mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2025-03-09 13:08:13 +00:00

Move command actions to their own methods

Rather than having a mess of lambdas, we now move the bulk of the
implemetation to their own methods. The lambdas now just do argument
extraction - it's all stringly typed, so good to keep that with the
argument definition.

This also removes a couple of exception keys (and thus their translation
keys) as we no longer use them.
This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Coates 2023-09-05 18:37:10 +01:00
parent d562a051c7
commit 07113c3e9b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B9E431FF07C98D06
19 changed files with 233 additions and 207 deletions

View File

@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ public final class LanguageProvider implements DataProvider {
add("commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis", "Teleport to a specific computer.");
add("commands.computercraft.tp.desc", "Teleport to the location of a computer. You can either specify the computer's instance id (e.g. 123) or computer id (e.g #123).");
add("commands.computercraft.tp.action", "Teleport to this computer");
add("commands.computercraft.tp.not_player", "Cannot open terminal for non-player");
add("commands.computercraft.tp.not_there", "Cannot locate computer in the world");
add("commands.computercraft.view.synopsis", "View the terminal of a computer.");
add("commands.computercraft.view.desc", "Open the terminal of a computer, allowing remote control of a computer. This does not provide access to turtle's inventories. You can either specify the computer's instance id (e.g. 123) or computer id (e.g #123).");
add("commands.computercraft.view.action", "View this computer");

