mirror of https://github.com/SquidDev-CC/CC-Tweaked synced 2024-06-16 10:09:55 +00:00

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package dan200.computercraft.core.lua.waluaigi;
import cc.tweaked.waluaigi.*;
import dan200.computercraft.ComputerCraft;
import dan200.computercraft.api.lua.*;
import dan200.computercraft.core.asm.LuaMethod;
import dan200.computercraft.core.asm.ObjectSource;
import dan200.computercraft.core.computer.Computer;
import dan200.computercraft.core.computer.TimeoutState;
import dan200.computercraft.core.lua.LuaContext;
import dan200.computercraft.core.lua.MachineResult;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayFIFOQueue;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntPriorityQueue;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
class LuaState implements ExecutionEnvironment
private static final int INITIAL_MEMORY = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
private static final int STRING_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
private static final IDynamicLuaObject[] EMPTY_OBJECTS = new IDynamicLuaObject[0];
private final ILuaContext context;
private final Lua lua;
private final Memory memory;
private final TimeoutState timeout;
private int insnCount = 0;
private IDynamicLuaObject[] objects = EMPTY_OBJECTS;
private final IntPriorityQueue freeSlots = new IntArrayFIFOQueue( 0 );
private int nextSlot = 0;
private final int mainState;
private final int childState;
private final int intBox;
private final int stringBuffer;
private String eventFilter;
public LuaState( int maxMemory, Computer computer, TimeoutState timeout )
this.context = new LuaContext( computer );
this.timeout = timeout;
this.memory = new Memory( INITIAL_MEMORY, maxMemory );
this.lua = LuaFactory.create( this, memory );
this.intBox = lua.malloc( 4 );
this.stringBuffer = lua.malloc( STRING_BUFFER_SIZE );
this.mainState = lua.waluaigi_new_state();
this.childState = lua.lua_newthread( mainState );
public boolean isOpen()
return mainState != 0 && childState != 0 && intBox != 0 && stringBuffer != 0;
public int allocate( IDynamicLuaObject object )
if( !freeSlots.isEmpty() )
int slot = freeSlots.dequeueInt();
objects[slot] = object;
return slot;
if( nextSlot >= objects.length )
objects = objects == EMPTY_OBJECTS ? new IDynamicLuaObject[16] : Arrays.copyOf( objects, objects.length * 2 );
int slot = nextSlot++;
objects[slot] = object;
return slot;
public void free( int object )
if( object < 0 || object >= objects.length || objects[object] == null ) return;
objects[object] = null;
freeSlots.enqueue( object );
public int invoke( int luaState, int object, int method )
IDynamicLuaObject luaObject;
if( object < 0 || object >= objects.length || (luaObject = objects[object]) == null )
pushString( luaState, "Invalid object" );
lua.lua_error( luaState );
throw new UnreachableException();
int nargs = lua.lua_gettop( luaState );
Object[] args = new Object[nargs];
for( int i = 0; i < nargs; i++ ) args[i] = fromLua( luaState, i + 1 );
MethodResult result;
result = luaObject.callMethod( context, method, new ObjectArguments( args ) );
catch( LuaException e )
lua.luaL_where( luaState, e.getLevel() );
pushString( luaState, e.getMessage() );
lua.lua_concat( luaState, 2 );
lua.lua_error( luaState );
throw new UnreachableException();
if( result.getCallback() != null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "NYI: Yields" );
Object[] values = result.getResult();
if( values == null ) return 0;
for( Object value : values ) pushObject( luaState, value );
return values.length;
private Object fromLua( int luaState, int slot )
int type = lua.lua_type( luaState, slot );
switch( type )
case LuaConstants.LUA_TNIL:
return null;
case LuaConstants.LUA_TBOOLEAN:
return lua.lua_toboolean( luaState, slot ) != 0;
return null;
case LuaConstants.LUA_TNUMBER:
return lua.lua_tonumberx( luaState, slot, 0 );
case LuaConstants.LUA_TSTRING:
return getString( luaState, slot );
case LuaConstants.LUA_TTABLE:
ComputerCraft.log.warn( "NYI: conversion from table" );
// TODO: Conversion fom tables
return null;
case LuaConstants.LUA_TFUNCTION:
case LuaConstants.LUA_TUSERDATA:
case LuaConstants.LUA_TTHREAD:
return null;
public void addAPI( ILuaAPI api )
int mainState = childState;
pushLuaObject( mainState, api, true );
for( String name : api.getNames() )
lua.lua_pushvalue( mainState, -1 );
setShortString( name ); // TODO: Support long strings.
