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synced 2025-03-04 10:38:12 +00:00
Add computer performance monitor
This commit is contained in:
@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ public class ComputerThread
long start = System.nanoTime();
// Execute the task
runner.submit( task );
@ -229,6 +231,10 @@ public class ComputerThread
long stop = System.nanoTime();
Computer computer = task.getOwner();
if( computer != null ) ComputerTimeTracker.addTiming( computer, stop - start );
// Re-add it back onto the queue or remove it
synchronized( s_taskLock )
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
package dan200.computercraft.core.computer;
import com.google.common.collect.MapMaker;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Tracks timing information about computers, including how long they ran for
* and the number of events they handled.
* Note that this <em>will</em> track computers which have been deleted (hence
* the presence of {@link #timingLookup} and {@link #timings}
public class ComputerTimeTracker
public static class Timings
private final WeakReference<Computer> computer;
private final int computerId;
private int tasks;
private long totalTime;
private long maxTime;
public Timings( @Nonnull Computer computer )
this.computer = new WeakReference<>( computer );
this.computerId = computer.getID();
public Computer getComputer()
return computer.get();
public int getComputerId()
return computerId;
public int getTasks()
return tasks;
public long getTotalTime()
return totalTime;
public long getMaxTime()
return maxTime;
public double getAverage()
return totalTime / (double) tasks;
void update( long time )
totalTime += time;
if( time > maxTime ) maxTime = time;
private static boolean tracking;
private static final List<Timings> timings = new ArrayList<>();
private static final Map<Computer, Timings> timingLookup = new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap();
public synchronized static void start()
tracking = true;
public synchronized static boolean stop()
if( !tracking ) return false;
tracking = false;
return true;
public static synchronized List<Timings> getTimings()
return new ArrayList<>( timings );
public static synchronized void addTiming( Computer computer, long time )
if( !tracking ) return;
Timings timings = ComputerTimeTracker.timingLookup.get( computer );
if( timings == null )
timings = new Timings( computer );
timingLookup.put( computer, timings );
ComputerTimeTracker.timings.add( timings );
timings.update( time );
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.core.computer.Computer;
import dan200.computercraft.core.computer.ComputerTimeTracker;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.command.framework.*;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.computer.core.ServerComputer;
import net.minecraft.command.CommandException;
@ -13,12 +14,12 @@ import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentString;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.common.util.FakePlayer;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.*;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.framework.ChatHelpers.*;
@ -256,6 +257,55 @@ public final class CommandComputerCraft extends CommandDelegate
} );
CommandRoot track = new CommandRoot( "track", "Track execution times for computers.",
"Track how long computers execute for, as well as how many events they handle. This presents information in " +
"a similar way to /forge track and can be useful for diagnosing lag." );
root.register( track );
track.register( new SubCommandBase(
"start", "Start tracking all computers", UserLevel.OWNER_OP,
"Start tracking all computers' execution times and event counts. This will discard the results of previous runs."
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments )
String stopCommand = "/" + context.parent().getFullPath() + " stop";
context.getSender().sendMessage( list(
text( "Run " ),
link( text( stopCommand ), stopCommand, "Click to stop tracking" ),
text( " to stop tracking and view the results" )
) );
} );
track.register( new SubCommandBase(
"stop", "Stop tracking all computers", UserLevel.OWNER_OP,
"Stop tracking all computers' events and execution times"
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
if( !ComputerTimeTracker.stop() ) throw new CommandException( "Tracking not enabled" );
displayTimings( context );
} );
track.register( new SubCommandBase(
"dump", "Dump the latest track results", UserLevel.OWNER_OP,
"Dump the latest results of computer tracking."
public void execute( @Nonnull CommandContext context, @Nonnull List<String> arguments ) throws CommandException
displayTimings( context );
} );
return root;
@ -284,4 +334,63 @@ public final class CommandComputerCraft extends CommandDelegate
return position( computer.getPosition() );
private static void displayTimings( CommandContext context ) throws CommandException
List<ComputerTimeTracker.Timings> timings = ComputerTimeTracker.getTimings();
if( timings.isEmpty() ) throw new CommandException( "No timings available" );
timings.sort( Comparator.comparing( ComputerTimeTracker.Timings::getAverage ).reversed() );
TextTable table = new TextTable( "Computer", "Tasks", "Total", "Average", "Maximum" );
Map<Computer, ServerComputer> lookup = new HashMap<>();
int maxId = 0, maxInstance = 0;
for( ServerComputer server : ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.getComputers() )
lookup.put( server.getComputer(), server );
if( server.getInstanceID() > maxInstance ) maxInstance = server.getInstanceID();
if( server.getID() > maxId ) maxId = server.getID();
ICommandSender sender = context.getSender();
boolean isPlayer = sender instanceof EntityPlayerMP && !(sender instanceof FakePlayer);
for( ComputerTimeTracker.Timings entry : timings )
Computer computer = entry.getComputer();
ServerComputer serverComputer = computer == null ? null : lookup.get( computer );
ITextComponent computerComponent = new TextComponentString( "" )
.appendSibling( serverComputer == null ? text( "?" ) : linkComputer( serverComputer ) )
.appendText( " (id " + entry.getComputerId() + ")" );
if( serverComputer != null && UserLevel.OP.canExecute( context ) && isPlayer )
.appendText( " " )
.appendSibling( link(
text( "\u261b" ),
"/computercraft tp " + serverComputer.getInstanceID(),
"Teleport to this computer"
) )
.appendText( " " )
.appendSibling( link(
text( "\u20e2" ),
"/computercraft view " + serverComputer.getInstanceID(),
"View this computer"
) );
formatted( "%4d", entry.getTasks() ),
text( String.format( "%7.1f", entry.getTotalTime() / 1e6 ) + "ms" ),
text( String.format( "%4.1f", entry.getAverage() / 1e6 ) + "ms" ),
text( String.format( "%5.1f", entry.getMaxTime() / 1e6 ) + "ms" )
table.displayTo( context.getSender() );
@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ public class ServerComputer extends ServerTerminal
return m_computer.getAPIEnvironment();
public Computer getComputer()
return m_computer;
public void update()
Reference in New Issue
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