mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2025-02-14 18:10:05 +00:00

Merge branch 'mc-1.15.x' into mc-1.16.x

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Coates 2021-01-16 11:38:59 +00:00
commit 0be030c497
134 changed files with 3938 additions and 1639 deletions

.gitattributes vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
# Ignore changes in generated files
src/generated/resources/data/** linguist-generated
src/test/server-files/structures linguist-generated

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ jobs:
java-version: 8
- name: Cache gradle dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v1
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.gradle/caches
key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-${{ hashFiles('gradle.properties') }}
@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ jobs:
${{ runner.os }}-gradle-
- name: Build with Gradle
run: ./gradlew build --no-daemon || ./gradlew build --no-daemon
run: |
./gradlew assemble --no-daemon || ./gradlew assemble --no-daemon
./gradlew downloadAssets --no-daemon || ./gradlew downloadAssets --no-daemon
./gradlew build
- name: Upload Jar
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
name: CC-Tweaked
path: build/libs

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v1
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Java 8
uses: actions/setup-java@v1
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ jobs:
java-version: 8
- name: Cache gradle dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v1
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.gradle/caches
key: ${{ runner.os }}-gradle-${{ hashFiles('gradle.properties') }}

View File

@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ If you've any other questions, [just ask the community][community] or [open an i
If you have a bug, suggestion, or other feedback, the best thing to do is [file an issue][new-issue]. When doing so,
do use the issue templates - they provide a useful hint on what information to provide.
## Translations
Translations are managed through [Weblate], an online interface for managing language strings. This is synced
automatically with GitHub, so please don't submit PRs adding/changing translations!
## Developing
In order to develop CC: Tweaked, you'll need to download the source code and then run it. This is a pretty simple
process. When building on Windows, Use `gradlew.bat` instead of `./gradlew`.
@ -20,6 +24,11 @@ If you want to run CC:T in a normal Minecraft instance, run `./gradlew build` an
These commands may take a few minutes to run the first time, as the environment is set up, but should be much faster
The following sections describe the more niche sections of CC: Tweaked's build system. Some bits of these are
quite-complex, and (dare I say) over-engineered, so you may wish to ignore them. Well tested/documented PRs are always
preferred (and I'd definitely recommend setting up the tooling if you're doing serious development work), but for
small changes it can be a lot.
### Code linters
CC: Tweaked uses a couple of "linters" on its source code, to enforce a consistent style across the project. While these
are run whenever you submit a PR, it's often useful to run this before committing.
@ -27,15 +36,83 @@ are run whenever you submit a PR, it's often useful to run this before committin
- **[Checkstyle]:** Checks Java code to ensure it is consistently formatted. This can be run with `./gradlew build` or
`./gradle check`.
- **[illuaminate]:** Checks Lua code for semantic and styleistic issues. See [the usage section][illuaminate-usage] for
how to download and run it.
how to download and run it. You may need to generate the Java documentation stubs (see "Documentation" below) for all
lints to pass.
## Translations
Translations are managed through [Weblate], an online interface for managing language strings. This is synced
automatically with GitHub, so please don't submit PRs adding/changing translations!
### Documentation
When writing documentation for [CC: Tweaked's documentation website][docs], it may be useful to build the documentation
and preview it yourself before submitting a PR.
Building all documentation is, sadly, a multi-stage process (though this is largely hidden by Gradle). First we need to
convert Java doc-comments into Lua ones, we also generate some Javascript to embed. All of this is then finally fed into
illuaminate, which spits out our HTML.
#### Setting up the tooling
For various reasons, getting the environment set up to build documentation can be pretty complex. I'd quite like to
automate this via Docker and/or nix in the future, but this needs to be done manually for now.
First, you will need JDK 9+ (in addition to JDK 8 which is required to build Minecraft itself). Sadly our version of
Gradle doesn't support multiple toolchains, and so you need to install this yourself.
Gradle needs to be told about this JDK via the `JAVA_HOME_11_X64` environment variable or adding `java11Home` to
`~/.gradle/gradle.properties`. On my system this looks like:
If you just want to build the documentation stubs for linting, this is enough. However, if you want to build the full
website, you will also need to install a few Node packages by running `npm ci`.
#### Building documentation
Gradle should be your entrypoint to building most documentation. There's two tasks which are of interest:
- `./gradlew luaJavadoc` - Generate documentation stubs for Java methods.
- `./gradlew docWebsite` - Generate the whole website (including Javascript pages). The resulting HTML is stored at
#### Writing documentation
illuaminate's documentation system is not currently documented (somewhat ironic), but is _largely_ the same as
[ldoc][ldoc]. Documentation comments are written in Markdown,
Our markdown engine does _not_ support GitHub flavoured markdown, and so does not support all the features one might
expect (such as tables). It is very much recommended that you build and preview the docs locally first.
### Testing
Thankfully running tests is much simpler than running the documentation generator! `./gradlew check` will run the
entire test suite (and some additional bits of verification).
Before we get into writing tests, it's worth mentioning the various test suites that CC: Tweaked has:
- "Core" Java (`./src/test/java`): These test core bits of the mod which don't require any Minecraft interaction.
This includes the `@LuaFunction` system, file system code, etc...
These tests are run by `./gradlew test`.
- CraftOS (`./src/test/resources/test-rom/`): These tests are written in Lua, and ensure the Lua environment, libraries
and programs work as expected. These are (generally) written to be able to be run on emulators too, to provide some
sort of compliance test.
These tests are run by the '"Core" Java' test suite, and so are also run with `./gradlew test`.
- In-game (`./src/test/java/dan200/computercraft/ingame/`): These tests are run on an actual Minecraft server, using
[the same system Mojang do][mc-test]. The aim of these is to test in-game behaviour of blocks and peripherals.
These are run by `./gradlew testInGame`.
## CraftOS tests
CraftOS's tests are written using a test system called "mcfly", heavily inspired by [busted] (and thus RSpec). Groups of
tests go inside `describe` blocks, and a single test goes inside `it`.
Assertions are generally written using `expect` (inspired by Hamcrest and the like). For instance, `expect(foo):eq("bar")`
asserts that your variable `foo` is equal to the expected value `"bar"`.
[new-issue]: https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked/issues/new/choose "Create a new issue"
[community]: README.md#Community "Get in touch with the community."
[checkstyle]: https://checkstyle.org/
[illuaminate]: https://github.com/SquidDev/illuaminate/
[illuaminate-usage]: https://github.com/SquidDev/illuaminate/blob/master/README.md#usage
[weblate]: https://i18n.tweaked.cc/projects/cc-tweaked/minecraft/
[illuaminate]: https://github.com/SquidDev/illuaminate/ "Illuaminate on GitHub"
[illuaminate-usage]: https://github.com/SquidDev/illuaminate/blob/master/README.md#usage "Installing Illuaminate"
[weblate]: https://i18n.tweaked.cc/projects/cc-tweaked/minecraft/ "CC: Tweaked weblate instance"
[docs]: https://tweaked.cc/ "CC: Tweaked documentation"
[ldoc]: http://stevedonovan.github.io/ldoc/ "ldoc, a Lua documentation generator."
[mc-test]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXaWOJTCYNg
[busted]: https://github.com/Olivine-Labs/busted "busted: Elegant Lua unit testing."

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ plugins {
id "com.github.hierynomus.license" version "0.15.0"
id "com.matthewprenger.cursegradle" version "1.3.0"
id "com.github.breadmoirai.github-release" version "2.2.4"
id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm" version "1.3.72"
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle'
@ -51,8 +52,9 @@ minecraft {
server {
workingDirectory project.file("run/server")
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP'
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'
arg "--nogui"
mods {
computercraft {
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ minecraft {
data {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP'
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES'
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'
args '--mod', 'computercraft', '--all', '--output', file('src/generated/resources/'), '--existing', file('src/main/resources/')
@ -73,6 +75,17 @@ minecraft {
testServer {
workingDirectory project.file('test-files/server')
parent runs.server
mods {
cctest {
source sourceSets.test
mappings channel: 'official', version: mc_version
@ -120,6 +133,9 @@ dependencies {
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-params:5.7.0'
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.7.0'
testImplementation 'org.hamcrest:hamcrest:2.2'
testImplementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.3.72'
testImplementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:1.3.72'
testImplementation 'org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core:1.3.8'
deployerJars "org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:3.0.0"
@ -369,6 +385,7 @@ test {
jacocoTestReport {
reports {
xml.enabled true
html.enabled true
@ -416,6 +433,67 @@ task licenseFormatAPI(type: LicenseFormat);
task setupServer(type: Copy) {
group "test server"
description "Sets up the environment for the test server."
from("src/test/server-files") {
include "eula.txt"
include "server.properties"
into "test-files/server"
tasks.register('testInGame', JavaExec.class).configure {
it.group('test server')
it.description("Runs tests on a temporary Minecraft server.")
it.dependsOn(setupServer, 'prepareRunTestServer')
// Copy from runTestServer. We do it in this slightly odd way as runTestServer
// isn't created until the task is configured (which is no good for us).
JavaExec exec = tasks.getByName('runTestServer')
it.systemProperty('forge.logging.console.level', 'info')
it.systemProperty('cctest.run', 'true')
// Jacoco and modlauncher don't play well together as the classes loaded in-game don't
// match up with those written to disk. We get Jacoco to dump all classes to disk, and
// use that when generating the report.
def coverageOut = new File(buildDir, 'jacocoClassDump/testInGame')
// Older versions of modlauncher don't include a protection domain (and thus no code
// source). Jacoco skips such classes by default, so we need to explicitly include them.
tasks.register('jacocoTestInGameReport', JacocoReport.class).configure {
it.group('test server')
it.description('Generate coverage reports for in-game tests (testInGame)')
it.executionData(new File(buildDir, 'jacoco/testInGame.exec'))
it.setClassDirectories(project.files(new File(buildDir, 'jacocoClassDump/testInGame')))
it.reports {
xml.enabled true
html.enabled true
// Upload tasks
task checkRelease {

View File

@ -97,20 +97,11 @@
<module name="LambdaParameterName" />
<module name="LocalFinalVariableName" />
<module name="LocalVariableName" />
<!-- Allow an optional m_ on private members -->
<module name="MemberName">
<property name="applyToPrivate" value="false" />
<property name="applyToPackage" value="false" />
<module name="MemberName">
<property name="format" value="^(m_)?[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$" />
<property name="applyToPrivate" value="true" />
<property name="applyToPackage" value="true" />
<module name="MemberName" />
<module name="MethodName" />
<module name="MethodTypeParameterName" />
<module name="PackageName">
<property name="format" value="^dan200\.computercraf(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*" />
<property name="format" value="^dan200\.computercraft(\.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)*" />
<module name="ParameterName" />
<module name="StaticVariableName">

doc/events/char.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module: [kind=event] char
see: key To listen to any key press.
The @{char} event is fired when a character is _typed_ on the keyboard.
The @{char} event is different to a key press. Sometimes multiple key presses may result in one character being
typed (for instance, on some European keyboards). Similarly, some keys (e.g. <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>) do not have any
corresponding character. The @{key} should be used if you want to listen to key presses themselves.
## Return values
1. @{string}: The event name.
2. @{string}: The string representing the character that was pressed.
## Example
Prints each character the user presses:
while true do
local event, character = os.pullEvent("char")
print(character .. " was pressed.")

doc/events/key.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module: [kind=event] key
This event is fired when any key is pressed while the terminal is focused.
This event returns a numerical "key code" (for instance, <kbd>F1</kbd> is 290). This value may vary between versions and
so it is recommended to use the constants in the @{keys} API rather than hard coding numeric values.
If the button pressed represented a printable character, then the @{key} event will be followed immediately by a @{char}
event. If you are consuming text input, use a @{char} event instead!
## Return values
1. [`string`]: The event name.
2. [`number`]: The numerical key value of the key pressed.
3. [`boolean`]: Whether the key event was generated while holding the key (@{true}), rather than pressing it the first time (@{false}).
## Example
Prints each key when the user presses it, and if the key is being held.
while true do
local event, key, is_held = os.pullEvent("key")
print(("%s held=%s"):format(keys.getName(key), is_held))

doc/events/key_up.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module: [kind=event] key_up
see: keys For a lookup table of the given keys.
Fired whenever a key is released (or the terminal is closed while a key was being pressed).
This event returns a numerical "key code" (for instance, <kbd>F1</kbd> is 290). This value may vary between versions and
so it is recommended to use the constants in the @{keys} API rather than hard coding numeric values.
## Return values
1. @{string}: The event name.
2. @{number}: The numerical key value of the key pressed.
## Example
Prints each key released on the keyboard whenever a @{key_up} event is fired.
while true do
local event, key = os.pullEvent("key_up")
local name = keys.getName(key) or "unknown key"
print(name .. " was released.")

doc/events/mouse_click.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
module: [kind=event] mouse_click
This event is fired when the terminal is clicked with a mouse. This event is only fired on advanced computers (including
advanced turtles and pocket computers).
## Return values
1. @{string}: The event name.
2. @{number}: The mouse button that was clicked.
3. @{number}: The X-coordinate of the click.
4. @{number}: The Y-coordinate of the click.
## Mouse buttons
Several mouse events (@{mouse_click}, @{mouse_up}, @{mouse_scroll}) contain a "mouse button" code. This takes a
numerical value depending on which button on your mouse was last pressed when this event occurred.
<table class="pretty-table">
<!-- Our markdown parser doesn't work on tables!? Guess I'll have to roll my own soonish :/. -->
<tr><th>Button code</th><th>Mouse button</th></tr>
<tr><td align="right">1</td><td>Left button</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">2</td><td>Middle button</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">3</td><td>Right button</td></tr>
## Example
Print the button and the coordinates whenever the mouse is clicked.
while true do
local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
print(("The mouse button %s was pressed at %d, %d"):format(button, x, y))

doc/events/mouse_drag.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module: [kind=event] mouse_drag
see: mouse_click For when a mouse button is initially pressed.
This event is fired every time the mouse is moved while a mouse button is being held.
## Return values
1. @{string}: The event name.
2. @{number}: The [mouse button](mouse_click.html#Mouse_buttons) that is being pressed.
3. @{number}: The X-coordinate of the mouse.
4. @{number}: The Y-coordinate of the mouse.
## Example
Print the button and the coordinates whenever the mouse is dragged.
while true do
local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_drag")
print(("The mouse button %s was dragged at %d, %d"):format(button, x, y))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module: [kind=event] mouse_scroll
This event is fired when a mouse wheel is scrolled in the terminal.
## Return values
1. @{string}: The event name.
2. @{number}: The direction of the scroll. (-1 = up, 1 = down)
3. @{number}: The X-coordinate of the mouse when scrolling.
4. @{number}: The Y-coordinate of the mouse when scrolling.
## Example
Prints the direction of each scroll, and the position of the mouse at the time.
while true do
local event, dir, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_scroll")
print(("The mouse was scrolled in direction %s at %d, %d"):format(dir, x, y))

doc/events/mouse_up.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
module: [kind=event] mouse_up
This event is fired when a mouse button is released or a held mouse leaves the computer's terminal.
## Return values
1. @{string}: The event name.
2. @{number}: The [mouse button](mouse_click.html#Mouse_buttons) that was released.
3. @{number}: The X-coordinate of the mouse.
4. @{number}: The Y-coordinate of the mouse.
## Example
Prints the coordinates and button number whenever the mouse is released.
while true do
local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_up")
print(("The mouse button %s was released at %d, %d"):format(button, x, y))
[`string`]: string
[`number`]: number

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Mod properties
# Minecraft properties (update mods.toml when changing)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
@ -25,7 +26,8 @@
(peripheral Peripherals)
(generic_peripheral "Generic Peripherals"))
(generic_peripheral "Generic Peripherals")
(event Events))

View File

@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import static dan200.computercraft.client.render.PrintoutRenderer.*;
public class GuiPrintout extends ContainerScreen<ContainerHeldItem>
private final boolean m_book;
private final int m_pages;
private final TextBuffer[] m_text;
private final TextBuffer[] m_colours;
private int m_page;
private final boolean book;
private final int pages;
private final TextBuffer[] text;
private final TextBuffer[] colours;
private int page;
public GuiPrintout( ContainerHeldItem container, PlayerInventory player, ITextComponent title )
@ -37,16 +37,16 @@ public class GuiPrintout extends ContainerScreen<ContainerHeldItem>
imageHeight = Y_SIZE;
String[] text = ItemPrintout.getText( container.getStack() );
m_text = new TextBuffer[text.length];
for( int i = 0; i < m_text.length; i++ ) m_text[i] = new TextBuffer( text[i] );
this.text = new TextBuffer[text.length];
for( int i = 0; i < this.text.length; i++ ) this.text[i] = new TextBuffer( text[i] );
String[] colours = ItemPrintout.getColours( container.getStack() );
m_colours = new TextBuffer[colours.length];
for( int i = 0; i < m_colours.length; i++ ) m_colours[i] = new TextBuffer( colours[i] );
this.colours = new TextBuffer[colours.length];
for( int i = 0; i < this.colours.length; i++ ) this.colours[i] = new TextBuffer( colours[i] );
m_page = 0;
m_pages = Math.max( m_text.length / ItemPrintout.LINES_PER_PAGE, 1 );
m_book = ((ItemPrintout) container.getStack().getItem()).getType() == ItemPrintout.Type.BOOK;
page = 0;
pages = Math.max( this.text.length / ItemPrintout.LINES_PER_PAGE, 1 );
book = ((ItemPrintout) container.getStack().getItem()).getType() == ItemPrintout.Type.BOOK;
@ -56,13 +56,13 @@ public class GuiPrintout extends ContainerScreen<ContainerHeldItem>
if( key == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_RIGHT )
if( m_page < m_pages - 1 ) m_page++;
if( page < pages - 1 ) page++;
return true;
if( key == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_LEFT )
if( m_page > 0 ) m_page--;
if( page > 0 ) page--;
return true;
@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ public class GuiPrintout extends ContainerScreen<ContainerHeldItem>
if( delta < 0 )
// Scroll up goes to the next page
if( m_page < m_pages - 1 ) m_page++;
if( page < pages - 1 ) page++;
return true;
if( delta > 0 )
// Scroll down goes to the previous page
if( m_page > 0 ) m_page--;
if( page > 0 ) page--;
return true;
@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ public class GuiPrintout extends ContainerScreen<ContainerHeldItem>
IRenderTypeBuffer.Impl renderer = Minecraft.getInstance().renderBuffers().bufferSource();
Matrix4f matrix = transform.last().pose();
drawBorder( matrix, renderer, leftPos, topPos, getBlitOffset(), m_page, m_pages, m_book );
drawText( matrix, renderer, leftPos + X_TEXT_MARGIN, topPos + Y_TEXT_MARGIN, ItemPrintout.LINES_PER_PAGE * m_page, m_text, m_colours );
drawBorder( matrix, renderer, leftPos, topPos, getBlitOffset(), page, pages, book );
drawText( matrix, renderer, leftPos + X_TEXT_MARGIN, topPos + Y_TEXT_MARGIN, ItemPrintout.LINES_PER_PAGE * page, text, colours );

View File

@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class GuiTurtle extends ContainerScreen<ContainerTurtle>
private static final ResourceLocation BACKGROUND_NORMAL = new ResourceLocation( "computercraft", "textures/gui/turtle_normal.png" );
private static final ResourceLocation BACKGROUND_ADVANCED = new ResourceLocation( "computercraft", "textures/gui/turtle_advanced.png" );
private static final ResourceLocation BACKGROUND_NORMAL = new ResourceLocation( ComputerCraft.MOD_ID, "textures/gui/turtle_normal.png" );
private static final ResourceLocation BACKGROUND_ADVANCED = new ResourceLocation( ComputerCraft.MOD_ID, "textures/gui/turtle_advanced.png" );
private ContainerTurtle m_container;
private final ContainerTurtle container;
private final ComputerFamily m_family;
private final ClientComputer m_computer;
private final ComputerFamily family;
private final ClientComputer computer;
private WidgetTerminal terminal;
private WidgetWrapper terminalWrapper;
@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ public class GuiTurtle extends ContainerScreen<ContainerTurtle>
super( container, player, title );
m_container = container;
m_family = container.getFamily();
m_computer = (ClientComputer) container.getComputer();
this.container = container;
family = container.getFamily();
computer = (ClientComputer) container.getComputer();
imageWidth = 254;
imageHeight = 217;
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ public class GuiTurtle extends ContainerScreen<ContainerTurtle>
int termPxHeight = ComputerCraft.turtleTermHeight * FixedWidthFontRenderer.FONT_HEIGHT;
terminal = new WidgetTerminal(
minecraft, () -> m_computer,
minecraft, () -> computer,
2, 2, 2, 2
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public class GuiTurtle extends ContainerScreen<ContainerTurtle>
protected void renderBg( @Nonnull MatrixStack transform, float partialTicks, int mouseX, int mouseY )
// Draw term
ResourceLocation texture = m_family == ComputerFamily.ADVANCED ? BACKGROUND_ADVANCED : BACKGROUND_NORMAL;
ResourceLocation texture = family == ComputerFamily.ADVANCED ? BACKGROUND_ADVANCED : BACKGROUND_NORMAL;
terminal.draw( terminalWrapper.getX(), terminalWrapper.getY() );
// Draw border/inventory
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class GuiTurtle extends ContainerScreen<ContainerTurtle>
blit( transform, leftPos, topPos, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight );
// Draw selection slot
int slot = m_container.getSelectedSlot();
int slot = container.getSelectedSlot();
if( slot >= 0 )
int slotX = slot % 4;

View File

@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ import java.util.*;
public class TurtleMultiModel implements IBakedModel
private final IBakedModel m_baseModel;
private final IBakedModel m_overlayModel;
private final TransformationMatrix m_generalTransform;
private final TransformedModel m_leftUpgradeModel;
private final TransformedModel m_rightUpgradeModel;
private List<BakedQuad> m_generalQuads = null;
private Map<Direction, List<BakedQuad>> m_faceQuads = new EnumMap<>( Direction.class );
private final IBakedModel baseModel;
private final IBakedModel overlayModel;
private final TransformationMatrix generalTransform;
private final TransformedModel leftUpgradeModel;
private final TransformedModel rightUpgradeModel;
private List<BakedQuad> generalQuads = null;
private final Map<Direction, List<BakedQuad>> faceQuads = new EnumMap<>( Direction.class );
public TurtleMultiModel( IBakedModel baseModel, IBakedModel overlayModel, TransformationMatrix generalTransform, TransformedModel leftUpgradeModel, TransformedModel rightUpgradeModel )
// Get the models
m_baseModel = baseModel;
m_overlayModel = overlayModel;
m_leftUpgradeModel = leftUpgradeModel;
m_rightUpgradeModel = rightUpgradeModel;
m_generalTransform = generalTransform;
this.baseModel = baseModel;
this.overlayModel = overlayModel;
this.leftUpgradeModel = leftUpgradeModel;
this.rightUpgradeModel = rightUpgradeModel;
this.generalTransform = generalTransform;
@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ public class TurtleMultiModel implements IBakedModel
if( side != null )
if( !m_faceQuads.containsKey( side ) ) m_faceQuads.put( side, buildQuads( state, side, rand ) );
return m_faceQuads.get( side );
if( !faceQuads.containsKey( side ) ) faceQuads.put( side, buildQuads( state, side, rand ) );
return faceQuads.get( side );
if( m_generalQuads == null ) m_generalQuads = buildQuads( state, side, rand );
return m_generalQuads;
if( generalQuads == null ) generalQuads = buildQuads( state, side, rand );
return generalQuads;
@ -70,20 +70,20 @@ public class TurtleMultiModel implements IBakedModel
ArrayList<BakedQuad> quads = new ArrayList<>();
transformQuadsTo( quads, m_baseModel.getQuads( state, side, rand, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE ), m_generalTransform );
if( m_overlayModel != null )
transformQuadsTo( quads, baseModel.getQuads( state, side, rand, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE ), generalTransform );
if( overlayModel != null )
transformQuadsTo( quads, m_overlayModel.getQuads( state, side, rand, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE ), m_generalTransform );
transformQuadsTo( quads, overlayModel.getQuads( state, side, rand, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE ), generalTransform );
if( m_leftUpgradeModel != null )
if( leftUpgradeModel != null )
TransformationMatrix upgradeTransform = m_generalTransform.compose( m_leftUpgradeModel.getMatrix() );
transformQuadsTo( quads, m_leftUpgradeModel.getModel().getQuads( state, side, rand, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE ), upgradeTransform );
TransformationMatrix upgradeTransform = generalTransform.compose( leftUpgradeModel.getMatrix() );
transformQuadsTo( quads, leftUpgradeModel.getModel().getQuads( state, side, rand, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE ), upgradeTransform );
if( m_rightUpgradeModel != null )
if( rightUpgradeModel != null )
TransformationMatrix upgradeTransform = m_generalTransform.compose( m_rightUpgradeModel.getMatrix() );
transformQuadsTo( quads, m_rightUpgradeModel.getModel().getQuads( state, side, rand, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE ), upgradeTransform );
TransformationMatrix upgradeTransform = generalTransform.compose( rightUpgradeModel.getMatrix() );
transformQuadsTo( quads, rightUpgradeModel.getModel().getQuads( state, side, rand, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE ), upgradeTransform );
return quads;
@ -92,25 +92,25 @@ public class TurtleMultiModel implements IBakedModel
public boolean useAmbientOcclusion()
return m_baseModel.useAmbientOcclusion();
return baseModel.useAmbientOcclusion();
public boolean isGui3d()
return m_baseModel.isGui3d();
return baseModel.isGui3d();
public boolean isCustomRenderer()
return m_baseModel.isCustomRenderer();
return baseModel.isCustomRenderer();
public boolean usesBlockLight()
return m_baseModel.usesBlockLight();
return baseModel.usesBlockLight();
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public class TurtleMultiModel implements IBakedModel
public TextureAtlasSprite getParticleIcon()
return m_baseModel.getParticleIcon();
return baseModel.getParticleIcon();
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class TurtleMultiModel implements IBakedModel
public net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.ItemCameraTransforms getTransforms()
return m_baseModel.getTransforms();
return baseModel.getTransforms();

