Hi. This is my conlang.

There are a few types of words as of now.

Truth values

Truth values are an intrinsic property of statements.

For example, the truth value of the statement "if x is true, then x" is true.


This is the truth value of statements like "this statement is false" and such.


This is the truth value of statements where there is not enough information to deduce a truth value, like "x is true".


A statement is a fact, like "at least one thing exists".

A statement generally has a truth value. It consists of concepts and other statements, primarily. Statements are what is fundamentally communicated.

Stating a statement implicitly implies that it is true.


lontra klastra anapios: a bee exists

lontra indicates x1 exists. x1 is klastra anapios, where klastra is a content modifier meaning "a nonspecific x1". As a result, klastra anapios is "an anapios", which is a bee. So, a bee exists.