mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2025-03-05 11:08:13 +00:00

Correctly register turtle refuel handlers

And actually test them! Along with a whole load of other turtle tests.

Fixes #1202
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Coates 2022-11-03 20:25:59 +00:00
parent c919011a7e
commit 45c5de73bb
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B9E431FF07C98D06
18 changed files with 1601 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public final class TurtleRefuelHandlers
public static void register( TurtleRefuelHandler handler )
public static synchronized void register( TurtleRefuelHandler handler )
Objects.requireNonNull( handler, "handler cannot be null" );
handlers.add( handler );

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ import dan200.computercraft.shared.pocket.items.ItemPocketComputer;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.pocket.peripherals.PocketModem;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.pocket.peripherals.PocketSpeaker;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.pocket.recipes.PocketComputerUpgradeRecipe;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.turtle.FurnaceRefuelHandler;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.turtle.blocks.BlockTurtle;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.turtle.blocks.TileTurtle;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.turtle.inventory.ContainerTurtle;
@ -394,6 +395,8 @@ public final class Registry
ComputerCraftAPI.registerGenericSource( new InventoryMethods() );
ComputerCraftAPI.registerGenericSource( new FluidMethods() );
ComputerCraftAPI.registerGenericSource( new EnergyMethods() );
ComputerCraftAPI.registerRefuelHandler( new FurnaceRefuelHandler() );
private static void registerProviders()

View File

@ -15,12 +15,6 @@ import java.util.OptionalInt;
public final class FurnaceRefuelHandler implements TurtleRefuelHandler
private static final FurnaceRefuelHandler INSTANCE = new FurnaceRefuelHandler();
private FurnaceRefuelHandler()
public OptionalInt refuel( @Nonnull ITurtleAccess turtle, @Nonnull ItemStack currentStack, int slot, int limit )

View File

@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ class Computer_Test {
thenExecute { context.assertBlockHas(lamp, RedstoneLampBlock.LIT, false, "Lamp should not be lit") }
// TODO: More redstone connectivity tests!
// TODO: Computer peripherals (including command computers)
fun Computer_peripheral(context: GameTestHelper) = context.sequence {
thenExecute {
context.assertPeripheral(BlockPos(3, 2, 2), type = "computer")
context.assertPeripheral(BlockPos(1, 2, 2), type = "turtle")

View File

@ -5,14 +5,17 @@
package dan200.computercraft.gametest
import dan200.computercraft.core.apis.FSAPI
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.api.GameTestHolder
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.api.sequence
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.api.thenOnComputer
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.assertArrayEquals
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.computer.getApi
import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTest
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper
import net.minecraft.world.item.Items
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
class Disk_Drive_Test {
@ -39,5 +42,14 @@ class Disk_Drive_Test {
thenWaitUntil { helper.assertItemEntityPresent(Items.MUSIC_DISC_13, stackAt, 0.0) }
// TODO: Ejecting disk unmounts and closes files
fun Adds_removes_mount(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
callPeripheral("right", "ejectDisk")
thenOnComputer { assertEquals(null, getApi<FSAPI>().getDrive("disk")) }

