and 15.
function setAnalogOutput(side, value) end
setAnalogueOutput = setAnalogOutput
--- Get the redstone output signal strength for a specific side.
-- @tparam string side The side to get.
-- @treturn number The output signal strength, between 0 and 15.
-- @see setAnalogueOutput
function getAnalogOutput(sid) end
getAnalogueOutput = getAnalogOutput
--- Get the redstone input signal strength for a specific side.
-- @tparam string side The side to get.
-- @treturn number The input signal strength, between 0 and 15.
function getAnalogInput(side) end
getAnalogueInput = getAnalogInput
--- Set the bundled cable output for a specific side.
-- @tparam string side The side to set.
-- @tparam number The colour bitmask to set.
-- @see colors.subtract For removing a colour from the bitmask.
-- @see colors.combine For adding a colour to the bitmask.
function setBundledOutput(side, output) end
--- Get the bundled cable output for a specific side.
-- @tparam string side The side to get.
-- @treturn number The bundled cable's output.
function getBundledOutput(side) end
--- Get the bundled cable input for a specific side.
-- @tparam string side The side to get.
-- @treturn number The bundled cable's input.
-- @see testBundledInput To determine if a specific colour is set.
function getBundledInput(side) end
--- Determine if a specific combination of colours are on for the given side.
-- @tparam string side The side to test.
-- @tparam number mask The mask to test.
-- @see getBundledInput
-- @see colors.combine For adding a colour to the bitmask.
-- @usage Check if @{colors.white} and @{colors.black} are on for above the
-- computer.
-- print(redstone.testBundledInput("top", colors.combine(colors.white, colors.black)))
function testBundledInput(side, mask) end
@ -73,12 +73,10 @@
(linters -doc:undocumented -doc:undocumented-arg))
@ -87,7 +85,6 @@
(linters -doc:unresolved-reference))
@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ import static dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ArgumentHelper.*;
public class RedstoneAPI implements ILuaAPI
private IAPIEnvironment m_environment;
private final IAPIEnvironment environment;
public RedstoneAPI( IAPIEnvironment environment )
m_environment = environment;
this.environment = environment;
@ -63,31 +63,31 @@ public class RedstoneAPI implements ILuaAPI
// setOutput
ComputerSide side = parseSide( args );
boolean output = getBoolean( args, 1 );
m_environment.setOutput( side, output ? 15 : 0 );
environment.setOutput( side, output ? 15 : 0 );
return null;
case 2: // getOutput
return new Object[] { m_environment.getOutput( parseSide( args ) ) > 0 };
return new Object[] { environment.getOutput( parseSide( args ) ) > 0 };
case 3: // getInput
return new Object[] { m_environment.getInput( parseSide( args ) ) > 0 };
return new Object[] { environment.getInput( parseSide( args ) ) > 0 };
case 4:
// setBundledOutput
ComputerSide side = parseSide( args );
int output = getInt( args, 1 );
m_environment.setBundledOutput( side, output );
environment.setBundledOutput( side, output );
return null;
case 5: // getBundledOutput
return new Object[] { m_environment.getBundledOutput( parseSide( args ) ) };
return new Object[] { environment.getBundledOutput( parseSide( args ) ) };
case 6: // getBundledInput
return new Object[] { m_environment.getBundledInput( parseSide( args ) ) };
return new Object[] { environment.getBundledInput( parseSide( args ) ) };
case 7:
// testBundledInput
ComputerSide side = parseSide( args );
int mask = getInt( args, 1 );
int input = m_environment.getBundledInput( side );
int input = environment.getBundledInput( side );
return new Object[] { (input & mask) == mask };
case 8:
@ -100,15 +100,15 @@ public class RedstoneAPI implements ILuaAPI
throw new LuaException( "Expected number in range 0-15" );
m_environment.setOutput( side, output );
environment.setOutput( side, output );
return null;
case 10:
case 11: // getAnalogOutput/getAnalogueOutput
return new Object[] { m_environment.getOutput( parseSide( args ) ) };
return new Object[] { environment.getOutput( parseSide( args ) ) };
case 12:
case 13: // getAnalogInput/getAnalogueInput
return new Object[] { m_environment.getInput( parseSide( args ) ) };
return new Object[] { environment.getInput( parseSide( args ) ) };
return null;
@ -938,11 +938,23 @@ settings.define("motd.path", {
description = [[The path to load random messages from. Should be a colon (":") separated string of file paths.]],
type = "string",
settings.define("lua.warn_against_use_of_local", {
default = true,
description = [[Print a message when input in the Lua REPL starts with the word 'local'. Local variables defined in the Lua REPL are be inaccessable on the next input.]],
type = "boolean",
settings.define("lua.function_args", {
default = true,
description = "Show function arguments when printing functions.",
type = "boolean",
settings.define("lua.function_source", {
default = false,
description = "Show where a function was defined when printing functions.",
type = "boolean",
if term.isColour() then
settings.define("bios.use_multishell", {
default = true,
@ -7,10 +7,13 @@
* The Lua REPL warns when declaring locals (lupus590, exerro)
* Add config to allow using command computers in survival.
