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Cherry pick several changes back from 1.19.3 The main purpose of this is to backport the improved parse/runtime errors to older versions. I think they're sufficiently useful that we should try to make it as widely available as possible. We've been running them for a week now on SC3 and the released version and not seen any issues, so I think it's probably stable enough. This is a pretty lazy commit: I ended up copying the whole ROM over and then picking up a few other related changes along the way. - Trim spaces from file paths (b8fce1eecccae652d1128fcf50b57a09eda69dca) - Correctly format 12AM/PM with %I (9f48395596131a932fbc37644fe1e4b15ffb6a61) - Fix http.request and htpt.websocketAsync not handling a few failure edge-cases correctly (3b42f22a4f36dad0c53bb238e64aada352a063cf). - Move the internal modules into the main package path, hidden under cc.internal (34a31abd9ce9106b84549ade2cc30524016107c9). - Gather code coverage in Java instead of Lua (28a55349a961c0739adc9d52fc3761c463678be9). - Make error messages in edit more obvious (8cfbfe7ceb35e87579b4f6fe8c892e6bce9ed0eb). - Make mcfly's test methods global. This means we don't need to pass stub everywhere (7335a892b5742f7879a4ca07f059cd7b8136aa3a). - Improve runtime and parse errors. This comes from numerous commits, but chiefly a12b405acfb63d58d6a895e8a8a139ef5c42fbfc, and 55024121817bb112ea68d30e7cb5511a16ccfc94. - Hide the internal redirect methods in multishell (33b6f383397d51074bd504a4067253ae65f5b77c). Note this does /not/ include the shebang changes (sorry Emma!). I've tried to avoid adding any user-controllable features, mostly because I don't know how to handle the versioning otherwise :).
2023-02-14 09:45:02 +00:00
--[[- The error messages reported by our lexer and parser.
This is an internal module and SHOULD NOT be used in your own code. It may
be removed or changed at any time.
This provides a list of factory methods which take source positions and produce
appropriate error messages targeting that location. These error messages can
then be displayed to the user via @{cc.internal.error_printer}.
local pretty = require "cc.pretty"
local expect = require "cc.expect".expect
local tokens = require "cc.internal.syntax.parser".tokens
local function annotate(start_pos, end_pos, msg)
if msg == nil and (type(end_pos) == "string" or type(end_pos) == "table" or type(end_pos) == "nil") then
end_pos, msg = start_pos, end_pos
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
expect(3, msg, "string", "table", "nil")
return { tag = "annotate", start_pos = start_pos, end_pos = end_pos, msg = msg or "" }
--- Format a string as a non-highlighted block of code.
-- @tparam string msg The code to format.
-- @treturn cc.pretty.Doc The formatted code.
local function code(msg) return pretty.text(msg, colours.lightGrey) end
--- Maps tokens to a more friendly version.
local token_names = setmetatable({
-- Specific tokens.
[tokens.IDENT] = "identifier",
[tokens.NUMBER] = "number",
[tokens.STRING] = "string",
[tokens.EOF] = "end of file",
-- Symbols and keywords
[tokens.ADD] = code("+"),
[tokens.AND] = code("and"),
[tokens.BREAK] = code("break"),
[tokens.CBRACE] = code("}"),
[tokens.COLON] = code(":"),
[tokens.COMMA] = code(","),
[tokens.CONCAT] = code(".."),
[tokens.CPAREN] = code(")"),
[tokens.CSQUARE] = code("]"),
[tokens.DIV] = code("/"),
[tokens.DO] = code("do"),
[tokens.DOT] = code("."),
[tokens.DOTS] = code("..."),
[tokens.ELSE] = code("else"),
[tokens.ELSEIF] = code("elseif"),
[tokens.END] = code("end"),
[tokens.EQ] = code("=="),
[tokens.EQUALS] = code("="),
[tokens.FALSE] = code("false"),
[tokens.FOR] = code("for"),
[tokens.FUNCTION] = code("function"),
[tokens.GE] = code(">="),
[tokens.GT] = code(">"),
[tokens.IF] = code("if"),
[tokens.IN] = code("in"),
[tokens.LE] = code("<="),
[tokens.LEN] = code("#"),
[tokens.LOCAL] = code("local"),
[tokens.LT] = code("<"),
[tokens.MOD] = code("%"),
[tokens.MUL] = code("*"),
[tokens.NE] = code("~="),
[tokens.NIL] = code("nil"),
[tokens.NOT] = code("not"),
[tokens.OBRACE] = code("{"),
[tokens.OPAREN] = code("("),
[tokens.OR] = code("or"),
[tokens.OSQUARE] = code("["),
[tokens.POW] = code("^"),
[tokens.REPEAT] = code("repeat"),
[tokens.RETURN] = code("return"),
[tokens.SEMICOLON] = code(";"),
[tokens.SUB] = code("-"),
[tokens.THEN] = code("then"),
[tokens.TRUE] = code("true"),
[tokens.UNTIL] = code("until"),
[tokens.WHILE] = code("while"),
}, { __index = function(_, name) error("No such token " .. tostring(name), 2) end })
local errors = {}
-- Lexer errors
--[[- A string which ends without a closing quote.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the string.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the string.
