local args={...} local pkg=dofile("/lib/pkgm.lua") if args[1]=="i" and args[2]~=nil then local deps=pkg.dependencies(args[2]) if not deps then print("Already up to date, æpioform.") return end print("To be installed or updated:\n") print(table.concat(deps," ")) print("\nPress the any key to continue.") os.pullEvent("char") pkg.pkginstmulti(deps) print("Done!") elseif args[1]=="rm" and args[2]~=nil then table.remove(args,1) print("If this breaks things, you're completely responsible.") print("Press the any key to continue.") os.pullEvent("char") for i,v in ipairs(args) do pkg.pkguinst(v) end print("Done.") else print("usage:\ni \nupd \nrm ") end