View File

@ -47,21 +47,21 @@ public class TurtleSmartItemModel implements IBakedModel
private static class TurtleModelCombination
final boolean m_colour;
final ITurtleUpgrade m_leftUpgrade;
final ITurtleUpgrade m_rightUpgrade;
final ResourceLocation m_overlay;
final boolean m_christmas;
final boolean m_flip;
final boolean colour;
final ITurtleUpgrade leftUpgrade;
final ITurtleUpgrade rightUpgrade;
final ResourceLocation overlay;
final boolean christmas;
final boolean flip;
TurtleModelCombination( boolean colour, ITurtleUpgrade leftUpgrade, ITurtleUpgrade rightUpgrade, ResourceLocation overlay, boolean christmas, boolean flip )
m_colour = colour;
m_leftUpgrade = leftUpgrade;
m_rightUpgrade = rightUpgrade;
m_overlay = overlay;
m_christmas = christmas;
m_flip = flip;
this.colour = colour;
this.leftUpgrade = leftUpgrade;
this.rightUpgrade = rightUpgrade;
this.overlay = overlay;
this.christmas = christmas;
this.flip = flip;
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ public class TurtleSmartItemModel implements IBakedModel
if( !(other instanceof TurtleModelCombination) ) return false;
TurtleModelCombination otherCombo = (TurtleModelCombination) other;
return otherCombo.m_colour == m_colour &&
otherCombo.m_leftUpgrade == m_leftUpgrade &&
otherCombo.m_rightUpgrade == m_rightUpgrade &&
Objects.equal( otherCombo.m_overlay, m_overlay ) &&
otherCombo.m_christmas == m_christmas &&
otherCombo.m_flip == m_flip;
return otherCombo.colour == colour &&
otherCombo.leftUpgrade == leftUpgrade &&
otherCombo.rightUpgrade == rightUpgrade &&
Objects.equal( otherCombo.overlay, overlay ) &&
otherCombo.christmas == christmas &&
otherCombo.flip == flip;
@ -84,12 +84,12 @@ public class TurtleSmartItemModel implements IBakedModel
final int prime = 31;
int result = 0;
result = prime * result + (m_colour ? 1 : 0);
result = prime * result + (m_leftUpgrade != null ? m_leftUpgrade.hashCode() : 0);
result = prime * result + (m_rightUpgrade != null ? m_rightUpgrade.hashCode() : 0);
result = prime * result + (m_overlay != null ? m_overlay.hashCode() : 0);
result = prime * result + (m_christmas ? 1 : 0);
result = prime * result + (m_flip ? 1 : 0);
result = prime * result + (colour ? 1 : 0);
result = prime * result + (leftUpgrade != null ? leftUpgrade.hashCode() : 0);
result = prime * result + (rightUpgrade != null ? rightUpgrade.hashCode() : 0);
result = prime * result + (overlay != null ? overlay.hashCode() : 0);
result = prime * result + (christmas ? 1 : 0);
result = prime * result + (flip ? 1 : 0);
return result;
@ -97,15 +97,15 @@ public class TurtleSmartItemModel implements IBakedModel
private final IBakedModel familyModel;
private final IBakedModel colourModel;
private final HashMap<TurtleModelCombination, IBakedModel> m_cachedModels = new HashMap<>();
private final ItemOverrideList m_overrides;
private final HashMap<TurtleModelCombination, IBakedModel> cachedModels = new HashMap<>();
private final ItemOverrideList overrides;
public TurtleSmartItemModel( IBakedModel familyModel, IBakedModel colourModel )
this.familyModel = familyModel;
this.colourModel = colourModel;
m_overrides = new ItemOverrideList()
overrides = new ItemOverrideList()
@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ public class TurtleSmartItemModel implements IBakedModel
boolean flip = label != null && (label.equals( "Dinnerbone" ) || label.equals( "Grumm" ));
TurtleModelCombination combo = new TurtleModelCombination( colour != -1, leftUpgrade, rightUpgrade, overlay, christmas, flip );
IBakedModel model = m_cachedModels.get( combo );
if( model == null ) m_cachedModels.put( combo, model = buildModel( combo ) );
IBakedModel model = cachedModels.get( combo );
if( model == null ) cachedModels.put( combo, model = buildModel( combo ) );
return model;
@ -132,20 +132,20 @@ public class TurtleSmartItemModel implements IBakedModel
public ItemOverrideList getOverrides()
return m_overrides;
return overrides;
private IBakedModel buildModel( TurtleModelCombination combo )
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance();
ModelManager modelManager = mc.getItemRenderer().getItemModelShaper().getModelManager();
ModelResourceLocation overlayModelLocation = TileEntityTurtleRenderer.getTurtleOverlayModel( combo.m_overlay, combo.m_christmas );
ModelResourceLocation overlayModelLocation = TileEntityTurtleRenderer.getTurtleOverlayModel( combo.overlay, combo.christmas );
IBakedModel baseModel = combo.m_colour ? colourModel : familyModel;
IBakedModel baseModel = combo.colour ? colourModel : familyModel;
IBakedModel overlayModel = overlayModelLocation != null ? modelManager.getModel( overlayModelLocation ) : null;
TransformationMatrix transform = combo.m_flip ? flip : identity;
TransformedModel leftModel = combo.m_leftUpgrade != null ? combo.m_leftUpgrade.getModel( null, TurtleSide.LEFT ) : null;
TransformedModel rightModel = combo.m_rightUpgrade != null ? combo.m_rightUpgrade.getModel( null, TurtleSide.RIGHT ) : null;
TransformationMatrix transform = combo.flip ? flip : identity;
TransformedModel leftModel = combo.leftUpgrade != null ? combo.leftUpgrade.getModel( null, TurtleSide.LEFT ) : null;
TransformedModel rightModel = combo.rightUpgrade != null ? combo.rightUpgrade.getModel( null, TurtleSide.RIGHT ) : null;
return new TurtleMultiModel( baseModel, overlayModel, transform, leftModel, rightModel );

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@ -19,22 +19,22 @@ import java.util.Set;
public abstract class ComputerAccess implements IComputerAccess
private final IAPIEnvironment m_environment;
private final Set<String> m_mounts = new HashSet<>();
private final IAPIEnvironment environment;
private final Set<String> mounts = new HashSet<>();
protected ComputerAccess( IAPIEnvironment environment )
this.m_environment = environment;
this.environment = environment;
public void unmountAll()
FileSystem fileSystem = m_environment.getFileSystem();
for( String mount : m_mounts )
FileSystem fileSystem = environment.getFileSystem();
for( String mount : mounts )
fileSystem.unmount( mount );
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public abstract class ComputerAccess implements IComputerAccess
// Mount the location
String location;
FileSystem fileSystem = m_environment.getFileSystem();
FileSystem fileSystem = environment.getFileSystem();
if( fileSystem == null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "File system has not been created" );
synchronized( fileSystem )
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public abstract class ComputerAccess implements IComputerAccess
if( location != null ) m_mounts.add( location );
if( location != null ) mounts.add( location );
return location;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public abstract class ComputerAccess implements IComputerAccess
// Mount the location
String location;
FileSystem fileSystem = m_environment.getFileSystem();
FileSystem fileSystem = environment.getFileSystem();
if( fileSystem == null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "File system has not been created" );
synchronized( fileSystem )
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public abstract class ComputerAccess implements IComputerAccess
if( location != null ) m_mounts.add( location );
if( location != null ) mounts.add( location );
return location;
@ -103,37 +103,37 @@ public abstract class ComputerAccess implements IComputerAccess
public void unmount( String location )
if( location == null ) return;
if( !m_mounts.contains( location ) ) throw new IllegalStateException( "You didn't mount this location" );
if( !mounts.contains( location ) ) throw new IllegalStateException( "You didn't mount this location" );
m_environment.getFileSystem().unmount( location );
m_mounts.remove( location );
environment.getFileSystem().unmount( location );
mounts.remove( location );
public int getID()
return m_environment.getComputerID();
return environment.getComputerID();
public void queueEvent( @Nonnull String event, Object... arguments )
Objects.requireNonNull( event, "event cannot be null" );
m_environment.queueEvent( event, arguments );
environment.queueEvent( event, arguments );
public IWorkMonitor getMainThreadMonitor()
return m_environment.getMainThreadMonitor();
return environment.getMainThreadMonitor();
private String findFreeLocation( String desiredLoc )
FileSystem fileSystem = m_environment.getFileSystem();
FileSystem fileSystem = environment.getFileSystem();
if( !fileSystem.exists( desiredLoc ) ) return desiredLoc;
// We used to check foo2, foo3, foo4, etc here but the disk drive does this itself now

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@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ public class FSAPI implements ILuaAPI
* @param arguments The paths to combine.
* @return The new path, with separators added between parts as needed.
* @throws LuaException On argument errors.
* @cc.tparam string path The first part of the path. For example, a parent directory path.
* @cc.tparam string ... Additional parts of the path to combine.
* @throws LuaException On argument errors.
public final String combine( IArguments arguments ) throws LuaException

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import static dan200.computercraft.core.apis.TableHelper.*;
public class HTTPAPI implements ILuaAPI
private final IAPIEnvironment m_apiEnvironment;
private final IAPIEnvironment apiEnvironment;
private final ResourceGroup<CheckUrl> checkUrls = new ResourceGroup<>();
private final ResourceGroup<HttpRequest> requests = new ResourceQueue<>( () -> ComputerCraft.httpMaxRequests );
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class HTTPAPI implements ILuaAPI
public HTTPAPI( IAPIEnvironment environment )
m_apiEnvironment = environment;
apiEnvironment = environment;
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ public class HTTPAPI implements ILuaAPI
URI uri = HttpRequest.checkUri( address );
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest( requests, m_apiEnvironment, address, postString, headers, binary, redirect );
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest( requests, apiEnvironment, address, postString, headers, binary, redirect );
// Make the request
request.queue( r -> r.request( uri, httpMethod ) );
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public class HTTPAPI implements ILuaAPI
URI uri = HttpRequest.checkUri( address );
new CheckUrl( checkUrls, m_apiEnvironment, address, uri ).queue( CheckUrl::run );
new CheckUrl( checkUrls, apiEnvironment, address, uri ).queue( CheckUrl::run );
return new Object[] { true };
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ public class HTTPAPI implements ILuaAPI
URI uri = Websocket.checkUri( address );
if( !new Websocket( websockets, m_apiEnvironment, uri, address, headers ).queue( Websocket::connect ) )
if( !new Websocket( websockets, apiEnvironment, uri, address, headers ).queue( Websocket::connect ) )
throw new LuaException( "Too many websockets already open" );

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@ -32,29 +32,29 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
private final IAPIEnvironment apiEnvironment;
private final Int2ObjectMap<Alarm> m_alarms = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private int m_clock;
private double m_time;
private int m_day;
private final Int2ObjectMap<Alarm> alarms = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
private int clock;
private double time;
private int day;
private int m_nextAlarmToken = 0;
private int nextAlarmToken = 0;
private static class Alarm implements Comparable<Alarm>
final double m_time;
final int m_day;
final double time;
final int day;
Alarm( double time, int day )
m_time = time;
m_day = day;
this.time = time;
this.day = day;
public int compareTo( @Nonnull Alarm o )
double t = m_day * 24.0 + m_time;
double ot = m_day * 24.0 + m_time;
double t = day * 24.0 + time;
double ot = day * 24.0 + time;
return Double.compare( t, ot );
@ -73,38 +73,38 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
public void startup()
m_time = apiEnvironment.getComputerEnvironment().getTimeOfDay();
m_day = apiEnvironment.getComputerEnvironment().getDay();
m_clock = 0;
time = apiEnvironment.getComputerEnvironment().getTimeOfDay();
day = apiEnvironment.getComputerEnvironment().getDay();
clock = 0;
synchronized( m_alarms )
synchronized( alarms )
public void update()
// Wait for all of our alarms
synchronized( m_alarms )
synchronized( alarms )
double previousTime = m_time;
int previousDay = m_day;
double previousTime = time;
int previousDay = day;
double time = apiEnvironment.getComputerEnvironment().getTimeOfDay();
int day = apiEnvironment.getComputerEnvironment().getDay();
if( time > previousTime || day > previousDay )
double now = m_day * 24.0 + m_time;
Iterator<Int2ObjectMap.Entry<Alarm>> it = m_alarms.int2ObjectEntrySet().iterator();
double now = this.day * 24.0 + this.time;
Iterator<Int2ObjectMap.Entry<Alarm>> it = alarms.int2ObjectEntrySet().iterator();
while( it.hasNext() )
Int2ObjectMap.Entry<Alarm> entry = it.next();
Alarm alarm = entry.getValue();
double t = alarm.m_day * 24.0 + alarm.m_time;
double t = alarm.day * 24.0 + alarm.time;
if( now >= t )
apiEnvironment.queueEvent( "alarm", entry.getIntKey() );
@ -113,17 +113,17 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
m_time = time;
m_day = day;
this.time = time;
this.day = day;
public void shutdown()
synchronized( m_alarms )
synchronized( alarms )
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
* @param timer The number of seconds until the timer fires.
* @return The ID of the new timer. This can be used to filter the
* {@code timer} event, or {@link #cancelTimer cancel the timer}.
* {@code timer} event, or {@link #cancelTimer cancel the timer}.
* @throws LuaException If the time is below zero.
* @see #cancelTimer To cancel a timer.
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
* @param time The time at which to fire the alarm, in the range [0.0, 24.0).
* @return The ID of the new alarm. This can be used to filter the
* {@code alarm} event, or {@link #cancelAlarm cancel the alarm}.
* {@code alarm} event, or {@link #cancelAlarm cancel the alarm}.
* @throws LuaException If the time is out of range.
* @see #cancelAlarm To cancel an alarm.
@ -219,11 +219,11 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
checkFinite( 0, time );
if( time < 0.0 || time >= 24.0 ) throw new LuaException( "Number out of range" );
synchronized( m_alarms )
synchronized( alarms )
int day = time > m_time ? m_day : m_day + 1;
m_alarms.put( m_nextAlarmToken, new Alarm( time, day ) );
return m_nextAlarmToken++;
int day = time > this.time ? this.day : this.day + 1;
alarms.put( nextAlarmToken, new Alarm( time, day ) );
return nextAlarmToken++;
@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
public final void cancelAlarm( int token )
synchronized( m_alarms )
synchronized( alarms )
m_alarms.remove( token );
alarms.remove( token );
@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
public final double clock()
return m_clock * 0.05;
return clock * 0.05;
@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
case "local": // Get Hour of day (local time)
return getTimeForCalendar( Calendar.getInstance() );
case "ingame": // Get in-game hour
return m_time;
return time;
throw new LuaException( "Unsupported operation" );
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
case "local": // Get numbers of days since 1970-01-01 (local time)
return getDayForCalendar( Calendar.getInstance() );
case "ingame":// Get game day
return m_day;
return day;
throw new LuaException( "Unsupported operation" );
@ -381,11 +381,11 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
* Returns the number of milliseconds since an epoch depending on the locale.
* * If called with {@code ingame}, returns the number of milliseconds since the
* world was created. This is the default.
* world was created. This is the default.
* * If called with {@code utc}, returns the number of milliseconds since 1
* January 1970 in the UTC timezone.
* January 1970 in the UTC timezone.
* * If called with {@code local}, returns the number of milliseconds since 1
* January 1970 in the server's local timezone.
* January 1970 in the server's local timezone.
* @param args The locale to get the milliseconds for. Defaults to {@code ingame} if not set.
* @return The milliseconds since the epoch depending on the selected locale.
@ -410,9 +410,9 @@ public class OSAPI implements ILuaAPI
case "ingame":
// Get in-game epoch
synchronized( m_alarms )
synchronized( alarms )
return m_day * 86400000L + (long) (m_time * 3600000.0);
return day * 86400000L + (long) (time * 3600000.0);
throw new LuaException( "Unsupported operation" );

View File

@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ package dan200.computercraft.core.apis.handles;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaException;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaFunction;
import dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem.TrackingCloseable;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ public class BinaryReadableHandle extends HandleGeneric
final SeekableByteChannel seekable;
private final ByteBuffer single = ByteBuffer.allocate( 1 );
BinaryReadableHandle( ReadableByteChannel reader, SeekableByteChannel seekable, Closeable closeable )
BinaryReadableHandle( ReadableByteChannel reader, SeekableByteChannel seekable, TrackingCloseable closeable )
super( closeable );
this.reader = reader;
this.seekable = seekable;
public static BinaryReadableHandle of( ReadableByteChannel channel, Closeable closeable )
public static BinaryReadableHandle of( ReadableByteChannel channel, TrackingCloseable closeable )
SeekableByteChannel seekable = asSeekable( channel );
return seekable == null ? new BinaryReadableHandle( channel, null, closeable ) : new Seekable( seekable, closeable );
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class BinaryReadableHandle extends HandleGeneric
public static BinaryReadableHandle of( ReadableByteChannel channel )
return of( channel, channel );
return of( channel, new TrackingCloseable.Impl( channel ) );
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ public class BinaryReadableHandle extends HandleGeneric
public static class Seekable extends BinaryReadableHandle
Seekable( SeekableByteChannel seekable, Closeable closeable )
Seekable( SeekableByteChannel seekable, TrackingCloseable closeable )
super( seekable, seekable, closeable );

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.IArguments;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaException;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaFunction;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaValues;
import dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem.TrackingCloseable;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ public class BinaryWritableHandle extends HandleGeneric
final SeekableByteChannel seekable;
private final ByteBuffer single = ByteBuffer.allocate( 1 );
protected BinaryWritableHandle( WritableByteChannel writer, SeekableByteChannel seekable, Closeable closeable )
protected BinaryWritableHandle( WritableByteChannel writer, SeekableByteChannel seekable, TrackingCloseable closeable )
super( closeable );
this.writer = writer;
this.seekable = seekable;
public static BinaryWritableHandle of( WritableByteChannel channel, Closeable closeable )
public static BinaryWritableHandle of( WritableByteChannel channel, TrackingCloseable closeable )
SeekableByteChannel seekable = asSeekable( channel );
return seekable == null ? new BinaryWritableHandle( channel, null, closeable ) : new Seekable( seekable, closeable );
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public class BinaryWritableHandle extends HandleGeneric
public static BinaryWritableHandle of( WritableByteChannel channel )
return of( channel, channel );
return of( channel, new TrackingCloseable.Impl( channel ) );
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ public class BinaryWritableHandle extends HandleGeneric
public static class Seekable extends BinaryWritableHandle
public Seekable( SeekableByteChannel seekable, Closeable closeable )
public Seekable( SeekableByteChannel seekable, TrackingCloseable closeable )
super( seekable, seekable, closeable );

View File

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ package dan200.computercraft.core.apis.handles;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaException;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaFunction;
import dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem.TrackingCloseable;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class EncodedReadableHandle extends HandleGeneric
private final BufferedReader reader;
public EncodedReadableHandle( @Nonnull BufferedReader reader, @Nonnull Closeable closable )
public EncodedReadableHandle( @Nonnull BufferedReader reader, @Nonnull TrackingCloseable closable )
super( closable );
this.reader = reader;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class EncodedReadableHandle extends HandleGeneric
public EncodedReadableHandle( @Nonnull BufferedReader reader )
this( reader, reader );
this( reader, new TrackingCloseable.Impl( reader ) );

View File

@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ package dan200.computercraft.core.apis.handles;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.IArguments;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaException;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaFunction;
import dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem.TrackingCloseable;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.StringUtil;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class EncodedWritableHandle extends HandleGeneric
private final BufferedWriter writer;
public EncodedWritableHandle( @Nonnull BufferedWriter writer, @Nonnull Closeable closable )
public EncodedWritableHandle( @Nonnull BufferedWriter writer, @Nonnull TrackingCloseable closable )
super( closable );
this.writer = writer;

View File

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ package dan200.computercraft.core.apis.handles;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaException;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaFunction;
import dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem.TrackingCloseable;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.IoUtil;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.channels.Channel;
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel;
@ -18,25 +18,23 @@ import java.util.Optional;
public abstract class HandleGeneric
private Closeable closable;
private boolean open = true;
private TrackingCloseable closeable;
protected HandleGeneric( @Nonnull Closeable closable )
protected HandleGeneric( @Nonnull TrackingCloseable closeable )
this.closable = closable;
this.closeable = closeable;
protected void checkOpen() throws LuaException
if( !open ) throw new LuaException( "attempt to use a closed file" );
TrackingCloseable closeable = this.closeable;
if( closeable == null || !closeable.isOpen() ) throw new LuaException( "attempt to use a closed file" );
protected final void close()
open = false;
IoUtil.closeQuietly( closable );
closable = null;
IoUtil.closeQuietly( closeable );
closeable = null;

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@ -32,28 +32,28 @@ public class Computer
private static final int START_DELAY = 50;
// Various properties of the computer
private int m_id;
private String m_label = null;
private int id;
private String label = null;
// Read-only fields about the computer
private final IComputerEnvironment m_environment;
private final Terminal m_terminal;
private final IComputerEnvironment environment;
private final Terminal terminal;
private final ComputerExecutor executor;
private final MainThreadExecutor serverExecutor;
// Additional state about the computer and its environment.
private boolean m_blinking = false;
private boolean blinking = false;
private final Environment internalEnvironment = new Environment( this );
private final AtomicBoolean externalOutputChanged = new AtomicBoolean();
private boolean startRequested;
private int m_ticksSinceStart = -1;
private int ticksSinceStart = -1;
public Computer( IComputerEnvironment environment, Terminal terminal, int id )
m_id = id;
m_environment = environment;
m_terminal = terminal;
this.id = id;
this.environment = environment;
this.terminal = terminal;
executor = new ComputerExecutor( this );
serverExecutor = new MainThreadExecutor( this );
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class Computer
IComputerEnvironment getComputerEnvironment()
return m_environment;
return environment;
FileSystem getFileSystem()
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class Computer
Terminal getTerminal()
return m_terminal;
return terminal;
public Environment getEnvironment()
@ -132,33 +132,33 @@ public class Computer
public int getID()
return m_id;
return id;
public int assignID()
if( m_id < 0 )
if( id < 0 )
m_id = m_environment.assignNewID();
id = environment.assignNewID();
return m_id;
return id;
public void setID( int id )
m_id = id;
this.id = id;
public String getLabel()
return m_label;
return label;
public void setLabel( String label )
if( !Objects.equal( label, m_label ) )
if( !Objects.equal( label, this.label ) )
m_label = label;
this.label = label;
externalOutputChanged.set( true );
@ -166,14 +166,14 @@ public class Computer
public void tick()
// We keep track of the number of ticks since the last start, only
if( m_ticksSinceStart >= 0 && m_ticksSinceStart <= START_DELAY ) m_ticksSinceStart++;
if( ticksSinceStart >= 0 && ticksSinceStart <= START_DELAY ) ticksSinceStart++;
if( startRequested && (m_ticksSinceStart < 0 || m_ticksSinceStart > START_DELAY) )
if( startRequested && (ticksSinceStart < 0 || ticksSinceStart > START_DELAY) )
startRequested = false;
if( !executor.isOn() )
m_ticksSinceStart = 0;
ticksSinceStart = 0;
@ -187,12 +187,12 @@ public class Computer
if( internalEnvironment.updateOutput() ) externalOutputChanged.set( true );
// Set output changed if the terminal has changed from blinking to not
boolean blinking = m_terminal.getCursorBlink() &&
m_terminal.getCursorX() >= 0 && m_terminal.getCursorX() < m_terminal.getWidth() &&
m_terminal.getCursorY() >= 0 && m_terminal.getCursorY() < m_terminal.getHeight();
if( blinking != m_blinking )
boolean blinking = terminal.getCursorBlink() &&
terminal.getCursorX() >= 0 && terminal.getCursorX() < terminal.getWidth() &&
terminal.getCursorY() >= 0 && terminal.getCursorY() < terminal.getHeight();
if( blinking != this.blinking )
m_blinking = blinking;
this.blinking = blinking;
externalOutputChanged.set( true );
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ public class Computer
public boolean isBlinking()
return isOn() && m_blinking;
return isOn() && blinking;
public void addApi( ILuaAPI api )

View File

@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import dan200.computercraft.core.apis.IAPIEnvironment.IPeripheralChangeListener;
* Represents the "environment" that a {@link Computer} exists in.

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class ChannelWrapper<T extends Closeable> implements Closeable
public T get()
T get()
return wrapper;

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ import java.util.Set;
public class ComboMount implements IMount
private IMount[] m_parts;
private final IMount[] parts;
public ComboMount( IMount[] parts )
m_parts = parts;
this.parts = parts;
// IMount implementation
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ public class ComboMount implements IMount
public boolean exists( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
for( int i = m_parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
for( int i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IMount part = m_parts[i];
IMount part = parts[i];
if( part.exists( path ) )
return true;
@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ public class ComboMount implements IMount
public boolean isDirectory( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
for( int i = m_parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
for( int i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IMount part = m_parts[i];
IMount part = parts[i];
if( part.isDirectory( path ) )
return true;
@ -62,9 +62,9 @@ public class ComboMount implements IMount
// Combine the lists from all the mounts
List<String> foundFiles = null;
int foundDirs = 0;
for( int i = m_parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
for( int i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IMount part = m_parts[i];
IMount part = parts[i];
if( part.exists( path ) && part.isDirectory( path ) )
if( foundFiles == null )
@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ public class ComboMount implements IMount
public long getSize( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
for( int i = m_parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
for( int i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IMount part = m_parts[i];
IMount part = parts[i];
if( part.exists( path ) )
return part.getSize( path );
@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ public class ComboMount implements IMount
public ReadableByteChannel openForRead( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
for( int i = m_parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
for( int i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IMount part = m_parts[i];
IMount part = parts[i];
if( part.exists( path ) && !part.isDirectory( path ) )
return part.openForRead( path );
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ public class ComboMount implements IMount
public BasicFileAttributes getAttributes( @Nonnull String path ) throws IOException
for( int i = m_parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
for( int i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; --i )
IMount part = m_parts[i];
IMount part = parts[i];
if( part.exists( path ) && !part.isDirectory( path ) )
return part.getAttributes( path );

View File

@ -32,57 +32,57 @@ public class FileMount implements IWritableMount
private class WritableCountingChannel implements WritableByteChannel
private final WritableByteChannel m_inner;
long m_ignoredBytesLeft;
private final WritableByteChannel inner;
long ignoredBytesLeft;
WritableCountingChannel( WritableByteChannel inner, long bytesToIgnore )
m_inner = inner;
m_ignoredBytesLeft = bytesToIgnore;
this.inner = inner;
ignoredBytesLeft = bytesToIgnore;
public int write( @Nonnull ByteBuffer b ) throws IOException
count( b.remaining() );
return m_inner.write( b );
return inner.write( b );
void count( long n ) throws IOException
m_ignoredBytesLeft -= n;
if( m_ignoredBytesLeft < 0 )
ignoredBytesLeft -= n;
if( ignoredBytesLeft < 0 )
long newBytes = -m_ignoredBytesLeft;
m_ignoredBytesLeft = 0;
long newBytes = -ignoredBytesLeft;
ignoredBytesLeft = 0;
long bytesLeft = m_capacity - m_usedSpace;
long bytesLeft = capacity - usedSpace;
if( newBytes > bytesLeft ) throw new IOException( "Out of space" );
m_usedSpace += newBytes;
usedSpace += newBytes;
public boolean isOpen()
return m_inner.isOpen();
return inner.isOpen();
public void close() throws IOException
private class SeekableCountingChannel extends WritableCountingChannel implements SeekableByteChannel
private final SeekableByteChannel m_inner;
private final SeekableByteChannel inner;
SeekableCountingChannel( SeekableByteChannel inner, long bytesToIgnore )
super( inner, bytesToIgnore );
m_inner = inner;
this.inner = inner;
@ -94,17 +94,17 @@ public class FileMount implements IWritableMount
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot seek before the beginning of the stream" );
long delta = newPosition - m_inner.position();
long delta = newPosition - inner.position();
if( delta < 0 )
m_ignoredBytesLeft -= delta;
ignoredBytesLeft -= delta;
count( delta );
return m_inner.position( newPosition );
return inner.position( newPosition );
@ -116,32 +116,32 @@ public class FileMount implements IWritableMount
public int read( ByteBuffer dst ) throws ClosedChannelException
if( !m_inner.isOpen() ) throw new ClosedChannelException();
if( !inner.isOpen() ) throw new ClosedChannelException();
throw new NonReadableChannelException();
public long position() throws IOException
return m_inner.position();
return inner.position();
public long size() throws IOException
return m_inner.size();
return inner.size();
private File m_rootPath;
private long m_capacity;
private long m_usedSpace;
private final File rootPath;
private final long capacity;
private long usedSpace;
public FileMount( File rootPath, long capacity )
m_rootPath = rootPath;
m_capacity = capacity + MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
m_usedSpace = created() ? measureUsedSpace( m_rootPath ) : MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
this.rootPath = rootPath;
this.capacity = capacity + MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
usedSpace = created() ? measureUsedSpace( this.rootPath ) : MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
// IMount implementation
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ public class FileMount implements IWritableMount
if( file.mkdirs() )
m_usedSpace += dirsToCreate * MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
usedSpace += dirsToCreate * MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ public class FileMount implements IWritableMount
boolean success = file.delete();
if( success )
m_usedSpace -= Math.max( MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE, fileSize );
usedSpace -= Math.max( MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE, fileSize );
@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ public class FileMount implements IWritableMount
if( file.exists() )
m_usedSpace -= Math.max( file.length(), MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
usedSpace -= Math.max( file.length(), MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
else if( getRemainingSpace() < MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE )
throw new FileOperationException( path, "Out of space" );
m_usedSpace += MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE;
return new SeekableCountingChannel( Files.newByteChannel( file.toPath(), WRITE_OPTIONS ), MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
@ -342,31 +342,31 @@ public class FileMount implements IWritableMount
public long getRemainingSpace()
return Math.max( m_capacity - m_usedSpace, 0 );
return Math.max( capacity - usedSpace, 0 );
public OptionalLong getCapacity()
return OptionalLong.of( m_capacity - MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
return OptionalLong.of( capacity - MINIMUM_FILE_SIZE );
private File getRealPath( String path )
return new File( m_rootPath, path );
return new File( rootPath, path );
private boolean created()
return m_rootPath.exists();
return rootPath.exists();
private void create() throws IOException
if( !m_rootPath.exists() )
if( !rootPath.exists() )
boolean success = m_rootPath.mkdirs();
boolean success = rootPath.mkdirs();
if( !success )
throw new IOException( "Access denied" );

