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--[[- Make HTTP requests, sending and receiving data to a remote web server.
@module http
@since 1.1
@see local_ips To allow accessing servers running on your local network.
local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua").expect
local native = http
local nativeHTTPRequest = http.request
local methods = {
GET = true, POST = true, HEAD = true,
OPTIONS = true, PUT = true, DELETE = true,
PATCH = true, TRACE = true,
local function checkKey(options, key, ty, opt)
local value = options[key]
local valueTy = type(value)
if (value ~= nil or not opt) and valueTy ~= ty then
error(("bad field '%s' (expected %s, got %s"):format(key, ty, valueTy), 4)
local function checkOptions(options, body)
checkKey(options, "url", "string")
if body == false then
checkKey(options, "body", "nil")
checkKey(options, "body", "string", not body)
checkKey(options, "headers", "table", true)
checkKey(options, "method", "string", true)
checkKey(options, "redirect", "boolean", true)
if options.method and not methods[options.method] then
error("Unsupported HTTP method", 3)
local function wrapRequest(_url, ...)
local ok, err = nativeHTTPRequest(...)
if ok then
while true do
local event, param1, param2, param3 = os.pullEvent()
if event == "http_success" and param1 == _url then
return param2
elseif event == "http_failure" and param1 == _url then
return nil, param2, param3
return nil, err
--[[- Make a HTTP GET request to the given url.
@tparam string url The url to request
@tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
of this request.
@tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true,
the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be
@tparam[2] {
url = string, headers? = { [string] = string },
binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean,
} request Options for the request. See @{http.request} for details on how
these options behave.
@treturn Response The resulting http response, which can be read from.
@treturn[2] nil When the http request failed, such as in the event of a 404
error or connection timeout.
@treturn string A message detailing why the request failed.
@treturn Response|nil The failing http response, if available.
@changed 1.63 Added argument for headers.
@changed 1.80pr1 Response handles are now returned on error if available.
@changed 1.80pr1 Added argument for binary handles.
@changed 1.80pr1.6 Added support for table argument.
@changed 1.86.0 Added PATCH and TRACE methods.
@usage Make a request to [example.tweaked.cc](https://example.tweaked.cc),
and print the returned page.
local request = http.get("https://example.tweaked.cc")
-- => HTTP is working!
function get(_url, _headers, _binary)
if type(_url) == "table" then
checkOptions(_url, false)
return wrapRequest(_url.url, _url)
expect(1, _url, "string")
expect(2, _headers, "table", "nil")
expect(3, _binary, "boolean", "nil")
return wrapRequest(_url, _url, nil, _headers, _binary)
--[[- Make a HTTP POST request to the given url.
@tparam string url The url to request
@tparam string body The body of the POST request.
@tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
of this request.
@tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true,
the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be
@tparam[2] {
url = string, body? = string, headers? = { [string] = string },
binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean,
} request Options for the request. See @{http.request} for details on how
these options behave.
@treturn Response The resulting http response, which can be read from.
@treturn[2] nil When the http request failed, such as in the event of a 404
error or connection timeout.
@treturn string A message detailing why the request failed.
@treturn Response|nil The failing http response, if available.
@since 1.31
@changed 1.63 Added argument for headers.
@changed 1.80pr1 Response handles are now returned on error if available.
@changed 1.80pr1 Added argument for binary handles.
@changed 1.80pr1.6 Added support for table argument.
@changed 1.86.0 Added PATCH and TRACE methods.
function post(_url, _post, _headers, _binary)
if type(_url) == "table" then
checkOptions(_url, true)
return wrapRequest(_url.url, _url)
expect(1, _url, "string")
expect(2, _post, "string")
expect(3, _headers, "table", "nil")
expect(4, _binary, "boolean", "nil")
return wrapRequest(_url, _url, _post, _headers, _binary)
--[[- Asynchronously make a HTTP request to the given url.
This returns immediately, a @{http_success} or @{http_failure} will be queued
once the request has completed.
@tparam string url The url to request
@tparam[opt] string body An optional string containing the body of the
request. If specified, a `POST` request will be made instead.
@tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
of this request.
@tparam[opt] boolean binary Whether to make a binary HTTP request. If true,
the body will not be UTF-8 encoded, and the received response will not be
@tparam[2] {
url = string, body? = string, headers? = { [string] = string },
binary? = boolean, method? = string, redirect? = boolean,
} request Options for the request.
This table form is an expanded version of the previous syntax. All arguments
from above are passed in as fields instead (for instance,
`http.request("https://example.com")` becomes `http.request { url =
"https://example.com" }`).
This table also accepts several additional options:
- `method`: Which HTTP method to use, for instance `"PATCH"` or `"DELETE"`.
- `redirect`: Whether to follow HTTP redirects. Defaults to true.
@see http.get For a synchronous way to make GET requests.
@see http.post For a synchronous way to make POST requests.
@changed 1.63 Added argument for headers.
@changed 1.80pr1 Added argument for binary handles.
@changed 1.80pr1.6 Added support for table argument.
@changed 1.86.0 Added PATCH and TRACE methods.
function request(_url, _post, _headers, _binary)
local url
if type(_url) == "table" then
url = _url.url
expect(1, _url, "string")
expect(2, _post, "string", "nil")
expect(3, _headers, "table", "nil")
expect(4, _binary, "boolean", "nil")
url = _url.url
local ok, err = nativeHTTPRequest(_url, _post, _headers, _binary)
if not ok then
os.queueEvent("http_failure", url, err)
return ok, err
local nativeCheckURL = native.checkURL
--[[- Asynchronously determine whether a URL can be requested.
If this returns `true`, one should also listen for @{http_check} which will
container further information about whether the URL is allowed or not.
@tparam string url The URL to check.
@treturn true When this url is not invalid. This does not imply that it is
allowed - see the comment above.
@treturn[2] false When this url is invalid.
@treturn string A reason why this URL is not valid (for instance, if it is
malformed, or blocked).
@see http.checkURL For a synchronous version.
checkURLAsync = nativeCheckURL
--[[- Determine whether a URL can be requested.
If this returns `true`, one should also listen for @{http_check} which will
container further information about whether the URL is allowed or not.
@tparam string url The URL to check.
@treturn true When this url is valid and can be requested via @{http.request}.
@treturn[2] false When this url is invalid.
@treturn string A reason why this URL is not valid (for instance, if it is
malformed, or blocked).
@see http.checkURLAsync For an asynchronous version.
-- => true
-- => false Domain not permitted
print(http.checkURL("not a url"))
-- => false URL malformed
function checkURL(_url)
expect(1, _url, "string")
local ok, err = nativeCheckURL(_url)
if not ok then return ok, err end
while true do
local _, url, ok, err = os.pullEvent("http_check")
if url == _url then return ok, err end
local nativeWebsocket = native.websocket
--[[- Open a websocket.
@tparam string url The websocket url to connect to. This should have the
`ws://` or `wss://` protocol.
@tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
of the initial websocket connection.
@treturn Websocket The websocket connection.
@treturn[2] false If the websocket connection failed.
@treturn string An error message describing why the connection failed.
@since 1.80pr1.1
@changed 1.80pr1.3 No longer asynchronous.
@changed 1.95.3 Added User-Agent to default headers.
websocketAsync = nativeWebsocket
--[[- Asynchronously open a websocket.
This returns immediately, a @{websocket_success} or @{websocket_failure}
will be queued once the request has completed.
@tparam string url The websocket url to connect to. This should have the
`ws://` or `wss://` protocol.
@tparam[opt] { [string] = string } headers Additional headers to send as part
of the initial websocket connection.
@since 1.80pr1.3
@changed 1.95.3 Added User-Agent to default headers.
function websocket(_url, _headers)
expect(1, _url, "string")
expect(2, _headers, "table", "nil")
local ok, err = nativeWebsocket(_url, _headers)
if not ok then return ok, err end
while true do
local event, url, param = os.pullEvent( )
if event == "websocket_success" and url == _url then
return param
elseif event == "websocket_failure" and url == _url then
return false, param