* Add fs.isDriveRoot - checks if a path is the root of a drive.
* `cc.pretty` can now display a function's arguments and where it was defined. The Lua REPL will show arguments by default.
* Move the shell's `require`/`package` implementation to a separate `cc.require` module.
And several bug fixes:
* Fix io.lines not accepting arguments.
* Fix settings.load using an unknown global (MCJack123).
* Prevent computers scanning peripherals twice.
# New features in CC: Tweaked 1.87.1
@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ New features in CC: Tweaked 1.88.0
* The Lua REPL warns when declaring locals (lupus590, exerro)
* Add config to allow using command computers in survival.
* Add fs.isDriveRoot - checks if a path is the root of a drive.
* `cc.pretty` can now display a function's arguments and where it was defined. The Lua REPL will show arguments by default.
* Move the shell's `require`/`package` implementation to a separate `cc.require` module.
And several bug fixes:
* Fix io.lines not accepting arguments.
* Fix settings.load using an unknown global (MCJack123).
* Prevent computers scanning peripherals twice.
Type "help changelog" to see the full version history.
@ -19,8 +19,12 @@
-- local pretty = require "cc.pretty"
-- pretty.write(pretty.group(pretty.text("hello") .. pretty.space_line .. pretty.text("world")))
local expect = require "cc.expect".expect
local type, getmetatable, setmetatable, colours, str_write = type, getmetatable, setmetatable, colours, write
local expect = require "cc.expect"
local expect, field = expect.expect, expect.field
local type, getmetatable, setmetatable, colours, str_write, tostring = type, getmetatable, setmetatable, colours, write, tostring
local debug_info = type(debug) == "table" and type(debug.getinfo) == "function" and debug.getinfo
local debug_local = type(debug) == "table" and type(debug.getlocal) == "function" and debug.getlocal
--- @{table.insert} alternative, but with the length stored inline.
local function append(out, value)
@ -343,13 +347,38 @@ local function key_compare(a, b)
return false
local function pretty_impl(obj, tracking)
local function show_function(fn, options)
local info = debug_info and debug_info(fn, "Su")
-- Include function source position if available
local name
if options.function_source and info and info.short_src and info.linedefined and info.linedefined >= 1 then
name = "function<" .. info.short_src .. ":" .. info.linedefined .. ">"
name = tostring(fn)
-- Include arguments if a Lua function and if available. Lua will report "C"
-- functions as variadic.
if options.function_args and info and info.what == "Lua" and info.nparams and debug_local then
local args = {}
for i = 1, info.nparams do args[i] = debug_local(fn, i) or "?" end
if info.isvararg then args[#args + 1] = "..." end
name = name .. "(" .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. ")"
return name
local function pretty_impl(obj, options, tracking)
local obj_type = type(obj)
if obj_type == "string" then
local formatted = ("%q"):format(obj):gsub("\\\n", "\\n")
return text(formatted, colours.red)
elseif obj_type == "number" then
return text(tostring(obj), colours.magenta)
elseif obj_type == "function" then
return text(show_function(obj, options), colours.lightGrey)
elseif obj_type ~= "table" or tracking[obj] then
return text(tostring(obj), colours.lightGrey)
elseif getmetatable(obj) ~= nil and getmetatable(obj).__tostring then
@ -371,15 +400,15 @@ local function pretty_impl(obj, tracking)
local v = obj[k]
local ty = type(k)
if ty == "number" and k % 1 == 0 and k >= 1 and k <= length then
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, tracking))
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, options, tracking))
elseif ty == "string" and not keywords[k] and k:match("^[%a_][%a%d_]*$") then
append(doc, text(k .. " = "))
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, tracking))
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, options, tracking))
append(doc, obracket)
append(doc, pretty_impl(k, tracking))
append(doc, pretty_impl(k, options, tracking))
append(doc, cbracket)
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, tracking))
append(doc, pretty_impl(v, options, tracking))
@ -393,12 +422,24 @@ end
-- This can then be rendered with @{write} or @{print}.