@tparam string quote The kind of quote (`"` or `'`).
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.unfinished_string(start_pos, end_pos, quote)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
expect(3, quote, "string")
return {
"This string is not finished. Are you missing a closing quote (" .. code(quote) .. ")?",
annotate(start_pos, "String started here."),
annotate(end_pos, "Expected a closing quote here."),
--[[- A string which ends with an escape sequence (so a literal `"foo\`). This
is slightly different from @{unfinished_string}, as we don't want to suggest
adding a quote.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the string.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the string.
@tparam string quote The kind of quote (`"` or `'`).
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.unfinished_string_escape(start_pos, end_pos, quote)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
expect(3, quote, "string")
return {
"This string is not finished.",
annotate(start_pos, "String started here."),
annotate(end_pos, "An escape sequence was started here, but with nothing following it."),
--[[- A long string was never finished.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the long string delimiter.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the long string delimiter.
@tparam number ;em The length of the long string delimiter, excluding the first `[`.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.unfinished_long_string(start_pos, end_pos, len)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
expect(3, len, "number")
return {
"This string was never finished.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos, "String was started here."),
"We expected a closing delimiter (" .. code("]" .. ("="):rep(len - 1) .. "]") .. ") somewhere after this string was started.",
--[[- Malformed opening to a long string (i.e. `[=`).
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the long string delimiter.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the long string delimiter.
@tparam number len The length of the long string delimiter, excluding the first `[`.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.malformed_long_string(start_pos, end_pos, len)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
expect(3, len, "number")
return {
"Incorrect start of a long string.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
"Tip: If you wanted to start a long string here, add an extra " .. code("[") .. " here.",
--[[- Malformed nesting of a long string.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the long string delimiter.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the long string delimiter.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.nested_long_str(start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
return {
code("[[") .. " cannot be nested inside another " .. code("[[ ... ]]"),
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
--[[- A malformed numeric literal.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the number.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the number.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.malformed_number(start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
return {
"This isn't a valid number.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
"Numbers must be in one of the following formats: " .. code("123") .. ", "
.. code("3.14") .. ", " .. code("23e35") .. ", " .. code("0x01AF") .. ".",
--[[- A long comment was never finished.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the long string delimiter.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the long string delimiter.
@tparam number len The length of the long string delimiter, excluding the first `[`.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.unfinished_long_comment(start_pos, end_pos, len)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
expect(3, len, "number")
return {
"This comment was never finished.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos, "Comment was started here."),
"We expected a closing delimiter (" .. code("]" .. ("="):rep(len - 1) .. "]") .. ") somewhere after this comment was started.",
--[[- `&&` was used instead of `and`.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.wrong_and(start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected character.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
"Tip: Replace this with " .. code("and") .. " to check if both values are true.",
--[[- `||` was used instead of `or`.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.wrong_or(start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected character.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
"Tip: Replace this with " .. code("or") .. " to check if either value is true.",
--[[- `!=` was used instead of `~=`.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.wrong_ne(start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected character.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
"Tip: Replace this with " .. code("~=") .. " to check if two values are not equal.",
--[[- An unexpected character was used.
