local clock = peripheral.find("manipulator", function(_, o) return o.hasModule "minecraft:clock" end) local run = true while run do term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) local ms = os.epoch "utc" % 1000 local gametime = os.time() local integer = math.floor(gametime) local fractional = gametime - integer local gametimestring = ("%02d:%02d"):format(integer, math.floor(fractional * 60)) local out = { {"UTC", (os.date "!%H:%M:%S.%%03d %d/%m/%Y"):format(ms)}, {"Server time", (os.date "%H:%M:%S.%%03d %d/%m/%Y"):format(ms)}, {"World time", ("%s on %d"):format(gametimestring, os.day())} } if clock then table.insert(out, {"Celestial angle", ("%f degrees"):format(clock.getCelestialAngle())}) table.insert(out, {"Moon phase", tostring(clock.getMoonPhase())}) table.insert(out, {"World time (ticks)", tostring(clock.getTime())}) end textutils.tabulate(unpack(out)) print "Press ; to exit" local timer = os.startTimer(0.05) while run do local ev, param = os.pullEvent() if ev == "timer" and timer == param then break elseif ev == "char" and param == ";" then run = false end end end