-- @param obj The object to pretty-print.
-- @tparam[opt] { function_args = boolean, function_source = boolean } options
-- Controls how various properties are displayed.
-- - `function_args`: Show the arguments to a function if known (`false` by default).
-- - `function_source`: Show where the function was defined, instead of
-- `function: xxxxxxxx` (`false` by default).
-- @treturn Doc The object formatted as a document.
-- @usage Display a table on the screen
-- local pretty = require "cc.pretty"
-- pretty.print(pretty.pretty({ 1, 2, 3 }))
local function pretty(obj)
return pretty_impl(obj, {})
local function pretty(obj, options)
expect(2, options, "table", "nil")
options = options or {}
local actual_options = {
function_source = field(options, "function_source", "boolean", "nil") or false,
function_args = field(options, "function_args", "boolean", "nil") or false,
return pretty_impl(obj, actual_options, {})
return {
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
--- This provides a pure Lua implementation of the builtin @{require} function
-- and @{package} library.
-- Generally you do not need to use this module - it is injected into the
-- every program's environment. However, it may be useful when building a
-- custom shell or when running programs yourself.
-- @module cc.require
-- @usage Construct the package and require function, and insert them into a
-- custom environment.
-- local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = _ENV })
-- local r = require "cc.require"
-- env.require, env.package = r.make(env, "/")
local expect = require and require("cc.expect") or dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua")
local expect = expect.expect
local function preload(package)
return function(name)
if package.preload[name] then
return package.preload[name]
return nil, "no field package.preload['" .. name .. "']"
local function from_file(package, env, dir)
return function(name)
local fname = string.gsub(name, "%.", "/")
local sError = ""
for pattern in string.gmatch(package.path, "[^;]+") do
local sPath = string.gsub(pattern, "%?", fname)
if sPath:sub(1, 1) ~= "/" then
sPath = fs.combine(dir, sPath)
if fs.exists(sPath) and not fs.isDir(sPath) then
local fnFile, sError = loadfile(sPath, nil, env)
if fnFile then
return fnFile, sPath
return nil, sError
if #sError > 0 then
sError = sError .. "\n "
sError = sError .. "no file '" .. sPath .. "'"
return nil, sError
local function make_require(package)
local sentinel = {}
return function(name)
expect(1, name, "string")
if package.loaded[name] == sentinel then
error("loop or previous error loading module '" .. name .. "'", 0)
if package.loaded[name] then
return package.loaded[name]
local sError = "module '" .. name .. "' not found:"
for _, searcher in ipairs(package.loaders) do
local loader = table.pack(searcher(name))
if loader[1] then
package.loaded[name] = sentinel
local result = loader[1](name, table.unpack(loader, 2, loader.n))
if result == nil then result = true end
package.loaded[name] = result
return result
sError = sError .. "\n " .. loader[2]
error(sError, 2)
--- Build an implementation of Lua's @{package} library, and a @{require}
-- function to load modules within it.
-- @tparam table env The environment to load packages into.
-- @tparam string dir The directory that relative packages are loaded from.
-- @treturn function The new @{require} function.
-- @treturn table The new @{package} library.
local function make_package(env, dir)
expect(1, env, "table")
expect(2, dir, "string")
local package = {}
package.loaded = {
_G = _G,
bit32 = bit32,
coroutine = coroutine,
math = math,
package = package,
string = string,
table = table,
package.path = "?;?.lua;?/init.lua;/rom/modules/main/?;/rom/modules/main/?.lua;/rom/modules/main/?/init.lua"
if turtle then
package.path = package.path .. ";/rom/modules/turtle/?;/rom/modules/turtle/?.lua;/rom/modules/turtle/?/init.lua"
elseif commands then
package.path = package.path .. ";/rom/modules/command/?;/rom/modules/command/?.lua;/rom/modules/command/?/init.lua"
package.config = "/\n;\n?\n!\n-"
package.preload = {}
package.loaders = { preload(package), from_file(package, env, dir) }
return make_require(package), package
return { make = make_package }
@ -141,12 +141,12 @@ return {
program = program,
-- Re-export various other functions
help = wrap(help.completeTopic),
choice = wrap(completion.choice),
peripheral = wrap(completion.peripheral),
side = wrap(completion.side),
setting = wrap(completion.setting),
command = wrap(completion.command),
help = wrap(help.completeTopic), --- Wraps @{help.completeTopic} as a @{build} compatible function.