View File

@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ public class FileSystem
private static final int MAX_COPY_DEPTH = 128;
private final FileSystemWrapperMount m_wrapper = new FileSystemWrapperMount( this );
private final FileSystemWrapperMount wrapper = new FileSystemWrapperMount( this );
private final Map<String, MountWrapper> mounts = new HashMap<>();
private final HashMap<WeakReference<FileSystemWrapper<?>>, ChannelWrapper<?>> m_openFiles = new HashMap<>();
private final ReferenceQueue<FileSystemWrapper<?>> m_openFileQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>();
private final HashMap<WeakReference<FileSystemWrapper<?>>, ChannelWrapper<?>> openFiles = new HashMap<>();
private final ReferenceQueue<FileSystemWrapper<?>> openFileQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>();
public FileSystem( String rootLabel, IMount rootMount ) throws FileSystemException
@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ public class FileSystem
public void close()
// Close all dangling open files
synchronized( m_openFiles )
synchronized( openFiles )
for( Closeable file : m_openFiles.values() ) IoUtil.closeQuietly( file );
while( m_openFileQueue.poll() != null ) ;
for( Closeable file : openFiles.values() ) IoUtil.closeQuietly( file );
while( openFileQueue.poll() != null ) ;
@ -95,7 +95,29 @@ public class FileSystem
public synchronized void unmount( String path )
mounts.remove( sanitizePath( path ) );
MountWrapper mount = mounts.remove( sanitizePath( path ) );
if( mount == null ) return;
// Close any files which belong to this mount - don't want people writing to a disk after it's been ejected!
// There's no point storing a Mount -> Wrapper[] map, as openFiles is small and unmount isn't called very
// often.
synchronized( openFiles )
for( Iterator<WeakReference<FileSystemWrapper<?>>> iterator = openFiles.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
WeakReference<FileSystemWrapper<?>> reference = iterator.next();
FileSystemWrapper<?> wrapper = reference.get();
if( wrapper == null ) continue;
if( wrapper.mount == mount )
public String combine( String path, String childPath )
@ -361,22 +383,22 @@ public class FileSystem
private void cleanup()
synchronized( m_openFiles )
synchronized( openFiles )
Reference<?> ref;
while( (ref = m_openFileQueue.poll()) != null )
while( (ref = openFileQueue.poll()) != null )
IoUtil.closeQuietly( m_openFiles.remove( ref ) );
IoUtil.closeQuietly( openFiles.remove( ref ) );
private synchronized <T extends Closeable> FileSystemWrapper<T> openFile( @Nonnull Channel channel, @Nonnull T file ) throws FileSystemException
private synchronized <T extends Closeable> FileSystemWrapper<T> openFile( @Nonnull MountWrapper mount, @Nonnull Channel channel, @Nonnull T file ) throws FileSystemException
synchronized( m_openFiles )
synchronized( openFiles )
if( ComputerCraft.maximumFilesOpen > 0 &&
m_openFiles.size() >= ComputerCraft.maximumFilesOpen )
openFiles.size() >= ComputerCraft.maximumFilesOpen )
IoUtil.closeQuietly( file );
IoUtil.closeQuietly( channel );
@ -384,17 +406,17 @@ public class FileSystem
ChannelWrapper<T> channelWrapper = new ChannelWrapper<>( file, channel );
FileSystemWrapper<T> fsWrapper = new FileSystemWrapper<>( this, channelWrapper, m_openFileQueue );
m_openFiles.put( fsWrapper.self, channelWrapper );
FileSystemWrapper<T> fsWrapper = new FileSystemWrapper<>( this, mount, channelWrapper, openFileQueue );
openFiles.put( fsWrapper.self, channelWrapper );
return fsWrapper;
synchronized void removeFile( FileSystemWrapper<?> handle )
void removeFile( FileSystemWrapper<?> handle )
synchronized( m_openFiles )
synchronized( openFiles )
m_openFiles.remove( handle.self );
openFiles.remove( handle.self );
@ -405,11 +427,7 @@ public class FileSystem
path = sanitizePath( path );
MountWrapper mount = getMount( path );
ReadableByteChannel channel = mount.openForRead( path );
if( channel != null )
return openFile( channel, open.apply( channel ) );
return null;
return channel != null ? openFile( mount, channel, open.apply( channel ) ) : null;
public synchronized <T extends Closeable> FileSystemWrapper<T> openForWrite( String path, boolean append, Function<WritableByteChannel, T> open ) throws FileSystemException
@ -419,11 +437,7 @@ public class FileSystem
path = sanitizePath( path );
MountWrapper mount = getMount( path );
WritableByteChannel channel = append ? mount.openForAppend( path ) : mount.openForWrite( path );
if( channel != null )
return openFile( channel, open.apply( channel ) );
return null;
return channel != null ? openFile( mount, channel, open.apply( channel ) ) : null;
public synchronized long getFreeSpace( String path ) throws FileSystemException
@ -469,7 +483,7 @@ public class FileSystem
public IFileSystem getMountWrapper()
return m_wrapper;
return wrapper;
private static String sanitizePath( String path )

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
package dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.IoUtil;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
@ -24,15 +26,18 @@ import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
* @param <T> The type of writer or channel to wrap.
public class FileSystemWrapper<T extends Closeable> implements Closeable
public class FileSystemWrapper<T extends Closeable> implements TrackingCloseable
private final FileSystem fileSystem;
final MountWrapper mount;
private final ChannelWrapper<T> closeable;
final WeakReference<FileSystemWrapper<?>> self;
private boolean isOpen = true;
FileSystemWrapper( FileSystem fileSystem, ChannelWrapper<T> closeable, ReferenceQueue<FileSystemWrapper<?>> queue )
FileSystemWrapper( FileSystem fileSystem, MountWrapper mount, ChannelWrapper<T> closeable, ReferenceQueue<FileSystemWrapper<?>> queue )
this.fileSystem = fileSystem;
this.mount = mount;
this.closeable = closeable;
self = new WeakReference<>( this, queue );
@ -40,10 +45,23 @@ public class FileSystemWrapper<T extends Closeable> implements Closeable
public void close() throws IOException
isOpen = false;
fileSystem.removeFile( this );
void closeExternally()
isOpen = false;
IoUtil.closeQuietly( closeable );
public boolean isOpen()
return isOpen;
public T get()

View File

@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ import java.util.function.Function;
public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
private final FileSystem m_filesystem;
private final FileSystem filesystem;
public FileSystemWrapperMount( FileSystem filesystem )
this.m_filesystem = filesystem;
this.filesystem = filesystem;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
m_filesystem.makeDir( path );
filesystem.makeDir( path );
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
m_filesystem.delete( path );
filesystem.delete( path );
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
// FIXME: Think of a better way of implementing this, so closing this will close on the computer.
return m_filesystem.openForRead( path, Function.identity() ).get();
return filesystem.openForRead( path, Function.identity() ).get();
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
return m_filesystem.openForWrite( path, false, Function.identity() ).get();
return filesystem.openForWrite( path, false, Function.identity() ).get();
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
return m_filesystem.openForWrite( path, true, Function.identity() ).get();
return filesystem.openForWrite( path, true, Function.identity() ).get();
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
return m_filesystem.getFreeSpace( "/" );
return filesystem.getFreeSpace( "/" );
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
return m_filesystem.exists( path );
return filesystem.exists( path );
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
return m_filesystem.isDir( path );
return filesystem.isDir( path );
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
Collections.addAll( contents, m_filesystem.list( path ) );
Collections.addAll( contents, filesystem.list( path ) );
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
return m_filesystem.getSize( path );
return filesystem.getSize( path );
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
public String combine( String path, String child )
return m_filesystem.combine( path, child );
return filesystem.combine( path, child );
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
m_filesystem.copy( from, to );
filesystem.copy( from, to );
catch( FileSystemException e )
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ public class FileSystemWrapperMount implements IFileSystem
m_filesystem.move( from, to );
filesystem.move( from, to );
catch( FileSystemException e )

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import java.util.List;
public class SubMount implements IMount
private IMount parent;
private String subPath;
private final IMount parent;
private final String subPath;
public SubMount( IMount parent, String subPath )

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* This file is part of ComputerCraft - http://www.computercraft.info
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2021. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to dratcliffe@gmail.com
package dan200.computercraft.core.filesystem;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
* A {@link Closeable} which knows when it has been closed.
* This is a quick (though racey) way of providing more friendly (and more similar to Lua)
* error messages to the user.
public interface TrackingCloseable extends Closeable
boolean isOpen();
class Impl implements TrackingCloseable
private final Closeable object;
private boolean isOpen = true;
public Impl( Closeable object )
this.object = object;
public boolean isOpen()
return isOpen;
public void close() throws IOException
isOpen = false;

View File

@ -50,29 +50,29 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
private static final LuaMethod FUNCTION_METHOD = ( target, context, args ) -> ((ILuaFunction) target).call( args );
private final Computer m_computer;
private final Computer computer;
private final TimeoutState timeout;
private final TimeoutDebugHandler debug;
private final ILuaContext context = new CobaltLuaContext();
private LuaState m_state;
private LuaTable m_globals;
private LuaState state;
private LuaTable globals;
private LuaThread m_mainRoutine = null;
private String m_eventFilter = null;
private LuaThread mainRoutine = null;
private String eventFilter = null;
public CobaltLuaMachine( Computer computer, TimeoutState timeout )
m_computer = computer;
this.computer = computer;
this.timeout = timeout;
debug = new TimeoutDebugHandler();
// Create an environment to run in
LuaState state = m_state = LuaState.builder()
LuaState state = this.state = LuaState.builder()
.resourceManipulator( new VoidResourceManipulator() )
.debug( debug )
.coroutineExecutor( command -> {
Tracking.addValue( m_computer, TrackingField.COROUTINES_CREATED, 1 );
Tracking.addValue( this.computer, TrackingField.COROUTINES_CREATED, 1 );
COROUTINES.execute( () -> {
@ -80,38 +80,38 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
Tracking.addValue( m_computer, TrackingField.COROUTINES_DISPOSED, 1 );
Tracking.addValue( this.computer, TrackingField.COROUTINES_DISPOSED, 1 );
} );
} )
m_globals = new LuaTable();
state.setupThread( m_globals );
globals = new LuaTable();
state.setupThread( globals );
// Add basic libraries
m_globals.load( state, new BaseLib() );
m_globals.load( state, new TableLib() );
m_globals.load( state, new StringLib() );
m_globals.load( state, new MathLib() );
m_globals.load( state, new CoroutineLib() );
m_globals.load( state, new Bit32Lib() );
m_globals.load( state, new Utf8Lib() );
if( ComputerCraft.debugEnable ) m_globals.load( state, new DebugLib() );
globals.load( state, new BaseLib() );
globals.load( state, new TableLib() );
globals.load( state, new StringLib() );
globals.load( state, new MathLib() );
globals.load( state, new CoroutineLib() );
globals.load( state, new Bit32Lib() );
globals.load( state, new Utf8Lib() );
if( ComputerCraft.debugEnable ) globals.load( state, new DebugLib() );
// Remove globals we don't want to expose
m_globals.rawset( "collectgarbage", Constants.NIL );
m_globals.rawset( "dofile", Constants.NIL );
m_globals.rawset( "loadfile", Constants.NIL );
m_globals.rawset( "print", Constants.NIL );
globals.rawset( "collectgarbage", Constants.NIL );
globals.rawset( "dofile", Constants.NIL );
globals.rawset( "loadfile", Constants.NIL );
globals.rawset( "print", Constants.NIL );
// Add version globals
m_globals.rawset( "_VERSION", valueOf( "Lua 5.1" ) );
m_globals.rawset( "_HOST", valueOf( computer.getAPIEnvironment().getComputerEnvironment().getHostString() ) );
m_globals.rawset( "_CC_DEFAULT_SETTINGS", valueOf( ComputerCraft.defaultComputerSettings ) );
globals.rawset( "_VERSION", valueOf( "Lua 5.1" ) );
globals.rawset( "_HOST", valueOf( computer.getAPIEnvironment().getComputerEnvironment().getHostString() ) );
globals.rawset( "_CC_DEFAULT_SETTINGS", valueOf( ComputerCraft.defaultComputerSettings ) );
if( ComputerCraft.disableLua51Features )
m_globals.rawset( "_CC_DISABLE_LUA51_FEATURES", Constants.TRUE );
globals.rawset( "_CC_DISABLE_LUA51_FEATURES", Constants.TRUE );
@ -127,19 +127,19 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
String[] names = api.getNames();
for( String name : names ) m_globals.rawset( name, table );
for( String name : names ) globals.rawset( name, table );
public MachineResult loadBios( @Nonnull InputStream bios )
// Begin executing a file (ie, the bios)
if( m_mainRoutine != null ) return MachineResult.OK;
if( mainRoutine != null ) return MachineResult.OK;
LuaFunction value = LoadState.load( m_state, bios, "@bios.lua", m_globals );
m_mainRoutine = new LuaThread( m_state, value, m_globals );
LuaFunction value = LoadState.load( state, bios, "@bios.lua", globals );
mainRoutine = new LuaThread( state, value, globals );
return MachineResult.OK;
catch( CompileException e )
@ -158,9 +158,9 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
public MachineResult handleEvent( String eventName, Object[] arguments )
if( m_mainRoutine == null ) return MachineResult.OK;
if( mainRoutine == null ) return MachineResult.OK;
if( m_eventFilter != null && eventName != null && !eventName.equals( m_eventFilter ) && !eventName.equals( "terminate" ) )
if( eventFilter != null && eventName != null && !eventName.equals( eventFilter ) && !eventName.equals( "terminate" ) )
return MachineResult.OK;
@ -178,17 +178,17 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
// Resume the current thread, or the main one when first starting off.
LuaThread thread = m_state.getCurrentThread();
if( thread == null || thread == m_state.getMainThread() ) thread = m_mainRoutine;
LuaThread thread = state.getCurrentThread();
if( thread == null || thread == state.getMainThread() ) thread = mainRoutine;
Varargs results = LuaThread.run( thread, resumeArgs );
if( timeout.isHardAborted() ) throw HardAbortError.INSTANCE;
if( results == null ) return MachineResult.PAUSE;
LuaValue filter = results.first();
m_eventFilter = filter.isString() ? filter.toString() : null;
eventFilter = filter.isString() ? filter.toString() : null;
if( m_mainRoutine.getStatus().equals( "dead" ) )
if( mainRoutine.getStatus().equals( "dead" ) )
return MachineResult.GENERIC_ERROR;
@ -214,13 +214,13 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
public void close()
LuaState state = m_state;
LuaState state = this.state;
if( state == null ) return;
m_mainRoutine = null;
m_state = null;
m_globals = null;
mainRoutine = null;
this.state = null;
globals = null;
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
if( (count = (count + 1) & 127) == 0 )
// If we've been hard aborted or closed then abort.
if( timeout.isHardAborted() || m_state == null ) throw HardAbortError.INSTANCE;
if( timeout.isHardAborted() || state == null ) throw HardAbortError.INSTANCE;
if( timeout.isPaused() )
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
public void poll() throws LuaError
// If we've been hard aborted or closed then abort.
LuaState state = m_state;
LuaState state = CobaltLuaMachine.this.state;
if( timeout.isHardAborted() || state == null ) throw HardAbortError.INSTANCE;
@ -526,26 +526,26 @@ public class CobaltLuaMachine implements ILuaMachine
eventArguments[0] = taskID;
eventArguments[1] = true;
System.arraycopy( results, 0, eventArguments, 2, results.length );
m_computer.queueEvent( "task_complete", eventArguments );
computer.queueEvent( "task_complete", eventArguments );
m_computer.queueEvent( "task_complete", new Object[] { taskID, true } );
computer.queueEvent( "task_complete", new Object[] { taskID, true } );
catch( LuaException e )
m_computer.queueEvent( "task_complete", new Object[] { taskID, false, e.getMessage() } );
computer.queueEvent( "task_complete", new Object[] { taskID, false, e.getMessage() } );
catch( Throwable t )
if( ComputerCraft.logComputerErrors ) ComputerCraft.log.error( "Error running task", t );
m_computer.queueEvent( "task_complete", new Object[] {
computer.queueEvent( "task_complete", new Object[] {
taskID, false, "Java Exception Thrown: " + t,
} );
if( m_computer.queueMainThread( iTask ) )
if( computer.queueMainThread( iTask ) )
return taskID;

View File

@ -16,20 +16,20 @@ public class Terminal
private static final String base16 = "0123456789abcdef";
private int m_cursorX = 0;
private int m_cursorY = 0;
private boolean m_cursorBlink = false;
private int m_cursorColour = 0;
private int m_cursorBackgroundColour = 15;
private int cursorX = 0;
private int cursorY = 0;
private boolean cursorBlink = false;
private int cursorColour = 0;
private int cursorBackgroundColour = 15;
private int m_width;
private int m_height;
private int width;
private int height;
private TextBuffer[] m_text;
private TextBuffer[] m_textColour;
private TextBuffer[] m_backgroundColour;
private TextBuffer[] text;
private TextBuffer[] textColour;
private TextBuffer[] backgroundColour;
private final Palette m_palette = new Palette();
private final Palette palette = new Palette();
private final Runnable onChanged;
@ -40,84 +40,84 @@ public class Terminal
public Terminal( int width, int height, Runnable changedCallback )
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
onChanged = changedCallback;
m_text = new TextBuffer[m_height];
m_textColour = new TextBuffer[m_height];
m_backgroundColour = new TextBuffer[m_height];
for( int i = 0; i < m_height; i++ )
text = new TextBuffer[this.height];
textColour = new TextBuffer[this.height];
backgroundColour = new TextBuffer[this.height];
for( int i = 0; i < this.height; i++ )
m_text[i] = new TextBuffer( ' ', m_width );
m_textColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( m_cursorColour ), m_width );
m_backgroundColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( m_cursorBackgroundColour ), m_width );
text[i] = new TextBuffer( ' ', this.width );
textColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( cursorColour ), this.width );
backgroundColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( cursorBackgroundColour ), this.width );
public synchronized void reset()
m_cursorColour = 0;
m_cursorBackgroundColour = 15;
m_cursorX = 0;
m_cursorY = 0;
m_cursorBlink = false;
cursorColour = 0;
cursorBackgroundColour = 15;
cursorX = 0;
cursorY = 0;
cursorBlink = false;
public int getWidth()
return m_width;
return width;
public int getHeight()
return m_height;
return height;
public synchronized void resize( int width, int height )
if( width == m_width && height == m_height )
if( width == this.width && height == this.height )
int oldHeight = m_height;
int oldWidth = m_width;
TextBuffer[] oldText = m_text;
TextBuffer[] oldTextColour = m_textColour;
TextBuffer[] oldBackgroundColour = m_backgroundColour;
int oldHeight = this.height;
int oldWidth = this.width;
TextBuffer[] oldText = text;
TextBuffer[] oldTextColour = textColour;
TextBuffer[] oldBackgroundColour = backgroundColour;
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
m_text = new TextBuffer[m_height];
m_textColour = new TextBuffer[m_height];
m_backgroundColour = new TextBuffer[m_height];
for( int i = 0; i < m_height; i++ )
text = new TextBuffer[this.height];
textColour = new TextBuffer[this.height];
backgroundColour = new TextBuffer[this.height];
for( int i = 0; i < this.height; i++ )
if( i >= oldHeight )
m_text[i] = new TextBuffer( ' ', m_width );
m_textColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( m_cursorColour ), m_width );
m_backgroundColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( m_cursorBackgroundColour ), m_width );
text[i] = new TextBuffer( ' ', this.width );
textColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( cursorColour ), this.width );
backgroundColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( cursorBackgroundColour ), this.width );
else if( m_width == oldWidth )
else if( this.width == oldWidth )
m_text[i] = oldText[i];
m_textColour[i] = oldTextColour[i];
m_backgroundColour[i] = oldBackgroundColour[i];
text[i] = oldText[i];
textColour[i] = oldTextColour[i];
backgroundColour[i] = oldBackgroundColour[i];
m_text[i] = new TextBuffer( ' ', m_width );
m_textColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( m_cursorColour ), m_width );
m_backgroundColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( m_cursorBackgroundColour ), m_width );
m_text[i].write( oldText[i] );
m_textColour[i].write( oldTextColour[i] );
m_backgroundColour[i].write( oldBackgroundColour[i] );
text[i] = new TextBuffer( ' ', this.width );
textColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( cursorColour ), this.width );
backgroundColour[i] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( cursorBackgroundColour ), this.width );
text[i].write( oldText[i] );
textColour[i].write( oldTextColour[i] );
backgroundColour[i].write( oldBackgroundColour[i] );
@ -125,94 +125,94 @@ public class Terminal
public void setCursorPos( int x, int y )
if( m_cursorX != x || m_cursorY != y )
if( cursorX != x || cursorY != y )
m_cursorX = x;
m_cursorY = y;
cursorX = x;
cursorY = y;
public void setCursorBlink( boolean blink )
if( m_cursorBlink != blink )
if( cursorBlink != blink )
m_cursorBlink = blink;
cursorBlink = blink;
public void setTextColour( int colour )
if( m_cursorColour != colour )
if( cursorColour != colour )
m_cursorColour = colour;
cursorColour = colour;
public void setBackgroundColour( int colour )
if( m_cursorBackgroundColour != colour )
if( cursorBackgroundColour != colour )
m_cursorBackgroundColour = colour;
cursorBackgroundColour = colour;
public int getCursorX()
return m_cursorX;
return cursorX;
public int getCursorY()
return m_cursorY;
return cursorY;
public boolean getCursorBlink()
return m_cursorBlink;
return cursorBlink;
public int getTextColour()
return m_cursorColour;
return cursorColour;
public int getBackgroundColour()
return m_cursorBackgroundColour;
return cursorBackgroundColour;
public Palette getPalette()
return m_palette;
return palette;
public synchronized void blit( String text, String textColour, String backgroundColour )
int x = m_cursorX;
int y = m_cursorY;
if( y >= 0 && y < m_height )
int x = cursorX;
int y = cursorY;
if( y >= 0 && y < height )
m_text[y].write( text, x );
m_textColour[y].write( textColour, x );
m_backgroundColour[y].write( backgroundColour, x );
this.text[y].write( text, x );
this.textColour[y].write( textColour, x );
this.backgroundColour[y].write( backgroundColour, x );
public synchronized void write( String text )
int x = m_cursorX;
int y = m_cursorY;
if( y >= 0 && y < m_height )
int x = cursorX;
int y = cursorY;
if( y >= 0 && y < height )
m_text[y].write( text, x );
m_textColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( m_cursorColour ), x, x + text.length() );
m_backgroundColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( m_cursorBackgroundColour ), x, x + text.length() );
this.text[y].write( text, x );
textColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( cursorColour ), x, x + text.length() );
backgroundColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( cursorBackgroundColour ), x, x + text.length() );
@ -221,86 +221,86 @@ public class Terminal
if( yDiff != 0 )
TextBuffer[] newText = new TextBuffer[m_height];
TextBuffer[] newTextColour = new TextBuffer[m_height];
TextBuffer[] newBackgroundColour = new TextBuffer[m_height];
for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
TextBuffer[] newText = new TextBuffer[height];
TextBuffer[] newTextColour = new TextBuffer[height];
TextBuffer[] newBackgroundColour = new TextBuffer[height];
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
int oldY = y + yDiff;
if( oldY >= 0 && oldY < m_height )
if( oldY >= 0 && oldY < height )
newText[y] = m_text[oldY];
newTextColour[y] = m_textColour[oldY];
newBackgroundColour[y] = m_backgroundColour[oldY];
newText[y] = text[oldY];
newTextColour[y] = textColour[oldY];
newBackgroundColour[y] = backgroundColour[oldY];
newText[y] = new TextBuffer( ' ', m_width );
newTextColour[y] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( m_cursorColour ), m_width );
newBackgroundColour[y] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( m_cursorBackgroundColour ), m_width );
newText[y] = new TextBuffer( ' ', width );
newTextColour[y] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( cursorColour ), width );
newBackgroundColour[y] = new TextBuffer( base16.charAt( cursorBackgroundColour ), width );
m_text = newText;
m_textColour = newTextColour;
m_backgroundColour = newBackgroundColour;
text = newText;
textColour = newTextColour;
backgroundColour = newBackgroundColour;
public synchronized void clear()
for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
m_text[y].fill( ' ' );
m_textColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( m_cursorColour ) );
m_backgroundColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( m_cursorBackgroundColour ) );
text[y].fill( ' ' );
textColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( cursorColour ) );
backgroundColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( cursorBackgroundColour ) );
public synchronized void clearLine()
int y = m_cursorY;
if( y >= 0 && y < m_height )
int y = cursorY;
if( y >= 0 && y < height )
m_text[y].fill( ' ' );
m_textColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( m_cursorColour ) );
m_backgroundColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( m_cursorBackgroundColour ) );
text[y].fill( ' ' );
textColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( cursorColour ) );
backgroundColour[y].fill( base16.charAt( cursorBackgroundColour ) );
public synchronized TextBuffer getLine( int y )
if( y >= 0 && y < m_height )
if( y >= 0 && y < height )
return m_text[y];
return text[y];
return null;
public synchronized void setLine( int y, String text, String textColour, String backgroundColour )
m_text[y].write( text );
m_textColour[y].write( textColour );
m_backgroundColour[y].write( backgroundColour );
this.text[y].write( text );
this.textColour[y].write( textColour );
this.backgroundColour[y].write( backgroundColour );
public synchronized TextBuffer getTextColourLine( int y )
if( y >= 0 && y < m_height )
if( y >= 0 && y < height )
return m_textColour[y];
return textColour[y];
return null;
public synchronized TextBuffer getBackgroundColourLine( int y )
if( y >= 0 && y < m_height )
if( y >= 0 && y < height )
return m_backgroundColour[y];
return backgroundColour[y];
return null;
@ -312,18 +312,18 @@ public class Terminal
public synchronized void write( PacketBuffer buffer )
buffer.writeInt( m_cursorX );
buffer.writeInt( m_cursorY );
buffer.writeBoolean( m_cursorBlink );
buffer.writeByte( m_cursorBackgroundColour << 4 | m_cursorColour );
buffer.writeInt( cursorX );
buffer.writeInt( cursorY );
buffer.writeBoolean( cursorBlink );
buffer.writeByte( cursorBackgroundColour << 4 | cursorColour );
for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
TextBuffer text = m_text[y];
TextBuffer textColour = m_textColour[y];
TextBuffer backColour = m_backgroundColour[y];
TextBuffer text = this.text[y];
TextBuffer textColour = this.textColour[y];
TextBuffer backColour = backgroundColour[y];
for( int x = 0; x < m_width; x++ )
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
buffer.writeByte( text.charAt( x ) & 0xFF );
buffer.writeByte( getColour(
@ -333,26 +333,26 @@ public class Terminal
m_palette.write( buffer );
palette.write( buffer );
public synchronized void read( PacketBuffer buffer )
m_cursorX = buffer.readInt();
m_cursorY = buffer.readInt();
m_cursorBlink = buffer.readBoolean();
cursorX = buffer.readInt();
cursorY = buffer.readInt();
cursorBlink = buffer.readBoolean();
byte cursorColour = buffer.readByte();
m_cursorBackgroundColour = (cursorColour >> 4) & 0xF;
m_cursorColour = cursorColour & 0xF;
cursorBackgroundColour = (cursorColour >> 4) & 0xF;
this.cursorColour = cursorColour & 0xF;
for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
TextBuffer text = m_text[y];
TextBuffer textColour = m_textColour[y];
TextBuffer backColour = m_backgroundColour[y];
TextBuffer text = this.text[y];
TextBuffer textColour = this.textColour[y];
TextBuffer backColour = backgroundColour[y];
for( int x = 0; x < m_width; x++ )
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
text.setChar( x, (char) (buffer.readByte() & 0xFF) );
@ -362,56 +362,56 @@ public class Terminal
m_palette.read( buffer );
palette.read( buffer );
public synchronized CompoundNBT writeToNBT( CompoundNBT nbt )
nbt.putInt( "term_cursorX", m_cursorX );
nbt.putInt( "term_cursorY", m_cursorY );
nbt.putBoolean( "term_cursorBlink", m_cursorBlink );
nbt.putInt( "term_textColour", m_cursorColour );
nbt.putInt( "term_bgColour", m_cursorBackgroundColour );
for( int n = 0; n < m_height; n++ )
nbt.putInt( "term_cursorX", cursorX );
nbt.putInt( "term_cursorY", cursorY );
nbt.putBoolean( "term_cursorBlink", cursorBlink );
nbt.putInt( "term_textColour", cursorColour );
nbt.putInt( "term_bgColour", cursorBackgroundColour );
for( int n = 0; n < height; n++ )
nbt.putString( "term_text_" + n, m_text[n].toString() );
nbt.putString( "term_textColour_" + n, m_textColour[n].toString() );
nbt.putString( "term_textBgColour_" + n, m_backgroundColour[n].toString() );
nbt.putString( "term_text_" + n, text[n].toString() );
nbt.putString( "term_textColour_" + n, textColour[n].toString() );
nbt.putString( "term_textBgColour_" + n, backgroundColour[n].toString() );
m_palette.writeToNBT( nbt );
palette.writeToNBT( nbt );
return nbt;
public synchronized void readFromNBT( CompoundNBT nbt )
m_cursorX = nbt.getInt( "term_cursorX" );
m_cursorY = nbt.getInt( "term_cursorY" );
m_cursorBlink = nbt.getBoolean( "term_cursorBlink" );
m_cursorColour = nbt.getInt( "term_textColour" );
m_cursorBackgroundColour = nbt.getInt( "term_bgColour" );
cursorX = nbt.getInt( "term_cursorX" );
cursorY = nbt.getInt( "term_cursorY" );
cursorBlink = nbt.getBoolean( "term_cursorBlink" );
cursorColour = nbt.getInt( "term_textColour" );
cursorBackgroundColour = nbt.getInt( "term_bgColour" );
for( int n = 0; n < m_height; n++ )
for( int n = 0; n < height; n++ )
m_text[n].fill( ' ' );
text[n].fill( ' ' );
if( nbt.contains( "term_text_" + n ) )
m_text[n].write( nbt.getString( "term_text_" + n ) );
text[n].write( nbt.getString( "term_text_" + n ) );
m_textColour[n].fill( base16.charAt( m_cursorColour ) );
textColour[n].fill( base16.charAt( cursorColour ) );
if( nbt.contains( "term_textColour_" + n ) )
m_textColour[n].write( nbt.getString( "term_textColour_" + n ) );
textColour[n].write( nbt.getString( "term_textColour_" + n ) );
m_backgroundColour[n].fill( base16.charAt( m_cursorBackgroundColour ) );
backgroundColour[n].fill( base16.charAt( cursorBackgroundColour ) );
if( nbt.contains( "term_textBgColour_" + n ) )
m_backgroundColour[n].write( nbt.getString( "term_textBgColour_" + n ) );
backgroundColour[n].write( nbt.getString( "term_textBgColour_" + n ) );
m_palette.readFromNBT( nbt );
palette.readFromNBT( nbt );

