local path = { "", "/heavlisp_lib/", "/rom/heavlisp_lib/", "/lib/", "/rom/lib/", "lib/", } if not unpack then unpack = table.unpack end function deepclone(t) local res={} for i,v in ipairs(t) do if type(v)=="table" then res[i]=deepclone(v) else res[i]=v end end return res end function tokenize(str) local ptr=1 local tokens={} local line=1 local function isIn(e,s) for i=1,#s do if s:sub(i,i)==e then return true end end return false end local function isInT(e,s) for i=1,#s do if s[i]==e then return true end end return false end local function isNotIdent(c) return isIn(c,"()[] \n\t\v\r\f\";'`") end local function isDigit(c) return isIn(c,"0123456789") end while true do local c=str:sub(ptr,ptr) if c=="(" then table.insert(tokens,{"(",line=line}) ptr=ptr+1 elseif c==")" then table.insert(tokens,{")",line=line}) ptr=ptr+1 elseif c=="[" then table.insert(tokens,{"[",line=line}) ptr=ptr+1 elseif c=="]" then table.insert(tokens,{"]",line=line}) ptr=ptr+1 elseif c=="\n" then line=line+1 ptr=ptr+1 elseif c==" " or c=="\t" or c=="\v" or c=="\f" or c=="\r" or c==";" then ptr=ptr+1 --ignore whitespace. semicolon is treated as whitespace, somewhat. elseif c=="/" and str:sub(ptr+1,ptr+1)=="/" then ptr=ptr+1 local nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) while nc~="\n" and ptr<=#str do ptr=ptr+1 nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) end line=line+1 ptr=ptr+1 elseif c=="," then table.insert(tokens,{",",line=line}) ptr=ptr+1 elseif c==":" then table.insert(tokens,{"string",str:sub(ptr+1,ptr+1),line=line}) if str:sub(ptr+1,ptr+1)=="\n" then line=line+1 end ptr=ptr+2 elseif c=="'" then local res="" ptr=ptr+1 local nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) while not isNotIdent(nc) and ptr<=#str do ptr=ptr+1 res=res..nc nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) end table.insert(tokens,{"string",res,line=line}) elseif c=="\"" then local res="" ptr=ptr+1 local nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) while nc~="\"" and ptr<=#str do if nc=="\\" then ptr=ptr+1 nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) end if nc=="\n" then line=line+1 end res=res..nc ptr=ptr+1 nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) end ptr=ptr+1 table.insert(tokens,{"string",res,line=line}) elseif c=="`" and str:sub(ptr+1,ptr+1)=="`" then local res="" ptr=ptr+2 local nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr+1) while nc~="``" and ptr<=#str do if nc:sub(1,1)=="\\" then ptr=ptr+1 nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) end if nc:sub(1,1)=="\n" then line=line+1 end res=res..nc:sub(1,1) ptr=ptr+1 nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr+1) end ptr=ptr+2 table.insert(tokens,{"string",res,line=line}) elseif isDigit(c) then local res=c ptr=ptr+1 local nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) while isDigit(nc) and ptr<=#str do ptr=ptr+1 res=res..nc nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) end table.insert(tokens,{"number",tonumber(res,10),line=line}) elseif ptr>#str then break elseif not isNotIdent(c) then local res=c ptr=ptr+1 local nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) while not isNotIdent(nc) and ptr<=#str do ptr=ptr+1 res=res..nc nc=str:sub(ptr,ptr) end table.insert(tokens,{"identifier",res,line=line}) else print("no idea what this is: "..c) ptr=ptr+1 end end table.insert(tokens,{"EOF"}) return tokens end function into_ast(tokens) local ptr=1 local function expect(token) if tokens[ptr][1]~=token then error("expected "..token..", got "..tokens[ptr][1]) end return tokens[ptr] end local function expect2(token) if tokens[ptr][2]~=token then error("expected "..token..", got "..tokens[ptr][2] and tokens[ptr][2] or tokens[ptr][1]) end return tokens[ptr] end local function combinator_and(p,p2) return function() local bk=ptr local r1,r2=p(),p2() if not (r1 and r2) then ptr=bk return false end return {r1,r2} end end local function combinator_or(p,p2) return function() local bk=ptr local r1=p() if not r1 then local r2=p2() if not r2 then ptr=bk return false end return r2 end return r1 end end local function any_amount(p) return function() local res={} while true do local bk=ptr local tmp=p() if (tmp==nil) or tmp==false or tokens[bk][1]=="EOF" then ptr=bk break end table.insert(res,tmp) end return res end end local function any_eof(p) return function() local res={} while true do local bk=ptr local tmp=p() if (tmp==nil) or tmp==false or tokens[bk][1]=="EOF" then if tokens[bk][1]~="EOF" then print("line "..tokens[bk].line..": some syntax error occured.") os.exit(1) end ptr=bk break end table.insert(res,tmp) end return res end end local function more_than_one(p) return function() local bk=ptr local r1=p() if not r1 or tokens[bk][1]=="EOF" then ptr=bk return false end local res={r1} while true do local bk=ptr local tmp=p() if (tmp==nil) or tmp==false or tokens[bk][1]=="EOF" then ptr=bk break end table.insert(res,tmp) end return res end end local function number() return function() if tokens[ptr][1]=="number" then ptr=ptr+1 return {"number",tokens[ptr-1][2],line=tokens[ptr-1].line} end return false end end local function string() return function() if tokens[ptr][1]=="string" then ptr=ptr+1 return {"string",tokens[ptr-1][2],line=tokens[ptr-1].line} end return false end end local function symbol(x) return function() if tokens[ptr][1]==x then ptr=ptr+1 return tokens[ptr-1] end return false end end local