mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 20:59:12 +00:00
Drop modems as an item in updateShape
We were still handling this logic in neighborChanged, like this was 1.12. The horror!
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ public class CableBlock extends Block implements SimpleWaterloggedBlock, EntityB
world.setBlockAndUpdate(pos, correctConnections(world, pos, newState));
if (!world.isClientSide && !player.getAbilities().instabuild) {
Block.popResource(world, pos, item);
@ -162,10 +161,7 @@ public class CableBlock extends Block implements SimpleWaterloggedBlock, EntityB
public void setPlacedBy(Level world, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, @Nullable LivingEntity placer, ItemStack stack) {
var tile = world.getBlockEntity(pos);
if (tile instanceof CableBlockEntity cable) {
if (cable.hasCable()) cable.connectionsChanged();
if (tile instanceof CableBlockEntity cable && cable.hasCable()) cable.connectionsChanged();
super.setPlacedBy(world, pos, state, placer, stack);
@ -177,14 +173,32 @@ public class CableBlock extends Block implements SimpleWaterloggedBlock, EntityB
public BlockState updateShape(BlockState state, Direction side, BlockState otherState, LevelAccessor world, BlockPos pos, BlockPos otherPos) {
WaterloggableHelpers.updateShape(state, world, pos);
public BlockState updateShape(BlockState state, Direction side, BlockState otherState, LevelAccessor level, BlockPos pos, BlockPos otherPos) {
WaterloggableHelpers.updateShape(state, level, pos);
// Should never happen, but handle the case where we've no modem or cable.
if (!state.getValue(CABLE) && state.getValue(MODEM) == CableModemVariant.None) {
return getFluidState(state).createLegacyBlock();
return world instanceof Level level ? state.setValue(CONNECTIONS.get(side), doesConnectVisually(state, level, pos, side)) : state;
// Pop our modem if needed.
var dir = state.getValue(MODEM).getFacing();
if (dir != null && dir.equals(side) && !canSupportCenter(level, otherPos, side.getOpposite())) {
// If we've no cable, follow normal Minecraft logic and just remove the block.
if (!state.getValue(CABLE)) return getFluidState(state).createLegacyBlock();
// Otherwise remove the cable and drop the modem manually.
state = state.setValue(CableBlock.MODEM, CableModemVariant.None);
if (level instanceof Level actualLevel) {
Block.popResource(actualLevel, pos, new ItemStack(ModRegistry.Items.WIRED_MODEM.get()));
if (level.getBlockEntity(pos) instanceof CableBlockEntity cable) cable.scheduleConnectionsChanged();
return level instanceof Level actualLevel
? state.setValue(CONNECTIONS.get(side), doesConnectVisually(state, actualLevel, pos, side))
: state;
@ -230,6 +244,7 @@ public class CableBlock extends Block implements SimpleWaterloggedBlock, EntityB
public final InteractionResult use(BlockState state, Level world, BlockPos pos, Player player, InteractionHand hand, BlockHitResult hit) {
if (player.isCrouching() || !player.mayBuild()) return InteractionResult.PASS;
return world.getBlockEntity(pos) instanceof CableBlockEntity modem ? modem.use(player) : InteractionResult.PASS;
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ package dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.wired;
import dan200.computercraft.api.network.wired.WiredElement;
import dan200.computercraft.api.network.wired.WiredNode;
import dan200.computercraft.api.peripheral.IPeripheral;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.ModRegistry;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.command.text.ChatHelpers;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.ModemState;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.platform.ComponentAccess;
@ -20,9 +19,7 @@ import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
import net.minecraft.network.chat.Component;
import net.minecraft.world.InteractionResult;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Player;
import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.BlockEntity;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.BlockEntityType;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState;
@ -68,7 +65,8 @@ public class CableBlockEntity extends BlockEntity {
) {
public Vec3 getPosition() {
return Vec3.atCenterOf(getBlockPos().relative(getDirection()));
var dir = getModemDirection();
return Vec3.atCenterOf(dir == null ? getBlockPos() : getBlockPos().relative(dir));
@ -95,45 +93,22 @@ public class CableBlockEntity extends BlockEntity {
public void setBlockState(BlockState state) {
var direction = getMaybeDirection();
var direction = getModemDirection();
// We invalidate both the modem and element if the modem's direction is different.
if (getMaybeDirection() != direction && modemChanged != null) modemChanged.run();
if (getModemDirection() != direction && modemChanged != null) modemChanged.run();
private Direction getMaybeDirection() {
private Direction getModemDirection() {
return getBlockState().getValue(CableBlock.MODEM).getFacing();
private Direction getDirection() {
var direction = getMaybeDirection();
return direction == null ? Direction.NORTH : direction;
void neighborChanged(BlockPos neighbour) {
var dir = getDirection();
if (neighbour.equals(getBlockPos().relative(dir)) && hasModem() && !getBlockState().canSurvive(getLevel(), getBlockPos())) {
if (hasCable()) {
// Drop the modem and convert to cable
Block.popResource(getLevel(), getBlockPos(), new ItemStack(ModRegistry.Items.WIRED_MODEM.get()));
getLevel().setBlockAndUpdate(getBlockPos(), getBlockState().setValue(CableBlock.MODEM, CableModemVariant.None));
} else {
// Drop everything and remove block
Block.popResource(getLevel(), getBlockPos(), new ItemStack(ModRegistry.Items.WIRED_MODEM.get()));
getLevel().removeBlock(getBlockPos(), false);
// This'll call #destroy(), so we don't need to reset the network here.