View File

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import dan200.computercraft.shared.network.container.ComputerContainerData;
import net.minecraft.commands.CommandSourceStack;
import net.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.network.chat.Component;
import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer;
import net.minecraft.world.MenuProvider;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.RelativeMovement;
import net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Inventory;
@ -34,13 +33,15 @@ import net.minecraft.world.entity.player.Player;
import net.minecraft.world.inventory.AbstractContainerMenu;
import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
import net.minecraft.world.phys.Vec3;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.CommandUtils.isPlayer;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.Exceptions.*;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.Exceptions.NOT_TRACKING_EXCEPTION;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.Exceptions.NO_TIMINGS_EXCEPTION;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.arguments.ComputerArgumentType.getComputerArgument;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.arguments.ComputerArgumentType.oneComputer;
import static dan200.computercraft.shared.command.arguments.ComputersArgumentType.*;
@ -62,118 +63,25 @@ public final class CommandComputerCraft {
.executes(context -> {
var table = new TableBuilder("DumpAll", "Computer", "On", "Position");
var source = context.getSource();
List<ServerComputer> computers = new ArrayList<>(ServerContext.get(source.getServer()).registry().getComputers());
Level world = source.getLevel();
var pos = BlockPos.containing(source.getPosition());
computers.sort((a, b) -> {
if (a.getLevel() == b.getLevel() && a.getLevel() == world) {
return Double.compare(a.getPosition().distSqr(pos), b.getPosition().distSqr(pos));
} else if (a.getLevel() == world) {
return -1;
} else if (b.getLevel() == world) {
return 1;
} else {
return Integer.compare(a.getInstanceID(), b.getInstanceID());
for (var computer : computers) {
linkComputer(source, computer, computer.getID()),
linkPosition(source, computer)
return computers.size();
.executes(c -> dump(c.getSource()))
.arg("computer", oneComputer())
.executes(context -> {
var computer = getComputerArgument(context, "computer");
var table = new TableBuilder("Dump");
table.row(header("Instance"), text(Integer.toString(computer.getInstanceID())));
table.row(header("Id"), text(Integer.toString(computer.getID())));
table.row(header("Label"), text(computer.getLabel()));
table.row(header("On"), bool(computer.isOn()));
table.row(header("Position"), linkPosition(context.getSource(), computer));
table.row(header("Family"), text(computer.getFamily().toString()));
for (var side : ComputerSide.values()) {
var peripheral = computer.getPeripheral(side);
if (peripheral != null) {
table.row(header("Peripheral " + side.getName()), text(peripheral.getType()));
return 1;
.executes(c -> dumpComputer(c.getSource(), getComputerArgument(c, "computer")))))
.argManyValue("computers", manyComputers(), s -> ServerContext.get(s.getServer()).registry().getComputers())
.executes((context, computerSelectors) -> {
var shutdown = 0;
var computers = unwrap(context.getSource(), computerSelectors);
for (var computer : computers) {
if (computer.isOn()) shutdown++;
var didShutdown = shutdown;
context.getSource().sendSuccess(() -> Component.translatable("commands.computercraft.shutdown.done", didShutdown, computers.size()), false);
return shutdown;
.executes((c, a) -> shutdown(c.getSource(), unwrap(c.getSource(), a))))
.argManyValue("computers", manyComputers(), s -> ServerContext.get(s.getServer()).registry().getComputers())
.executes((context, computerSelectors) -> {
var on = 0;
var computers = unwrap(context.getSource(), computerSelectors);
for (var computer : computers) {
if (!computer.isOn()) on++;
var didOn = on;
context.getSource().sendSuccess(() -> Component.translatable("commands.computercraft.turn_on.done", didOn, computers.size()), false);
return on;
.executes((c, a) -> turnOn(c.getSource(), unwrap(c.getSource(), a))))
.arg("computer", oneComputer())
.executes(context -> {
var computer = getComputerArgument(context, "computer");
var world = computer.getLevel();
var pos = computer.getPosition();
var entity = context.getSource().getEntityOrException();
if (!(entity instanceof ServerPlayer player)) throw TP_NOT_PLAYER.create();
if (player.getCommandSenderWorld() == world) {
pos.getX() + 0.5, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.5, 0, 0,
} else {
pos.getX() + 0.5, pos.getY(), pos.getZ() + 0.5, 0, 0
return 1;
.executes(c -> teleport(c.getSource(), getComputerArgument(c, "computer"))))
@ -182,79 +90,243 @@ public final class CommandComputerCraft {
.suggests((context, builder) -> Suggestions.empty())
.argManyValue("args", StringArgumentType.string(), Collections.emptyList())
.executes((ctx, args) -> {
var computers = getComputersArgument(ctx, "computer");
var rest = args.toArray();
var queued = 0;
for (var computer : computers) {
if (computer.getFamily() == ComputerFamily.COMMAND && computer.isOn()) {
computer.queueEvent("computer_command", rest);
return queued;
.executes((c, a) -> queue(getComputersArgument(c, "computer"), a)))
.arg("computer", oneComputer())
.executes(context -> {
var player = context.getSource().getPlayerOrException();
var computer = getComputerArgument(context, "computer");
new ComputerContainerData(computer, ItemStack.EMPTY).open(player, new MenuProvider() {
public Component getDisplayName() {
return Component.translatable("gui.computercraft.view_computer");
public AbstractContainerMenu createMenu(int id, Inventory player, Player entity) {
return new ViewComputerMenu(id, player, computer);
return 1;
.executes(c -> view(c.getSource(), getComputerArgument(c, "computer"))))
.executes(context -> {
var stopCommand = "/computercraft track stop";
context.getSource().sendSuccess(() -> Component.translatable(
link(text(stopCommand), stopCommand, Component.translatable("commands.computercraft.track.stop.action"))
), false);
return 1;
.executes(context -> {
var timings = getMetricsInstance(context.getSource());
if (!timings.stop()) throw NOT_TRACKING_EXCEPTION.create();
displayTimings(context.getSource(), timings.getSnapshot(), new AggregatedMetric(Metrics.COMPUTER_TASKS, Aggregate.AVG), DEFAULT_FIELDS);
return 1;
.then(command("start").executes(c -> trackStart(c.getSource())))
.then(command("stop").executes(c -> trackStop(c.getSource())))
.argManyValue("fields", metric(), DEFAULT_FIELDS)
.executes((context, fields) -> {
AggregatedMetric sort;
if (fields.size() == 1 && DEFAULT_FIELDS.contains(fields.get(0))) {
sort = fields.get(0);
} else {
sort = fields.get(0);
return displayTimings(context.getSource(), sort, fields);
.executes((c, f) -> trackDump(c.getSource(), f))))
* Display loaded computers to a table.
* @param source The thing that executed this command.
* @return The number of loaded computers.
private static int dump(CommandSourceStack source) {
var table = new TableBuilder("DumpAll", "Computer", "On", "Position");