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import dan200.computercraft.shared.media.items.ItemPrintout
import dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.monitor.BlockMonitor
import dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.monitor.MonitorEdgeState
import dan200.computercraft.shared.turtle.apis.TurtleAPI
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.WaterloggableHelpers
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.assertArrayEquals
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.computer.LuaTaskContext
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.computer.getApi
@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.GameTestHelper
import net.minecraft.world.entity.EntityType
import net.minecraft.world.entity.item.PrimedTnt
import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack
import net.minecraft.world.item.Items
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Blocks
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.FenceBlock
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Unequip_refreshes_peripheral(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
getApi<PeripheralAPI>().getType("right").assertArrayEquals("modem", message = "Starts with a modem")
getApi<PeripheralAPI>().getType("right").assertArrayEquals("drive", message = "Unequipping gives a drive")
@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Shears_sheep(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Shears the sheep")
assertEquals("minecraft:white_wool", getTurtleItemDetail(2)["name"])
@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Place_lava(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Placed lava")
thenExecute { helper.assertBlockPresent(Blocks.LAVA, BlockPos(2, 2, 2)) }
@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Place_waterlogged(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Placed oak fence")
thenExecute {
@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Gather_lava(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Picked up lava")
assertEquals("minecraft:lava_bucket", getTurtleItemDetail()["name"])
@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Hoe_dirt(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Dug with hoe")
thenExecute { helper.assertBlockPresent(Blocks.FARMLAND, BlockPos(1, 2, 1)) }
@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Place_monitor(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Block was placed")
@ -141,9 +143,9 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Use_compostors(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Item was dropped")
assertEquals(63, getApi<TurtleAPI>().getItemCount(Optional.of(1)), "Only dropped one item")
assertEquals(63, turtle.getItemCount(Optional.of(1)), "Only dropped one item")
@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ class Turtle_Test {
fun Cleaned_with_cauldrons(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer {
val details = getTurtleItemDetail(1, true)
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Used item on cauldron")
val newDetails = getTurtleItemDetail(1, true)
@ -224,27 +226,159 @@ class Turtle_Test {
* Test calling `turtle.drop` into an inventory.
fun Drop_to_chest(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
val turtle = BlockPos(2, 2, 2)
fun Drop_into_chest(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
val turtlePos = BlockPos(2, 2, 2)
val chest = BlockPos(2, 2, 3)
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Could not drop items")
thenExecute {
helper.assertContainerExactly(turtle, listOf(ItemStack(Blocks.DIRT, 32), ItemStack.EMPTY, ItemStack(Blocks.DIRT, 32)))
helper.assertContainerExactly(turtlePos, listOf(ItemStack(Blocks.DIRT, 32), ItemStack.EMPTY, ItemStack(Blocks.DIRT, 32)))
helper.assertContainerExactly(chest, listOf(ItemStack(Blocks.DIRT, 48)))
* Test calling `turtle.drop` into an entity with an inventory
fun Drop_into_entity(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
// When running /test runthis, the previous items pop from the chest. Remove them first!
thenExecute { for (it in helper.getEntities(EntityType.ITEM)) it.discard() }
thenOnComputer {
.assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Could not drop items")
thenExecute {
helper.assertContainerExactly(BlockPos(2, 2, 2), listOf(ItemStack(Blocks.DIRT, 32)))
helper.assertContainerExactly(helper.getEntity(EntityType.CHEST_MINECART), listOf(ItemStack(Blocks.DIRT, 48)))
* Test calling `turtle.refuel` on solid fuels (coal, blaze powder)
fun Refuel_basic(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
val turtlePos = BlockPos(2, 2, 2)
// Test refueling from slot 1 with no limit.
thenOnComputer {
assertEquals(0, turtle.fuelLevel)
assertEquals(160, turtle.fuelLevel)
thenExecute {
helper.assertContainerExactly(turtlePos, listOf(ItemStack.EMPTY, ItemStack(Items.BLAZE_ROD, 2)))
// Test refueling from slot 2 with a limit.
thenOnComputer {
assertEquals(280, turtle.fuelLevel)
thenExecute {
helper.assertContainerExactly(turtlePos, listOf(ItemStack.EMPTY, ItemStack(Items.BLAZE_ROD, 1)))
* Test calling `turtle.refuel` with a bucket of lava
fun Refuel_container(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
val turtlePos = BlockPos(2, 2, 2)
// Test refueling from slot 1 with no limit.
thenOnComputer {
assertEquals(0, turtle.fuelLevel)
assertEquals(1000, turtle.fuelLevel)
thenExecute {
helper.assertContainerExactly(turtlePos, listOf(ItemStack(Items.BUCKET)))
* Test turtles are not obstructed by plants and instead replace them.
fun Move_replace(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer { turtle.forward().await().assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Turtle moved forward") }
thenExecute { helper.assertBlockPresent(Registry.ModBlocks.TURTLE_NORMAL.get(), BlockPos(2, 2, 3)) }
* Test turtles become waterlogged when moving through liquid.
fun Move_water(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer { turtle.forward().await().assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Turtle moved forward") }
thenExecute {
// Assert we're waterlogged.
helper.assertBlockHas(BlockPos(2, 2, 2), WaterloggableHelpers.WATERLOGGED, true)
thenOnComputer { turtle.forward().await().assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Turtle moved forward") }
thenExecute {
// Assert we're no longer waterlogged and we've left a source block.
helper.assertBlockIs(BlockPos(2, 2, 2), { it.block == Blocks.WATER && it.fluidState.isSource })
helper.assertBlockHas(BlockPos(2, 2, 3), WaterloggableHelpers.WATERLOGGED, false)
* Test turtles can't move through solid blocks.
fun Move_obstruct(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenOnComputer { turtle.forward().await().assertArrayEquals(false, "Movement obstructed") }
thenExecute {
helper.assertBlockPresent(Registry.ModBlocks.TURTLE_NORMAL.get(), BlockPos(2, 2, 2))
helper.assertBlockPresent(Blocks.DIRT, BlockPos(2, 2, 3))
* Test a turtle can attack an entity and capture its drops.
fun Attack_entity(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
val turtlePos = BlockPos(2, 2, 2)
thenOnComputer {
turtle.attack(Optional.empty()).await().assertArrayEquals(true, message = "Attacked entity")
thenExecute {
val count = helper.getBlockEntity(turtlePos, Registry.ModBlockEntities.TURTLE_NORMAL.get()).countItem(Items.WHITE_WOOL)
if (count == 0) helper.fail("Expected turtle to have white wool", turtlePos)
* Test a turtle can be destroyed while performing an action.
* @see [#585](https://github.com/cc-tweaked/CC-Tweaked/issues/585)
fun Attack_entity_destroy(helper: GameTestHelper) = helper.sequence {
thenStartComputer { turtle.attack(Optional.empty()) }
thenWaitUntil { helper.assertBlockPresent(Blocks.AIR, BlockPos(2, 2, 2)) }
// TODO: Ghost peripherals?
// TODO: Dropping into minecarts
// TODO: Turtle sucking from items
private val LuaTaskContext.turtle get() = getApi<TurtleAPI>()
private suspend fun LuaTaskContext.getTurtleItemDetail(slot: Int = 1, detailed: Boolean = false): Map<String, *> {
val item = getApi<TurtleAPI>().getItemDetail(context, Optional.of(slot), Optional.of(detailed)).await()
val item = turtle.getItemDetail(context, Optional.of(slot), Optional.of(detailed)).await()
assertThat("Returns details", item, array(instanceOf(Map::class.java)))

