forked from osmarks/potatOS

219 lines
4.8 KiB

# ccecc.py by migeyel
# yes, this is almost certainly not as secure as a dedicated and well-reviewed cryptographic library
# but it is compatible with lib/ecc-168.lua's curve, and probably at least okay enough to not be breakable without significant work and advanced knowledge
from random import SystemRandom
from hashlib import sha256
sr = SystemRandom()
d = 122
p = 481 * 2**159 + 3
q = 87872785944520537956996543572443276895479022146391
q_high = (q & 0xffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 144
r = 2**168
rinv_p = 310071939986524294093047724006185234204379008641709
rinv_q = 36602587216183530149852253031625932170262363893516
def montgomery_mod_p(n):
return (n * r) % p
def inv_montgomery_mod_p(n):
return (n * rinv_p) % p
def montgomery_mod_q(n):
return (n * r) % q
def inv_montgomery_mod_q(n):
return (n * rinv_q) % q
class Point():
def __init__(self, X, Y, Z):
self.X = X
self.Y = Y
self.Z = Z
def double(self):
X1, Y1, Z1 = self.X, self.Y, self.Z
b = (X1 + Y1) % p
B = (b * b) % p
C = (X1 * X1) % p
D = (Y1 * Y1) % p
E = (C + D) % p
H = (Z1 * Z1) % p
J = (E - 2 * H) % p
X3 = ((B - E) * J) % p
Y3 = (E * (C - D)) % p
Z3 = (E * J) % p
return Point(X3, Y3, Z3)
def __add__(self, other):
X1, Y1, Z1 = self.X, self.Y, self.Z
X2, Y2, Z2 = other.X, other.Y, other.Z
A = (Z1 * Z2) % p
B = (A * A) % p
C = (X1 * X2) % p
D = (Y1 * Y2) % p
E = (d * C * D) % p
F = (B - E) % p
G = (B + E) % p
X3 = ((X1 + Y1) * (X2 + Y2)) % p
X3 = (X3 - (C + D)) % p
X3 = (F * X3) % p
X3 = (A * X3) % p
Y3 = (G * (D - C)) % p
Y3 = (A * Y3) % p
Z3 = (F * G) % p
return Point(X3, Y3, Z3)
def __neg__(self):
return Point(-self.X % p, self.Y, self.Z)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self + (-other)
def scale(self):
X1, Y1, Z1 = self.X, self.Y, self.Z
A = pow(Z1, p - 2, p)
return Point((X1 * A) % p, (Y1 * A) % p, 1)
def __eq__(self, other):
X1, Y1, Z1 = self.X, self.Y, self.Z
X2, Y2, Z2 = other.X, other.Y, other.Z
A1 = (X1 * Z2) % p
B1 = (Y1 * Z2) % p
A2 = (X2 * Z1) % p
B2 = (Y2 * Z1) % p
return A1 == A2 and B1 == B2
def is_on_curve(self):
X1, Y1, Z1 = self.X, self.Y, self.Z
X12 = (X1 * X1) % p
Y12 = (Y1 * Y1) % p
Z12 = (Z1 * Z1) % p
Z14 = (Z12 * Z12) % p
a = (X12 + Y12) % p
a = (a * Z12) % p
b = (d * X12 * Y12) % p
b = (Z14 + b) % p
return a == b
def is_inf(self):
return self.X == 0
def __mul__(self, other):
P = self
R = Point(0, 1, 1)
while other > 0:
if other % 2 == 1:
R = R + P
P = P.double()
other //= 2
return R
def encode(self):
self = self.scale()
x, y = self.X, self.Y
x = montgomery_mod_p(x)
y = montgomery_mod_p(y)
result = y.to_bytes(21, "little")
result += b"\1" if x % 2 == 1 else b"\0"
return result
def decode(enc):
xbit = enc[-1]
y = int.from_bytes(enc[:-1], "little")
y = inv_montgomery_mod_p(y)
y2 = (y * y) % p
u = (y2 - 1) % p
v = (d * y2 - 1) % p
u2 = (u * u) % p
u3 = (u * u2) % p
u5 = (u3 * u2) % p
v2 = (v * v) % p
v3 = (v * v2) % p
w = (u5 * v3) % p
x = pow(w, (p - 3) // 4, p)
x = (v * x) % p
x = (u3 * x) % p
if montgomery_mod_p(x) % 2 != xbit:
x = p - x
result = Point(x, y, 1)
if not result.is_on_curve():
raise AssertionError("invalid point")
return result
G = Point(57011162926213840986709657235115373630724916748242, 4757975364450884908603518716754190307249787749330, 1)
def encode_mod_q(n):
return montgomery_mod_q(n).to_bytes(21, "little")
def decode_mod_q(data):
data = int.from_bytes(data, "little") & 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
data_high = (data & 0xffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000) >> 144
data_low = data & 0x000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
data_high = data_high % q_high
data = data_low | (data_high << 144)
return inv_montgomery_mod_q(data)
def hash_mod_q(data):
return decode_mod_q(sha256(data).digest())
def keypair(seed=None):
x = hash_mod_q(seed) if seed else sr.randrange(q)
Y = G * x
private_key = encode_mod_q(x)
public_key = Y.encode()
return private_key, public_key
def public_key(private_key):
x = decode_mod_q(private_key)
Y = G * x
return Y.encode()
def exchange(private_key, public_key):
x = decode_mod_q(private_key)
Y = Point.decode(public_key)
Z = Y * x
shared_secret = sha256(Z.encode()).digest()
return shared_secret
def sign(private_key, message):
x = decode_mod_q(private_key)
k = sr.randrange(q)
R = G * k
e = hash_mod_q(message + R.encode().hex().encode())
s = (k - x * e) % q
e = encode_mod_q(e)
s = encode_mod_q(s)
return e + s
def verify(public_key, message, signature):
Y = Point.decode(public_key)
e = decode_mod_q(signature[:len(signature) // 2])
s = decode_mod_q(signature[len(signature) // 2:])
Rv = G * s + Y * e
ev = hash_mod_q(message + Rv.encode().hex().encode())
return ev == e