mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2025-03-13 06:58:12 +00:00

Use a Gradle plugin to download illuaminate

Previously illumainate required manual users to manually download it and
place it in ./bin/. This is both inconvenient for the user, and makes it
hard to ensure people are running the "right" version.

We now provide a small Gradle plugin which registers illuaminate as a
ependency, downloading the appropriate (now versioned!) file. This also
theoretically supports Macs, though I don't have access to one to test

This enables the following changes:

 - The Lua lint script has been converted to a Gradle task (./gradle

 - illuaminateDocs now uses a task definition with an explicit output
   directory. We can now consume this output as an input to another
   task, and get a task dependency implicitly.

 - Move the pre-commit config into the root of the tree. We can now use
   the default GitHub action to run our hooks.

 - Simplify CONTRIBUTING.md a little bit. Hopefully it's less
   intimidating now.
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Coates 2022-09-11 14:11:32 +01:00
parent db8c979a06
commit ba64e06ca7
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B9E431FF07C98D06
12 changed files with 212 additions and 84 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ jobs:
java-version: 8
- name: Cache gradle dependencies
- name: Cache Gradle dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.gradle/caches
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ jobs:
run: |
./gradlew assemble || ./gradlew assemble
./gradlew downloadAssets || ./gradlew downloadAssets
xvfb-run ./gradlew build
./gradlew build
- name: Upload Jar
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
@ -40,31 +40,12 @@ jobs:
name: CC-Tweaked
path: build/libs
- name: Upload Screnshots
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: Screenshots
path: test-files/client/screenshots
if-no-files-found: ignore
retention-days: 5
if: failure()
- name: Upload Coverage
- name: Upload coverage
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v2
- name: Parse test reports
run: ./tools/parse-reports.py
if: ${{ failure() }}
- name: Cache pre-commit
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.cache/pre-commit
key: ${{ runner.os }}-pre-commit-${{ hashFiles('config/pre-commit/config.yml') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-pre-commit-
- name: Run linters
run: |
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit run --config config/pre-commit/config.yml --show-diff-on-failure --all --color=always
uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.0

View File

@ -26,12 +26,6 @@ jobs:
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-gradle-
- name: Setup illuaminate
run: |
test -d bin || mkdir bin
test -f bin/illuaminate || wget -q -Obin/illuaminate https://squiddev.cc/illuaminate/linux-x86-64/illuaminate
chmod +x bin/illuaminate
- name: Setup node
run: npm ci

.gitignore vendored
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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@

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@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ vscode:
- name: Setup pre-commit hool
init: pre-commit install --config config/pre-commit/config.yml --allow-missing-config
init: pre-commit install --allow-missing-config
- name: Install npm packages
init: npm ci

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ repos:
- id: illuaminate
name: Check Lua code
files: ".*\\.(lua|java|md)"
language: script
entry: config/pre-commit/illuaminate-lint.sh
language: system
entry: ./gradlew lintLua -i
pass_filenames: false
require_serial: true