View File

@ -8,9 +8,11 @@ package dan200.computercraft.gametest.api
import dan200.computercraft.gametest.core.ManagedComputers
import dan200.computercraft.mixin.gametest.GameTestHelperAccessor
import dan200.computercraft.mixin.gametest.GameTestSequenceAccessor
import dan200.computercraft.shared.Peripherals
import dan200.computercraft.test.core.computer.LuaTaskContext
import net.minecraft.commands.arguments.blocks.BlockInput
import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos
import net.minecraft.core.Direction
import net.minecraft.gametest.framework.*
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation
import net.minecraft.world.Container
@ -151,12 +153,23 @@ fun <T : Comparable<T>> GameTestHelper.assertBlockHas(pos: BlockPos, property: P
* @param items The list of items this container must contain. This should be equal to the expected contents of the
* first `n` slots - the remaining are required to be empty.
fun GameTestHelper.assertContainerExactly(pos: BlockPos, items: List<ItemStack>) {
val container = getBlockEntity(pos) ?: failVerbose("Expected a container at $pos, found nothing", pos)
if (container !is Container) {
failVerbose("Expected a container at $pos, found ${getName(container.type)}", pos)
fun GameTestHelper.assertContainerExactly(pos: BlockPos, items: List<ItemStack>) =
when (val container = getBlockEntity(pos) ?: failVerbose("Expected a container at $pos, found nothing", pos)) {
is Container -> assertContainerExactlyImpl(pos, container, items)
else -> failVerbose("Expected a container at $pos, found ${getName(container.type)}", pos)
* Assert an container contains exactly these items and no more.
* @param entity The entity containing these items.
* @param items The list of items this container must contain. This should be equal to the expected contents of the
* first `n` slots - the remaining are required to be empty.
fun <T> GameTestHelper.assertContainerExactly(entity: T, items: List<ItemStack>) where T : Entity, T : Container =
assertContainerExactlyImpl(entity.blockPosition(), entity, items)
private fun GameTestHelper.assertContainerExactlyImpl(pos: BlockPos, container: Container, items: List<ItemStack>) {
val slot = (0 until container.containerSize).indexOfFirst { slot ->
val expected = if (slot >= items.size) ItemStack.EMPTY else items[slot]
!ItemStack.matches(container.getItem(slot), expected)
@ -174,6 +187,19 @@ fun GameTestHelper.assertContainerExactly(pos: BlockPos, items: List<ItemStack>)
fun GameTestHelper.assertPeripheral(pos: BlockPos, direction: Direction = Direction.UP, type: String) {
val peripheral = Peripherals.getPeripheral(level, absolutePos(pos), direction) {}
when {
peripheral == null -> fail("No peripheral at position", pos)
peripheral.type != type -> fail("Peripheral is of type ${peripheral.type}, expected $type", pos)
fun GameTestHelper.assertNoPeripheral(pos: BlockPos, direction: Direction = Direction.UP) {
val peripheral = Peripherals.getPeripheral(level, absolutePos(pos), direction) {}
if (peripheral != null) fail("Expected no peripheral, got a ${peripheral.type}", pos)
private fun getName(type: BlockEntityType<*>): ResourceLocation = ForgeRegistries.BLOCK_ENTITY_TYPES.getKey(type)!!