List<ServerComputer> computers = new ArrayList<>(ServerContext.get(source.getServer()).registry().getComputers());
Level world = source.getLevel();
var pos = BlockPos.containing(source.getPosition());
// Sort by nearby computers.
computers.sort((a, b) -> {
if (a.getLevel() == b.getLevel() && a.getLevel() == world) {
return Double.compare(a.getPosition().distSqr(pos), b.getPosition().distSqr(pos));
} else if (a.getLevel() == world) {
return -1;
} else if (b.getLevel() == world) {
return 1;
} else {
return Integer.compare(a.getInstanceID(), b.getInstanceID());
for (var computer : computers) {
linkComputer(source, computer, computer.getID()),
linkPosition(source, computer)
return computers.size();
* Display additional information about a single computer.
* @param source The thing that executed this command.
* @param computer The computer we're dumping.
* @return The constant {@code 1}.
private static int dumpComputer(CommandSourceStack source, ServerComputer computer) {
var table = new TableBuilder("Dump");
table.row(header("Instance"), text(Integer.toString(computer.getInstanceID())));
table.row(header("Id"), text(Integer.toString(computer.getID())));
table.row(header("Label"), text(computer.getLabel()));
table.row(header("On"), bool(computer.isOn()));
table.row(header("Position"), linkPosition(source, computer));
table.row(header("Family"), text(computer.getFamily().toString()));
for (var side : ComputerSide.values()) {
var peripheral = computer.getPeripheral(side);
if (peripheral != null) {
table.row(header("Peripheral " + side.getName()), text(peripheral.getType()));
return 1;
* Shutdown a list of computers.
* @param source The thing that executed this command.
* @param computers The computers to shutdown.
* @return The constant {@code 1}.
private static int shutdown(CommandSourceStack source, Collection<ServerComputer> computers) {
var shutdown = 0;
for (var computer : computers) {
if (computer.isOn()) shutdown++;
var didShutdown = shutdown;
source.sendSuccess(() -> Component.translatable("commands.computercraft.shutdown.done", didShutdown, computers.size()), false);
return shutdown;
* Turn on a list of computers.
* @param source The thing that executed this command.
* @param computers The computers to turn on.
* @return The constant {@code 1}.
private static int turnOn(CommandSourceStack source, Collection<ServerComputer> computers) {
var on = 0;
for (var computer : computers) {
if (!computer.isOn()) on++;
var didOn = on;
source.sendSuccess(() -> Component.translatable("commands.computercraft.turn_on.done", didOn, computers.size()), false);
return on;
* Teleport to a computer.
* @param source The thing that executed this command. This must be an entity, other types will throw an exception.
* @param computer The computer to teleport to.
* @return The constant {@code 1}.
private static int teleport(CommandSourceStack source, ServerComputer computer) throws CommandSyntaxException {
var world = computer.getLevel();
var pos = Vec3.atBottomCenterOf(computer.getPosition());
source.getEntityOrException().teleportTo(world, pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), EnumSet.noneOf(RelativeMovement.class), 0, 0);
return 1;
* Queue a {@code computer_command} event on a command computer.
* @param computers The list of computers to queue on.
* @param args The arguments for this event.
* @return The number of computers this event was queued on.
private static int queue(Collection<ServerComputer> computers, List<String> args) {
var rest = args.toArray();
var queued = 0;
for (var computer : computers) {
if (computer.getFamily() == ComputerFamily.COMMAND && computer.isOn()) {
computer.queueEvent("computer_command", rest);
return queued;
* Open a terminal for a computer.
* @param source The thing that executed this command.
* @param computer The computer to view.
* @return The constant {@code 1}.
private static int view(CommandSourceStack source, ServerComputer computer) throws CommandSyntaxException {
var player = source.getPlayerOrException();
new ComputerContainerData(computer, ItemStack.EMPTY).open(player, new MenuProvider() {
public Component getDisplayName() {
return Component.translatable("gui.computercraft.view_computer");
public AbstractContainerMenu createMenu(int id, Inventory player, Player entity) {
return new ViewComputerMenu(id, player, computer);
return 1;
* Start tracking metrics for the current player.
* @param source The thing that executed this command.
* @return The constant {@code 1}.
private static int trackStart(CommandSourceStack source) {
var stopCommand = "/computercraft track stop";
source.sendSuccess(() -> Component.translatable(
link(text(stopCommand), stopCommand, Component.translatable("commands.computercraft.track.stop.action"))
), false);
return 1;
* Stop tracking metrics for the current player, displaying a table with the results.
* @param source The thing that executed this command.
* @return The constant {@code 1}.
private static int trackStop(CommandSourceStack source) throws CommandSyntaxException {
var metrics = getMetricsInstance(source);
if (!metrics.stop()) throw NOT_TRACKING_EXCEPTION.create();
displayTimings(source, metrics.getSnapshot(), new AggregatedMetric(Metrics.COMPUTER_TASKS, Aggregate.AVG), DEFAULT_FIELDS);
return 1;
private static final List<AggregatedMetric> DEFAULT_FIELDS = Arrays.asList(
new AggregatedMetric(Metrics.COMPUTER_TASKS, Aggregate.COUNT),
new AggregatedMetric(Metrics.COMPUTER_TASKS, Aggregate.NONE),
new AggregatedMetric(Metrics.COMPUTER_TASKS, Aggregate.AVG)
* Display the latest metrics for the current player.
* @param source The thing that executed this command.
* @param fields The fields to display in this table, defaulting to {@link #DEFAULT_FIELDS}.
* @return The constant {@code 1}.
private static int trackDump(CommandSourceStack source, List<AggregatedMetric> fields) throws CommandSyntaxException {
AggregatedMetric sort;
if (fields.size() == 1 && DEFAULT_FIELDS.contains(fields.get(0))) {
sort = fields.get(0);
} else {
sort = fields.get(0);
return displayTimings(source, getMetricsInstance(source).getTimings(), sort, fields);
// Additional helper functions.
private static Component linkComputer(CommandSourceStack source, @Nullable ServerComputer serverComputer, int computerId) {
var out = Component.literal("");
@ -327,16 +399,6 @@ public final class CommandComputerCraft {
return ServerContext.get(source.getServer()).metrics().getMetricsInstance(entity instanceof Player ? entity.getUUID() : SYSTEM_UUID);
private static final List<AggregatedMetric> DEFAULT_FIELDS = Arrays.asList(
new AggregatedMetric(Metrics.COMPUTER_TASKS, Aggregate.COUNT),
new AggregatedMetric(Metrics.COMPUTER_TASKS, Aggregate.NONE),
new AggregatedMetric(Metrics.COMPUTER_TASKS, Aggregate.AVG)
private static int displayTimings(CommandSourceStack source, AggregatedMetric sortField, List<AggregatedMetric> fields) throws CommandSyntaxException {
return displayTimings(source, getMetricsInstance(source).getTimings(), sortField, fields);
private static int displayTimings(CommandSourceStack source, List<ComputerMetrics> timings, AggregatedMetric sortField, List<AggregatedMetric> fields) throws CommandSyntaxException {
if (timings.isEmpty()) throw NO_TIMINGS_EXCEPTION.create();