lua.lua_setglobal( mainState, stringBuffer );
lua.lua_settop( mainState, -2 );
public MachineResult handleEvent( @Nullable String eventName, @Nullable Object[] arguments )
ComputerCraft.log.warn( "Resuming computer {} vs {}", eventName, eventFilter );
if( eventFilter != null && eventName != null && !eventName.equals( eventFilter ) && !eventName.equals( "terminate" ) )
return MachineResult.OK;
// If the soft abort has been cleared then we can reset our flag.
int args = 0;
if( eventName != null )
pushString( childState, eventName );
if( arguments != null )
args += arguments.length;
for( Object object : arguments ) pushObject( childState, object );
int result = lua.lua_resume( childState, 0, args, intBox );
switch( result )
case LuaConstants.LUA_OK:
ComputerCraft.log.warn( "Coroutine finished for no reason!" );
return MachineResult.GENERIC_ERROR;
case LuaConstants.LUA_YIELD:
int nargs = memory.getInt( intBox );
eventFilter = nargs > 0 && lua.lua_type( childState, 1 ) == LuaConstants.LUA_TSTRING
? getString( childState, 1 )
: null;
lua.lua_settop( childState, -nargs - 1 );
ComputerCraft.log.warn( "Computer yielded OK with {}", eventFilter );
return MachineResult.OK;
String error = getString( childState, -1 );
ComputerCraft.log.warn( "Top level coroutine errored ({})", error );
return MachineResult.error( error );
private boolean pushDynamicObject( int luaState, IDynamicLuaObject object )
lua.waluaigi_pushobject( luaState, allocate( object ) );
String[] methods = Objects.requireNonNull( object.getMethodNames(), "Methods cannot be null" );
for( int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++ )
pushString( luaState, methods[i] );
lua.lua_pushvalue( luaState, -2 );
lua.waluaigi_pushfunction( luaState, i );
lua.lua_rawset( luaState, -4 );
lua.lua_settop( luaState, -2 );
return methods.length > 0;
private void pushLuaObject( int luaState, Object object, boolean force )
boolean hasMethods = false;
lua.lua_createtable( luaState, 0, 0 );
if( object instanceof IDynamicLuaObject )
hasMethods = pushDynamicObject( luaState, (IDynamicLuaObject) object );
hasMethods |= pushDynamicObject( luaState, new WrappedLuaObject( object, LuaMethod.GENERATOR.getMethods( object.getClass() ) ) );
if( object instanceof ObjectSource )
for( Object extra : ((ObjectSource) object).getExtra() )
hasMethods |= pushDynamicObject( luaState, new WrappedLuaObject( extra, LuaMethod.GENERATOR.getMethods( extra.getClass() ) ) );
if( hasMethods ) return;
ComputerCraft.log.warn( "Received unknown type '{}'.", object.getClass().getName() );
if( !force )
lua.lua_settop( luaState, -2 );
lua.lua_pushnil( luaState );
private void pushObject( int luaState, Object object )
if( object == null )
lua.lua_pushnil( luaState );
else if( object instanceof Long || object instanceof Integer )
lua.lua_pushinteger( luaState, ((Number) object).longValue() );
else if( object instanceof Number )
lua.lua_pushnumber( luaState, ((Number) object).doubleValue() );
else if( object instanceof Boolean )
lua.lua_pushboolean( luaState, (Boolean) object ? 1 : 0 );
else if( object instanceof String )
pushString( luaState, (String) object );
else if( object instanceof byte[] )
byte[] b = (byte[]) object;
pushString( luaState, b, 0, b.length );
else if( object instanceof ByteBuffer )
pushString( luaState, (ByteBuffer) object );
else if( object instanceof IDynamicLuaObject )
pushLuaObject( luaState, object, true );
else if( object instanceof Map )
Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) object;
lua.lua_createtable( luaState, 0, map.size() );
for( Map.Entry<?, ?> pair : map.entrySet() )
pushObject( luaState, pair.getKey() );