if (!level.isClientSide && isPeripheralOn()) {
var facing = getDirection();
if (getBlockPos().relative(facing).equals(neighbour)) queueRefreshPeripheral();
var dir = getModemDirection();
if (!level.isClientSide && dir != null && getBlockPos().relative(dir).equals(neighbour) && isPeripheralOn()) {
@ -143,7 +118,6 @@ public class CableBlockEntity extends BlockEntity {
InteractionResult use(Player player) {
if (player.isCrouching() || !player.mayBuild()) return InteractionResult.PASS;
if (!canAttachPeripheral()) return InteractionResult.FAIL;
if (getLevel().isClientSide) return InteractionResult.SUCCESS;
@ -206,7 +180,7 @@ public class CableBlockEntity extends BlockEntity {
if (refreshConnections) connectionsChanged();
private void scheduleConnectionsChanged() {
void scheduleConnectionsChanged() {
refreshConnections = true;
@ -234,20 +208,14 @@ public class CableBlockEntity extends BlockEntity {
void modemChanged() {
// Tell anyone who cares that the connection state has changed
if (modemChanged != null) modemChanged.run();
if (getLevel().isClientSide) return;
// If we can no longer attach peripherals, then detach any which may have existed
if (!canAttachPeripheral()) detachPeripheral();
private void attachPeripheral() {
if (peripheral.attach(getLevel(), getBlockPos(), getDirection())) updateConnectedPeripherals();
var dir = Objects.requireNonNull(getModemDirection(), "Attaching without a modem");
if (peripheral.attach(getLevel(), getBlockPos(), dir)) updateConnectedPeripherals();
@ -267,7 +235,7 @@ public class CableBlockEntity extends BlockEntity {
public IPeripheral getPeripheral(@Nullable Direction direction) {
return direction == null || getMaybeDirection() == direction ? modem : null;
return direction == null || getModemDirection() == direction ? modem : null;
private boolean isPeripheralOn() {
@ -35,10 +35,7 @@ public abstract class CableBlockItem extends BlockItem {
world.playSound(null, pos, soundType.getPlaceSound(), SoundSource.BLOCKS, (soundType.getVolume() + 1.0F) / 2.0F, soundType.getPitch() * 0.8F);
var tile = world.getBlockEntity(pos);
if (tile instanceof CableBlockEntity cable) {
if (tile instanceof CableBlockEntity cable) cable.connectionsChanged();
return true;
@ -7,19 +7,18 @@ package dan200.computercraft.gametest
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.ObjectArguments
import dan200.computercraft.core.apis.PeripheralAPI
import dan200.computercraft.core.computer.ComputerSide
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.api.getBlockEntity
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.api.sequence
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.api.thenOnComputer
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.api.thenStartComputer
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.api.*
import dan200.computercraft.impl.network.wired.WiredNodeImpl
import dan200.computercraft.shared.ModRegistry
import dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.wired.CableBlock
import dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.wired.CableModemVariant
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.assertArrayEquals
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.computer.LuaTaskContext
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.computer.getApi
import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTest
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Blocks
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
@ -125,6 +124,32 @@ class Modem_Test {
thenOnComputer { assertEquals(listOf("back", "computer_1", "right"), getPeripheralNames()) }
* Test wired modems (without a cable) drop an item when the adjacent block is removed.
fun Modem_drops_when_neighbour_removed(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenExecute {
helper.setBlock(BlockPos(2, 3, 2), Blocks.AIR)
helper.assertItemEntityPresent(ModRegistry.Items.WIRED_MODEM.get(), BlockPos(2, 2, 2), 0.0)
helper.assertBlockPresent(Blocks.AIR, BlockPos(2, 2, 2))
* Test wired modems (with a cable) drop an item, but keep their cable when the adjacent block is removed.
fun Modem_keeps_cable_when_neighbour_removed(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenExecute {
helper.setBlock(BlockPos(2, 3, 2), Blocks.AIR)
helper.assertItemEntityPresent(ModRegistry.Items.WIRED_MODEM.get(), BlockPos(2, 2, 2), 0.0)
helper.assertBlockIs(BlockPos(2, 2, 2)) {
it.block == ModRegistry.Blocks.CABLE.get() && it.getValue(CableBlock.MODEM) == CableModemVariant.None && it.getValue(CableBlock.CABLE)
private fun LuaTaskContext.findPeripheral(type: String): String? {
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
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{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
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{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
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{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
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{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
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{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
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{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:cable{cable:true,down:false,east:false,modem:up_off,north:false,south:false,up:true,waterlogged:false,west:false}", nbt: {id: "computercraft:cable"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
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