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Raw Normal View History

2019-01-01 01:10:18 +00:00
* This file is part of ComputerCraft -
* Copyright Daniel Ratcliffe, 2011-2019. Do not distribute without permission.
* Send enquiries to
package dan200.computercraft.client.render;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.model.BakedQuad;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.IVertexConsumer;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.LightUtil;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.VertexTransformer;
import net.minecraftforge.common.model.TRSRTransformation;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.vecmath.Matrix4f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import java.util.List;
* Transforms vertices of a model, remaining aware of winding order, and rearranging
* vertices if needed.
public final class ModelTransformer
private static final Matrix4f identity;
identity = new Matrix4f();
private ModelTransformer()
public static void transformQuadsTo( List<BakedQuad> output, List<BakedQuad> input, Matrix4f transform )
if( transform == null || transform.equals( identity ) )
output.addAll( input );
Matrix4f normalMatrix = new Matrix4f( transform );
for( BakedQuad quad : input ) output.add( doTransformQuad( quad, transform, normalMatrix ) );
public static BakedQuad transformQuad( BakedQuad input, Matrix4f transform )
if( transform == null || transform.equals( identity ) ) return input;
Matrix4f normalMatrix = new Matrix4f( transform );
return doTransformQuad( input, transform, normalMatrix );
private static BakedQuad doTransformQuad( BakedQuad input, Matrix4f positionMatrix, Matrix4f normalMatrix )
BakedQuadBuilder builder = new BakedQuadBuilder( input.getFormat() );
NormalAwareTransformer transformer = new NormalAwareTransformer( builder, positionMatrix, normalMatrix );
input.pipe( transformer );
if( transformer.areNormalsInverted() )
builder.swap( 1, 3 );
* A vertex transformer that tracks whether the normals have been inverted and so the vertices
* should be reordered so backface culling works as expected.
private static class NormalAwareTransformer extends VertexTransformer
private final Matrix4f positionMatrix;
private final Matrix4f normalMatrix;
private int vertexIndex = 0, elementIndex = 0;
private final Point3f[] before = new Point3f[4];
private final Point3f[] after = new Point3f[4];
public NormalAwareTransformer( IVertexConsumer parent, Matrix4f positionMatrix, Matrix4f normalMatrix )
super( parent );
this.positionMatrix = positionMatrix;
this.normalMatrix = normalMatrix;
public void setQuadOrientation( @Nonnull EnumFacing orientation )
super.setQuadOrientation( orientation == null ? orientation : TRSRTransformation.rotate( positionMatrix, orientation ) );
public void put( int element, @Nonnull float... data )
switch( getVertexFormat().getElement( element ).getUsage() )
Point3f vec = new Point3f( data );
Point3f newVec = new Point3f();
positionMatrix.transform( vec, newVec );
float[] newData = new float[4];
newVec.get( newData );
super.put( element, newData );
before[vertexIndex] = vec;
after[vertexIndex] = newVec;
case NORMAL:
Vector3f vec = new Vector3f( data );
normalMatrix.transform( vec );
float[] newData = new float[4];
vec.get( newData );
super.put( element, newData );
super.put( element, data );
if( elementIndex == getVertexFormat().getElementCount() )
elementIndex = 0;
public boolean areNormalsInverted()
Vector3f temp1 = new Vector3f(), temp2 = new Vector3f();
Vector3f crossBefore = new Vector3f(), crossAfter = new Vector3f();
// Determine what cross product we expect to have
temp1.sub( before[1], before[0] );
temp2.sub( before[1], before[2] );
crossBefore.cross( temp1, temp2 );
normalMatrix.transform( crossBefore );
// And determine what cross product we actually have
temp1.sub( after[1], after[0] );
temp2.sub( after[1], after[2] );
crossAfter.cross( temp1, temp2 );
// If the angle between expected and actual cross product is greater than
// pi/2 radians then we will need to reorder our quads.
return Math.abs( crossBefore.angle( crossAfter ) ) >= Math.PI / 2;
* A vertex consumer which is capable of building {@link BakedQuad}s.
* Equivalent to {@link net.minecraftforge.client.model.pipeline.UnpackedBakedQuad.Builder} but more memory
* efficient.
* This also provides the ability to swap vertices through {@link #swap(int, int)} to allow reordering.
private static final class BakedQuadBuilder implements IVertexConsumer
private final VertexFormat format;
private final int[] vertexData;
private int vertexIndex = 0, elementIndex = 0;
private EnumFacing orientation;
private int quadTint;
private boolean diffuse;
private TextureAtlasSprite texture;
private BakedQuadBuilder( VertexFormat format )
this.format = format;
vertexData = new int[format.getSize()];
public VertexFormat getVertexFormat()
return format;
public void setQuadTint( int tint )
quadTint = tint;
public void setQuadOrientation( @Nonnull EnumFacing orientation )
this.orientation = orientation;
public void setApplyDiffuseLighting( boolean diffuse )
this.diffuse = diffuse;
public void setTexture( @Nonnull TextureAtlasSprite texture )
this.texture = texture;
public void put( int element, @Nonnull float... data )
LightUtil.pack( data, vertexData, format, vertexIndex, element );
if( elementIndex == getVertexFormat().getElementCount() )
elementIndex = 0;
public void swap( int a, int b )
int length = vertexData.length / 4;
for( int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
int temp = vertexData[a * length + i];
vertexData[a * length + i] = vertexData[b * length + i];
vertexData[b * length + i] = temp;
public BakedQuad build()
if( elementIndex != 0 || vertexIndex != 4 )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Got an unexpected number of elements/vertices" );
if( texture == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Texture has not been set" );
return new BakedQuad( vertexData, quadTint, orientation, texture, diffuse, format );