View File

@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ package dan200.computercraft.core.terminal;
public class TextBuffer
private final char[] m_text;
private final char[] text;
public TextBuffer( char c, int length )
m_text = new char[length];
text = new char[length];
for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
m_text[i] = c;
text[i] = c;
@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ public class TextBuffer
public TextBuffer( String text, int repetitions )
int textLength = text.length();
m_text = new char[textLength * repetitions];
this.text = new char[textLength * repetitions];
for( int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < textLength; j++ )
m_text[j + i * textLength] = text.charAt( j );
this.text[j + i * textLength] = text.charAt( j );
@ -44,37 +44,37 @@ public class TextBuffer
public TextBuffer( TextBuffer text, int repetitions )
int textLength = text.length();
m_text = new char[textLength * repetitions];
this.text = new char[textLength * repetitions];
for( int i = 0; i < repetitions; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < textLength; j++ )
m_text[j + i * textLength] = text.charAt( j );
this.text[j + i * textLength] = text.charAt( j );
public int length()
return m_text.length;
return text.length;
public String read()
return read( 0, m_text.length );
return read( 0, text.length );
public String read( int start )
return read( start, m_text.length );
return read( start, text.length );
public String read( int start, int end )
start = Math.max( start, 0 );
end = Math.min( end, m_text.length );
end = Math.min( end, text.length );
int textLength = Math.max( end - start, 0 );
return new String( m_text, start, textLength );
return new String( text, start, textLength );
public void write( String text )
@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ public class TextBuffer
int pos = start;
start = Math.max( start, 0 );
end = Math.min( end, pos + text.length() );
end = Math.min( end, m_text.length );
end = Math.min( end, this.text.length );
for( int i = start; i < end; i++ )
m_text[i] = text.charAt( i - pos );
this.text[i] = text.charAt( i - pos );
@ -114,94 +114,94 @@ public class TextBuffer
int pos = start;
start = Math.max( start, 0 );
end = Math.min( end, pos + text.length() );
end = Math.min( end, m_text.length );
end = Math.min( end, this.text.length );
for( int i = start; i < end; i++ )
m_text[i] = text.charAt( i - pos );
this.text[i] = text.charAt( i - pos );
public void fill( char c )
fill( c, 0, m_text.length );
fill( c, 0, text.length );
public void fill( char c, int start )
fill( c, start, m_text.length );
fill( c, start, text.length );
public void fill( char c, int start, int end )
start = Math.max( start, 0 );
end = Math.min( end, m_text.length );
end = Math.min( end, text.length );
for( int i = start; i < end; i++ )
m_text[i] = c;
text[i] = c;
public void fill( String text )
fill( text, 0, m_text.length );
fill( text, 0, this.text.length );
public void fill( String text, int start )
fill( text, start, m_text.length );
fill( text, start, this.text.length );
public void fill( String text, int start, int end )
int pos = start;
start = Math.max( start, 0 );
end = Math.min( end, m_text.length );
end = Math.min( end, this.text.length );
int textLength = text.length();
for( int i = start; i < end; i++ )
m_text[i] = text.charAt( (i - pos) % textLength );
this.text[i] = text.charAt( (i - pos) % textLength );
public void fill( TextBuffer text )
fill( text, 0, m_text.length );
fill( text, 0, this.text.length );
public void fill( TextBuffer text, int start )
fill( text, start, m_text.length );
fill( text, start, this.text.length );
public void fill( TextBuffer text, int start, int end )
int pos = start;
start = Math.max( start, 0 );
end = Math.min( end, m_text.length );
end = Math.min( end, this.text.length );
int textLength = text.length();
for( int i = start; i < end; i++ )
m_text[i] = text.charAt( (i - pos) % textLength );
this.text[i] = text.charAt( (i - pos) % textLength );
public char charAt( int i )
return m_text[i];
return text[i];
public void setChar( int i, char c )
if( i >= 0 && i < m_text.length )
if( i >= 0 && i < text.length )
m_text[i] = c;
text[i] = c;
public String toString()
return new String( m_text );
return new String( text );

View File

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import dan200.computercraft.core.apis.http.options.Action;
import dan200.computercraft.core.apis.http.options.AddressRuleConfig;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.monitor.MonitorRenderer;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.Builder;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue;
import net.minecraftforge.eventbus.api.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingContext;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
@ -28,12 +30,6 @@ import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.Builder;
import static net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.Builder;
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeConfigSpec.ConfigValue;
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber( modid = ComputerCraft.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD )
public final class Config

View File

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ package dan200.computercraft.shared;
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.pocket.IPocketUpgrade;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectLinkedOpenCustomHashMap;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.Util;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.ModContainer;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingContext;
@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ import java.util.*;
public final class PocketUpgrades
private static final Map<String, IPocketUpgrade> upgrades = new HashMap<>();
private static final IdentityHashMap<IPocketUpgrade, String> upgradeOwners = new IdentityHashMap<>();
private static final Map<IPocketUpgrade, String> upgradeOwners = new Object2ObjectLinkedOpenCustomHashMap<>( Util.identityStrategy() );
private PocketUpgrades() {}

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.CreativeTabMain;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.FixedPointTileEntityType;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.ImpostorRecipe;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.util.ImpostorShapelessRecipe;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityClassification;
@ -81,8 +82,6 @@ import net.minecraftforge.registries.ForgeRegistries;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock;
@Mod.EventBusSubscriber( modid = ComputerCraft.MOD_ID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD )
public final class Registry

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@ -8,12 +8,17 @@ package dan200.computercraft.shared;
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.turtle.ITurtleUpgrade;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.computer.core.ComputerFamily;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectLinkedOpenCustomHashMap;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.Util;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.ModLoadingContext;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
public final class TurtleUpgrades
@ -37,7 +42,7 @@ public final class TurtleUpgrades
private static ITurtleUpgrade[] vanilla;
private static final Map<String, ITurtleUpgrade> upgrades = new HashMap<>();
private static final IdentityHashMap<ITurtleUpgrade, Wrapper> wrappers = new IdentityHashMap<>();
private static final Map<ITurtleUpgrade, Wrapper> wrappers = new Object2ObjectLinkedOpenCustomHashMap<>( Util.identityStrategy() );
private static boolean needsRebuild;
private TurtleUpgrades() {}

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.builder.HelpingArgumentBuilder
public class CommandBuilder<S> implements CommandNodeBuilder<S, Command<S>>
private List<ArgumentBuilder<S, ?>> args = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<ArgumentBuilder<S, ?>> args = new ArrayList<>();
private Predicate<S> requires;
public static CommandBuilder<CommandSource> args()

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@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Random;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public abstract class BlockGeneric extends Block
private final RegistryObject<? extends TileEntityType<? extends TileGeneric>> type;

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@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ import dan200.computercraft.shared.network.client.TerminalState;
public class ClientTerminal implements ITerminal
private boolean m_colour;
private Terminal m_terminal;
private boolean m_terminalChanged;
private boolean colour;
private Terminal terminal;
private boolean terminalChanged;
public ClientTerminal( boolean colour )
m_colour = colour;
m_terminal = null;
m_terminalChanged = false;
this.colour = colour;
terminal = null;
terminalChanged = false;
public boolean pollTerminalChanged()
boolean changed = m_terminalChanged;
m_terminalChanged = false;
boolean changed = terminalChanged;
terminalChanged = false;
return changed;
@ -33,22 +33,22 @@ public class ClientTerminal implements ITerminal
public Terminal getTerminal()
return m_terminal;
return terminal;
public boolean isColour()
return m_colour;
return colour;
public void read( TerminalState state )
m_colour = state.colour;
colour = state.colour;
if( state.hasTerminal() )
resizeTerminal( state.width, state.height );
state.apply( m_terminal );
state.apply( terminal );
@ -58,23 +58,23 @@ public class ClientTerminal implements ITerminal
private void resizeTerminal( int width, int height )
if( m_terminal == null )
if( terminal == null )
m_terminal = new Terminal( width, height, () -> m_terminalChanged = true );
m_terminalChanged = true;
terminal = new Terminal( width, height, () -> terminalChanged = true );
terminalChanged = true;
m_terminal.resize( width, height );
terminal.resize( width, height );
private void deleteTerminal()
if( m_terminal != null )
if( terminal != null )
m_terminal = null;
m_terminalChanged = true;
terminal = null;
terminalChanged = true;

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@ -12,74 +12,74 @@ import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
public class ServerTerminal implements ITerminal
private final boolean m_colour;
private Terminal m_terminal;
private final AtomicBoolean m_terminalChanged = new AtomicBoolean( false );
private boolean m_terminalChangedLastFrame = false;
private final boolean colour;
private Terminal terminal;
private final AtomicBoolean terminalChanged = new AtomicBoolean( false );
private boolean terminalChangedLastFrame = false;
public ServerTerminal( boolean colour )
m_colour = colour;
m_terminal = null;
this.colour = colour;
terminal = null;
public ServerTerminal( boolean colour, int terminalWidth, int terminalHeight )
m_colour = colour;
m_terminal = new Terminal( terminalWidth, terminalHeight, this::markTerminalChanged );
this.colour = colour;
terminal = new Terminal( terminalWidth, terminalHeight, this::markTerminalChanged );
protected void resize( int width, int height )
if( m_terminal == null )
if( terminal == null )
m_terminal = new Terminal( width, height, this::markTerminalChanged );
terminal = new Terminal( width, height, this::markTerminalChanged );
m_terminal.resize( width, height );
terminal.resize( width, height );
public void delete()
if( m_terminal != null )
if( terminal != null )
m_terminal = null;
terminal = null;
protected void markTerminalChanged()
m_terminalChanged.set( true );
terminalChanged.set( true );
public void update()
m_terminalChangedLastFrame = m_terminalChanged.getAndSet( false );
terminalChangedLastFrame = terminalChanged.getAndSet( false );
public boolean hasTerminalChanged()
return m_terminalChangedLastFrame;
return terminalChangedLastFrame;
public Terminal getTerminal()
return m_terminal;
return terminal;
public boolean isColour()
return m_colour;
return colour;
public TerminalState write()
return new TerminalState( m_colour, m_terminal );
return new TerminalState( colour, terminal );

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@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.RegistryObject;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockComputer extends BlockComputerBase<TileComputer>
public static final EnumProperty<ComputerState> STATE = EnumProperty.create( "state", ComputerState.class );

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@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.RegistryObject;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public abstract class BlockComputerBase<T extends TileComputerBase> extends BlockGeneric implements IBundledRedstoneBlock
private static final ResourceLocation DROP = new ResourceLocation( ComputerCraft.MOD_ID, "computer" );

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public final class ComputerProxy
ServerComputer computer = tile.getServerComputer();
if( computer == null )
tile.m_startOn = true;
tile.startOn = true;
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public final class ComputerProxy
ServerComputer computer = tile.getServerComputer();
if( computer == null )
tile.m_startOn = false;
tile.startOn = false;
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public final class ComputerProxy
ServerComputer computer = tile.getServerComputer();
if( computer == null )
tile.m_startOn = true;
tile.startOn = true;

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@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
private static final String NBT_LABEL = "Label";
private static final String NBT_ON = "On";
private int m_instanceID = -1;
private int m_computerID = -1;
private int instanceID = -1;
private int computerID = -1;
protected String label = null;
private boolean m_on = false;
boolean m_startOn = false;
private boolean m_fresh = false;
private boolean on = false;
boolean startOn = false;
private boolean fresh = false;
private final NonNullConsumer<LazyOptional<IPeripheral>>[] invalidate;
private final ComputerFamily family;
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
protected void unload()
if( m_instanceID >= 0 )
if( instanceID >= 0 )
if( !getLevel().isClientSide ) ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.remove( m_instanceID );
m_instanceID = -1;
if( !getLevel().isClientSide ) ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.remove( instanceID );
instanceID = -1;
@ -162,18 +162,18 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
if( computer == null ) return;
// If the computer isn't on and should be, then turn it on
if( m_startOn || (m_fresh && m_on) )
if( startOn || (fresh && on) )
m_startOn = false;
startOn = false;
m_fresh = false;
m_computerID = computer.getID();
fresh = false;
computerID = computer.getID();
label = computer.getLabel();
m_on = computer.isOn();
on = computer.isOn();
if( computer.hasOutputChanged() ) updateOutput();
@ -192,9 +192,9 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
public CompoundNBT save( @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
// Save ID, label and power state
if( m_computerID >= 0 ) nbt.putInt( NBT_ID, m_computerID );
if( computerID >= 0 ) nbt.putInt( NBT_ID, computerID );
if( label != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_LABEL, label );
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_ON, m_on );
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_ON, on );
return super.save( nbt );
@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
super.load( state, nbt );
// Load ID, label and power state
m_computerID = nbt.contains( NBT_ID ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_ID ) : -1;
computerID = nbt.contains( NBT_ID ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_ID ) : -1;
label = nbt.contains( NBT_LABEL ) ? nbt.getString( NBT_LABEL ) : null;
m_on = m_startOn = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_ON );
on = startOn = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_ON );
protected boolean isPeripheralBlockedOnSide( ComputerSide localSide )
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
public final int getComputerID()
return m_computerID;
return computerID;
@ -334,11 +334,11 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
public final void setComputerID( int id )
if( getLevel().isClientSide || m_computerID == id ) return;
if( getLevel().isClientSide || computerID == id ) return;
m_computerID = id;
computerID = id;
ServerComputer computer = getServerComputer();
if( computer != null ) computer.setID( m_computerID );
if( computer != null ) computer.setID( computerID );
@ -364,16 +364,16 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
if( getLevel().isClientSide ) return null;
boolean changed = false;
if( m_instanceID < 0 )
if( instanceID < 0 )
m_instanceID = ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.getUnusedInstanceID();
instanceID = ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.getUnusedInstanceID();
changed = true;
if( !ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.contains( m_instanceID ) )
if( !ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.contains( instanceID ) )
ServerComputer computer = createComputer( m_instanceID, m_computerID );
ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.add( m_instanceID, computer );
m_fresh = true;
ServerComputer computer = createComputer( instanceID, computerID );
ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.add( instanceID, computer );
fresh = true;
changed = true;
if( changed )
@ -381,12 +381,12 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
return ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.get( m_instanceID );
return ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.get( instanceID );
public ServerComputer getServerComputer()
return getLevel().isClientSide ? null : ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.get( m_instanceID );
return getLevel().isClientSide ? null : ComputerCraft.serverComputerRegistry.get( instanceID );
// Networking stuff
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
super.writeDescription( nbt );
if( label != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_LABEL, label );
if( m_computerID >= 0 ) nbt.putInt( NBT_ID, m_computerID );
if( computerID >= 0 ) nbt.putInt( NBT_ID, computerID );
@ -404,22 +404,22 @@ public abstract class TileComputerBase extends TileGeneric implements IComputerT
super.readDescription( nbt );
label = nbt.contains( NBT_LABEL ) ? nbt.getString( NBT_LABEL ) : null;
m_computerID = nbt.contains( NBT_ID ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_ID ) : -1;
computerID = nbt.contains( NBT_ID ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_ID ) : -1;
protected void transferStateFrom( TileComputerBase copy )
if( copy.m_computerID != m_computerID || copy.m_instanceID != m_instanceID )
if( copy.computerID != computerID || copy.instanceID != instanceID )
m_instanceID = copy.m_instanceID;
m_computerID = copy.m_computerID;
instanceID = copy.instanceID;
computerID = copy.computerID;
label = copy.label;
m_on = copy.m_on;
m_startOn = copy.m_startOn;
on = copy.on;
startOn = copy.startOn;
copy.m_instanceID = -1;
copy.instanceID = -1;

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@ -12,22 +12,21 @@ import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT;
public class ClientComputer extends ClientTerminal implements IComputer
private final int m_instanceID;
private boolean m_on = false;
private boolean m_blinking = false;
private CompoundNBT m_userData = null;
private final int instanceID;
private boolean on = false;
private boolean blinking = false;
private CompoundNBT userData = null;
public ClientComputer( int instanceID )
super( false );
m_instanceID = instanceID;
this.instanceID = instanceID;
public CompoundNBT getUserData()
return m_userData;
return userData;
public void requestState()
@ -41,89 +40,89 @@ public class ClientComputer extends ClientTerminal implements IComputer
public int getInstanceID()
return m_instanceID;
return instanceID;
public boolean isOn()
return m_on;
return on;
public boolean isCursorDisplayed()
return m_on && m_blinking;
return on && blinking;
public void turnOn()
// Send turnOn to server
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new ComputerActionServerMessage( m_instanceID, ComputerActionServerMessage.Action.TURN_ON ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new ComputerActionServerMessage( instanceID, ComputerActionServerMessage.Action.TURN_ON ) );
public void shutdown()
// Send shutdown to server
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new ComputerActionServerMessage( m_instanceID, ComputerActionServerMessage.Action.SHUTDOWN ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new ComputerActionServerMessage( instanceID, ComputerActionServerMessage.Action.SHUTDOWN ) );
public void reboot()
// Send reboot to server
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new ComputerActionServerMessage( m_instanceID, ComputerActionServerMessage.Action.REBOOT ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new ComputerActionServerMessage( instanceID, ComputerActionServerMessage.Action.REBOOT ) );
public void queueEvent( String event, Object[] arguments )
// Send event to server
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new QueueEventServerMessage( m_instanceID, event, arguments ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new QueueEventServerMessage( instanceID, event, arguments ) );
public void keyDown( int key, boolean repeat )
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new KeyEventServerMessage( m_instanceID, repeat ? KeyEventServerMessage.TYPE_REPEAT : KeyEventServerMessage.TYPE_DOWN, key ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new KeyEventServerMessage( instanceID, repeat ? KeyEventServerMessage.TYPE_REPEAT : KeyEventServerMessage.TYPE_DOWN, key ) );
public void keyUp( int key )
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new KeyEventServerMessage( m_instanceID, KeyEventServerMessage.TYPE_UP, key ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new KeyEventServerMessage( instanceID, KeyEventServerMessage.TYPE_UP, key ) );
public void mouseClick( int button, int x, int y )
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new MouseEventServerMessage( m_instanceID, MouseEventServerMessage.TYPE_CLICK, button, x, y ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new MouseEventServerMessage( instanceID, MouseEventServerMessage.TYPE_CLICK, button, x, y ) );
public void mouseUp( int button, int x, int y )
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new MouseEventServerMessage( m_instanceID, MouseEventServerMessage.TYPE_UP, button, x, y ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new MouseEventServerMessage( instanceID, MouseEventServerMessage.TYPE_UP, button, x, y ) );
public void mouseDrag( int button, int x, int y )
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new MouseEventServerMessage( m_instanceID, MouseEventServerMessage.TYPE_DRAG, button, x, y ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new MouseEventServerMessage( instanceID, MouseEventServerMessage.TYPE_DRAG, button, x, y ) );
public void mouseScroll( int direction, int x, int y )
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new MouseEventServerMessage( m_instanceID, MouseEventServerMessage.TYPE_SCROLL, direction, x, y ) );
NetworkHandler.sendToServer( new MouseEventServerMessage( instanceID, MouseEventServerMessage.TYPE_SCROLL, direction, x, y ) );
public void setState( ComputerState state, CompoundNBT userData )
m_on = state != ComputerState.OFF;
m_blinking = state == ComputerState.BLINKING;
m_userData = userData;
on = state != ComputerState.OFF;
blinking = state == ComputerState.BLINKING;
this.userData = userData;

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@ -12,38 +12,37 @@ import java.util.Random;
public class ComputerRegistry<T extends IComputer>
private Map<Integer, T> m_computers;
private int m_nextUnusedInstanceID;
private int m_sessionID;
private final Map<Integer, T> computers = new HashMap<>();
private int nextUnusedInstanceID;
private int sessionID;
protected ComputerRegistry()
m_computers = new HashMap<>();
public int getSessionID()
return m_sessionID;
return sessionID;
public int getUnusedInstanceID()
return m_nextUnusedInstanceID++;
return nextUnusedInstanceID++;
public Collection<T> getComputers()
return m_computers.values();
return computers.values();
public T get( int instanceID )
if( instanceID >= 0 )
if( m_computers.containsKey( instanceID ) )
if( computers.containsKey( instanceID ) )
return m_computers.get( instanceID );
return computers.get( instanceID );
return null;
@ -51,28 +50,28 @@ public class ComputerRegistry<T extends IComputer>
public boolean contains( int instanceID )
return m_computers.containsKey( instanceID );
return computers.containsKey( instanceID );
public void add( int instanceID, T computer )
if( m_computers.containsKey( instanceID ) )
if( computers.containsKey( instanceID ) )
remove( instanceID );
m_computers.put( instanceID, computer );
m_nextUnusedInstanceID = Math.max( m_nextUnusedInstanceID, instanceID + 1 );
computers.put( instanceID, computer );
nextUnusedInstanceID = Math.max( nextUnusedInstanceID, instanceID + 1 );
public void remove( int instanceID )
m_computers.remove( instanceID );
computers.remove( instanceID );
public void reset()
m_nextUnusedInstanceID = 0;
m_sessionID = new Random().nextInt();
nextUnusedInstanceID = 0;
sessionID = new Random().nextInt();

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@ -37,116 +37,109 @@ import java.io.InputStream;
public class ServerComputer extends ServerTerminal implements IComputer, IComputerEnvironment
private final int m_instanceID;
private final int instanceID;
private World m_world;
private BlockPos m_position;
private World world;
private BlockPos position;
private final ComputerFamily m_family;
private final Computer m_computer;
private CompoundNBT m_userData;
private boolean m_changed;
private final ComputerFamily family;
private final Computer computer;
private CompoundNBT userData;
private boolean changed;
private boolean m_changedLastFrame;
private int m_ticksSincePing;
private boolean changedLastFrame;
private int ticksSincePing;
public ServerComputer( World world, int computerID, String label, int instanceID, ComputerFamily family, int terminalWidth, int terminalHeight )
super( family != ComputerFamily.NORMAL, terminalWidth, terminalHeight );
m_instanceID = instanceID;
this.instanceID = instanceID;
m_world = world;
m_position = null;
m_family = family;
m_computer = new Computer( this, getTerminal(), computerID );
m_computer.setLabel( label );
m_userData = null;
m_changed = false;
m_changedLastFrame = false;
m_ticksSincePing = 0;
this.world = world;
this.family = family;
computer = new Computer( this, getTerminal(), computerID );
computer.setLabel( label );
public ComputerFamily getFamily()
return m_family;
return family;
public World getWorld()
return m_world;
return world;
public void setWorld( World world )
m_world = world;
this.world = world;
public BlockPos getPosition()
return m_position;
return position;
public void setPosition( BlockPos pos )
m_position = new BlockPos( pos );
position = new BlockPos( pos );
public IAPIEnvironment getAPIEnvironment()
return m_computer.getAPIEnvironment();
return computer.getAPIEnvironment();
public Computer getComputer()
return m_computer;
return computer;
public void update()
m_changedLastFrame = m_computer.pollAndResetChanged() || m_changed;
m_changed = false;
changedLastFrame = computer.pollAndResetChanged() || changed;
changed = false;
public void keepAlive()
m_ticksSincePing = 0;
ticksSincePing = 0;
public boolean hasTimedOut()
return m_ticksSincePing > 100;
return ticksSincePing > 100;
public boolean hasOutputChanged()
return m_changedLastFrame;
return changedLastFrame;
public void unload()
public CompoundNBT getUserData()
if( m_userData == null )
if( userData == null )
m_userData = new CompoundNBT();
userData = new CompoundNBT();
return m_userData;
return userData;
public void updateUserData()
m_changed = true;
changed = true;
private NetworkMessage createComputerPacket()
@ -204,7 +197,7 @@ public class ServerComputer extends ServerTerminal implements IComputer, IComput
public void setID( int id )
m_computer.setID( id );
computer.setID( id );
// IComputer
@ -212,97 +205,97 @@ public class ServerComputer extends ServerTerminal implements IComputer, IComput
public int getInstanceID()
return m_instanceID;
return instanceID;
public int getID()
return m_computer.getID();
return computer.getID();
public String getLabel()
return m_computer.getLabel();
return computer.getLabel();
public boolean isOn()
return m_computer.isOn();
return computer.isOn();
public boolean isCursorDisplayed()
return m_computer.isOn() && m_computer.isBlinking();
return computer.isOn() && computer.isBlinking();
public void turnOn()
// Turn on
public void shutdown()
// Shutdown
public void reboot()
// Reboot
public void queueEvent( String event, Object[] arguments )
// Queue event
m_computer.queueEvent( event, arguments );
computer.queueEvent( event, arguments );
public int getRedstoneOutput( ComputerSide side )
return m_computer.getEnvironment().getExternalRedstoneOutput( side );
return computer.getEnvironment().getExternalRedstoneOutput( side );
public void setRedstoneInput( ComputerSide side, int level )
m_computer.getEnvironment().setRedstoneInput( side, level );
computer.getEnvironment().setRedstoneInput( side, level );
public int getBundledRedstoneOutput( ComputerSide side )
return m_computer.getEnvironment().getExternalBundledRedstoneOutput( side );
return computer.getEnvironment().getExternalBundledRedstoneOutput( side );
public void setBundledRedstoneInput( ComputerSide side, int combination )
m_computer.getEnvironment().setBundledRedstoneInput( side, combination );
computer.getEnvironment().setBundledRedstoneInput( side, combination );
public void addAPI( ILuaAPI api )
m_computer.addApi( api );
computer.addApi( api );
public void setPeripheral( ComputerSide side, IPeripheral peripheral )
m_computer.getEnvironment().setPeripheral( side, peripheral );
computer.getEnvironment().setPeripheral( side, peripheral );
public IPeripheral getPeripheral( ComputerSide side )
return m_computer.getEnvironment().getPeripheral( side );
return computer.getEnvironment().getPeripheral( side );
public void setLabel( String label )
m_computer.setLabel( label );
computer.setLabel( label );
// IComputerEnvironment implementation
@ -310,19 +303,19 @@ public class ServerComputer extends ServerTerminal implements IComputer, IComput
public double getTimeOfDay()
return (m_world.getDayTime() + 6000) % 24000 / 1000.0;
return (world.getDayTime() + 6000) % 24000 / 1000.0;
public int getDay()
return (int) ((m_world.getDayTime() + 6000) / 24000) + 1;
return (int) ((world.getDayTime() + 6000) / 24000) + 1;
public IWritableMount createSaveDirMount( String subPath, long capacity )
return ComputerCraftAPI.createSaveDirMount( m_world, subPath, capacity );
return ComputerCraftAPI.createSaveDirMount( world, subPath, capacity );
@ -360,7 +353,7 @@ public class ServerComputer extends ServerTerminal implements IComputer, IComput
public int assignNewID()
return ComputerCraftAPI.createUniqueNumberedSaveDir( m_world, "computer" );
return ComputerCraftAPI.createUniqueNumberedSaveDir( world, "computer" );

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@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import net.minecraft.util.text.StringTextComponent;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import net.minecraft.item.Item.Properties;
public class ItemComputer extends ItemComputerBase
public ItemComputer( BlockComputer block, Properties settings )

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@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.item.Item.Properties;
public abstract class ItemComputerBase extends BlockItem implements IComputerItem, IMedia
private final ComputerFamily family;

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@ -15,8 +15,6 @@ import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.computer.recipe.ComputerFamilyRecipe.Serializer;
public class ComputerUpgradeRecipe extends ComputerFamilyRecipe
public ComputerUpgradeRecipe( ResourceLocation identifier, String group, int width, int height, NonNullList<Ingredient> ingredients, ItemStack result, ComputerFamily family )

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@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.loot.conditions.ILootCondition.IBuilder;
* A loot condition which checks if the tile entity has a name.