View File

@ -39,40 +39,30 @@ are run whenever you submit a PR, it's often useful to run this before committin
- **[Checkstyle]:** Checks Java code to ensure it is consistently formatted. This can be run with `./gradlew build` or
`./gradle check`.
- **[illuaminate]:** Checks Lua code for semantic and styleistic issues. See [the usage section][illuaminate-usage] for
how to download and run it. You may need to generate the Java documentation stubs (see "Documentation" below) for all
lints to pass.
- **[illuaminate]:** Checks Lua code for semantic and styleistic issues. This can be run with `./gradlew lintLua`.
### Documentation
When writing documentation for [CC: Tweaked's documentation website][docs], it may be useful to build the documentation
and preview it yourself before submitting a PR.
Building all documentation is, sadly, a multi-stage process (though this is largely hidden by Gradle). First we need to
convert Java doc-comments into Lua ones, we also generate some Javascript to embed. All of this is then finally fed into
illuaminate, which spits out our HTML.
Our documentation generation pipeline is rather complex, and involves invoking several external tools. Most of this
complexity is hidden by Gradle, but you will need to perform some initial setup:
#### Setting up the tooling
For various reasons, getting the environment set up to build documentation can be pretty complex. I'd quite like to
automate this via Docker and/or nix in the future, but this needs to be done manually for now.
- Install [Node/npm][node].
- Run `npm ci` to install our Node dependencies.
This tooling is only needed if you need to build the whole website. If you just want to generate the Lua stubs, you can
skp this section.
- Install Node/npm and install our Node packages with `npm ci`.
- Install [illuaminate][illuaminate-usage] as described above.
#### Building documentation
Gradle should be your entrypoint to building most documentation. There's two tasks which are of interest:
- `./gradlew luaJavadoc` - Generate documentation stubs for Java methods.
- `./gradlew docWebsite` - Generate the whole website (including Javascript pages). The resulting HTML is stored at
You can now run `./gradlew docWebsite`. This generates documentation from our Lua and Java code, writing the resulting
HTML into `./build/docs/site`.
#### Writing documentation
illuaminate's documentation system is not currently documented (somewhat ironic), but is _largely_ the same as
[ldoc][ldoc]. Documentation comments are written in Markdown,
Our markdown engine does _not_ support GitHub flavoured markdown, and so does not support all the features one might
expect (such as tables). It is very much recommended that you build and preview the docs locally first.
expect. It is recommended that you build and preview the docs locally first.
When iterating on documentation, you can get Gradle to rebuild the website every time a file changes by running
`./gradlew docWebsite -t`. This will take a couple of seconds to run, but definitely beats running it manually!
### Testing
Thankfully running tests is much simpler than running the documentation generator! `./gradlew check` will run the
@ -90,11 +80,10 @@ Before we get into writing tests, it's worth mentioning the various test suites
These tests are run by the '"Core" Java' test suite, and so are also run with `./gradlew test`.
- In-game (`./src/testMod/java/dan200/computercraft/ingame/`): These tests are run on an actual Minecraft server and client,
using [the same system Mojang do][mc-test]. The aim of these is to test in-game behaviour of blocks and peripherals.
- In-game (`./src/testMod/java/dan200/computercraft/ingame/`): These tests are run on an actual Minecraft server, using
the same system Mojang do][mc-test]. The aim of these is to test in-game behaviour of blocks and peripherals.
These are run by `./gradlew testClient` and `./gradlew testServer`. You may want to run the client under `xvfb-run`
or similar when running in a headless environment.
These tests are run with `./gradlew testServer`.
## CraftOS tests
CraftOS's tests are written using a test system called "mcfly", heavily inspired by [busted] (and thus RSpec). Groups of
@ -107,9 +96,9 @@ asserts that your variable `foo` is equal to the expected value `"bar"`.
[community]: README.md#Community "Get in touch with the community."
[checkstyle]: https://checkstyle.org/
[illuaminate]: https://github.com/SquidDev/illuaminate/ "Illuaminate on GitHub"
[illuaminate-usage]: https://github.com/SquidDev/illuaminate/blob/master/README.md#usage "Installing Illuaminate"
[weblate]: https://i18n.tweaked.cc/projects/cc-tweaked/minecraft/ "CC: Tweaked weblate instance"
[docs]: https://tweaked.cc/ "CC: Tweaked documentation"
[ldoc]: http://stevedonovan.github.io/ldoc/ "ldoc, a Lua documentation generator."
[mc-test]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXaWOJTCYNg
[busted]: https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/busted "busted: Elegant Lua unit testing."
[node]: https://nodejs.org/en/ "Node.js"

View File

@ -11,9 +11,12 @@ plugins {
id "org.spongepowered.mixin" version "0.7.+"
id "org.parchmentmc.librarian.forgegradle" version "1.+"
id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "7.1.2"
id "cc-tweaked.illuaminate"
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.condition.Os
import cc.tweaked.gradle.IlluaminateExec
import cc.tweaked.gradle.IlluaminateExecToDir
version = mod_version
@ -152,6 +155,10 @@ dependencies {
cctJavadoc 'cc.tweaked:cct-javadoc:1.4.7'
illuaminate {
// Compile tasks
javadoc {
@ -302,32 +309,36 @@ def rollup = tasks.register("rollup", Exec.class) {
commandLine mkCommand('"node_modules/.bin/rollup" --config rollup.config.js')
def illuaminateDocs = tasks.register("illuaminateDocs", Exec.class) {
def illuaminateDocs = tasks.register("illuaminateDocs", IlluaminateExecToDir.class) {
group = "documentation"
description = "Generates docs using Illuaminate"
dependsOn(rollup, luaJavadoc)
inputs.files(fileTree("src/main/resources/data/computercraft/lua/rom")).withPropertyName("lua rom")
// Config files
// Sources
inputs.files(fileTree("src/main/resources/data/computercraft/lua")).withPropertyName("lua rom")
// Additional assets
commandLine mkCommand('"bin/illuaminate" doc-gen')
// Output directory. Also defined in illuaminate.sexp and transform.tsx
output.set(new File(buildDir, "docs/lua"))
args = ["doc-gen"]
def jsxDocs = tasks.register("jsxDocs", Exec) {
group = "documentation"
description = "Post-processes documentation to statically render some dynamic content."
inputs.file("tsconfig.json").withPropertyName("Typescript config")
commandLine mkCommand('"node_modules/.bin/ts-node" -T --esm src/web/transform.tsx')
@ -391,6 +402,24 @@ license {
def lintLua = tasks.register("lintLua", IlluaminateExec.class) {
group = JavaBasePlugin.VERIFICATION_GROUP
description = "Lint Lua (and Lua docs) with illuaminate"
// Config files
// Sources
inputs.files(fileTree("src/main/resources/data/computercraft/lua")).withPropertyName("lua rom")
args = ["lint"]
doFirst { if (System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") != null) println("::add-matcher::.github/matchers/illuaminate.json") }
doLast { if (System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS") != null) println("::remove-matcher owner=illuaminate::") }
def setupServer = tasks.register("setupServer", Copy.class) {
group "test server"
description "Sets up the environment for the test server."