View File

@ -18,9 +18,6 @@ public final class Exceptions {
static final SimpleCommandExceptionType NOT_TRACKING_EXCEPTION = translated("commands.computercraft.track.stop.not_enabled");
static final SimpleCommandExceptionType NO_TIMINGS_EXCEPTION = translated("commands.computercraft.track.dump.no_timings");
static final SimpleCommandExceptionType TP_NOT_THERE = translated("commands.computercraft.tp.not_there");
static final SimpleCommandExceptionType TP_NOT_PLAYER = translated("commands.computercraft.tp.not_player");
public static final SimpleCommandExceptionType ARGUMENT_EXPECTED = translated("argument.computercraft.argument_expected");
private static SimpleCommandExceptionType translated(String key) {

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Různé příkazy pro ovládání počítačů.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Teleportovat se k počítači",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Teleportovat se na místo počítače. Můžeš specifikovat ID počítačové instance (tř. 123) nebo ID počítače (tř. #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Nelze otevřít terminál pro nehráče",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Nelze najít počítač ve světě",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Teleportovat se ke specifickému počítači.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Sledovat jak dlouho se počítače spustí, a také kolik událostí zpracují. Toto uvádí informace v podobné cestě jako /forge track a může být dobré pro diagnostiku lagu.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Počítač",

View File

@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Verschiedene Befehle um Computer zu kontrollieren.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Teleportiert dich zum Computer",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Teleportiert dich zum Standort eines Computers. Der Computer kann entweder über seine Instanz ID (z.B. 123), seine Computer ID (z.B. #123) oder seinen Namen (z.B. \"@Mein Computer\") angegeben werden.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Konnte Terminal für Nicht-Spieler nicht öffnen",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Konnte Computer in der Welt nicht finden",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Teleportiert dich zum angegebenen Computer.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Zeichnet die Laufzeiten von Computern und wie viele Events ausgelöst werden auf. Die Ausgabe der Informationen ist ähnlich zu /forge track, was beim aufspüren von Lags sehr hilfreich sein kann.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Computer",

