local function gen_vers() return ("%d.%d.%d"):format(math.random(0, 4), math.random(0, 20), math.random(0, 8)) end local vers = potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.factor_version" if not vers then vers = gen_vers() potatOS.registry.set("potatOS.factor_version", vers) end print(fs.getName(shell.getRunningProgram()) - "%.lua$", "v" .. vers) local x repeat write "Provide an integer to factorize: " x = tonumber(read()) if not x or math.floor(x) ~= x then print("That is NOT an integer.") end until x if x > (2^40) then print("WARNING: Number is quite big. Due to Lua floating point limitations, draconic entities MAY be present. If this runs for several seconds, it's probably frozen due to this.") end local floor, abs, random, log, pow = math.floor, math.abs, math.random, math.log, math.pow local function gcd(x, y) local r = x % y if r == 0 then return y end return gcd(y, r) end local function eps_compare(x, y) return abs(x - y) < 1e-14 end local function modexp(a, b, n) if b == 0 then return 1 % n end if b == 1 then return a % n end local bdiv2 = b / 2 local fbdiv2 = floor(bdiv2) if eps_compare(bdiv2, fbdiv2) then -- b is even, so it is possible to just modexp with HALF the exponent and square it (mod n) local x = modexp(a, fbdiv2, n) return (x * x) % n else -- not even, so subtract 1 (this is even), modexp that, and multiply by a again (mod n) return (modexp(a, b - 1, n) * a) % n end end local bases = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19} local primes = {} for _, k in pairs(bases) do primes[k] = true end local function is_probably_prime(n) if primes[n] then return true end if n > 2 and n % 2 == 0 then return false end -- express n as 2^r * d + 1 -- by dividing n - 1 by 2 until this is no longer possible local d = n - 1 local r = 0 while true do local ddiv = d / 2 if ddiv == floor(ddiv) then r = r + 1 d = ddiv else break end end sleep() for _, a in pairs(bases) do local x = modexp(a, d, n) if x == 1 or x == n - 1 then -- continue looping else local c = true for i = 2, r do x = (x * x) % n if x == n - 1 then c = false break end end if c then return false end end end primes[n] = true return true end local function is_power(n) local i = 2 while true do local x = pow(n, 1/i) if x == floor(x) then return i, x elseif x < 2 then return end i = i + 1 end end local function insertmany(xs, ys) for _, y in pairs(ys) do table.insert(xs, y) end end -- pollard's rho algorithm -- it iterates again if it doesn't find a factor in one iteration, which causes infinite loops for actual primes -- so a Miller-Rabin primality test is used to detect these (plus optimization for small primes); this will work for any number Lua can represent accurately, apparently -- this also checks if something is an integer power of something else -- You may argue that this is "stupid" and "pointless" and that "trial division would be faster anyway, the numbers are quite small" in which case bee you. local function factor(n, c) if is_probably_prime(n) then return {n} end local p, q = is_power(n) if p then local qf = factor(q) local o = {} for i = 1, p do insertmany(o, qf) end return o end local c = (c or 0) + random(1, 1000) local function g(x) return ((x * x) + c) % n end local x, y, d = 2, 2, 1 local count = 0 while d == 1 do x = g(x) y = g(g(y)) d = gcd(abs(x - y), n) count = count + 1 if count % 1e6 == 0 then sleep() end end if d == n then return factor(n, c) end local facs = {} insertmany(facs, factor(d)) insertmany(facs, factor(n / d)) return facs end local facs = factor(x) if (potatOS.is_uninstalling and potatOS.is_uninstalling()) and x > 1e5 then for k, v in pairs(facs) do facs[k] = facs[k] + random(-1000, 1000) end end print("Factors:", unpack(facs))