@tparam number pos The position of this character.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.unexpected_character(pos)
expect(1, pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected character.",
annotate(pos, "This character isn't usable in Lua code."),
-- Expression parsing errors
--[[- A fallback error when we expected an expression but received another token.
@tparam number token The token id.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.expected_expression(token, start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, token, "number")
expect(2, start_pos, "number")
expect(3, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. ". Expected an expression.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
--[[- A fallback error when we expected a variable but received another token.
@tparam number token The token id.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.expected_var(token, start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, token, "number")
expect(2, start_pos, "number")
expect(3, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. ". Expected a variable name.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
--[[- `=` was used in an expression context.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the `=` token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the `=` token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.use_double_equals(start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected " .. code("=") .. " in expression.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
"Tip: Replace this with " .. code("==") .. " to check if two values are equal.",
--[[- `=` was used after an expression inside a table.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the `=` token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the `=` token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.table_key_equals(start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, start_pos, "number")
expect(2, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected " .. code("=") .. " in expression.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
"Tip: Wrap the preceding expression in " .. code("[") .. " and " .. code("]") .. " to use it as a table key.",
--[[- There is a trailing comma in this list of function arguments.
@tparam number token The token id.
@tparam number token_start The start position of the token.
@tparam number token_end The end position of the token.
@tparam number prev The start position of the previous entry.
@treturn table The resulting parse error.
function errors.missing_table_comma(token, token_start, token_end, prev)
expect(1, token, "number")
expect(2, token_start, "number")
expect(3, token_end, "number")
expect(4, prev, "number")
return {
"Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. " in table.",
annotate(token_start, token_end),
annotate(prev + 1, prev + 1, "Are you missing a comma here?"),
--[[- There is a trailing comma in this list of function arguments.
@tparam number comma_start The start position of the `,` token.
@tparam number comma_end The end position of the `,` token.
@tparam number paren_start The start position of the `)` token.
@tparam number paren_end The end position of the `)` token.
@treturn table The resulting parse error.
function errors.trailing_call_comma(comma_start, comma_end, paren_start, paren_end)
expect(1, comma_start, "number")
expect(2, comma_end, "number")
expect(3, paren_start, "number")
expect(4, paren_end, "number")
return {
"Unexpected " .. code(")") .. " in function call.",
annotate(paren_start, paren_end),
annotate(comma_start, comma_end, "Tip: Try removing this " .. code(",") .. "."),
Cherry pick several changes back from 1.19.3 The main purpose of this is to backport the improved parse/runtime errors to older versions. I think they're sufficiently useful that we should try to make it as widely available as possible. We've been running them for a week now on SC3 and the released version and not seen any issues, so I think it's probably stable enough. This is a pretty lazy commit: I ended up copying the whole ROM over and then picking up a few other related changes along the way. - Trim spaces from file paths (b8fce1eecccae652d1128fcf50b57a09eda69dca) - Correctly format 12AM/PM with %I (9f48395596131a932fbc37644fe1e4b15ffb6a61) - Fix http.request and htpt.websocketAsync not handling a few failure edge-cases correctly (3b42f22a4f36dad0c53bb238e64aada352a063cf). - Move the internal modules into the main package path, hidden under cc.internal (34a31abd9ce9106b84549ade2cc30524016107c9). - Gather code coverage in Java instead of Lua (28a55349a961c0739adc9d52fc3761c463678be9). - Make error messages in edit more obvious (8cfbfe7ceb35e87579b4f6fe8c892e6bce9ed0eb). - Make mcfly's test methods global. This means we don't need to pass stub everywhere (7335a892b5742f7879a4ca07f059cd7b8136aa3a). - Improve runtime and parse errors. This comes from numerous commits, but chiefly a12b405acfb63d58d6a895e8a8a139ef5c42fbfc, and 55024121817bb112ea68d30e7cb5511a16ccfc94. - Hide the internal redirect methods in multishell (33b6f383397d51074bd504a4067253ae65f5b77c). Note this does /not/ include the shebang changes (sorry Emma!). I've tried to avoid adding any user-controllable features, mostly because I don't know how to handle the versioning otherwise :).