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
size: [5, 5, 5],
data: [
{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_advanced{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {Fuel: 0, Items: [], On: 0b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_advanced"}},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:computer_advanced{facing:north,state:off}", nbt: {On: 0b, id: "computercraft:computer_advanced"}},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
entities: [],
palette: [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
size: [5, 5, 5],
data: [
{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:disk_drive{facing:north,state:full}", nbt: {Item: {Count: 1b, id: "computercraft:disk", tag: {Color: 1118481, DiskId: 0}}, id: "computercraft:disk_drive"}},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:computer_advanced{facing:north,state:blinking}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Label: "disk_drive_test.adds_removes_mount", On: 1b, id: "computercraft:computer_advanced"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
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palette: [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
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{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Fuel: 0, Items: [], Label: "turtle_test.attack_entity", LeftUpgrade: "minecraft:diamond_sword", On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
entities: [
{blockPos: [2, 1, 3], pos: [2.5d, 1.0d, 3.5d], nbt: {AbsorptionAmount: 0.0f, Age: 0, Air: 300s, ArmorDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f], ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {}], Attributes: [{Base: 0.08d, Name: "forge:entity_gravity"}, {Base: 16.0d, Modifiers: [{Amount: -0.035951819981951794d, Name: "Random spawn bonus", Operation: 1, UUID: [I; 1700656572, -1622061405, -2001517321, -1044884103]}], Name: "minecraft:generic.follow_range"}, {Base: 0.23000000417232513d, Name: "minecraft:generic.movement_speed"}], Brain: {memories: {}}, CanPickUpLoot: 0b, CanUpdate: 1b, Color: 0b, DeathTime: 0s, FallDistance: 0.0f, FallFlying: 0b, Fire: -1s, ForcedAge: 0, HandDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f], HandItems: [{}, {}], Health: 8.0f, HurtByTimestamp: 0, HurtTime: 0s, InLove: 0, Invulnerable: 0b, LeftHanded: 0b, Motion: [0.0d, -0.0784000015258789d, 0.0d], OnGround: 1b, PersistenceRequired: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, Pos: [92.5d, -58.0d, 35.5d], Rotation: [5.6449127f, 0.0f], Sheared: 0b, UUID: [I; -551270274, -502513578, -1253838680, -1186962441], id: "minecraft:sheep"}}
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
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{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:obsidian"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
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{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
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{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
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{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
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{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
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{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
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{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:barrier"},
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{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
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{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
entities: [
{blockPos: [2, 1, 3], pos: [2.5d, 1.0d, 3.5d], nbt: {Air: 300s, CanUpdate: 1b, FallDistance: 0.0f, Fire: -1s, Invulnerable: 0b, Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], OnGround: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, Pos: [84.5d, -58.0d, 35.5d], Rotation: [0.0f, 0.0f], ShowBottom: 0b, UUID: [I; 1784803273, 2137542103, -1349475969, -423460124], id: "minecraft:end_crystal"}}
palette: [