choice = wrap(completion.choice), --- Wraps @{cc.completion.choice} as a @{build} compatible function.
peripheral = wrap(completion.peripheral), --- Wraps @{cc.completion.peripheral} as a @{build} compatible function.
side = wrap(completion.side), --- Wraps @{cc.completion.side} as a @{build} compatible function.
setting = wrap(completion.setting), --- Wraps @{cc.completion.setting} as a @{build} compatible function.
command = wrap(completion.command), --- Wraps @{cc.completion.command} as a @{build} compatible function.
build = build,
@ -95,7 +95,10 @@ while bRunning do
local n = 1
while n < tResults.n or n <= nForcePrint do
local value = tResults[n + 1]
local ok, serialised = pcall(pretty.pretty, value)
local ok, serialised = pcall(pretty.pretty, value, {
function_args = settings.get("lua.function_args"),
function_source = settings.get("lua.function_source"),
if ok then
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
-- @module[module] shell
local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua").expect
local make_package = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/require.lua").make
local multishell = multishell
local parentShell = shell
@ -28,94 +29,10 @@ local tCompletionInfo = parentShell and parentShell.getCompletionInfo() or {}
local tProgramStack = {}
local shell = {} --- @export
local function createShellEnv(sDir)
local tEnv = {}
tEnv.shell = shell
tEnv.multishell = multishell
local package = {}
package.loaded = {
_G = _G,
bit32 = bit32,
coroutine = coroutine,
math = math,
package = package,
string = string,
table = table,
package.path = "?;?.lua;?/init.lua;/rom/modules/main/?;/rom/modules/main/?.lua;/rom/modules/main/?/init.lua"
if turtle then
package.path = package.path .. ";/rom/modules/turtle/?;/rom/modules/turtle/?.lua;/rom/modules/turtle/?/init.lua"
elseif commands then
package.path = package.path .. ";/rom/modules/command/?;/rom/modules/command/?.lua;/rom/modules/command/?/init.lua"
package.config = "/\n;\n?\n!\n-"
package.preload = {}
package.loaders = {
if package.preload[name] then
return package.preload[name]
return nil, "no field package.preload['" .. name .. "']"
local fname = string.gsub(name, "%.", "/")
local sError = ""
for pattern in string.gmatch(package.path, "[^;]+") do
local sPath = string.gsub(pattern, "%?", fname)
if sPath:sub(1, 1) ~= "/" then
sPath = fs.combine(sDir, sPath)
if fs.exists(sPath) and not fs.isDir(sPath) then
local fnFile, sError = loadfile(sPath, nil, tEnv)
if fnFile then
return fnFile, sPath
return nil, sError
if #sError > 0 then
sError = sError .. "\n "
sError = sError .. "no file '" .. sPath .. "'"
return nil, sError
local sentinel = {}
local function require(name)
expect(1, name, "string")
if package.loaded[name] == sentinel then
error("loop or previous error loading module '" .. name .. "'", 0)
if package.loaded[name] then
return package.loaded[name]
local sError = "module '" .. name .. "' not found:"
for _, searcher in ipairs(package.loaders) do
local loader = table.pack(searcher(name))
if loader[1] then
package.loaded[name] = sentinel
local result = loader[1](name, table.unpack(loader, 2, loader.n))
if result == nil then result = true end
package.loaded[name] = result
return result
sError = sError .. "\n " .. loader[2]
error(sError, 2)
tEnv.package = package
tEnv.require = require
return tEnv
local function createShellEnv(dir)
local env = { shell = shell, multishell = multishell }
env.require, env.package = make_package(env, dir)
return env
-- Colours
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
local function it_side(func, ...)
local arg = table.pack(...)
it("requires a specific side", function()
expect.error(func, 0):eq("bad argument #1 (string expected, got number)")
expect.error(func, "blah", table.unpack(arg)):eq("Invalid side.")