View File

@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.loot.conditions.ILootCondition.IBuilder;
* A loot condition which checks if the tile entity has has a non-0 ID.

View File

@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import net.minecraft.loot.conditions.ILootCondition.IBuilder;
* A loot condition which checks if the entity is in creative mode.

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@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.item.Item.Properties;
public class ItemDisk extends Item implements IMedia, IColouredItem
private static final String NBT_ID = "DiskId";

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@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import net.minecraft.world.World;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.item.Item.Properties;
public class ItemPrintout extends Item
private static final String NBT_TITLE = "Title";

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@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.item.Item.Properties;
public class ItemTreasureDisk extends Item implements IMedia
private static final String NBT_TITLE = "Title";

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@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ import dan200.computercraft.shared.command.text.TableBuilder;
import dan200.computercraft.shared.network.NetworkMessage;
import net.minecraft.network.PacketBuffer;
import net.minecraft.util.text.ITextComponent;
import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist;
import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.network.NetworkEvent;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
@ -80,7 +78,6 @@ public class ChatTableClientMessage implements NetworkMessage
@OnlyIn( Dist.CLIENT )
public void handle( NetworkEvent.Context context )
ClientTableFormatter.INSTANCE.display( table );

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@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ import net.minecraft.world.World;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockDiskDrive extends BlockGeneric
static final DirectionProperty FACING = BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING;

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@ -59,18 +59,18 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
ITextComponent customName;
private final Map<IComputerAccess, MountInfo> m_computers = new HashMap<>();
private final Map<IComputerAccess, MountInfo> computers = new HashMap<>();
private ItemStack m_diskStack = ItemStack.EMPTY;
private ItemStack diskStack = ItemStack.EMPTY;
private LazyOptional<IItemHandlerModifiable> itemHandlerCap;
private LazyOptional<IPeripheral> peripheralCap;
private IMount m_diskMount = null;
private IMount diskMount = null;
private boolean m_recordQueued = false;
private boolean m_recordPlaying = false;
private boolean m_restartRecord = false;
private boolean m_ejectQueued;
private boolean recordQueued = false;
private boolean recordPlaying = false;
private boolean restartRecord = false;
private boolean ejectQueued;
public TileDiskDrive( TileEntityType<TileDiskDrive> type )
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
public void destroy()
ejectContents( true );
if( m_recordPlaying ) stopRecord();
if( recordPlaying ) stopRecord();
@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
if( nbt.contains( NBT_ITEM ) )
CompoundNBT item = nbt.getCompound( NBT_ITEM );
m_diskStack = ItemStack.of( item );
m_diskMount = null;
diskStack = ItemStack.of( item );
diskMount = null;
@ -140,10 +140,10 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
if( customName != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_NAME, ITextComponent.Serializer.toJson( customName ) );
if( !m_diskStack.isEmpty() )
if( !diskStack.isEmpty() )
CompoundNBT item = new CompoundNBT();
m_diskStack.save( item );
diskStack.save( item );
nbt.put( NBT_ITEM, item );
return super.save( nbt );
@ -153,36 +153,36 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
public void tick()
// Ejection
if( m_ejectQueued )
if( ejectQueued )
ejectContents( false );
m_ejectQueued = false;
ejectQueued = false;
// Music
synchronized( this )
if( !level.isClientSide && m_recordPlaying != m_recordQueued || m_restartRecord )
if( !level.isClientSide && recordPlaying != recordQueued || restartRecord )
m_restartRecord = false;
if( m_recordQueued )
restartRecord = false;
if( recordQueued )
IMedia contents = getDiskMedia();
SoundEvent record = contents != null ? contents.getAudio( m_diskStack ) : null;
SoundEvent record = contents != null ? contents.getAudio( diskStack ) : null;
if( record != null )
m_recordPlaying = true;
recordPlaying = true;
m_recordQueued = false;
recordQueued = false;
m_recordPlaying = false;
recordPlaying = false;
@ -199,23 +199,23 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
public boolean isEmpty()
return m_diskStack.isEmpty();
return diskStack.isEmpty();
public ItemStack getItem( int slot )
return m_diskStack;
return diskStack;
public ItemStack removeItemNoUpdate( int slot )
ItemStack result = m_diskStack;
m_diskStack = ItemStack.EMPTY;
m_diskMount = null;
ItemStack result = diskStack;
diskStack = ItemStack.EMPTY;
diskMount = null;
return result;
@ -224,17 +224,17 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
public ItemStack removeItem( int slot, int count )
if( m_diskStack.isEmpty() ) return ItemStack.EMPTY;
if( diskStack.isEmpty() ) return ItemStack.EMPTY;
if( m_diskStack.getCount() <= count )
if( diskStack.getCount() <= count )
ItemStack disk = m_diskStack;
ItemStack disk = diskStack;
setItem( slot, ItemStack.EMPTY );
return disk;
ItemStack part = m_diskStack.split( count );
setItem( slot, m_diskStack.isEmpty() ? ItemStack.EMPTY : m_diskStack );
ItemStack part = diskStack.split( count );
setItem( slot, diskStack.isEmpty() ? ItemStack.EMPTY : diskStack );
return part;
@ -243,45 +243,45 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
if( getLevel().isClientSide )
m_diskStack = stack;
m_diskMount = null;
diskStack = stack;
diskMount = null;
synchronized( this )
if( InventoryUtil.areItemsStackable( stack, m_diskStack ) )
if( InventoryUtil.areItemsStackable( stack, diskStack ) )
m_diskStack = stack;
diskStack = stack;
// Unmount old disk
if( !m_diskStack.isEmpty() )
if( !diskStack.isEmpty() )
// TODO: Is this iteration thread safe?
Set<IComputerAccess> computers = m_computers.keySet();
Set<IComputerAccess> computers = this.computers.keySet();
for( IComputerAccess computer : computers ) unmountDisk( computer );
// Stop music
if( m_recordPlaying )
if( recordPlaying )
m_recordPlaying = false;
m_recordQueued = false;
recordPlaying = false;
recordQueued = false;
// Swap disk over
m_diskStack = stack;
m_diskMount = null;
diskStack = stack;
diskMount = null;
// Mount new disk
if( !m_diskStack.isEmpty() )
if( !diskStack.isEmpty() )
Set<IComputerAccess> computers = m_computers.keySet();
Set<IComputerAccess> computers = this.computers.keySet();
for( IComputerAccess computer : computers ) mountDisk( computer );
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
synchronized( this )
MountInfo info = m_computers.get( computer );
MountInfo info = computers.get( computer );
return info != null ? info.mountPath : null;
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
synchronized( this )
m_computers.put( computer, new MountInfo() );
computers.put( computer, new MountInfo() );
mountDisk( computer );
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
synchronized( this )
unmountDisk( computer );
m_computers.remove( computer );
computers.remove( computer );
@ -354,10 +354,10 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
synchronized( this )
IMedia media = getDiskMedia();
if( media != null && media.getAudioTitle( m_diskStack ) != null )
if( media != null && media.getAudioTitle( diskStack ) != null )
m_recordQueued = true;
m_restartRecord = m_recordPlaying;
recordQueued = true;
restartRecord = recordPlaying;
@ -366,8 +366,8 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
synchronized( this )
m_recordQueued = false;
m_restartRecord = false;
recordQueued = false;
restartRecord = false;
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
synchronized( this )
m_ejectQueued = true;
ejectQueued = true;
@ -383,25 +383,25 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
private synchronized void mountDisk( IComputerAccess computer )
if( !m_diskStack.isEmpty() )
if( !diskStack.isEmpty() )
MountInfo info = m_computers.get( computer );
MountInfo info = computers.get( computer );
IMedia contents = getDiskMedia();
if( contents != null )
if( m_diskMount == null )
if( diskMount == null )
m_diskMount = contents.createDataMount( m_diskStack, getLevel() );
diskMount = contents.createDataMount( diskStack, getLevel() );
if( m_diskMount != null )
if( diskMount != null )
if( m_diskMount instanceof IWritableMount )
if( diskMount instanceof IWritableMount )
// Try mounting at the lowest numbered "disk" name we can
int n = 1;
while( info.mountPath == null )
info.mountPath = computer.mountWritable( n == 1 ? "disk" : "disk" + n, (IWritableMount) m_diskMount );
info.mountPath = computer.mountWritable( n == 1 ? "disk" : "disk" + n, (IWritableMount) diskMount );
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
int n = 1;
while( info.mountPath == null )
info.mountPath = computer.mount( n == 1 ? "disk" : "disk" + n, m_diskMount );
info.mountPath = computer.mount( n == 1 ? "disk" : "disk" + n, diskMount );
@ -427,9 +427,9 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
private synchronized void unmountDisk( IComputerAccess computer )
if( !m_diskStack.isEmpty() )
if( !diskStack.isEmpty() )
MountInfo info = m_computers.get( computer );
MountInfo info = computers.get( computer );
assert info != null;
if( info.mountPath != null )
@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
if( remove ) return;
if( !m_diskStack.isEmpty() )
if( !diskStack.isEmpty() )
IMedia contents = getDiskMedia();
updateBlockState( contents != null ? DiskDriveState.FULL : DiskDriveState.INVALID );
@ -465,10 +465,10 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
private synchronized void ejectContents( boolean destroyed )
if( getLevel().isClientSide || m_diskStack.isEmpty() ) return;
if( getLevel().isClientSide || diskStack.isEmpty() ) return;
// Remove the disks from the inventory
ItemStack disks = m_diskStack;
ItemStack disks = diskStack;
setDiskStack( ItemStack.EMPTY );
// Spawn the item in the world
@ -497,10 +497,10 @@ public final class TileDiskDrive extends TileGeneric implements DefaultInventory
private void playRecord()
IMedia contents = getDiskMedia();
SoundEvent record = contents != null ? contents.getAudio( m_diskStack ) : null;
SoundEvent record = contents != null ? contents.getAudio( diskStack ) : null;
if( record != null )
RecordUtil.playRecord( record, contents.getAudioTitle( m_diskStack ), getLevel(), getBlockPos() );
RecordUtil.playRecord( record, contents.getAudioTitle( diskStack ), getLevel(), getBlockPos() );

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public class InventoryMethods implements GenericSource
* Get detailed information about an item.
* @param inventory The current inventory.
* @param slot The slot to get information about.
* @param slot The slot to get information about.
* @return Information about the item in this slot, or {@code nil} if not present.
* @throws LuaException If the slot is out of range.
* @cc.treturn table Information about the item in this slot, or {@code nil} if not present.
@ -111,17 +111,16 @@ public class InventoryMethods implements GenericSource
* This allows you to push an item in an inventory to another inventory <em>on the same wired network</em>. Both
* inventories must attached to wired modems which are connected via a cable.
* @param from Inventory to move items from.
* @param from Inventory to move items from.
* @param computer The current computer.
* @param toName The name of the peripheral/inventory to push to. This is the string given to @{peripheral.wrap},
* and displayed by the wired modem.
* @param toName The name of the peripheral/inventory to push to. This is the string given to @{peripheral.wrap},
* and displayed by the wired modem.
* @param fromSlot The slot in the current inventory to move items to.
* @param limit The maximum number of items to move. Defaults to the current stack limit.
* @param toSlot The slot in the target inventory to move to. If not given, the item will be inserted into any slot.
* @param limit The maximum number of items to move. Defaults to the current stack limit.
* @param toSlot The slot in the target inventory to move to. If not given, the item will be inserted into any slot.
* @return The number of transferred items.
* @throws LuaException If the peripheral to transfer to doesn't exist or isn't an inventory.
* @throws LuaException If either source or destination slot is out of range.
* @cc.see peripheral.getName Allows you to get the name of a @{peripheral.wrap|wrapped} peripheral.
* @cc.usage Wrap two chests, and push an item from one to another.
* <pre>{@code
@ -159,17 +158,16 @@ public class InventoryMethods implements GenericSource
* This allows you to transfer items between inventories <em>on the same wired network</em>. Both this and the source
* inventory must attached to wired modems which are connected via a cable.
* @param to Inventory to move items to.
* @param to Inventory to move items to.
* @param computer The current computer.
* @param fromName The name of the peripheral/inventory to pull from. This is the string given to @{peripheral.wrap},
* and displayed by the wired modem.
* and displayed by the wired modem.
* @param fromSlot The slot in the source inventory to move items from.
* @param limit The maximum number of items to move. Defaults to the current stack limit.
* @param toSlot The slot in current inventory to move to. If not given, the item will be inserted into any slot.
* @param limit The maximum number of items to move. Defaults to the current stack limit.
* @param toSlot The slot in current inventory to move to. If not given, the item will be inserted into any slot.
* @return The number of transferred items.
* @throws LuaException If the peripheral to transfer to doesn't exist or isn't an inventory.
* @throws LuaException If either source or destination slot is out of range.
* @cc.see peripheral.getName Allows you to get the name of a @{peripheral.wrap|wrapped} peripheral.
* @cc.usage Wrap two chests, and push an item from one to another.
* <pre>{@code

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@ -27,32 +27,32 @@ import java.util.Set;
public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPacketReceiver
private IPacketNetwork m_network;
private final Set<IComputerAccess> m_computers = new HashSet<>( 1 );
private final ModemState m_state;
private IPacketNetwork network;
private final Set<IComputerAccess> computers = new HashSet<>( 1 );
private final ModemState state;
protected ModemPeripheral( ModemState state )
m_state = state;
this.state = state;
public ModemState getModemState()
return m_state;
return state;
private synchronized void setNetwork( IPacketNetwork network )
if( m_network == network ) return;
if( this.network == network ) return;
// Leave old network
if( m_network != null ) m_network.removeReceiver( this );
if( this.network != null ) this.network.removeReceiver( this );
// Set new network
m_network = network;
this.network = network;
// Join new network
if( m_network != null ) m_network.addReceiver( this );
if( this.network != null ) this.network.addReceiver( this );
public void destroy()
@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public void receiveSameDimension( @Nonnull Packet packet, double distance )
if( packet.getSender() == this || !m_state.isOpen( packet.getChannel() ) ) return;
if( packet.getSender() == this || !state.isOpen( packet.getChannel() ) ) return;
synchronized( m_computers )
synchronized( computers )
for( IComputerAccess computer : m_computers )
for( IComputerAccess computer : computers )
computer.queueEvent( "modem_message",
computer.getAttachmentName(), packet.getChannel(), packet.getReplyChannel(), packet.getPayload(), distance );
@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public void receiveDifferentDimension( @Nonnull Packet packet )
if( packet.getSender() == this || !m_state.isOpen( packet.getChannel() ) ) return;
if( packet.getSender() == this || !state.isOpen( packet.getChannel() ) ) return;
synchronized( m_computers )
synchronized( computers )
for( IComputerAccess computer : m_computers )
for( IComputerAccess computer : computers )
computer.queueEvent( "modem_message",
computer.getAttachmentName(), packet.getChannel(), packet.getReplyChannel(), packet.getPayload() );
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public final void open( int channel ) throws LuaException
m_state.open( parseChannel( channel ) );
state.open( parseChannel( channel ) );
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public final boolean isOpen( int channel ) throws LuaException
return m_state.isOpen( parseChannel( channel ) );
return state.isOpen( parseChannel( channel ) );
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public final void close( int channel ) throws LuaException
m_state.close( parseChannel( channel ) );
state.close( parseChannel( channel ) );
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public final void closeAll()
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
World world = getWorld();
Vector3d position = getPosition();
IPacketNetwork network = m_network;
IPacketNetwork network = this.network;
if( world == null || position == null || network == null ) return;
@ -198,16 +198,16 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public final boolean isWireless()
IPacketNetwork network = m_network;
IPacketNetwork network = this.network;
return network != null && network.isWireless();
public synchronized void attach( @Nonnull IComputerAccess computer )
synchronized( m_computers )
synchronized( computers )
m_computers.add( computer );
computers.add( computer );
setNetwork( getNetwork() );
@ -217,10 +217,10 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public synchronized void detach( @Nonnull IComputerAccess computer )
boolean empty;
synchronized( m_computers )
synchronized( computers )
m_computers.remove( computer );
empty = m_computers.isEmpty();
computers.remove( computer );
empty = computers.isEmpty();
if( empty ) setNetwork( null );
@ -230,15 +230,15 @@ public abstract class ModemPeripheral implements IPeripheral, IPacketSender, IPa
public String getSenderID()
synchronized( m_computers )
synchronized( computers )
if( m_computers.size() != 1 )
if( computers.size() != 1 )
return "unknown";
IComputerAccess computer = m_computers.iterator().next();
IComputerAccess computer = computers.iterator().next();
return computer.getID() + "_" + computer.getAttachmentName();

View File

@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ import java.util.EnumMap;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.util.WaterloggableHelpers.*;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockCable extends BlockGeneric implements IWaterLoggable
public static final EnumProperty<CableModemVariant> MODEM = EnumProperty.create( "modem", CableModemVariant.class );

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@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.state.BooleanProperty;
import net.minecraft.state.StateContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockWiredModemFull extends BlockGeneric
public static final BooleanProperty MODEM_ON = BooleanProperty.create( "modem" );

View File

@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.peripheral.modem.wired.BlockCable.*;
import net.minecraft.item.Item.Properties;
public abstract class ItemBlockCable extends BlockItem
private String translationKey;

View File

@ -67,38 +67,38 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
protected void attachPeripheral( String name, IPeripheral peripheral )
m_modem.attachPeripheral( name, peripheral );
modem.attachPeripheral( name, peripheral );
protected void detachPeripheral( String name )
m_modem.detachPeripheral( name );
modem.detachPeripheral( name );
private boolean m_peripheralAccessAllowed;
private final WiredModemLocalPeripheral m_peripheral = new WiredModemLocalPeripheral( this::refreshPeripheral );
private boolean peripheralAccessAllowed;
private final WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral = new WiredModemLocalPeripheral( this::refreshPeripheral );
private boolean m_destroyed = false;
private boolean destroyed = false;
private Direction modemDirection = Direction.NORTH;
private boolean hasModemDirection = false;
private boolean m_connectionsFormed = false;
private boolean connectionsFormed = false;
private final WiredModemElement m_cable = new CableElement();
private final WiredModemElement cable = new CableElement();
private LazyOptional<IWiredElement> elementCap;
private final IWiredNode m_node = m_cable.getNode();
private final WiredModemPeripheral m_modem = new WiredModemPeripheral(
private final IWiredNode node = cable.getNode();
private final WiredModemPeripheral modem = new WiredModemPeripheral(
new ModemState( () -> TickScheduler.schedule( this ) ),
protected WiredModemLocalPeripheral getLocalPeripheral()
return m_peripheral;
return peripheral;
@ -129,18 +129,18 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
if( level == null || !level.isClientSide )
m_connectionsFormed = false;
connectionsFormed = false;
public void destroy()
if( !m_destroyed )
if( !destroyed )
m_destroyed = true;
destroyed = true;
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
public void onNeighbourTileEntityChange( @Nonnull BlockPos neighbour )
super.onNeighbourTileEntityChange( neighbour );
if( !level.isClientSide && m_peripheralAccessAllowed )
if( !level.isClientSide && peripheralAccessAllowed )
Direction facing = getDirection();
if( getBlockPos().relative( facing ).equals( neighbour ) ) refreshPeripheral();
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
private void refreshPeripheral()
if( level != null && !isRemoved() && m_peripheral.attach( level, getBlockPos(), getDirection() ) )
if( level != null && !isRemoved() && peripheral.attach( level, getBlockPos(), getDirection() ) )
@ -260,9 +260,9 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
if( getLevel().isClientSide ) return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
String oldName = m_peripheral.getConnectedName();
String oldName = peripheral.getConnectedName();
String newName = m_peripheral.getConnectedName();
String newName = peripheral.getConnectedName();
if( !Objects.equal( newName, oldName ) )
if( oldName != null )
@ -284,16 +284,16 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
public void load( @Nonnull BlockState state, @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
super.load( state, nbt );
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED );
m_peripheral.read( nbt, "" );
peripheralAccessAllowed = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED );
peripheral.read( nbt, "" );
public CompoundNBT save( CompoundNBT nbt )
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED, m_peripheralAccessAllowed );
m_peripheral.write( nbt, "" );
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED, peripheralAccessAllowed );
peripheral.write( nbt, "" );
return super.save( nbt );
@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
BlockState state = getBlockState();
CableModemVariant oldVariant = state.getValue( BlockCable.MODEM );
CableModemVariant newVariant = CableModemVariant
.from( oldVariant.getFacing(), m_modem.getModemState().isOpen(), m_peripheralAccessAllowed );
.from( oldVariant.getFacing(), modem.getModemState().isOpen(), peripheralAccessAllowed );
if( oldVariant != newVariant )
@ -324,16 +324,16 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
elementCap = CapabilityUtil.invalidate( elementCap );
if( m_modem.getModemState().pollChanged() ) updateBlockState();
if( modem.getModemState().pollChanged() ) updateBlockState();
if( !m_connectionsFormed )
if( !connectionsFormed )
m_connectionsFormed = true;
connectionsFormed = true;
if( m_peripheralAccessAllowed )
if( peripheralAccessAllowed )
m_peripheral.attach( level, worldPosition, modemDirection );
peripheral.attach( level, worldPosition, modemDirection );
@ -359,12 +359,12 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
if( BlockCable.canConnectIn( state, facing ) )
// If we can connect to it then do so
m_node.connectTo( node );
this.node.connectTo( node );
else if( m_node.getNetwork() == node.getNetwork() )
else if( this.node.getNetwork() == node.getNetwork() )
// Otherwise if we're on the same network then attempt to void it.
m_node.disconnectFrom( node );
this.node.disconnectFrom( node );
@ -378,11 +378,11 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
// If we can no longer attach peripherals, then detach any
// which may have existed
if( !canAttachPeripheral() && m_peripheralAccessAllowed )
if( !canAttachPeripheral() && peripheralAccessAllowed )
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
m_node.updatePeripherals( Collections.emptyMap() );
peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
node.updatePeripherals( Collections.emptyMap() );
@ -390,20 +390,20 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
private void togglePeripheralAccess()
if( !m_peripheralAccessAllowed )
if( !peripheralAccessAllowed )
m_peripheral.attach( level, getBlockPos(), getDirection() );
if( !m_peripheral.hasPeripheral() ) return;
peripheral.attach( level, getBlockPos(), getDirection() );
if( !peripheral.hasPeripheral() ) return;
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = true;
m_node.updatePeripherals( m_peripheral.toMap() );
peripheralAccessAllowed = true;
node.updatePeripherals( peripheral.toMap() );
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
m_node.updatePeripherals( Collections.emptyMap() );
peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
node.updatePeripherals( Collections.emptyMap() );
@ -411,15 +411,15 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
private void updateConnectedPeripherals()
Map<String, IPeripheral> peripherals = m_peripheral.toMap();
Map<String, IPeripheral> peripherals = peripheral.toMap();
if( peripherals.isEmpty() )
// If there are no peripherals then disable access and update the display state.
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
m_node.updatePeripherals( peripherals );
node.updatePeripherals( peripherals );
@ -428,8 +428,8 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
if( capability == CAPABILITY_WIRED_ELEMENT )
if( m_destroyed || !BlockCable.canConnectIn( getBlockState(), side ) ) return LazyOptional.empty();
if( elementCap == null ) elementCap = LazyOptional.of( () -> m_cable );
if( destroyed || !BlockCable.canConnectIn( getBlockState(), side ) ) return LazyOptional.empty();
if( elementCap == null ) elementCap = LazyOptional.of( () -> cable );
return elementCap.cast();
@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ public class TileCable extends TileGeneric
if( side != null && getMaybeDirection() != side ) return LazyOptional.empty();
if( modemCap == null ) modemCap = LazyOptional.of( () -> m_modem );
if( modemCap == null ) modemCap = LazyOptional.of( () -> modem );
return modemCap.cast();