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Fuel: 0, Items: [{Count: 64b, Slot: 0b, id: "minecraft:dirt"}, {Count: 32b, Slot: 2b, id: "minecraft:dirt"}], Label: "turtle_test.drop_to_chest", On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Fuel: 0, Items: [{Count: 64b, Slot: 0b, id: "minecraft:dirt"}, {Count: 32b, Slot: 2b, id: "minecraft:dirt"}], Label: "turtle_test.drop_into_chest", On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:chest{facing:west,type:single,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {Items: [{Count: 16b, Slot: 0b, id: "minecraft:dirt"}], id: "minecraft:chest"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
size: [5, 5, 5],
data: [
{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Fuel: 0, Items: [{Count: 64b, Slot: 0b, id: "minecraft:dirt"}], Label: "turtle_test.drop_into_entity", On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:powered_rail{powered:false,shape:east_west,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
entities: [
{blockPos: [2, 1, 3], pos: [2.5d, 1.0625d, 3.5d], nbt: {Air: 300s, CanUpdate: 1b, FallDistance: 0.0f, Fire: -1s, Invulnerable: 0b, Items: [{Count: 16b, Slot: 0b, id: "minecraft:dirt"}], Motion: [0.0d, 0.0d, 0.0d], OnGround: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, Pos: [76.5d, -57.9375d, 24.5d], Rotation: [0.0f, 0.0f], UUID: [I; 248684729, -1164292658, -1115871518, 1954015777], id: "minecraft:chest_minecart"}}
palette: [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
size: [5, 5, 5],
data: [
{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Fuel: 0, Items: [], Label: "turtle_test.move_obstruct", On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:dirt"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
entities: [],
palette: [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
size: [5, 5, 5],
data: [
{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:dirt"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Label: "turtle_test.move_replace", Fuel: 80, Items: [], On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:grass"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
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{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:south,half:bottom,shape:outer_left,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:east,half:bottom,shape:straight,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:east,half:bottom,shape:straight,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:east,half:bottom,shape:straight,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:east,half:bottom,shape:outer_left,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:south,half:bottom,shape:straight,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Fuel: 80, Items: [], Label: "turtle_test.move_water", On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:water{level:0}"},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:water{level:1}"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:north,half:bottom,shape:straight,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:west,half:bottom,shape:outer_left,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:west,half:bottom,shape:straight,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:east,half:bottom,shape:straight,waterlogged:true}"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:west,half:bottom,shape:straight,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs{facing:north,half:bottom,shape:outer_left,waterlogged:false}"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
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{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Label: "turtle_test.refuel_basic", Fuel: 0, Items: [{Count: 2b, Slot: 0b, id: "minecraft:coal"},{Count: 2b, Slot: 1b, id: "minecraft:blaze_rod"}], On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
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palette: [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
DataVersion: 2975,
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{pos: [0, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [1, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [2, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [3, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 0], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 1], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 2], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 3], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [4, 0, 4], state: "minecraft:polished_andesite"},
{pos: [0, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 2], state: "computercraft:turtle_normal{facing:south,waterlogged:false}", nbt: {ComputerId: 1, Label: "turtle_test.refuel_container", Fuel: 0, Items: [{Count: 1b, Slot: 0b, id: "minecraft:lava_bucket"}], On: 1b, Owner: {LowerId: -6876936588741668278L, Name: "Dev", UpperId: 4039158846114182220L}, Slot: 0, id: "computercraft:turtle_normal"}},
{pos: [2, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 1, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 2, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 3, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [0, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [1, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [2, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [3, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 0], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 1], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 2], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 3], state: "minecraft:air"},
{pos: [4, 4, 4], state: "minecraft:air"}
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