-- -- beautify -- -- A command line utility for beautifying lua source code using the beautifier. -- local util = require'Util' local Parser = require'ParseLua' local Format_Beautify = require'FormatBeautiful' local ParseLua = Parser.ParseLua local PrintTable = util.PrintTable local function splitFilename(name) --table.foreach(arg, print) if name:find(".") then local p, ext = name:match("()%.([^%.]*)$") if p and ext then if #ext == 0 then return name, nil else local filename = name:sub(1,p-1) return filename, ext end else return name, nil end else return name, nil end end if #arg == 1 then local name, ext = splitFilename(arg[1]) local outname = name.."_formatted" if ext then outname = outname.."."..ext end -- local inf = io.open(arg[1], 'r') if not inf then print("Failed to open '"..arg[1].."' for reading") return end -- local sourceText = inf:read('*all') inf:close() -- local st, ast = ParseLua(sourceText) if not st then --we failed to parse the file, show why print(ast) return end -- local outf = io.open(outname, 'w') if not outf then print("Failed to open '"..outname.."' for writing") return end -- outf:write(Format_Beautify(ast)) outf:close() -- print("Beautification complete") elseif #arg == 2 then --keep the user from accidentally overwriting their non-minified file with if arg[1]:find("_formatted") then print("Did you mix up the argument order?\n".. "Current command will beautify '"..arg[1].."' and overwrite '"..arg[2].."' with the results") while true do io.write("Confirm (yes/no): ") local msg = io.read('*line') if msg == 'yes' then break elseif msg == 'no' then return end end end local inf = io.open(arg[1], 'r') if not inf then print("Failed to open '"..arg[1].."' for reading") return end -- local sourceText = inf:read('*all') inf:close() -- local st, ast = ParseLua(sourceText) if not st then --we failed to parse the file, show why print(ast) return end -- if arg[1] == arg[2] then print("Are you SURE you want to overwrite the source file with a beautified version?\n".. "You will be UNABLE to get the original source back!") while true do io.write("Confirm (yes/no): ") local msg = io.read('*line') if msg == 'yes' then break elseif msg == 'no' then return end end end local outf = io.open(arg[2], 'w') if not outf then print("Failed to open '"..arg[2].."' for writing") return end -- outf:write(Format_Beautify(ast)) outf:close() -- print("Beautification complete") else print("Invalid arguments!\nUsage: lua CommandLineLuaBeautify.lua source_file [destination_file]") end