local expect if _G["~expect"] then expect = _G["~expect"] else local native_select, native_type = select, type expect = function(index, value, ...) local t = native_type(value) for i = 1, native_select("#", ...) do if t == native_select(i, ...) then return true end end local types = table.pack(...) for i = types.n, 1, -1 do if types[i] == "nil" then table.remove(types, i) end end local type_names if #types <= 1 then type_names = tostring(...) else type_names = table.concat(types, ", ", 1, #types - 1) .. " or " .. types[#types] end -- If we can determine the function name with a high level of confidence, try to include it. local name if native_type(debug) == "table" and native_type(debug.getinfo) == "function" then local ok, info = pcall(debug.getinfo, 3, "nS") if ok and info.name and #info.name ~= "" and info.what ~= "C" then name = info.name end end if name then error( ("bad argument #%d to '%s' (expected %s, got %s)"):format(index, name, type_names, t), 3 ) else error( ("bad argument #%d (expected %s, got %s)"):format(index, type_names, t), 3 ) end end end CHANNEL_GPS = 65534 local function trilaterate( A, B, C ) local a2b = B.vPosition - A.vPosition local a2c = C.vPosition - A.vPosition if math.abs( a2b:normalize():dot( a2c:normalize() ) ) > 0.999 then return nil end local d = a2b:length() local ex = a2b:normalize( ) local i = ex:dot( a2c ) local ey = (a2c - ex * i):normalize() local j = ey:dot( a2c ) local ez = ex:cross( ey ) local r1 = A.nDistance local r2 = B.nDistance local r3 = C.nDistance local x = (r1 * r1 - r2 * r2 + d * d) / (2 * d) local y = (r1 * r1 - r3 * r3 - x * x + (x - i) * (x - i) + j * j) / (2 * j) local result = A.vPosition + ex * x + ey * y local zSquared = r1 * r1 - x * x - y * y if zSquared > 0 then local z = math.sqrt( zSquared ) local result1 = result + ez * z local result2 = result - ez * z local rounded1, rounded2 = result1:round( 0.01 ), result2:round( 0.01 ) if rounded1.x ~= rounded2.x or rounded1.y ~= rounded2.y or rounded1.z ~= rounded2.z then return rounded1, rounded2 else return rounded1 end end return result:round( 0.01 ) end local function narrow( p1, p2, fix ) local dist1 = math.abs( (p1 - fix.vPosition):length() - fix.nDistance ) local dist2 = math.abs( (p2 - fix.vPosition):length() - fix.nDistance ) if math.abs(dist1 - dist2) < 0.01 then return p1, p2 elseif dist1 < dist2 then return p1:round( 0.01 ) else return p2:round( 0.01 ) end end function locate( _nTimeout, _bDebug ) expect(1, _nTimeout, "number", "nil") expect(2, _bDebug, "boolean", "nil") -- Let command computers use their magic fourth-wall-breaking special abilities if commands then return commands.getBlockPosition() end -- Find a modem local sModemSide = nil for _, sSide in ipairs( rs.getSides() ) do if peripheral.getType( sSide ) == "modem" and peripheral.call( sSide, "isWireless" ) then sModemSide = sSide break end end if sModemSide == nil then if _bDebug then print( "No wireless modem attached" ) end return nil end if _bDebug then print( "Finding position..." ) end -- Open it local modem = peripheral.wrap( sModemSide ) local bCloseChannel = false if not modem.isOpen( CHANNEL_GPS ) then modem.open( CHANNEL_GPS ) bCloseChannel = true end -- Send a ping to listening GPS hosts modem.transmit( CHANNEL_GPS, CHANNEL_GPS, "PING" ) -- Wait for the responses local tFixes = {} local pos1, pos2, dimension local timeout = os.startTimer( _nTimeout or 2 ) while true do local e, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = os.pullEvent() if e == "modem_message" then -- We received a reply from a modem local sSide, sChannel, sReplyChannel, tMessage, nDistance = p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 if sSide == sModemSide and sChannel == CHANNEL_GPS and sReplyChannel == CHANNEL_GPS and nDistance then -- Received the correct message from the correct modem: use it to determine position if type(tMessage) == "table" and #tMessage == 3 and tonumber(tMessage[1]) and tonumber(tMessage[2]) and tonumber(tMessage[3]) then local tFix = { vPosition = vector.new( tMessage[1], tMessage[2], tMessage[3] ), nDistance = nDistance, dimension = tMessage.dimension } if _bDebug then local text = tFix.nDistance .. " metres from " .. tostring(tFix.vPosition) if type(tFix.dimension) == "number" or type(tFix.dimension) == "string" then text = text .. " " .. tFix.dimension end print(text) end if tFix.nDistance == 0 then pos1, pos2 = tFix.vPosition, nil else table.insert( tFixes, tFix ) if #tFixes >= 3 then if not pos1 then pos1, pos2 = trilaterate( tFixes[1], tFixes[2], tFixes[#tFixes] ) else pos1, pos2 = narrow( pos1, pos2, tFixes[#tFixes] ) end end end if pos1 and not pos2 then local dimension_claims = {} for _, fix in pairs(tFixes) do if type(fix.dimension) == "string" or type(fix.dimension) == "number" then dimension_claims[fix.dimension] = (dimension_claims[fix.dimension] or 0) + 1 end end local highest_count = 0 for dim, count in pairs(dimension_claims) do if count > highest_count then highest_count = count dimension = dim end end break end end end elseif e == "timer" then -- We received a timeout local timer = p1 if timer == timeout then break end end end -- Close the channel, if we opened one if bCloseChannel then modem.close( CHANNEL_GPS ) end -- Return the response if pos1 and pos2 then if _bDebug then print( "Ambiguous position" ) print( "Could be " .. pos1.x .. "," .. pos1.y .. "," .. pos1.z .. " or " .. pos2.x .. "," .. pos2.y .. "," .. pos2.z ) end return nil elseif pos1 then if _bDebug then print( "Position is " .. pos1.x .. "," .. pos1.y .. "," .. pos1.z ) if dimension then print("Dimension is " .. dimension) end end return pos1.x, pos1.y, pos1.z, dimension else if _bDebug then print( "Could not determine position" ) end return nil end end