View File

@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
private static final class FullElement extends WiredModemElement
private final TileWiredModemFull m_entity;
private final TileWiredModemFull entity;
private FullElement( TileWiredModemFull entity )
m_entity = entity;
this.entity = entity;
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
WiredModemPeripheral modem = m_entity.modems[i];
WiredModemPeripheral modem = entity.modems[i];
if( modem != null ) modem.attachPeripheral( name, peripheral );
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
WiredModemPeripheral modem = m_entity.modems[i];
WiredModemPeripheral modem = entity.modems[i];
if( modem != null ) modem.detachPeripheral( name );
@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
public World getWorld()
return m_entity.getLevel();
return entity.getLevel();
public Vector3d getPosition()
BlockPos pos = m_entity.getBlockPos();
BlockPos pos = entity.getBlockPos();
return new Vector3d( pos.getX() + 0.5, pos.getY() + 0.5, pos.getZ() + 0.5 );
@ -95,26 +95,26 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
private final WiredModemPeripheral[] modems = new WiredModemPeripheral[6];
private final SidedCaps<IPeripheral> modemCaps = SidedCaps.ofNonNull( this::getPeripheral );
private boolean m_peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
private final WiredModemLocalPeripheral[] m_peripherals = new WiredModemLocalPeripheral[6];
private boolean peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
private final WiredModemLocalPeripheral[] peripherals = new WiredModemLocalPeripheral[6];
private boolean m_destroyed = false;
private boolean m_connectionsFormed = false;
private boolean destroyed = false;
private boolean connectionsFormed = false;
private final ModemState m_modemState = new ModemState( () -> TickScheduler.schedule( this ) );
private final WiredModemElement m_element = new FullElement( this );
private final ModemState modemState = new ModemState( () -> TickScheduler.schedule( this ) );
private final WiredModemElement element = new FullElement( this );
private LazyOptional<IWiredElement> elementCap;
private final IWiredNode m_node = m_element.getNode();
private final IWiredNode node = element.getNode();
private final NonNullConsumer<LazyOptional<IWiredElement>> connectedNodeChanged = x -> connectionsChanged();
public TileWiredModemFull( TileEntityType<TileWiredModemFull> type )
super( type );
for( int i = 0; i < m_peripherals.length; i++ )
for( int i = 0; i < peripherals.length; i++ )
Direction facing = Direction.from3DDataValue( i );
m_peripherals[i] = new WiredModemLocalPeripheral( () -> refreshPeripheral( facing ) );
peripherals[i] = new WiredModemLocalPeripheral( () -> refreshPeripheral( facing ) );
@ -122,17 +122,17 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
if( level == null || !level.isClientSide )
m_connectionsFormed = false;
connectionsFormed = false;
public void destroy()
if( !m_destroyed )
if( !destroyed )
m_destroyed = true;
destroyed = true;
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
public void onNeighbourTileEntityChange( @Nonnull BlockPos neighbour )
if( !level.isClientSide && m_peripheralAccessAllowed )
if( !level.isClientSide && peripheralAccessAllowed )
for( Direction facing : DirectionUtil.FACINGS )
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
private void refreshPeripheral( @Nonnull Direction facing )
WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral = m_peripherals[facing.ordinal()];
WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral = peripherals[facing.ordinal()];
if( level != null && !isRemoved() && peripheral.attach( level, getBlockPos(), facing ) )
@ -228,23 +228,23 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
public void load( @Nonnull BlockState state, @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
super.load( state, nbt );
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED );
for( int i = 0; i < m_peripherals.length; i++ ) m_peripherals[i].read( nbt, Integer.toString( i ) );
peripheralAccessAllowed = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED );
for( int i = 0; i < peripherals.length; i++ ) peripherals[i].read( nbt, Integer.toString( i ) );
public CompoundNBT save( CompoundNBT nbt )
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED, m_peripheralAccessAllowed );
for( int i = 0; i < m_peripherals.length; i++ ) m_peripherals[i].write( nbt, Integer.toString( i ) );
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_PERIPHERAL_ENABLED, peripheralAccessAllowed );
for( int i = 0; i < peripherals.length; i++ ) peripherals[i].write( nbt, Integer.toString( i ) );
return super.save( nbt );
private void updateBlockState()
BlockState state = getBlockState();
boolean modemOn = m_modemState.isOpen(), peripheralOn = m_peripheralAccessAllowed;
boolean modemOn = modemState.isOpen(), peripheralOn = peripheralAccessAllowed;
if( state.getValue( MODEM_ON ) == modemOn && state.getValue( PERIPHERAL_ON ) == peripheralOn ) return;
getLevel().setBlockAndUpdate( getBlockPos(), state.setValue( MODEM_ON, modemOn ).setValue( PERIPHERAL_ON, peripheralOn ) );
@ -262,18 +262,18 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
if( getLevel().isClientSide ) return;
if( m_modemState.pollChanged() ) updateBlockState();
if( modemState.pollChanged() ) updateBlockState();
if( !m_connectionsFormed )
if( !connectionsFormed )
m_connectionsFormed = true;
connectionsFormed = true;
if( m_peripheralAccessAllowed )
if( peripheralAccessAllowed )
for( Direction facing : DirectionUtil.FACINGS )
m_peripherals[facing.ordinal()].attach( level, getBlockPos(), facing );
peripherals[facing.ordinal()].attach( level, getBlockPos(), facing );
@ -295,33 +295,33 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
if( !element.isPresent() ) continue;
element.addListener( connectedNodeChanged );
m_node.connectTo( element.orElseThrow( NullPointerException::new ).getNode() );
node.connectTo( element.orElseThrow( NullPointerException::new ).getNode() );
private void togglePeripheralAccess()
if( !m_peripheralAccessAllowed )
if( !peripheralAccessAllowed )
boolean hasAny = false;
for( Direction facing : DirectionUtil.FACINGS )
WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral = m_peripherals[facing.ordinal()];
WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral = peripherals[facing.ordinal()];
peripheral.attach( level, getBlockPos(), facing );
hasAny |= peripheral.hasPeripheral();
if( !hasAny ) return;
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = true;
m_node.updatePeripherals( getConnectedPeripherals() );
peripheralAccessAllowed = true;
node.updatePeripherals( getConnectedPeripherals() );
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
for( WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral : m_peripherals ) peripheral.detach();
m_node.updatePeripherals( Collections.emptyMap() );
for( WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral : peripherals ) peripheral.detach();
node.updatePeripherals( Collections.emptyMap() );
@ -329,10 +329,10 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
private Set<String> getConnectedPeripheralNames()
if( !m_peripheralAccessAllowed ) return Collections.emptySet();
if( !peripheralAccessAllowed ) return Collections.emptySet();
Set<String> peripherals = new HashSet<>( 6 );
for( WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral : m_peripherals )
for( WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral : this.peripherals )
String name = peripheral.getConnectedName();
if( name != null ) peripherals.add( name );
@ -342,10 +342,10 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
private Map<String, IPeripheral> getConnectedPeripherals()
if( !m_peripheralAccessAllowed ) return Collections.emptyMap();
if( !peripheralAccessAllowed ) return Collections.emptyMap();
Map<String, IPeripheral> peripherals = new HashMap<>( 6 );
for( WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral : m_peripherals ) peripheral.extendMap( peripherals );
for( WiredModemLocalPeripheral peripheral : this.peripherals ) peripheral.extendMap( peripherals );
return peripherals;
@ -355,11 +355,11 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
if( peripherals.isEmpty() )
// If there are no peripherals then disable access and update the display state.
m_peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
peripheralAccessAllowed = false;
m_node.updatePeripherals( peripherals );
node.updatePeripherals( peripherals );
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
if( capability == CAPABILITY_WIRED_ELEMENT )
if( elementCap == null ) elementCap = LazyOptional.of( () -> m_element );
if( elementCap == null ) elementCap = LazyOptional.of( () -> element );
return elementCap.cast();
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
public IWiredElement getElement()
return m_element;
return element;
private WiredModemPeripheral getPeripheral( @Nonnull Direction side )
@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ public class TileWiredModemFull extends TileGeneric
WiredModemPeripheral peripheral = modems[side.ordinal()];
if( peripheral != null ) return peripheral;
WiredModemLocalPeripheral localPeripheral = m_peripherals[side.ordinal()];
return modems[side.ordinal()] = new WiredModemPeripheral( m_modemState, m_element )
WiredModemLocalPeripheral localPeripheral = peripherals[side.ordinal()];
return modems[side.ordinal()] = new WiredModemPeripheral( modemState, element )

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@ -31,8 +31,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.util.WaterloggableHelpers.*;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockWirelessModem extends BlockGeneric implements IWaterLoggable
public static final DirectionProperty FACING = BlockStateProperties.FACING;

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@ -14,24 +14,24 @@ import net.minecraft.world.World;
public abstract class WirelessModemPeripheral extends ModemPeripheral
private final boolean m_advanced;
private final boolean advanced;
public WirelessModemPeripheral( ModemState state, boolean advanced )
super( state );
m_advanced = advanced;
this.advanced = advanced;
public boolean isInterdimensional()
return m_advanced;
return advanced;
public double getRange()
if( m_advanced )
if( advanced )
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

View File

@ -18,50 +18,47 @@ import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class WirelessNetwork implements IPacketNetwork
private static WirelessNetwork s_universalNetwork = null;
private static WirelessNetwork universalNetwork = null;
public static WirelessNetwork getUniversal()
if( s_universalNetwork == null )
s_universalNetwork = new WirelessNetwork();
return s_universalNetwork;
if( universalNetwork == null ) universalNetwork = new WirelessNetwork();
return universalNetwork;
public static void resetNetworks()
s_universalNetwork = null;
universalNetwork = null;
private final Set<IPacketReceiver> m_receivers = Collections.newSetFromMap( new ConcurrentHashMap<>() );
private final Set<IPacketReceiver> receivers = Collections.newSetFromMap( new ConcurrentHashMap<>() );
public void addReceiver( @Nonnull IPacketReceiver receiver )
Objects.requireNonNull( receiver, "device cannot be null" );
m_receivers.add( receiver );
receivers.add( receiver );
public void removeReceiver( @Nonnull IPacketReceiver receiver )
Objects.requireNonNull( receiver, "device cannot be null" );
m_receivers.remove( receiver );
receivers.remove( receiver );
public void transmitSameDimension( @Nonnull Packet packet, double range )
Objects.requireNonNull( packet, "packet cannot be null" );
for( IPacketReceiver device : m_receivers ) tryTransmit( device, packet, range, false );
for( IPacketReceiver device : receivers ) tryTransmit( device, packet, range, false );
public void transmitInterdimensional( @Nonnull Packet packet )
Objects.requireNonNull( packet, "packet cannot be null" );
for( IPacketReceiver device : m_receivers ) tryTransmit( device, packet, 0, true );
for( IPacketReceiver device : receivers ) tryTransmit( device, packet, 0, true );
private static void tryTransmit( IPacketReceiver receiver, Packet packet, double range, boolean interdimensional )

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@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ import net.minecraftforge.fml.RegistryObject;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockMonitor extends BlockGeneric
public static final DirectionProperty ORIENTATION = DirectionProperty.create( "orientation",

View File

@ -49,23 +49,23 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
private final boolean advanced;
private ServerMonitor m_serverMonitor;
private ClientMonitor m_clientMonitor;
private ServerMonitor serverMonitor;
private ClientMonitor clientMonitor;
private MonitorPeripheral peripheral;
private LazyOptional<IPeripheral> peripheralCap;
private final Set<IComputerAccess> m_computers = new HashSet<>();
private final Set<IComputerAccess> computers = new HashSet<>();
private boolean m_destroyed = false;
private boolean destroyed = false;
private boolean visiting = false;
// MonitorWatcher state.
boolean enqueued;
TerminalState cached;
private int m_width = 1;
private int m_height = 1;
private int m_xIndex = 0;
private int m_yIndex = 0;
private int width = 1;
private int height = 1;
private int xIndex = 0;
private int yIndex = 0;
public TileMonitor( TileEntityType<? extends TileMonitor> type, boolean advanced )
@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
public void destroy()
// TODO: Call this before using the block
if( m_destroyed ) return;
m_destroyed = true;
if( destroyed ) return;
destroyed = true;
if( !getLevel().isClientSide ) contractNeighbours();
@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
public void setRemoved()
if( m_clientMonitor != null && m_xIndex == 0 && m_yIndex == 0 ) m_clientMonitor.destroy();
if( clientMonitor != null && xIndex == 0 && yIndex == 0 ) clientMonitor.destroy();
public void onChunkUnloaded()
if( m_clientMonitor != null && m_xIndex == 0 && m_yIndex == 0 ) m_clientMonitor.destroy();
if( clientMonitor != null && xIndex == 0 && yIndex == 0 ) clientMonitor.destroy();
@ -127,10 +127,10 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
public CompoundNBT save( CompoundNBT tag )
tag.putInt( NBT_X, m_xIndex );
tag.putInt( NBT_Y, m_yIndex );
tag.putInt( NBT_WIDTH, m_width );
tag.putInt( NBT_HEIGHT, m_height );
tag.putInt( NBT_X, xIndex );
tag.putInt( NBT_Y, yIndex );
tag.putInt( NBT_WIDTH, width );
tag.putInt( NBT_HEIGHT, height );
return super.save( tag );
@ -139,29 +139,29 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
super.load( state, nbt );
m_xIndex = nbt.getInt( NBT_X );
m_yIndex = nbt.getInt( NBT_Y );
m_width = nbt.getInt( NBT_WIDTH );
m_height = nbt.getInt( NBT_HEIGHT );
xIndex = nbt.getInt( NBT_X );
yIndex = nbt.getInt( NBT_Y );
width = nbt.getInt( NBT_WIDTH );
height = nbt.getInt( NBT_HEIGHT );
public void blockTick()
if( m_xIndex != 0 || m_yIndex != 0 || m_serverMonitor == null ) return;
if( xIndex != 0 || yIndex != 0 || serverMonitor == null ) return;
if( m_serverMonitor.pollResized() )
if( serverMonitor.pollResized() )
for( int x = 0; x < m_width; x++ )
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
TileMonitor monitor = getNeighbour( x, y );
if( monitor == null ) continue;
for( IComputerAccess computer : monitor.m_computers )
for( IComputerAccess computer : monitor.computers )
computer.queueEvent( "monitor_resize", computer.getAttachmentName() );
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
if( m_serverMonitor.pollTerminalChanged() ) MonitorWatcher.enqueue( this );
if( serverMonitor.pollTerminalChanged() ) MonitorWatcher.enqueue( this );
@ -195,62 +195,62 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
public ServerMonitor getCachedServerMonitor()
return m_serverMonitor;
return serverMonitor;
private ServerMonitor getServerMonitor()
if( m_serverMonitor != null ) return m_serverMonitor;
if( serverMonitor != null ) return serverMonitor;
TileMonitor origin = getOrigin();
if( origin == null ) return null;
return m_serverMonitor = origin.m_serverMonitor;
return serverMonitor = origin.serverMonitor;
private ServerMonitor createServerMonitor()
if( m_serverMonitor != null ) return m_serverMonitor;
if( serverMonitor != null ) return serverMonitor;
if( m_xIndex == 0 && m_yIndex == 0 )
if( xIndex == 0 && yIndex == 0 )
// If we're the origin, set up the new monitor
m_serverMonitor = new ServerMonitor( advanced, this );
serverMonitor = new ServerMonitor( advanced, this );
// And propagate it to child monitors
for( int x = 0; x < m_width; x++ )
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
TileMonitor monitor = getNeighbour( x, y );
if( monitor != null ) monitor.m_serverMonitor = m_serverMonitor;
if( monitor != null ) monitor.serverMonitor = serverMonitor;
return m_serverMonitor;
return serverMonitor;
// Otherwise fetch the origin and attempt to get its monitor
// Note this may load chunks, but we don't really have a choice here.
BlockPos pos = getBlockPos();
TileEntity te = level.getBlockEntity( pos.relative( getRight(), -m_xIndex ).relative( getDown(), -m_yIndex ) );
TileEntity te = level.getBlockEntity( pos.relative( getRight(), -xIndex ).relative( getDown(), -yIndex ) );
if( !(te instanceof TileMonitor) ) return null;
return m_serverMonitor = ((TileMonitor) te).createServerMonitor();
return serverMonitor = ((TileMonitor) te).createServerMonitor();
public ClientMonitor getClientMonitor()
if( m_clientMonitor != null ) return m_clientMonitor;
if( clientMonitor != null ) return clientMonitor;
BlockPos pos = getBlockPos();
TileEntity te = level.getBlockEntity( pos.relative( getRight(), -m_xIndex ).relative( getDown(), -m_yIndex ) );
TileEntity te = level.getBlockEntity( pos.relative( getRight(), -xIndex ).relative( getDown(), -yIndex ) );
if( !(te instanceof TileMonitor) ) return null;
return m_clientMonitor = ((TileMonitor) te).m_clientMonitor;
return clientMonitor = ((TileMonitor) te).clientMonitor;
// Networking stuff
@ -259,10 +259,10 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
protected void writeDescription( @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
super.writeDescription( nbt );
nbt.putInt( NBT_X, m_xIndex );
nbt.putInt( NBT_Y, m_yIndex );
nbt.putInt( NBT_WIDTH, m_width );
nbt.putInt( NBT_HEIGHT, m_height );
nbt.putInt( NBT_X, xIndex );
nbt.putInt( NBT_Y, yIndex );
nbt.putInt( NBT_WIDTH, width );
nbt.putInt( NBT_HEIGHT, height );
@ -270,32 +270,32 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
super.readDescription( nbt );
int oldXIndex = m_xIndex;
int oldYIndex = m_yIndex;
int oldWidth = m_width;
int oldHeight = m_height;
int oldXIndex = xIndex;
int oldYIndex = yIndex;
int oldWidth = width;
int oldHeight = height;
m_xIndex = nbt.getInt( NBT_X );
m_yIndex = nbt.getInt( NBT_Y );
m_width = nbt.getInt( NBT_WIDTH );
m_height = nbt.getInt( NBT_HEIGHT );
xIndex = nbt.getInt( NBT_X );
yIndex = nbt.getInt( NBT_Y );
width = nbt.getInt( NBT_WIDTH );
height = nbt.getInt( NBT_HEIGHT );
if( oldXIndex != m_xIndex || oldYIndex != m_yIndex )
if( oldXIndex != xIndex || oldYIndex != yIndex )
// If our index has changed then it's possible the origin monitor has changed. Thus
// we'll clear our cache. If we're the origin then we'll need to remove the glList as well.
if( oldXIndex == 0 && oldYIndex == 0 && m_clientMonitor != null ) m_clientMonitor.destroy();
m_clientMonitor = null;
if( oldXIndex == 0 && oldYIndex == 0 && clientMonitor != null ) clientMonitor.destroy();
clientMonitor = null;
if( m_xIndex == 0 && m_yIndex == 0 )
if( xIndex == 0 && yIndex == 0 )
// If we're the origin terminal then create it.
if( m_clientMonitor == null ) m_clientMonitor = new ClientMonitor( advanced, this );
if( clientMonitor == null ) clientMonitor = new ClientMonitor( advanced, this );
if( oldXIndex != m_xIndex || oldYIndex != m_yIndex ||
oldWidth != m_width || oldHeight != m_height )
if( oldXIndex != xIndex || oldYIndex != yIndex ||
oldWidth != width || oldHeight != height )
// One of our properties has changed, so ensure we redraw the block
@ -304,14 +304,14 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
public final void read( TerminalState state )
if( m_xIndex != 0 || m_yIndex != 0 )
if( xIndex != 0 || yIndex != 0 )
ComputerCraft.log.warn( "Receiving monitor state for non-origin terminal at {}", getBlockPos() );
if( m_clientMonitor == null ) m_clientMonitor = new ClientMonitor( advanced, this );
m_clientMonitor.read( state );
if( clientMonitor == null ) clientMonitor = new ClientMonitor( advanced, this );
clientMonitor.read( state );
// Sizing and placement stuff
@ -320,8 +320,8 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
getLevel().setBlock( getBlockPos(), getBlockState()
.setValue( BlockMonitor.STATE, MonitorEdgeState.fromConnections(
m_yIndex < m_height - 1, m_yIndex > 0,
m_xIndex > 0, m_xIndex < m_width - 1 ) ), 2 );
yIndex < height - 1, yIndex > 0,
xIndex > 0, xIndex < width - 1 ) ), 2 );
// region Sizing and placement stuff
@ -359,22 +359,22 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
public int getWidth()
return m_width;
return width;
public int getHeight()
return m_height;
return height;
public int getXIndex()
return m_xIndex;
return xIndex;
public int getYIndex()
return m_yIndex;
return yIndex;
private TileMonitor getSimilarMonitorAt( BlockPos pos )
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
if( !(tile instanceof TileMonitor) ) return null;
TileMonitor monitor = (TileMonitor) tile;
return !monitor.visiting && !monitor.m_destroyed && advanced == monitor.advanced
return !monitor.visiting && !monitor.destroyed && advanced == monitor.advanced
&& getDirection() == monitor.getDirection() && getOrientation() == monitor.getOrientation()
? monitor : null;
@ -399,8 +399,8 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
BlockPos pos = getBlockPos();
Direction right = getRight();
Direction down = getDown();
int xOffset = -m_xIndex + x;
int yOffset = -m_yIndex + y;
int xOffset = -xIndex + x;
int yOffset = -yIndex + y;
return getSimilarMonitorAt( pos.relative( right, xOffset ).relative( down, yOffset ) );
@ -412,12 +412,12 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
private void resize( int width, int height )
// If we're not already the origin then we'll need to generate a new terminal.
if( m_xIndex != 0 || m_yIndex != 0 ) m_serverMonitor = null;
if( xIndex != 0 || yIndex != 0 ) serverMonitor = null;
m_xIndex = 0;
m_yIndex = 0;
m_width = width;
m_height = height;
xIndex = 0;
yIndex = 0;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
// Determine if we actually need a monitor. In order to do this, simply check if
// any component monitor been wrapped as a peripheral. Whilst this flag may be
@ -440,16 +440,16 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
// Either delete the current monitor or sync a new one.
if( needsTerminal )
if( m_serverMonitor == null ) m_serverMonitor = new ServerMonitor( advanced, this );
if( serverMonitor == null ) serverMonitor = new ServerMonitor( advanced, this );
m_serverMonitor = null;
serverMonitor = null;
// Update the terminal's width and height and rebuild it. This ensures the monitor
// is consistent when syncing it to other monitors.
if( m_serverMonitor != null ) m_serverMonitor.rebuild();
if( serverMonitor != null ) serverMonitor.rebuild();
// Update the other monitors, setting coordinates, dimensions and the server terminal
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
@ -459,11 +459,11 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
TileMonitor monitor = getNeighbour( x, y );
if( monitor == null ) continue;
monitor.m_xIndex = x;
monitor.m_yIndex = y;
monitor.m_width = width;
monitor.m_height = height;
monitor.m_serverMonitor = m_serverMonitor;
monitor.xIndex = x;
monitor.yIndex = y;
monitor.width = width;
monitor.height = height;
monitor.serverMonitor = serverMonitor;
@ -473,41 +473,41 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
private boolean mergeLeft()
TileMonitor left = getNeighbour( -1, 0 );
if( left == null || left.m_yIndex != 0 || left.m_height != m_height ) return false;
if( left == null || left.yIndex != 0 || left.height != height ) return false;
int width = left.m_width + m_width;
int width = left.width + this.width;
if( width > ComputerCraft.monitorWidth ) return false;
TileMonitor origin = left.getOrigin();
if( origin != null ) origin.resize( width, m_height );
if( origin != null ) origin.resize( width, height );
return true;
private boolean mergeRight()
TileMonitor right = getNeighbour( m_width, 0 );
if( right == null || right.m_yIndex != 0 || right.m_height != m_height ) return false;
TileMonitor right = getNeighbour( width, 0 );
if( right == null || right.yIndex != 0 || right.height != height ) return false;
int width = m_width + right.m_width;
int width = this.width + right.width;
if( width > ComputerCraft.monitorWidth ) return false;
TileMonitor origin = getOrigin();
if( origin != null ) origin.resize( width, m_height );
if( origin != null ) origin.resize( width, height );
return true;
private boolean mergeUp()
TileMonitor above = getNeighbour( 0, m_height );
if( above == null || above.m_xIndex != 0 || above.m_width != m_width ) return false;
TileMonitor above = getNeighbour( 0, height );
if( above == null || above.xIndex != 0 || above.width != width ) return false;
int height = above.m_height + m_height;
int height = above.height + this.height;
if( height > ComputerCraft.monitorHeight ) return false;
TileMonitor origin = getOrigin();
if( origin != null ) origin.resize( m_width, height );
if( origin != null ) origin.resize( width, height );
return true;
@ -515,13 +515,13 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
private boolean mergeDown()
TileMonitor below = getNeighbour( 0, -1 );
if( below == null || below.m_xIndex != 0 || below.m_width != m_width ) return false;
if( below == null || below.xIndex != 0 || below.width != width ) return false;
int height = m_height + below.m_height;
int height = this.height + below.height;
if( height > ComputerCraft.monitorHeight ) return false;
TileMonitor origin = below.getOrigin();
if( origin != null ) origin.resize( m_width, height );
if( origin != null ) origin.resize( width, height );
return true;
@ -535,24 +535,24 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
void contractNeighbours()
visiting = true;
if( m_xIndex > 0 )
if( xIndex > 0 )
TileMonitor left = getNeighbour( m_xIndex - 1, m_yIndex );
TileMonitor left = getNeighbour( xIndex - 1, yIndex );
if( left != null ) left.contract();
if( m_xIndex + 1 < m_width )
if( xIndex + 1 < width )
TileMonitor right = getNeighbour( m_xIndex + 1, m_yIndex );
TileMonitor right = getNeighbour( xIndex + 1, yIndex );
if( right != null ) right.contract();
if( m_yIndex > 0 )
if( yIndex > 0 )
TileMonitor below = getNeighbour( m_xIndex, m_yIndex - 1 );
TileMonitor below = getNeighbour( xIndex, yIndex - 1 );
if( below != null ) below.contract();
if( m_yIndex + 1 < m_height )
if( yIndex + 1 < height )
TileMonitor above = getNeighbour( m_xIndex, m_yIndex + 1 );
TileMonitor above = getNeighbour( xIndex, yIndex + 1 );
if( above != null ) above.contract();
visiting = false;
@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
void contract()
int height = m_height;
int width = m_width;
int height = this.height;
int width = this.width;
TileMonitor origin = getOrigin();
if( origin == null )
@ -625,9 +625,9 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
XYPair pair = XYPair
.of( xPos, yPos, zPos, getDirection(), getOrientation() )
.add( m_xIndex, m_height - m_yIndex - 1 );
.add( xIndex, height - yIndex - 1 );
if( pair.x > m_width - RENDER_BORDER || pair.y > m_height - RENDER_BORDER || pair.x < RENDER_BORDER || pair.y < RENDER_BORDER )
if( pair.x > width - RENDER_BORDER || pair.y > height - RENDER_BORDER || pair.x < RENDER_BORDER || pair.y < RENDER_BORDER )
@ -638,20 +638,20 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
Terminal originTerminal = serverTerminal.getTerminal();
if( originTerminal == null ) return;
double xCharWidth = (m_width - (RENDER_BORDER + RENDER_MARGIN) * 2.0) / originTerminal.getWidth();
double yCharHeight = (m_height - (RENDER_BORDER + RENDER_MARGIN) * 2.0) / originTerminal.getHeight();
double xCharWidth = (width - (RENDER_BORDER + RENDER_MARGIN) * 2.0) / originTerminal.getWidth();
double yCharHeight = (height - (RENDER_BORDER + RENDER_MARGIN) * 2.0) / originTerminal.getHeight();
int xCharPos = (int) Math.min( originTerminal.getWidth(), Math.max( (pair.x - RENDER_BORDER - RENDER_MARGIN) / xCharWidth + 1.0, 1.0 ) );
int yCharPos = (int) Math.min( originTerminal.getHeight(), Math.max( (pair.y - RENDER_BORDER - RENDER_MARGIN) / yCharHeight + 1.0, 1.0 ) );
for( int y = 0; y < m_height; y++ )
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for( int x = 0; x < m_width; x++ )
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
TileMonitor monitor = getNeighbour( x, y );
if( monitor == null ) continue;
for( IComputerAccess computer : monitor.m_computers )
for( IComputerAccess computer : monitor.computers )
computer.queueEvent( "monitor_touch", computer.getAttachmentName(), xCharPos, yCharPos );
@ -662,12 +662,12 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
void addComputer( IComputerAccess computer )
m_computers.add( computer );
computers.add( computer );
void removeComputer( IComputerAccess computer )
m_computers.remove( computer );
computers.remove( computer );
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ public class TileMonitor extends TileGeneric
public AxisAlignedBB getRenderBoundingBox()
TileMonitor start = getNeighbour( 0, 0 );
TileMonitor end = getNeighbour( m_width - 1, m_height - 1 );
TileMonitor end = getNeighbour( width - 1, height - 1 );
if( start != null && end != null )
BlockPos startPos = start.getBlockPos();