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Commandes diverses pour contrôler les ordinateurs.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Se téléporter vers cet ordinateur",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Se téléporter à la position de l'ordinateur. Vous pouvez spécifier l'identifiant d'instance (ex. 123) ou l'identifiant d'ordinateur (ex. #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Impossible d'ouvrir un terminal pour un non-joueur",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Impossible de localiser cet ordinateur dans le monde",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Se téléporter à la position de l'ordinateur spécifié.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Surveillez combien de temps prend une exécutions sur les ordinateurs, ainsi que le nombre dévénements capturés. Les informations sont affichées d'une manière similaire à la commande /forge track, utile pour diagnostiquer les sources de latence.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Ordinateur",

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Vari comandi per controllare i computer.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Teletrasporta a questo computer",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Teletrasporta alla posizione di un computer. Puoi specificare il computer con l'instance id (e.g. 123) o con l'id (e.g. #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Non è possibile aprire un terminale per un non giocatore",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Impossibile trovare il computer nel mondo",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Teletrasporta al computer specificato.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Monitora per quanto tempo i computer vengono eseguiti e quanti eventi ricevono. Questo comando fornisce le informazioni in modo simile a /forge track e può essere utile per diagnosticare il lag.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Computer",

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "コンピュータを制御するためのさまざまなコマンド。",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "このコンピューターへテレポートします",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "コンピュータの場所にテレポート.コンピュータのインスタンスID例えば 123またはコンピュータID例えば #123を指定することができます。",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "非プレイヤー用のターミナルを開くことができません",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "世界でコンピュータを見つけることができませんでした",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "特定のコンピュータにテレポート。",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "コンピュータの実行時間を追跡するだけでなく、イベントを確認することができます。 これは /forge と同様の方法で情報を提示し、遅れを診断するのに役立ちます。",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "コンピューター",

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "컴퓨터를 제어하기 위한 다양한 명령어",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "이 컴퓨터로 순간이동하기",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "컴퓨터의 위치로 순간이동합니다. 컴퓨터의 인스턴스 ID(예: 123) 또는 컴퓨터 ID(예: #123)를 지정할 수 있습니다.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "비플레이어용 터미널을 열 수 없습니다.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "월드에서 컴퓨터를 위치시킬 수 없습니다.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "특정 컴퓨터로 순간이동하기",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "컴퓨터가 실행되는 기간과 처리되는 이벤트 수를 추적합니다. 이는 /forge 트랙과 유사한 방법으로 정보를 제공하며 지연 로그에 유용할 수 있습니다.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "컴퓨터",

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Forskjellige kommandoer for å kontrollere datamaskiner.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Teleporter til denne datamaskinen",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Teleporter til en datamaskin sin posisjon. Du kan enten spesifisere datamaskinens forekomst id (f. eks 123) eller datamaskinens id (f. eks #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Kan kun åpne terminalen for spillere",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Greide ikke å finne datamaskinen i denne verdenen",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Teleporter til en spesifikk datamaskin.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Spor hvor lenge datamaskiner kjører, samt hvor mange hendelser de handler. Dette presenterer informasjon i en lignende vei til /forge track og kan være nyttig for å diagnostisere lagg.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Datamaskin",

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Verschillende commando's voor het beheren van computers.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Teleporteer naar deze computer",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Teleporteer naar de locatie van een specefieke computer. Je kunt een instance-id (bijv. 123) of computer-id (bijv. #123) opgeven.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Kan geen terminal openen voor non-speler",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Kan de computer niet lokaliseren",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Teleporteer naar een specifieke computer.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Houd uitvoertijd en het aantal behandelde events van computers bij. Dit biedt informatie op een gelijke manier als /forge track en kan nuttig zijn in het opsloren van lag.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Computer",