func("top", table.unpack(arg))
func("Top", table.unpack(arg))
func("toP", table.unpack(arg))
describe("The redstone library", function()
describe("redstone.setOutput", function()
it_side(redstone.setOutput, false)
it("sets the output strength correctly", function()
redstone.setOutput("top", false)
redstone.setOutput("top", true)
describe("redstone.getOutput", function()
it("gets the output strength correctly", function()
redstone.setAnalogueOutput("top", 0)
redstone.setAnalogueOutput("top", 1)
redstone.setAnalogueOutput("top", 15)
describe("redstone.getInput", function()
describe("redstone.setAnalogueOutput", function()
it_side(redstone.setAnalogueOutput, 0)
it("checks the strength parameter", function()
expect.error(redstone.setAnalogueOutput, "top", true):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got boolean)")
expect.error(redstone.setAnalogueOutput, "top", 0 / 0):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got nan)")
expect.error(redstone.setAnalogueOutput, "top", math.huge):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got inf)")
expect.error(redstone.setAnalogueOutput, "top", -1):eq("Expected number in range 0-15")
expect.error(redstone.setAnalogueOutput, "top", 16):eq("Expected number in range 0-15")
describe("redstone.getAnalogueOutput", function()
describe("redstone.getAnalogueInput", function()
describe("redstone.setBundledOutput", function()
it_side(redstone.setBundledOutput, 0)
it("checks the mask parameter", function()
expect.error(redstone.setBundledOutput, "top", true):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got boolean)")
expect.error(redstone.setBundledOutput, "top", 0 / 0):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got nan)")
expect.error(redstone.setBundledOutput, "top", math.huge):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got inf)")
describe("redstone.getBundledOutput", function()
describe("redstone.getBundledInput", function()
describe("redstone.testBundledInput", function()
it_side(redstone.testBundledInput, 0)
it("checks the mask parameter", function()
expect.error(redstone.testBundledInput, "top", true):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got boolean)")
expect.error(redstone.testBundledInput, "top", 0 / 0):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got nan)")
expect.error(redstone.testBundledInput, "top", math.huge):eq("bad argument #2 (number expected, got inf)")
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ describe("cc.pretty", function()
describe("pretty", function()
-- We make use of "render" here, as it's considerably easier than checking against the actual structure.
-- However, it does also mean our tests are less unit-like.
local function pretty(x, width) return pp.render(pp.pretty(x), width) end
local function pretty(x, width, options) return pp.render(pp.pretty(x, options), width) end
describe("tables", function()
it("displays empty tables", function()
@ -201,8 +201,21 @@ describe("cc.pretty", function()
it("shows functions", function()
describe("functions", function()
it("shows functions", function()
it("shows function arguments", function()
local f = function(a, ...) end
expect(pretty(f, nil, { function_args = true })):eq(tostring(f) .. "(a, ...)")
it("shows the function source", function()
local f = function(a, ...) end
expect(pretty(f, nil, { function_source = true }))
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
describe("cc.require", function()
local r = require "cc.require"
local function mk()
local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = _ENV })
env.require, env.package = r.make({}, "/test-files/modules")
return env.require, env.package
local function setup(path, contents)
io.open(path, "w"):write(contents):close()
describe("require", function()
it("errors on recursive modules", function()
local require, package = mk()
package.preload.pkg = function() require "pkg" end
expect.error(require, "pkg"):eq("loop or previous error loading module 'pkg'")
it("supplies the current module name", function()
local require, package = mk()
package.preload.pkg = table.pack
expect(require("pkg")):same { n = 1, "pkg" }
it("returns true instead of nil", function()
local require, package = mk()
package.preload.pkg = function() return nil end
it("returns a constant value", function()
local require, package = mk()
package.preload.pkg = function() return {} end
it("returns an error on not-found modules", function()
local require, package = mk()
package.path = "/?;/?.lua"
expect.error(require, "pkg"):eq(
"module 'pkg' not found:\n" ..
" no field package.preload['pkg']\n" ..
" no file '/pkg'\n" ..
" no file '/pkg.lua'")
describe("the file loader", function()
local function get(path)
local require, package = mk()
if path then package.path = path end
return require
it("works on absolute paths", function()
local require = get("/test-files/?.lua")
setup("test-files/some_module.lua", "return 123")
it("works on relative paths", function()
local require = get("?.lua")
setup("test-files/modules/some_module.lua", "return 123")
it("fails on syntax errors", function()
local require = get("?.lua")
setup("test-files/modules/some_module.lua", "1")
expect.error(require, "some_module"):str_match(
"^module 'some_module' not found:\n" ..
" no field package.preload%['some_module'%]\n" ..
" [^:]*some_module.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '1'$"
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