buildSrc/build.gradle.kts Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
plugins {
repositories {
gradlePlugin {
plugins {
register("cc-tweaked.illuaminate") {
id = "cc-tweaked.illuaminate"
implementationClass = "cc.tweaked.gradle.IlluaminatePlugin"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package cc.tweaked.gradle
import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
import org.gradle.api.tasks.AbstractExecTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.OutputDirectory
import java.io.File
abstract class ExecToDir : AbstractExecTask<ExecToDir>(ExecToDir::class.java) {
abstract val output: Property<File>

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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package cc.tweaked.gradle
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.Task
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.Dependency
import org.gradle.api.provider.Property
import org.gradle.api.provider.Provider
import org.gradle.api.tasks.AbstractExecTask
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Input
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction
import java.io.File
abstract class IlluaminateExtension {
/** The version of illuaminate to use. */
abstract val version: Property<String>
/** The path to illuaminate. If not given, illuaminate will be downloaded automatically. */
abstract val file: Property<File>
class IlluaminatePlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
val extension = project.extensions.create("illuaminate", IlluaminateExtension::class.java)
extension.file.convention(setupDependency(project, extension.version))
project.tasks.register(SetupIlluaminate.NAME, SetupIlluaminate::class.java) {
file.set(extension.file.map { it.absolutePath })
/** Set up a repository for illuaminate and download our binary from it. */
private fun setupDependency(project: Project, version: Provider<String>): Provider<File> {
project.repositories.ivy {
name = "Illuaminate"
patternLayout {
metadataSources {
content {
includeModule("cc.squiddev", "illuaminate")
return version.map {
val dep = illuaminateArtifact(project, it)
val configuration = project.configurations.detachedConfiguration(dep)
configuration.isTransitive = false
/** Define a dependency for illuaminate from a version number and the current operating system. */
private fun illuaminateArtifact(project: Project, version: String): Dependency {
val osName = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase()
val (os, suffix) = when {
osName.contains("windows") -> Pair("windows", ".exe")
osName.contains("mac os") || osName.contains("darwin") -> Pair("macos", "")
osName.contains("linux") -> Pair("linux", "")
else -> error("Unsupported OS $osName for illuaminate")
val osArch = System.getProperty("os.arch").toLowerCase()
val arch = when {
osArch == "arm" || osArch.startsWith("aarch") -> error("Unsupported architecture '$osArch' for illuaminate")
osArch.contains("64") -> "x86_64"
else -> error("Unsupported architecture $osArch for illuaminate")
return project.dependencies.create(
"group" to "cc.squiddev",
"name" to "illuaminate",
"version" to version,
"ext" to "$os-$arch$suffix",
private val Task.illuaminatePath: String? // "?" needed to avoid overload ambiguity in setExecutable below.
get() = project.extensions.getByType(IlluaminateExtension::class.java).file.get().absolutePath
/** Prepares illuaminate for being run. This simply requests the dependency and then marks it as executable. */
abstract class SetupIlluaminate : DefaultTask() {
abstract val file: Property<String>
fun setExecutable() {
val file = File(this.file.get())
if (file.canExecute()) {
didWork = false
companion object {
const val NAME: String = "setupIlluaminate"
abstract class IlluaminateExec : AbstractExecTask<IlluaminateExec>(IlluaminateExec::class.java) {
init {
executable = illuaminatePath
abstract class IlluaminateExecToDir : ExecToDir() {
init {
executable = illuaminatePath

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -e
test -d bin || mkdir bin
test -f bin/illuaminate || curl -s -obin/illuaminate https://squiddev.cc/illuaminate/linux-x86-64/illuaminate
chmod +x bin/illuaminate
if [ -n ${GITHUB_ACTIONS+x} ]; then
# Register a problem matcher (see https://github.com/actions/toolkit/blob/master/docs/problem-matchers.md)
# for illuaminate.
echo "::add-matcher::.github/matchers/illuaminate.json"
trap 'echo "::remove-matcher owner=illuaminate::"' EXIT
./gradlew luaJavadoc
bin/illuaminate lint

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@