pushObject( luaState, pair.getValue() );
lua.lua_rawset( luaState, -3 );
else if( object instanceof Collection )
Collection<?> collection = (Collection<?>) object;
lua.lua_createtable( luaState, collection.size(), 0 );
int i = 0;
for( Object obj : collection )
pushObject( luaState, obj );
lua.lua_rawseti( luaState, -2, ++i );
else if( object instanceof Object[] )
Object[] collection = (Object[]) object;
lua.lua_createtable( luaState, collection.length, 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < collection.length; i++ )
pushObject( luaState, collection[i] );
lua.lua_rawseti( luaState, -2, i + 1 );
pushLuaObject( luaState, object, false );
public TimeoutMode getTimeout()
if( timeout.isHardAborted() ) return TimeoutMode.HALT;
if( (insnCount = (insnCount + 1) & 127) == 0 )
if( timeout.isSoftAborted() ) return TimeoutMode.ERROR;
if( timeout.isPaused() ) return TimeoutMode.PAUSE;
return TimeoutMode.OK;
public MachineResult loadString( ByteBuffer contents, String name )
int contentsLen = contents.remaining();
int contentsLoc = lua.malloc( contentsLen );
memory.put( contentsLoc, contents );
setShortString( name );
int result = lua.luaL_loadbufferx( childState, contentsLoc, contentsLen, stringBuffer, 0 );
lua.free( contentsLoc );
return result == 0 ? MachineResult.OK : MachineResult.error( "Cannot parse bios.lua: " + getString( childState, 1 ) );
private void setShortString( String string )
int length = string.length();
if( length >= STRING_BUFFER_SIZE ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "String must be <1024 characters" );
memory.putString( stringBuffer, string );
memory.put( stringBuffer + string.length(), (byte) 0 );
public void pushString( int luaState, String string )
int length = string.length();
if( length <= STRING_BUFFER_SIZE )
memory.putString( stringBuffer, string );
lua.lua_pushlstring( luaState, stringBuffer, length );
int position = lua.malloc( length + 1 );
if( position == 0 ) throw new OutOfMemoryException( "Cannot allocate string" );
memory.putString( position, string );
lua.lua_pushlstring( luaState, position, length );
lua.free( position );
public void pushString( int luaState, ByteBuffer buffer )
int length = buffer.remaining();
if( length <= STRING_BUFFER_SIZE )
memory.put( stringBuffer, buffer );
lua.lua_pushlstring( luaState, stringBuffer, length );
int position = lua.malloc( length );
if( position == 0 ) throw new OutOfMemoryException( "Cannot allocate string" );
memory.put( position, buffer );
lua.lua_pushlstring( luaState, position, length );
lua.free( position );
public void pushString( int luaState, byte[] bytes, int offset, int length )
if( length <= STRING_BUFFER_SIZE )
memory.put( stringBuffer, bytes, offset, length );
lua.lua_pushlstring( luaState, stringBuffer, length );
int position = lua.malloc( length );
if( position == 0 ) throw new OutOfMemoryException( "Cannot allocate string" );
memory.put( position, bytes, offset, length );
lua.lua_pushlstring( luaState, position, length );
lua.free( position );
public String getString( int luaState, int slot )
int stringPos = lua.luaL_checklstring( luaState, slot, intBox );
if( stringPos == 0 ) throw new NullPointerException( "luaL_checklstring returned 0" );
return memory.getString( stringPos, memory.getInt( intBox ) );
public ByteBuffer getStringAsBuffer( int luaState, int slot )
int stringPos = lua.luaL_checklstring( luaState, slot, intBox );
if( stringPos == 0 ) throw new NullPointerException( "luaL_checklstring returned 0" );
int length = memory.getInt( intBox );
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( length );
memory.get( stringPos, buffer );
return buffer;