View File

@ -27,8 +27,6 @@ import net.minecraft.world.World;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockPrinter extends BlockGeneric
private static final DirectionProperty FACING = BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING;

View File

@ -17,7 +17,10 @@ import net.minecraft.entity.player.ServerPlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ItemStackHelper;
import net.minecraft.inventory.container.Container;
import net.minecraft.inventory.container.INamedContainerProvider;
import net.minecraft.item.*;
import net.minecraft.item.DyeColor;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.Items;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundNBT;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityType;
import net.minecraft.util.*;
@ -52,14 +55,14 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
ITextComponent customName;
private final NonNullList<ItemStack> m_inventory = NonNullList.withSize( SLOTS, ItemStack.EMPTY );
private final NonNullList<ItemStack> inventory = NonNullList.withSize( SLOTS, ItemStack.EMPTY );
private final SidedCaps<IItemHandler> itemHandlerCaps =
SidedCaps.ofNullable( facing -> facing == null ? new InvWrapper( this ) : new SidedInvWrapper( this, facing ) );
private LazyOptional<IPeripheral> peripheralCap;
private final Terminal m_page = new Terminal( ItemPrintout.LINE_MAX_LENGTH, ItemPrintout.LINES_PER_PAGE );
private String m_pageTitle = "";
private boolean m_printing = false;
private final Terminal page = new Terminal( ItemPrintout.LINE_MAX_LENGTH, ItemPrintout.LINES_PER_PAGE );
private String pageTitle = "";
private boolean printing = false;
public TilePrinter( TileEntityType<TilePrinter> type )
@ -98,15 +101,15 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
customName = nbt.contains( NBT_NAME ) ? ITextComponent.Serializer.fromJson( nbt.getString( NBT_NAME ) ) : null;
// Read page
synchronized( m_page )
synchronized( page )
m_printing = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_PRINTING );
m_pageTitle = nbt.getString( NBT_PAGE_TITLE );
m_page.readFromNBT( nbt );
printing = nbt.getBoolean( NBT_PRINTING );
pageTitle = nbt.getString( NBT_PAGE_TITLE );
page.readFromNBT( nbt );
// Read inventory
ItemStackHelper.loadAllItems( nbt, m_inventory );
ItemStackHelper.loadAllItems( nbt, inventory );
@ -116,35 +119,35 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
if( customName != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_NAME, ITextComponent.Serializer.toJson( customName ) );
// Write page
synchronized( m_page )
synchronized( page )
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_PRINTING, m_printing );
nbt.putString( NBT_PAGE_TITLE, m_pageTitle );
m_page.writeToNBT( nbt );
nbt.putBoolean( NBT_PRINTING, printing );
nbt.putString( NBT_PAGE_TITLE, pageTitle );
page.writeToNBT( nbt );
// Write inventory
ItemStackHelper.saveAllItems( nbt, m_inventory );
ItemStackHelper.saveAllItems( nbt, inventory );
return super.save( nbt );
boolean isPrinting()
return m_printing;
return printing;
// IInventory implementation
public int getContainerSize()
return m_inventory.size();
return inventory.size();
public boolean isEmpty()
for( ItemStack stack : m_inventory )
for( ItemStack stack : inventory )
if( !stack.isEmpty() ) return false;
@ -155,15 +158,15 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
public ItemStack getItem( int slot )
return m_inventory.get( slot );
return inventory.get( slot );
public ItemStack removeItemNoUpdate( int slot )
ItemStack result = m_inventory.get( slot );
m_inventory.set( slot, ItemStack.EMPTY );
ItemStack result = inventory.get( slot );
inventory.set( slot, ItemStack.EMPTY );
return result;
@ -173,7 +176,7 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
public ItemStack removeItem( int slot, int count )
ItemStack stack = m_inventory.get( slot );
ItemStack stack = inventory.get( slot );
if( stack.isEmpty() ) return ItemStack.EMPTY;
if( stack.getCount() <= count )
@ -183,9 +186,9 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
ItemStack part = stack.split( count );
if( m_inventory.get( slot ).isEmpty() )
if( inventory.get( slot ).isEmpty() )
m_inventory.set( slot, ItemStack.EMPTY );
inventory.set( slot, ItemStack.EMPTY );
@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
public void setItem( int slot, @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
m_inventory.set( slot, stack );
inventory.set( slot, stack );
@ -203,7 +206,7 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
public void clearContent()
for( int i = 0; i < m_inventory.size(); i++ ) m_inventory.set( i, ItemStack.EMPTY );
for( int i = 0; i < inventory.size(); i++ ) inventory.set( i, ItemStack.EMPTY );
@ -251,33 +254,33 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
Terminal getCurrentPage()
synchronized( m_page )
synchronized( page )
return m_printing ? m_page : null;
return printing ? page : null;
boolean startNewPage()
synchronized( m_page )
synchronized( page )
if( !canInputPage() ) return false;
if( m_printing && !outputPage() ) return false;
if( printing && !outputPage() ) return false;
return inputPage();
boolean endCurrentPage()
synchronized( m_page )
synchronized( page )
return m_printing && outputPage();
return printing && outputPage();
int getInkLevel()
ItemStack inkStack = m_inventory.get( 0 );
ItemStack inkStack = inventory.get( 0 );
return isInk( inkStack ) ? inkStack.getCount() : 0;
@ -286,7 +289,7 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
int count = 0;
for( int i = 1; i < 7; i++ )
ItemStack paperStack = m_inventory.get( i );
ItemStack paperStack = inventory.get( i );
if( isPaper( paperStack ) ) count += paperStack.getCount();
return count;
@ -294,9 +297,9 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
void setPageTitle( String title )
synchronized( m_page )
synchronized( page )
if( m_printing ) m_pageTitle = title;
if( printing ) pageTitle = title;
@ -314,55 +317,55 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
private boolean canInputPage()
ItemStack inkStack = m_inventory.get( 0 );
ItemStack inkStack = inventory.get( 0 );
return !inkStack.isEmpty() && isInk( inkStack ) && getPaperLevel() > 0;
private boolean inputPage()
ItemStack inkStack = m_inventory.get( 0 );
ItemStack inkStack = inventory.get( 0 );
DyeColor dye = ColourUtils.getStackColour( inkStack );
if( dye == null ) return false;
for( int i = 1; i < 7; i++ )
ItemStack paperStack = m_inventory.get( i );
ItemStack paperStack = inventory.get( i );
if( paperStack.isEmpty() || !isPaper( paperStack ) ) continue;
// Setup the new page
m_page.setTextColour( dye.getId() );
page.setTextColour( dye.getId() );
if( paperStack.getItem() instanceof ItemPrintout )
m_pageTitle = ItemPrintout.getTitle( paperStack );
pageTitle = ItemPrintout.getTitle( paperStack );
String[] text = ItemPrintout.getText( paperStack );
String[] textColour = ItemPrintout.getColours( paperStack );
for( int y = 0; y < m_page.getHeight(); y++ )
for( int y = 0; y < page.getHeight(); y++ )
m_page.setLine( y, text[y], textColour[y], "" );
page.setLine( y, text[y], textColour[y], "" );
m_pageTitle = "";
pageTitle = "";
m_page.setCursorPos( 0, 0 );
page.setCursorPos( 0, 0 );
// Decrement ink
inkStack.shrink( 1 );
if( inkStack.isEmpty() ) m_inventory.set( 0, ItemStack.EMPTY );
if( inkStack.isEmpty() ) inventory.set( 0, ItemStack.EMPTY );
// Decrement paper
paperStack.shrink( 1 );
if( paperStack.isEmpty() )
m_inventory.set( i, ItemStack.EMPTY );
inventory.set( i, ItemStack.EMPTY );
m_printing = true;
printing = true;
return true;
return false;
@ -370,22 +373,22 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
private boolean outputPage()
int height = m_page.getHeight();
int height = page.getHeight();
String[] lines = new String[height];
String[] colours = new String[height];
for( int i = 0; i < height; i++ )
lines[i] = m_page.getLine( i ).toString();
colours[i] = m_page.getTextColourLine( i ).toString();
lines[i] = page.getLine( i ).toString();
colours[i] = page.getTextColourLine( i ).toString();
ItemStack stack = ItemPrintout.createSingleFromTitleAndText( m_pageTitle, lines, colours );
ItemStack stack = ItemPrintout.createSingleFromTitleAndText( pageTitle, lines, colours );
for( int slot : BOTTOM_SLOTS )
if( m_inventory.get( slot ).isEmpty() )
if( inventory.get( slot ).isEmpty() )
setItem( slot, stack );
m_printing = false;
printing = false;
return true;
@ -396,7 +399,7 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
for( int i = 0; i < 13; i++ )
ItemStack stack = m_inventory.get( i );
ItemStack stack = inventory.get( i );
if( !stack.isEmpty() )
// Remove the stack from the inventory
@ -413,7 +416,7 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
boolean top = false, bottom = false;
for( int i = 1; i < 7; i++ )
ItemStack stack = m_inventory.get( i );
ItemStack stack = inventory.get( i );
if( !stack.isEmpty() && isPaper( stack ) )
top = true;
@ -422,7 +425,7 @@ public final class TilePrinter extends TileGeneric implements DefaultSidedInvent
for( int i = 7; i < 13; i++ )
ItemStack stack = m_inventory.get( i );
ItemStack stack = inventory.get( i );
if( !stack.isEmpty() && isPaper( stack ) )
bottom = true;

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@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ import net.minecraft.util.Direction;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockSpeaker extends BlockGeneric
private static final DirectionProperty FACING = BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING;

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@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ import static dan200.computercraft.api.lua.LuaValues.checkFinite;
public abstract class SpeakerPeripheral implements IPeripheral
private long m_clock = 0;
private long m_lastPlayTime = 0;
private final AtomicInteger m_notesThisTick = new AtomicInteger();
private long clock = 0;
private long lastPlayTime = 0;
private final AtomicInteger notesThisTick = new AtomicInteger();
public void update()
m_notesThisTick.set( 0 );
notesThisTick.set( 0 );
public abstract World getWorld();
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public abstract class SpeakerPeripheral implements IPeripheral
public boolean madeSound( long ticks )
return m_clock - m_lastPlayTime <= ticks;
return clock - lastPlayTime <= ticks;
@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ public abstract class SpeakerPeripheral implements IPeripheral
// If the resource location for note block notes changes, this method call will need to be updated
boolean success = playSound( context, instrument.getSoundEvent().getRegistryName(), volume, (float) Math.pow( 2.0, (pitch - 12.0) / 12.0 ), true );
if( success ) m_notesThisTick.incrementAndGet();
if( success ) notesThisTick.incrementAndGet();
return success;
private synchronized boolean playSound( ILuaContext context, ResourceLocation name, float volume, float pitch, boolean isNote ) throws LuaException
if( m_clock - m_lastPlayTime < TileSpeaker.MIN_TICKS_BETWEEN_SOUNDS &&
(!isNote || m_clock - m_lastPlayTime != 0 || m_notesThisTick.get() >= ComputerCraft.maxNotesPerTick) )
if( clock - lastPlayTime < TileSpeaker.MIN_TICKS_BETWEEN_SOUNDS &&
(!isNote || clock - lastPlayTime != 0 || notesThisTick.get() >= ComputerCraft.maxNotesPerTick) )
// Rate limiting occurs when we've already played a sound within the last tick, or we've
// played more notes than allowable within the current tick.
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public abstract class SpeakerPeripheral implements IPeripheral
return null;
} );
m_lastPlayTime = m_clock;
lastPlayTime = clock;
return true;

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@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ import static dan200.computercraft.shared.pocket.items.ItemPocketComputer.NBT_LI
public class PocketServerComputer extends ServerComputer implements IPocketAccess
private IPocketUpgrade m_upgrade;
private Entity m_entity;
private ItemStack m_stack;
private IPocketUpgrade upgrade;
private Entity entity;
private ItemStack stack;
public PocketServerComputer( World world, int computerID, String label, int instanceID, ComputerFamily family )
@ -48,18 +48,18 @@ public class PocketServerComputer extends ServerComputer implements IPocketAcces
public Entity getEntity()
Entity entity = m_entity;
if( entity == null || m_stack == null || !entity.isAlive() ) return null;
Entity entity = this.entity;
if( entity == null || stack == null || !entity.isAlive() ) return null;
if( entity instanceof PlayerEntity )
PlayerInventory inventory = ((PlayerEntity) entity).inventory;
return inventory.items.contains( m_stack ) || inventory.offhand.contains( m_stack ) ? entity : null;
return inventory.items.contains( stack ) || inventory.offhand.contains( stack ) ? entity : null;
else if( entity instanceof LivingEntity )
LivingEntity living = (LivingEntity) entity;
return living.getMainHandItem() == m_stack || living.getOffhandItem() == m_stack ? entity : null;
return living.getMainHandItem() == stack || living.getOffhandItem() == stack ? entity : null;
@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ public class PocketServerComputer extends ServerComputer implements IPocketAcces
public int getColour()
return IColouredItem.getColourBasic( m_stack );
return IColouredItem.getColourBasic( stack );
public void setColour( int colour )
IColouredItem.setColourBasic( m_stack, colour );
IColouredItem.setColourBasic( stack, colour );
@ -110,19 +110,19 @@ public class PocketServerComputer extends ServerComputer implements IPocketAcces
public CompoundNBT getUpgradeNBTData()
return ItemPocketComputer.getUpgradeInfo( m_stack );
return ItemPocketComputer.getUpgradeInfo( stack );
public void updateUpgradeNBTData()
if( m_entity instanceof PlayerEntity ) ((PlayerEntity) m_entity).inventory.setChanged();
if( entity instanceof PlayerEntity ) ((PlayerEntity) entity).inventory.setChanged();
public void invalidatePeripheral()
IPeripheral peripheral = m_upgrade == null ? null : m_upgrade.createPeripheral( this );
IPeripheral peripheral = upgrade == null ? null : upgrade.createPeripheral( this );
setPeripheral( ComputerSide.BACK, peripheral );
@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ public class PocketServerComputer extends ServerComputer implements IPocketAcces
public Map<ResourceLocation, IPeripheral> getUpgrades()
return m_upgrade == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : Collections.singletonMap( m_upgrade.getUpgradeID(), getPeripheral( ComputerSide.BACK ) );
return upgrade == null ? Collections.emptyMap() : Collections.singletonMap( upgrade.getUpgradeID(), getPeripheral( ComputerSide.BACK ) );
public IPocketUpgrade getUpgrade()
return m_upgrade;
return upgrade;
@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ public class PocketServerComputer extends ServerComputer implements IPocketAcces
public void setUpgrade( IPocketUpgrade upgrade )
if( m_upgrade == upgrade ) return;
if( this.upgrade == upgrade ) return;
synchronized( this )
ItemPocketComputer.setUpgrade( m_stack, upgrade );
ItemPocketComputer.setUpgrade( stack, upgrade );
m_upgrade = upgrade;
this.upgrade = upgrade;
@ -167,14 +167,14 @@ public class PocketServerComputer extends ServerComputer implements IPocketAcces
// If a new entity has picked it up then rebroadcast the terminal to them
if( entity != m_entity && entity instanceof ServerPlayerEntity ) markTerminalChanged();
if( entity != this.entity && entity instanceof ServerPlayerEntity ) markTerminalChanged();
m_entity = entity;
m_stack = stack;
this.entity = entity;
this.stack = stack;
if( m_upgrade != upgrade )
if( this.upgrade != upgrade )
m_upgrade = upgrade;
this.upgrade = upgrade;
@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ public class PocketServerComputer extends ServerComputer implements IPocketAcces
super.broadcastState( force );
if( (hasTerminalChanged() || force) && m_entity instanceof ServerPlayerEntity )
if( (hasTerminalChanged() || force) && entity instanceof ServerPlayerEntity )
// Broadcast the state to the current entity if they're not already interacting with it.
ServerPlayerEntity player = (ServerPlayerEntity) m_entity;
ServerPlayerEntity player = (ServerPlayerEntity) entity;
if( player.connection != null && !isInteracting( player ) )
NetworkHandler.sendToPlayer( player, createTerminalPacket() );

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@ -40,15 +40,11 @@ import net.minecraft.util.text.StringTextComponent;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TextFormatting;
import net.minecraft.util.text.TranslationTextComponent;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.Dist;
import net.minecraftforge.api.distmarker.OnlyIn;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
import net.minecraft.item.Item.Properties;
public class ItemPocketComputer extends Item implements IComputerItem, IMedia, IColouredItem
private static final String NBT_UPGRADE = "Upgrade";
@ -363,14 +359,12 @@ public class ItemPocketComputer extends Item implements IComputerItem, IMedia, I
stack.getOrCreateTag().putInt( NBT_SESSION, sessionID );
@OnlyIn( Dist.CLIENT )
public static ComputerState getState( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
ClientComputer computer = getClientComputer( stack );
return computer == null ? ComputerState.OFF : computer.getState();
@OnlyIn( Dist.CLIENT )
public static int getLightState( @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
ClientComputer computer = getClientComputer( stack );

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@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.util.WaterloggableHelpers.*;
import static net.minecraft.state.properties.BlockStateProperties.WATERLOGGED;
import net.minecraft.block.AbstractBlock.Properties;
public class BlockTurtle extends BlockComputerBase<TileTurtle> implements IWaterLoggable
public static final DirectionProperty FACING = BlockStateProperties.HORIZONTAL_FACING;

View File

@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
private final NonNullList<ItemStack> m_inventory = NonNullList.withSize( INVENTORY_SIZE, ItemStack.EMPTY );
private final NonNullList<ItemStack> m_previousInventory = NonNullList.withSize( INVENTORY_SIZE, ItemStack.EMPTY );
private final IItemHandlerModifiable m_itemHandler = new InvWrapper( this );
private final NonNullList<ItemStack> inventory = NonNullList.withSize( INVENTORY_SIZE, ItemStack.EMPTY );
private final NonNullList<ItemStack> previousInventory = NonNullList.withSize( INVENTORY_SIZE, ItemStack.EMPTY );
private final IItemHandlerModifiable itemHandler = new InvWrapper( this );
private LazyOptional<IItemHandlerModifiable> itemHandlerCap;
private boolean m_inventoryChanged = false;
private TurtleBrain m_brain = new TurtleBrain( this );
private MoveState m_moveState = MoveState.NOT_MOVED;
private boolean inventoryChanged = false;
private TurtleBrain brain = new TurtleBrain( this );
private MoveState moveState = MoveState.NOT_MOVED;
private LazyOptional<IPeripheral> peripheral;
public TileTurtle( TileEntityType<? extends TileGeneric> type, ComputerFamily family )
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
private boolean hasMoved()
return m_moveState == MoveState.MOVED;
return moveState == MoveState.MOVED;
@ -92,13 +92,13 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
computer.setPosition( getBlockPos() );
computer.addAPI( new TurtleAPI( computer.getAPIEnvironment(), getAccess() ) );
m_brain.setupComputer( computer );
brain.setupComputer( computer );
return computer;
public ComputerProxy createProxy()
return m_brain.getProxy();
return brain.getProxy();
@ -164,9 +164,9 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
if( !getLevel().isClientSide )
DyeColor dye = ((DyeItem) currentItem.getItem()).getDyeColor();
if( m_brain.getDyeColour() != dye )
if( brain.getDyeColour() != dye )
m_brain.setDyeColour( dye );
brain.setDyeColour( dye );
if( !player.isCreative() )
currentItem.shrink( 1 );
@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
return ActionResultType.SUCCESS;
else if( currentItem.getItem() == Items.WATER_BUCKET && m_brain.getColour() != -1 )
else if( currentItem.getItem() == Items.WATER_BUCKET && brain.getColour() != -1 )
// Water to remove turtle colour
if( !getLevel().isClientSide )
if( m_brain.getColour() != -1 )
if( brain.getColour() != -1 )
m_brain.setColour( -1 );
brain.setColour( -1 );
if( !player.isCreative() )
player.setItemInHand( hand, new ItemStack( Items.BUCKET ) );
@ -214,16 +214,16 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public void tick()
if( !getLevel().isClientSide && m_inventoryChanged )
if( !getLevel().isClientSide && inventoryChanged )
ServerComputer computer = getServerComputer();
if( computer != null ) computer.queueEvent( "turtle_inventory" );
m_inventoryChanged = false;
inventoryChanged = false;
for( int n = 0; n < getContainerSize(); n++ )
m_previousInventory.set( n, getItem( n ).copy() );
previousInventory.set( n, getItem( n ).copy() );
@ -236,24 +236,24 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public void onNeighbourChange( @Nonnull BlockPos neighbour )
if( m_moveState == MoveState.NOT_MOVED ) super.onNeighbourChange( neighbour );
if( moveState == MoveState.NOT_MOVED ) super.onNeighbourChange( neighbour );
public void onNeighbourTileEntityChange( @Nonnull BlockPos neighbour )
if( m_moveState == MoveState.NOT_MOVED ) super.onNeighbourTileEntityChange( neighbour );
if( moveState == MoveState.NOT_MOVED ) super.onNeighbourTileEntityChange( neighbour );
public void notifyMoveStart()
if( m_moveState == MoveState.NOT_MOVED ) m_moveState = MoveState.IN_PROGRESS;
if( moveState == MoveState.NOT_MOVED ) moveState = MoveState.IN_PROGRESS;
public void notifyMoveEnd()
// MoveState.MOVED is final
if( m_moveState == MoveState.IN_PROGRESS ) m_moveState = MoveState.NOT_MOVED;
if( moveState == MoveState.IN_PROGRESS ) moveState = MoveState.NOT_MOVED;
@ -263,21 +263,21 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
// Read inventory
ListNBT nbttaglist = nbt.getList( "Items", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND );
for( int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.size(); i++ )
CompoundNBT tag = nbttaglist.getCompound( i );
int slot = tag.getByte( "Slot" ) & 0xff;
if( slot < getContainerSize() )
m_inventory.set( slot, ItemStack.of( tag ) );
m_previousInventory.set( slot, m_inventory.get( slot ).copy() );
inventory.set( slot, ItemStack.of( tag ) );
previousInventory.set( slot, inventory.get( slot ).copy() );
// Read state
m_brain.readFromNBT( nbt );
brain.readFromNBT( nbt );
@ -288,18 +288,18 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
ListNBT nbttaglist = new ListNBT();
for( int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_SIZE; i++ )
if( !m_inventory.get( i ).isEmpty() )
if( !inventory.get( i ).isEmpty() )
CompoundNBT tag = new CompoundNBT();
tag.putByte( "Slot", (byte) i );
m_inventory.get( i ).save( tag );
inventory.get( i ).save( tag );
nbttaglist.add( tag );
nbt.put( "Items", nbttaglist );
// Write brain
nbt = m_brain.writeToNBT( nbt );
nbt = brain.writeToNBT( nbt );
return super.save( nbt );
@ -332,48 +332,48 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public ITurtleUpgrade getUpgrade( TurtleSide side )
return m_brain.getUpgrade( side );
return brain.getUpgrade( side );
public int getColour()
return m_brain.getColour();
return brain.getColour();
public ResourceLocation getOverlay()
return m_brain.getOverlay();
return brain.getOverlay();
public ITurtleAccess getAccess()
return m_brain;
return brain;
public Vector3d getRenderOffset( float f )
return m_brain.getRenderOffset( f );
return brain.getRenderOffset( f );
public float getRenderYaw( float f )
return m_brain.getVisualYaw( f );
return brain.getVisualYaw( f );
public float getToolRenderAngle( TurtleSide side, float f )
return m_brain.getToolRenderAngle( side, f );
return brain.getToolRenderAngle( side, f );
void setOwningPlayer( GameProfile player )
m_brain.setOwningPlayer( player );
brain.setOwningPlayer( player );
@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public boolean isEmpty()
for( ItemStack stack : m_inventory )
for( ItemStack stack : inventory )
if( !stack.isEmpty() ) return false;
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public ItemStack getItem( int slot )
return slot >= 0 && slot < INVENTORY_SIZE ? m_inventory.get( slot ) : ItemStack.EMPTY;
return slot >= 0 && slot < INVENTORY_SIZE ? inventory.get( slot ) : ItemStack.EMPTY;
@ -434,9 +434,9 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public void setItem( int i, @Nonnull ItemStack stack )
if( i >= 0 && i < INVENTORY_SIZE && !InventoryUtil.areItemsEqual( stack, m_inventory.get( i ) ) )
if( i >= 0 && i < INVENTORY_SIZE && !InventoryUtil.areItemsEqual( stack, inventory.get( i ) ) )
m_inventory.set( i, stack );
inventory.set( i, stack );
@ -447,9 +447,9 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
boolean changed = false;
for( int i = 0; i < INVENTORY_SIZE; i++ )
if( !m_inventory.get( i ).isEmpty() )
if( !inventory.get( i ).isEmpty() )
m_inventory.set( i, ItemStack.EMPTY );
inventory.set( i, ItemStack.EMPTY );
changed = true;
@ -461,13 +461,13 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public void setChanged()
if( !m_inventoryChanged )
if( !inventoryChanged )
for( int n = 0; n < getContainerSize(); n++ )
if( !ItemStack.matches( getItem( n ), m_previousInventory.get( n ) ) )
if( !ItemStack.matches( getItem( n ), previousInventory.get( n ) ) )
m_inventoryChanged = true;
inventoryChanged = true;
@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
private void onInventoryDefinitelyChanged()
m_inventoryChanged = true;
inventoryChanged = true;
public void onTileEntityChange()
@ -497,14 +497,14 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
protected void writeDescription( @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
super.writeDescription( nbt );
m_brain.writeDescription( nbt );
brain.writeDescription( nbt );
protected void readDescription( @Nonnull CompoundNBT nbt )
super.readDescription( nbt );
m_brain.readDescription( nbt );
brain.readDescription( nbt );
// Privates
@ -529,20 +529,20 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public void transferStateFrom( TileTurtle copy )
super.transferStateFrom( copy );
Collections.copy( m_inventory, copy.m_inventory );
Collections.copy( m_previousInventory, copy.m_previousInventory );
m_inventoryChanged = copy.m_inventoryChanged;
m_brain = copy.m_brain;
m_brain.setOwner( this );
Collections.copy( inventory, copy.inventory );
Collections.copy( previousInventory, copy.previousInventory );
inventoryChanged = copy.inventoryChanged;
brain = copy.brain;
brain.setOwner( this );
// Mark the other turtle as having moved, and so its peripheral is dead.
copy.m_moveState = MoveState.MOVED;
copy.moveState = MoveState.MOVED;
copy.peripheral = CapabilityUtil.invalidate( copy.peripheral );
public IItemHandlerModifiable getItemHandler()
return m_itemHandler;
return itemHandler;
@ -572,6 +572,6 @@ public class TileTurtle extends TileComputerBase implements ITurtleTile, Default
public Container createMenu( int id, @Nonnull PlayerInventory inventory, @Nonnull PlayerEntity player )
return new ContainerTurtle( id, inventory, m_brain );
return new ContainerTurtle( id, inventory, brain );