2023-02-14 09:45:02 +00:00
-- Statement parsing errors
--[[- A fallback error when we expected a statement but received another token.
@tparam number token The token id.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.expected_statement(token, start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, token, "number")
expect(2, start_pos, "number")
expect(3, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. ". Expected a statement.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
--[[- `local function` was used with a table identifier.
@tparam number local_start The start position of the `local` token.
@tparam number local_end The end position of the `local` token.
@tparam number dot_start The start position of the `.` token.
@tparam number dot_end The end position of the `.` token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.local_function_dot(local_start, local_end, dot_start, dot_end)
expect(1, local_start, "number")
expect(2, local_end, "number")
expect(3, dot_start, "number")
expect(4, dot_end, "number")
return {
"Cannot use " .. code("local function") .. " with a table key.",
annotate(dot_start, dot_end, code(".") .. " appears here."),
annotate(local_start, local_end, "Tip: " .. "Try removing this " .. code("local") .. " keyword."),
--[[- A statement of the form `x.y z`
@tparam number pos The position right after this name.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.standalone_name(pos)
expect(1, pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected symbol after name.",
"Did you mean to assign this or call it as a function?",
--[[- A statement of the form `x.y`. This is similar to @{standalone_name}, but
when the next token is on another line.
@tparam number pos The position right after this name.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.standalone_name_call(pos)
expect(1, pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected symbol after variable.",
annotate(pos + 1, "Expected something before the end of the line."),
"Tip: Use " .. code("()") .. " to call with no arguments.",
--[[- `then` was expected
@tparam number if_start The start position of the `if`/`elseif` keyword.
@tparam number if_end The end position of the `if`/`elseif` keyword.
@tparam number token_pos The current token position.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.expected_then(if_start, if_end, token_pos)
expect(1, if_start, "number")
expect(2, if_end, "number")
expect(3, token_pos, "number")
return {
"Expected " .. code("then") .. " after if condition.",
annotate(if_start, if_end, "If statement started here."),
annotate(token_pos, "Expected " .. code("then") .. " before here."),
--[[- `end` was expected
@tparam number block_start The start position of the block.
@tparam number block_end The end position of the block.
@tparam number token The current token position.
@tparam number token_start The current token position.
@tparam number token_end The current token position.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.expected_end(block_start, block_end, token, token_start, token_end)
return {
"Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. ". Expected " .. code("end") .. " or another statement.",
annotate(block_start, block_end, "Block started here."),
annotate(token_start, token_end, "Expected end of block here."),
--[[- An unexpected `end` in a statement.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.unexpected_end(start_pos, end_pos)
return {
"Unexpected " .. code("end") .. ".",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
"Your program contains more " .. code("end") .. "s than needed. Check " ..
"each block (" .. code("if") .. ", " .. code("for") .. ", " ..
code("function") .. ", ...) only has one " .. code("end") .. ".",
-- Generic parsing errors
--[[- A fallback error when we can't produce anything more useful.
@tparam number token The token id.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.unexpected_token(token, start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, token, "number")
expect(2, start_pos, "number")
expect(3, end_pos, "number")
return {
"Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. ".",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
--[[- A parenthesised expression was started but not closed.
@tparam number open_start The start position of the opening bracket.
@tparam number open_end The end position of the opening bracket.
@tparam number tok_start The start position of the opening bracket.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.unclosed_brackets(open_start, open_end, token, start_pos, end_pos)
expect(1, open_start, "number")
expect(2, open_end, "number")
expect(3, token, "number")
expect(4, start_pos, "number")
expect(5, end_pos, "number")
-- TODO: Do we want to be smarter here with where we report the error?
return {
"Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. ". Are you missing a closing bracket?",
annotate(open_start, open_end, "Brackets were opened here."),
annotate(start_pos, end_pos, "Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. " here."),
--[[- Expected `(` to open our function arguments.
@tparam number token The token id.
@tparam number start_pos The start position of the token.
@tparam number end_pos The end position of the token.
@return The resulting parse error.
function errors.expected_function_args(token, start_pos, end_pos)
return {
"Unexpected " .. token_names[token] .. ". Expected " .. code("(") .. " to start function arguments.",
annotate(start_pos, end_pos),
return errors