View File

@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Różne komendy do kontrolowania komputerami.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Przeteleportuj się do podanego komputera",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Przeteleportuj się do lokalizacji komputera. Możesz wybrać numer sesji komputera (np. 123) lub ID komputera (np. #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Nie można zlokalizować komputera w świecie",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Przeteleportuj się do podanego komputera.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Komputer",
"commands.computercraft.turn_on.desc": "Włącz podane komputery. Możesz wybrać numer sesji komputera (np. 123), ID komputera (np. #123) lub jego etykietę (np. \"@Mój Komputer\").",

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Различные команды для управления компьютерами.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Телепортироваться к этому компьютеру",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Телепортироваться к местоположению компьютера. Ты можешь указать либо идентификатор экземпляра компьютера (например 123) либо идентификатор компьютера (например #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Нельзя открыть терминал для не-игрока",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Нельзя определить в мире местоположение компьютер",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Телепортироваться к конкретному компьютеру.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Отслеживает, как долго компьютеры исполняют, а также то, как много они обрабатывают события. Эта информация представляется аналогично к /forge track и может быть полезной для диагностики лага.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Компьютер",

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@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Olika kommandon för att kontrollera datorer.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Teleportera till den här datorn",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Teleportera till datorns position. Du kan ange en dators instans-id (t.ex. 123), dator-id (t.ex. #123) eller etikett (t.ex. \"@Min dator\").",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Kan inte öppna terminalen för en ickespelare",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Kan inte hitta datorn i världen",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Teleportera till en specifik dator.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Spåra hur länge datorer exekverar, och även hur många event de hanterar. Detta presenterar information på liknande sätt som /forge track och kan vara användbart för att undersöka lagg.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Dator",

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@ -44,8 +44,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "mi jo e toki wawa ante tawa ni: sina lawa e ilo sona.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "o tawa pi ilo sona",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "o tawa ilo sona. ilo sona la, sina ken pana e nanpa pi ijo (sama 123) anu nanpa (sama #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "jan ala la, mi ken ala open e sitelen pi ilo sona",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "mi ken ala alasa e ilo sona pi lon ma",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "mi tawa pi ilo sona e sina.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "ilo sona la, mi sitelen e tenpo pali e mute toki. toki wawa /forge track la, mi pana pi nasin sama e sona. mi pona tawa alasa pi tenpo ike.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "ilo sona",

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@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Різні команди для керування комп'ютерами.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Телепортувати до цього комп'ютера",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Телепортувати до розташування комп'ютера. Ви можете вказати або ідентифікатор екземпляра комп'ютера (наприклад, 123) або ідентифікатор комп'ютера (наприклад, #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Не можна відкрити термінал для не-гравця",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Не можна визначити у світі розташування комп'ютер",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Телепортувати до конкретного комп'ютера.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Відстежує, як довго комп'ютери виконують, а також те, як багато вони обробляють події. Ця інформація представляється аналогічно /forge track і може бути корисною для діагностики лага.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Комп'ютер",

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@ -45,8 +45,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "各种控制计算机的命令.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "传送到这台电脑",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "传送到计算机的位置. 你可以指定计算机的实例id (例如. 123)或计算机id (例如. #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "无法为非玩家打开终端",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "无法在世界上定位电脑",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "传送到特定的计算机.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "跟踪计算机执行的时间以及它们处理的事件数. 这以/forge track类似的方式呈现信息可用于诊断滞后.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "计算机",

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@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Various commands for controlling computers.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Teleport to this computer",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Teleport to the location of a computer. You can either specify the computer's instance id (e.g. 123) or computer id (e.g #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Cannot open terminal for non-player",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Cannot locate computer in the world",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Teleport to a specific computer.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Track how long computers execute for, as well as how many events they handle. This presents information in a similar way to /forge track and can be useful for diagnosing lag.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Computer",

View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@
"commands.computercraft.synopsis": "Various commands for controlling computers.",
"commands.computercraft.tp.action": "Teleport to this computer",
"commands.computercraft.tp.desc": "Teleport to the location of a computer. You can either specify the computer's instance id (e.g. 123) or computer id (e.g #123).",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_player": "Cannot open terminal for non-player",
"commands.computercraft.tp.not_there": "Cannot locate computer in the world",
"commands.computercraft.tp.synopsis": "Teleport to a specific computer.",
"commands.computercraft.track.desc": "Track how long computers execute for, as well as how many events they handle. This presents information in a similar way to /forge track and can be useful for diagnosing lag.",
"commands.computercraft.track.dump.computer": "Computer",