View File

@ -65,55 +65,55 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
private static final int ANIM_DURATION = 8;
private TileTurtle m_owner;
private ComputerProxy m_proxy;
private GameProfile m_owningPlayer;
private TileTurtle owner;
private ComputerProxy proxy;
private GameProfile owningPlayer;
private final IInventory m_inventory = (InventoryDelegate) () -> m_owner;
private final IItemHandlerModifiable m_inventoryWrapper = new InvWrapper( m_inventory );
private final IInventory inventory = (InventoryDelegate) () -> owner;
private final IItemHandlerModifiable inventoryWrapper = new InvWrapper( inventory );
private final Queue<TurtleCommandQueueEntry> m_commandQueue = new ArrayDeque<>();
private int m_commandsIssued = 0;
private final Queue<TurtleCommandQueueEntry> commandQueue = new ArrayDeque<>();
private int commandsIssued = 0;
private final Map<TurtleSide, ITurtleUpgrade> m_upgrades = new EnumMap<>( TurtleSide.class );
private final Map<TurtleSide, ITurtleUpgrade> upgrades = new EnumMap<>( TurtleSide.class );
private final Map<TurtleSide, IPeripheral> peripherals = new EnumMap<>( TurtleSide.class );
private final Map<TurtleSide, CompoundNBT> m_upgradeNBTData = new EnumMap<>( TurtleSide.class );
private final Map<TurtleSide, CompoundNBT> upgradeNBTData = new EnumMap<>( TurtleSide.class );
private int m_selectedSlot = 0;
private int m_fuelLevel = 0;
private int m_colourHex = -1;
private ResourceLocation m_overlay = null;
private int selectedSlot = 0;
private int fuelLevel = 0;
private int colourHex = -1;
private ResourceLocation overlay = null;
private TurtleAnimation m_animation = TurtleAnimation.NONE;
private int m_animationProgress = 0;
private int m_lastAnimationProgress = 0;
private TurtleAnimation animation = TurtleAnimation.NONE;
private int animationProgress = 0;
private int lastAnimationProgress = 0;
TurtlePlayer m_cachedPlayer;
TurtlePlayer cachedPlayer;
public TurtleBrain( TileTurtle turtle )
m_owner = turtle;
owner = turtle;
public void setOwner( TileTurtle owner )
m_owner = owner;
this.owner = owner;
public TileTurtle getOwner()
return m_owner;
return owner;
public ComputerProxy getProxy()
if( m_proxy == null ) m_proxy = new ComputerProxy( () -> m_owner );
return m_proxy;
if( proxy == null ) proxy = new ComputerProxy( () -> owner );
return proxy;
public ComputerFamily getFamily()
return m_owner.getFamily();
return owner.getFamily();
public void setupComputer( ServerComputer computer )
@ -131,16 +131,16 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
// The block may have been broken while the command was executing (for instance, if a block explodes
// when being mined). If so, abort.
if( m_owner.isRemoved() ) return;
if( owner.isRemoved() ) return;
// Advance animation
// Advance upgrades
if( !m_upgrades.isEmpty() )
if( !upgrades.isEmpty() )
for( Map.Entry<TurtleSide, ITurtleUpgrade> entry : m_upgrades.entrySet() )
for( Map.Entry<TurtleSide, ITurtleUpgrade> entry : upgrades.entrySet() )
entry.getValue().update( this, entry.getKey() );
@ -155,31 +155,31 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
private void readCommon( CompoundNBT nbt )
// Read fields
m_colourHex = nbt.contains( NBT_COLOUR ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_COLOUR ) : -1;
m_fuelLevel = nbt.contains( NBT_FUEL ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_FUEL ) : 0;
m_overlay = nbt.contains( NBT_OVERLAY ) ? new ResourceLocation( nbt.getString( NBT_OVERLAY ) ) : null;
colourHex = nbt.contains( NBT_COLOUR ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_COLOUR ) : -1;
fuelLevel = nbt.contains( NBT_FUEL ) ? nbt.getInt( NBT_FUEL ) : 0;
overlay = nbt.contains( NBT_OVERLAY ) ? new ResourceLocation( nbt.getString( NBT_OVERLAY ) ) : null;
// Read upgrades
setUpgrade( TurtleSide.LEFT, nbt.contains( NBT_LEFT_UPGRADE ) ? TurtleUpgrades.get( nbt.getString( NBT_LEFT_UPGRADE ) ) : null );
setUpgrade( TurtleSide.RIGHT, nbt.contains( NBT_RIGHT_UPGRADE ) ? TurtleUpgrades.get( nbt.getString( NBT_RIGHT_UPGRADE ) ) : null );
// NBT
if( nbt.contains( NBT_LEFT_UPGRADE_DATA ) )
m_upgradeNBTData.put( TurtleSide.LEFT, nbt.getCompound( NBT_LEFT_UPGRADE_DATA ).copy() );
upgradeNBTData.put( TurtleSide.LEFT, nbt.getCompound( NBT_LEFT_UPGRADE_DATA ).copy() );
if( nbt.contains( NBT_RIGHT_UPGRADE_DATA ) )
m_upgradeNBTData.put( TurtleSide.RIGHT, nbt.getCompound( NBT_RIGHT_UPGRADE_DATA ).copy() );
upgradeNBTData.put( TurtleSide.RIGHT, nbt.getCompound( NBT_RIGHT_UPGRADE_DATA ).copy() );
private void writeCommon( CompoundNBT nbt )
nbt.putInt( NBT_FUEL, m_fuelLevel );
if( m_colourHex != -1 ) nbt.putInt( NBT_COLOUR, m_colourHex );
if( m_overlay != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_OVERLAY, m_overlay.toString() );
nbt.putInt( NBT_FUEL, fuelLevel );
if( colourHex != -1 ) nbt.putInt( NBT_COLOUR, colourHex );
if( overlay != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_OVERLAY, overlay.toString() );
// Write upgrades
String leftUpgradeId = getUpgradeId( getUpgrade( TurtleSide.LEFT ) );
@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
if( rightUpgradeId != null ) nbt.putString( NBT_RIGHT_UPGRADE, rightUpgradeId );
// Write upgrade NBT
if( m_upgradeNBTData.containsKey( TurtleSide.LEFT ) )
if( upgradeNBTData.containsKey( TurtleSide.LEFT ) )
nbt.put( NBT_LEFT_UPGRADE_DATA, getUpgradeNBTData( TurtleSide.LEFT ).copy() );
if( m_upgradeNBTData.containsKey( TurtleSide.RIGHT ) )
if( upgradeNBTData.containsKey( TurtleSide.RIGHT ) )
nbt.put( NBT_RIGHT_UPGRADE_DATA, getUpgradeNBTData( TurtleSide.RIGHT ).copy() );
@ -203,20 +203,20 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
readCommon( nbt );
// Read state
m_selectedSlot = nbt.getInt( NBT_SLOT );
selectedSlot = nbt.getInt( NBT_SLOT );
// Read owner
if( nbt.contains( "Owner", Constants.NBT.TAG_COMPOUND ) )
CompoundNBT owner = nbt.getCompound( "Owner" );
m_owningPlayer = new GameProfile(
owningPlayer = new GameProfile(
new UUID( owner.getLong( "UpperId" ), owner.getLong( "LowerId" ) ),
owner.getString( "Name" )
m_owningPlayer = null;
owningPlayer = null;
@ -225,17 +225,17 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
writeCommon( nbt );
// Write state
nbt.putInt( NBT_SLOT, m_selectedSlot );
nbt.putInt( NBT_SLOT, selectedSlot );
// Write owner
if( m_owningPlayer != null )
if( owningPlayer != null )
CompoundNBT owner = new CompoundNBT();
nbt.put( "Owner", owner );
owner.putLong( "UpperId", m_owningPlayer.getId().getMostSignificantBits() );
owner.putLong( "LowerId", m_owningPlayer.getId().getLeastSignificantBits() );
owner.putString( "Name", m_owningPlayer.getName() );
owner.putLong( "UpperId", owningPlayer.getId().getMostSignificantBits() );
owner.putLong( "LowerId", owningPlayer.getId().getLeastSignificantBits() );
owner.putString( "Name", owningPlayer.getName() );
return nbt;
@ -252,35 +252,35 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
// Animation
TurtleAnimation anim = TurtleAnimation.values()[nbt.getInt( "Animation" )];
if( anim != m_animation &&
if( anim != animation &&
anim != TurtleAnimation.WAIT &&
anim != TurtleAnimation.SHORT_WAIT &&
anim != TurtleAnimation.NONE )
m_animation = anim;
m_animationProgress = 0;
m_lastAnimationProgress = 0;
animation = anim;
animationProgress = 0;
lastAnimationProgress = 0;
public void writeDescription( CompoundNBT nbt )
writeCommon( nbt );
nbt.putInt( "Animation", m_animation.ordinal() );
nbt.putInt( "Animation", animation.ordinal() );
public World getWorld()
return m_owner.getLevel();
return owner.getLevel();
public BlockPos getPosition()
return m_owner.getBlockPos();
return owner.getBlockPos();
@ -293,9 +293,9 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
// Cache info about the old turtle (so we don't access this after we delete ourselves)
World oldWorld = getWorld();
TileTurtle oldOwner = m_owner;
BlockPos oldPos = m_owner.getBlockPos();
BlockState oldBlock = m_owner.getBlockState();
TileTurtle oldOwner = owner;
BlockPos oldPos = owner.getBlockPos();
BlockState oldBlock = owner.getBlockState();
if( oldWorld == world && oldPos.equals( pos ) )
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
public Vector3d getVisualPosition( float f )
Vector3d offset = getRenderOffset( f );
BlockPos pos = m_owner.getBlockPos();
BlockPos pos = owner.getBlockPos();
return new Vector3d(
pos.getX() + 0.5 + offset.x,
pos.getY() + 0.5 + offset.y,
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
public float getVisualYaw( float f )
float yaw = getDirection().toYRot();
switch( m_animation )
switch( animation )
@ -405,19 +405,19 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
public Direction getDirection()
return m_owner.getDirection();
return owner.getDirection();
public void setDirection( @Nonnull Direction dir )
m_owner.setDirection( dir );
owner.setDirection( dir );
public int getSelectedSlot()
return m_selectedSlot;
return selectedSlot;
@ -425,10 +425,10 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
if( getWorld().isClientSide ) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot set the slot on the client" );
if( slot >= 0 && slot < m_owner.getContainerSize() )
if( slot >= 0 && slot < owner.getContainerSize() )
m_selectedSlot = slot;
selectedSlot = slot;
@ -436,14 +436,14 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
public IInventory getInventory()
return m_inventory;
return inventory;
public IItemHandlerModifiable getItemHandler()
return m_inventoryWrapper;
return inventoryWrapper;
@ -455,20 +455,20 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
public int getFuelLevel()
return Math.min( m_fuelLevel, getFuelLimit() );
return Math.min( fuelLevel, getFuelLimit() );
public void setFuelLevel( int level )
m_fuelLevel = Math.min( level, getFuelLimit() );
fuelLevel = Math.min( level, getFuelLimit() );
public int getFuelLimit()
if( m_owner.getFamily() == ComputerFamily.ADVANCED )
if( owner.getFamily() == ComputerFamily.ADVANCED )
return ComputerCraft.advancedTurtleFuelLimit;
@ -505,8 +505,8 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
private int issueCommand( ITurtleCommand command )
m_commandQueue.offer( new TurtleCommandQueueEntry( ++m_commandsIssued, command ) );
return m_commandsIssued;
commandQueue.offer( new TurtleCommandQueueEntry( ++commandsIssued, command ) );
return commandsIssued;
@ -525,38 +525,38 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
if( getWorld().isClientSide ) throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Cannot play animations on the client" );
m_animation = animation;
if( m_animation == TurtleAnimation.SHORT_WAIT )
this.animation = animation;
if( this.animation == TurtleAnimation.SHORT_WAIT )
m_animationProgress = ANIM_DURATION / 2;
m_lastAnimationProgress = ANIM_DURATION / 2;
animationProgress = ANIM_DURATION / 2;
lastAnimationProgress = ANIM_DURATION / 2;
m_animationProgress = 0;
m_lastAnimationProgress = 0;
animationProgress = 0;
lastAnimationProgress = 0;
public ResourceLocation getOverlay()
return m_overlay;
return overlay;
public void setOverlay( ResourceLocation overlay )
if( !Objects.equal( m_overlay, overlay ) )
if( !Objects.equal( this.overlay, overlay ) )
m_overlay = overlay;
this.overlay = overlay;
public DyeColor getDyeColour()
if( m_colourHex == -1 ) return null;
Colour colour = Colour.fromHex( m_colourHex );
if( colourHex == -1 ) return null;
Colour colour = Colour.fromHex( colourHex );
return colour == null ? null : DyeColor.byId( 15 - colour.ordinal() );
@ -567,10 +567,10 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
newColour = Colour.values()[15 - dyeColour.getId()].getHex();
if( m_colourHex != newColour )
if( colourHex != newColour )
m_colourHex = newColour;
colourHex = newColour;
@ -579,67 +579,67 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
if( colour >= 0 && colour <= 0xFFFFFF )
if( m_colourHex != colour )
if( colourHex != colour )
m_colourHex = colour;
colourHex = colour;
else if( m_colourHex != -1 )
else if( colourHex != -1 )
m_colourHex = -1;
colourHex = -1;
public int getColour()
return m_colourHex;
return colourHex;
public void setOwningPlayer( GameProfile profile )
m_owningPlayer = profile;
owningPlayer = profile;
public GameProfile getOwningPlayer()
return m_owningPlayer;
return owningPlayer;
public ITurtleUpgrade getUpgrade( @Nonnull TurtleSide side )
return m_upgrades.get( side );
return upgrades.get( side );
public void setUpgrade( @Nonnull TurtleSide side, ITurtleUpgrade upgrade )
// Remove old upgrade
if( m_upgrades.containsKey( side ) )
if( upgrades.containsKey( side ) )
if( m_upgrades.get( side ) == upgrade ) return;
m_upgrades.remove( side );
if( upgrades.get( side ) == upgrade ) return;
upgrades.remove( side );
if( upgrade == null ) return;
m_upgradeNBTData.remove( side );
upgradeNBTData.remove( side );
// Set new upgrade
if( upgrade != null ) m_upgrades.put( side, upgrade );
if( upgrade != null ) upgrades.put( side, upgrade );
// Notify clients and create peripherals
if( m_owner.getLevel() != null )
if( owner.getLevel() != null )
updatePeripherals( m_owner.createServerComputer() );
updatePeripherals( owner.createServerComputer() );
@ -653,20 +653,20 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
public CompoundNBT getUpgradeNBTData( TurtleSide side )
CompoundNBT nbt = m_upgradeNBTData.get( side );
if( nbt == null ) m_upgradeNBTData.put( side, nbt = new CompoundNBT() );
CompoundNBT nbt = upgradeNBTData.get( side );
if( nbt == null ) upgradeNBTData.put( side, nbt = new CompoundNBT() );
return nbt;
public void updateUpgradeNBTData( @Nonnull TurtleSide side )
public Vector3d getRenderOffset( float f )
switch( m_animation )
switch( animation )
@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
// Get direction
Direction dir;
switch( m_animation )
switch( animation )
@ -708,8 +708,8 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
public float getToolRenderAngle( TurtleSide side, float f )
return (side == TurtleSide.LEFT && m_animation == TurtleAnimation.SWING_LEFT_TOOL) ||
(side == TurtleSide.RIGHT && m_animation == TurtleAnimation.SWING_RIGHT_TOOL)
return (side == TurtleSide.LEFT && animation == TurtleAnimation.SWING_LEFT_TOOL) ||
(side == TurtleSide.RIGHT && animation == TurtleAnimation.SWING_RIGHT_TOOL)
? 45.0f * (float) Math.sin( getAnimationFraction( f ) * Math.PI )
: 0.0f;
@ -759,14 +759,14 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
private void updateCommands()
if( m_animation != TurtleAnimation.NONE || m_commandQueue.isEmpty() ) return;
if( animation != TurtleAnimation.NONE || commandQueue.isEmpty() ) return;
// If we've got a computer, ensure that we're allowed to perform work.
ServerComputer computer = m_owner.getServerComputer();
ServerComputer computer = owner.getServerComputer();
if( computer != null && !computer.getComputer().getMainThreadMonitor().canWork() ) return;
// Pull a new command
TurtleCommandQueueEntry nextCommand = m_commandQueue.poll();
TurtleCommandQueueEntry nextCommand = commandQueue.poll();
if( nextCommand == null ) return;
// Execute the command
@ -808,21 +808,21 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
private void updateAnimation()
if( m_animation != TurtleAnimation.NONE )
if( animation != TurtleAnimation.NONE )
World world = getWorld();
if( ComputerCraft.turtlesCanPush )
// Advance entity pushing
if( m_animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_FORWARD ||
m_animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_BACK ||
m_animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_UP ||
m_animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_DOWN )
if( animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_FORWARD ||
animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_BACK ||
animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_UP ||
animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_DOWN )
BlockPos pos = getPosition();
Direction moveDir;
switch( m_animation )
switch( animation )
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
double maxY = minY + 1.0;
double maxZ = minZ + 1.0;
float pushFrac = 1.0f - (float) (m_animationProgress + 1) / ANIM_DURATION;
float pushFrac = 1.0f - (float) (animationProgress + 1) / ANIM_DURATION;
float push = Math.max( pushFrac + 0.0125f, 0.0f );
if( moveDir.getStepX() < 0 )
@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
// Advance valentines day easter egg
if( world.isClientSide && m_animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_FORWARD && m_animationProgress == 4 )
if( world.isClientSide && animation == TurtleAnimation.MOVE_FORWARD && animationProgress == 4 )
// Spawn love pfx if valentines day
Holiday currentHoliday = HolidayUtil.getCurrentHoliday();
@ -915,20 +915,20 @@ public class TurtleBrain implements ITurtleAccess
// Wait for anim completion
m_lastAnimationProgress = m_animationProgress;
if( ++m_animationProgress >= ANIM_DURATION )
lastAnimationProgress = animationProgress;
if( ++animationProgress >= ANIM_DURATION )
m_animation = TurtleAnimation.NONE;
m_animationProgress = 0;
m_lastAnimationProgress = 0;
animation = TurtleAnimation.NONE;
animationProgress = 0;
lastAnimationProgress = 0;
private float getAnimationFraction( float f )
float next = (float) m_animationProgress / ANIM_DURATION;
float previous = (float) m_lastAnimationProgress / ANIM_DURATION;
float next = (float) animationProgress / ANIM_DURATION;
float previous = (float) lastAnimationProgress / ANIM_DURATION;
return previous + (next - previous) * f;

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@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ import java.util.List;
public class TurtleCompareCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final InteractDirection m_direction;
private final InteractDirection direction;
public TurtleCompareCommand( InteractDirection direction )
m_direction = direction;
this.direction = direction;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ public class TurtleCompareCommand implements ITurtleCommand
public TurtleCommandResult execute( @Nonnull ITurtleAccess turtle )
// Get world direction from direction
Direction direction = m_direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
Direction direction = this.direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
// Get currently selected stack
ItemStack selectedStack = turtle.getInventory().getItem( turtle.getSelectedSlot() );

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@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class TurtleCompareToCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final int m_slot;
private final int slot;
public TurtleCompareToCommand( int slot )
m_slot = slot;
this.slot = slot;
@ -27,14 +27,9 @@ public class TurtleCompareToCommand implements ITurtleCommand
public TurtleCommandResult execute( @Nonnull ITurtleAccess turtle )
ItemStack selectedStack = turtle.getInventory().getItem( turtle.getSelectedSlot() );
ItemStack stack = turtle.getInventory().getItem( m_slot );
if( InventoryUtil.areItemsStackable( selectedStack, stack ) )
return TurtleCommandResult.success();
return TurtleCommandResult.failure();
ItemStack stack = turtle.getInventory().getItem( slot );
return InventoryUtil.areItemsStackable( selectedStack, stack )
? TurtleCommandResult.success()
: TurtleCommandResult.failure();

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@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class TurtleDetectCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final InteractDirection m_direction;
private final InteractDirection direction;
public TurtleDetectCommand( InteractDirection direction )
m_direction = direction;
this.direction = direction;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public class TurtleDetectCommand implements ITurtleCommand
public TurtleCommandResult execute( @Nonnull ITurtleAccess turtle )
// Get world direction from direction
Direction direction = m_direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
Direction direction = this.direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
// Check if thing in front is air or not
World world = turtle.getWorld();

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@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class TurtleDropCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final InteractDirection m_direction;
private final int m_quantity;
private final InteractDirection direction;
private final int quantity;
public TurtleDropCommand( InteractDirection direction, int quantity )
m_direction = direction;
m_quantity = quantity;
this.direction = direction;
this.quantity = quantity;
@ -37,17 +37,17 @@ public class TurtleDropCommand implements ITurtleCommand
public TurtleCommandResult execute( @Nonnull ITurtleAccess turtle )
// Dropping nothing is easy
if( m_quantity == 0 )
if( quantity == 0 )
turtle.playAnimation( TurtleAnimation.WAIT );
return TurtleCommandResult.success();
// Get world direction from direction
Direction direction = m_direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
Direction direction = this.direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
// Get things to drop
ItemStack stack = InventoryUtil.takeItems( m_quantity, turtle.getItemHandler(), turtle.getSelectedSlot(), 1, turtle.getSelectedSlot() );
ItemStack stack = InventoryUtil.takeItems( quantity, turtle.getItemHandler(), turtle.getSelectedSlot(), 1, turtle.getSelectedSlot() );
if( stack.isEmpty() )
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( "No items to drop" );

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@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class TurtleEquipCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final TurtleSide m_side;
private final TurtleSide side;
public TurtleEquipCommand( TurtleSide side )
m_side = side;
this.side = side;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class TurtleEquipCommand implements ITurtleCommand
// Determine the upgrade to replace
ItemStack oldUpgradeStack;
ITurtleUpgrade oldUpgrade = turtle.getUpgrade( m_side );
ITurtleUpgrade oldUpgrade = turtle.getUpgrade( side );
if( oldUpgrade != null )
ItemStack craftingItem = oldUpgrade.getCraftingItem();
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ public class TurtleEquipCommand implements ITurtleCommand
WorldUtil.dropItemStack( remainder, turtle.getWorld(), position, turtle.getDirection() );
turtle.setUpgrade( m_side, newUpgrade );
turtle.setUpgrade( side, newUpgrade );
// Animate
if( newUpgrade != null || oldUpgrade != null )

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@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ import java.util.List;
public class TurtleMoveCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final MoveDirection m_direction;
private final MoveDirection direction;
public TurtleMoveCommand( MoveDirection direction )
m_direction = direction;
this.direction = direction;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class TurtleMoveCommand implements ITurtleCommand
public TurtleCommandResult execute( @Nonnull ITurtleAccess turtle )
// Get world direction from direction
Direction direction = m_direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
Direction direction = this.direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
// Check if we can move
World oldWorld = turtle.getWorld();
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public class TurtleMoveCommand implements ITurtleCommand
if( !oldWorld.isUnobstructed( null, collision ) )
if( !ComputerCraft.turtlesCanPush || m_direction == MoveDirection.UP || m_direction == MoveDirection.DOWN )
if( !ComputerCraft.turtlesCanPush || this.direction == MoveDirection.UP || this.direction == MoveDirection.DOWN )
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( "Movement obstructed" );
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public class TurtleMoveCommand implements ITurtleCommand
turtle.consumeFuel( 1 );
// Animate
switch( m_direction )
switch( this.direction )

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@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ import java.util.List;
public class TurtlePlaceCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final InteractDirection m_direction;
private final Object[] m_extraArguments;
private final InteractDirection direction;
private final Object[] extraArguments;
public TurtlePlaceCommand( InteractDirection direction, Object[] arguments )
m_direction = direction;
m_extraArguments = arguments;
this.direction = direction;
extraArguments = arguments;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class TurtlePlaceCommand implements ITurtleCommand
// Remember old block
Direction direction = m_direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
Direction direction = this.direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
BlockPos coordinates = turtle.getPosition().relative( direction );
// Create a fake player, and orient it appropriately
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class TurtlePlaceCommand implements ITurtleCommand
// Do the deploying
String[] errorMessage = new String[1];
ItemStack remainder = deploy( stack, turtle, turtlePlayer, direction, m_extraArguments, errorMessage );
ItemStack remainder = deploy( stack, turtle, turtlePlayer, direction, extraArguments, errorMessage );
if( remainder != stack )
// Put the remaining items back

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@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ public final class TurtlePlayer extends FakePlayer
if( !(access instanceof TurtleBrain) ) return create( access );
TurtleBrain brain = (TurtleBrain) access;
TurtlePlayer player = brain.m_cachedPlayer;
TurtlePlayer player = brain.cachedPlayer;
if( player == null || player.getGameProfile() != getProfile( access.getOwningPlayer() )
|| player.getCommandSenderWorld() != access.getWorld() )
player = brain.m_cachedPlayer = create( brain );
player = brain.cachedPlayer = create( brain );

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@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ import java.util.List;
public class TurtleSuckCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final InteractDirection m_direction;
private final int m_quantity;
private final InteractDirection direction;
private final int quantity;
public TurtleSuckCommand( InteractDirection direction, int quantity )
m_direction = direction;
m_quantity = quantity;
this.direction = direction;
this.quantity = quantity;
@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ public class TurtleSuckCommand implements ITurtleCommand
public TurtleCommandResult execute( @Nonnull ITurtleAccess turtle )
// Sucking nothing is easy
if( m_quantity == 0 )
if( quantity == 0 )
turtle.playAnimation( TurtleAnimation.WAIT );
return TurtleCommandResult.success();
// Get world direction from direction
Direction direction = m_direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
Direction direction = this.direction.toWorldDir( turtle );
// Get inventory for thing in front
World world = turtle.getWorld();
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class TurtleSuckCommand implements ITurtleCommand
if( inventory != null )
// Take from inventory of thing in front
ItemStack stack = InventoryUtil.takeItems( m_quantity, inventory );
ItemStack stack = InventoryUtil.takeItems( quantity, inventory );
if( stack.isEmpty() ) return TurtleCommandResult.failure( "No items to take" );
// Try to place into the turtle
@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ public class TurtleSuckCommand implements ITurtleCommand
ItemStack storeStack;
ItemStack leaveStack;
if( stack.getCount() > m_quantity )
if( stack.getCount() > quantity )
storeStack = stack.split( m_quantity );
storeStack = stack.split( quantity );
leaveStack = stack;

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@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class TurtleTransferToCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final int m_slot;
private final int m_quantity;
private final int slot;
private final int quantity;
public TurtleTransferToCommand( int slot, int limit )
m_slot = slot;
m_quantity = limit;
this.slot = slot;
quantity = limit;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class TurtleTransferToCommand implements ITurtleCommand
public TurtleCommandResult execute( @Nonnull ITurtleAccess turtle )
// Take stack
ItemStack stack = InventoryUtil.takeItems( m_quantity, turtle.getItemHandler(), turtle.getSelectedSlot(), 1, turtle.getSelectedSlot() );
ItemStack stack = InventoryUtil.takeItems( quantity, turtle.getItemHandler(), turtle.getSelectedSlot(), 1, turtle.getSelectedSlot() );
if( stack.isEmpty() )
turtle.playAnimation( TurtleAnimation.WAIT );
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public class TurtleTransferToCommand implements ITurtleCommand
// Store stack
ItemStack remainder = InventoryUtil.storeItems( stack, turtle.getItemHandler(), m_slot, 1, m_slot );
ItemStack remainder = InventoryUtil.storeItems( stack, turtle.getItemHandler(), slot, 1, slot );
if( !remainder.isEmpty() )
// Put the remainder back

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@ -17,11 +17,11 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public class TurtleTurnCommand implements ITurtleCommand
private final TurnDirection m_direction;
private final TurnDirection direction;
public TurtleTurnCommand( TurnDirection direction )
m_direction = direction;
this.direction = direction;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class TurtleTurnCommand implements ITurtleCommand
return TurtleCommandResult.failure( event.getFailureMessage() );
switch( m_direction )
switch( direction )
case LEFT:

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