function literal() return combinator_or(number(),string()) end local expression,lambda function statement() return combinator_or(combinator_or(expression(),lambda()),symbol("identifier")) end expression=function() return combinator_or(literal(),function() local res={"expression"} local tmp=symbol("(")() if not tmp then return false end res.line=tmp.line res[2]=more_than_one(statement())() if not symbol(")")() then return false end return res end) end lambda=function() return combinator_or(literal(),function() local res={"lambda"} local tmp=symbol("[")() if not tmp then return false end res.line=tmp.line res[2]=more_than_one(statement())() if not symbol("]")() then return false end return res end) end return any_eof(statement())() end function interpret(ast,imports) local namespace_stack={{}} local cline=1 local function top() return namespace_stack[#namespace_stack] end local function instantiate(k,v) local t=top() t[k]={v} end local function set(k,v) local t=top() if not t[k] then instantiate(k,v) else t[k][1]=v end end local function throwerror(reason) print("line "..cline..": "..reason) os.exit(1) end local function get(k) local t=top() if t[k] then return t[k][1] end throwerror("could not find variable "..k) end local function clone() namespace_stack[#namespace_stack+1]=deepclone(top()) end local function discard() namespace_stack[#namespace_stack]=nil end local function to(...) local res={} local a={...} for i,v in ipairs(a) do if type(v)=="table" then local res2={} for i2,v2 in ipairs(v) do res2[i2]=to(v2) end table.insert(res,{type="list",value=res2}) else table.insert(res,{type=({ ["nil"]="nil", ["string"]="string", ["number"]="number", ["boolean"]="bool", ["table"]="list", ["function"]="function", })[type(v)],value=v}) end end return unpack(res) end local function from(...) local res={} local a={...} for i,v in ipairs(a) do if v.type=="list" then local res2={} for i2,v2 in ipairs(v.value) do res2[i2]=from(v2) end table.insert(res,res2) else table.insert(res,v.value) end end return unpack(res) end local raw raw={ ["+"]=function(x,y) if x and y then if x.type=="number" and y.type=="number" then return {type="number",value=x.value+y.value} end if (x.type=="string" and (y.type=="string" or y.type=="number" or y.type=="bool")) or (y.type=="string" and (x.type=="string" or x.type=="number" or x.type=="bool")) then return {type="string",value=x.value..y.value} end end return throwerror("types incompatible: "..(x and x.type or "nil")..", "..(y and y.type or "nil")) end, ["*"]=function(x,y) if x and y and x.type=="number" and y.type=="number" then return {type="number",value=x.value*y.value} end throwerror("types incompatible: "..(x and x.type or "nil")..", "..(y and y.type or "nil")) end, ["negate"]=function(x) if x and x.type=="number" then return {type="number",value=-(x.value)} end throwerror("types incompatible: "..(args[1] and args[1].type or "nil")) end, ["at"]=function(x,y) if x and x.type=="list" and y and (y.type=="number" or y.type=="string") then if x.value[y.value] then return x.value[y.value] end throwerror("attempt to get out of bounds index "..y.value) end if x and x.type=="string" and y and y.type=="number" then if #x.value>=(y.value+1) and (y.value+1)>=1 then return {type="string",value=x.value:sub(y.value+1,y.value+1)} end throwerror("attempt to get out of bounds index "..y.value) end throwerror("types incompatible: "..(x and x.type or "nil")..", "..(y and y.type or "nil")) end, ["keys"]=function(x) if x and x.type=="list" then local res={type="list",value={}} for i,v in pairs(x.value) do table.insert(res.value,to(i)) end return res end throwerror("types incompatible: "..(x and x.type or "nil")) end, ["/"]=function(x,y) if x and y and x.type=="number" and y.type=="number" then return {type="number",value=x.value/y.value} end throwerror("types incompatible: "..(x and x.type or nil)..", "..y and y.type or nil) end, ["=="]=function(x,y) if x.type~=y.type then return {type="bool",value=false} end return {type="bool",value=x.value==y.value} end, ["len"]=function(x) if x.type=="list" or x.type=="string" then return {type="number",value=#x.value} end end, ["seti"]=function(x,y,z) if x and x.type=="list" and y and (y.type=="number" or y.type=="string") and z then x.value[y.value]=z end throwerror("types incompatible: "..(x and x.type or "nil")..", "..(y and y.type or "nil")..", "..(z and z.type or "nil")) end, ["if"]=function(x,y,z) if x and x.value~=0 and x.value~=false then if y and y.type=="function" then return y.value() end else if x and z and z.type=="function" then return z.value() end end return throwerror("types incompatible: "..(x and x.type or "nil")..", "..(y and y.type or "nil")..", "..(z and z.type or "nil")) end, ["print"]=function(...) local tmp={} local args={...} for i=1,#args do if args[i].type=="string" or args[i].type=="number" or args[i].type=="bool" then tmp[#tmp+1]=args[i].value end if args[i].type=="error" then tmp[#tmp+1]="error: "..args[i].value end if args[i].type=="list" then tmp[#tmp+1]="(list, length: "..#args[i].value..")" end if args[i].type=="function" then tmp[#tmp+1]="(function)" end end print(unpack(tmp)) return {type="bool",value=true} end, ["type"]=function(x) if x then return {type="string",value=x.type} end throwerror("types incompatible: nil") end, ["<"]=function(x,y) if x and y and x.type=="number" and y.type=="number" then return {type="bool",value=(x.value