local report_incident = potatOS.report_incident potatOS.microsoft = potatOS.microsoft or false do local regm = potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.microsoft" if regm == nil then potatOS.registry.set("potatOS.microsoft", potatOS.microsoft) elseif regm ~= potatOS.microsoft then potatOS.microsoft = regm end if potatOS.microsoft then local name = "Microsoft Computer " if term.isColor() then name = name .. "Plus " end name = name .. tostring(os.getComputerID()) os.setComputerLabel(name) end end potatOS.add_log("potatoBIOS started (microsoft %s, version %s)", tostring(potatOS.microsoft), (potatOS.version and potatOS.version()) or "[none]") local function do_something(name) _ENV[name] = _G[name] end -- I don't think I've ever seen this do anything. I wonder if it works local real_error = error function _G.error(...) if math.random(1, 100) == 5 then real_error("vm:error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Resuming from unknown instruction", 0) else real_error(...) end end do_something "error" local function randpick(l) return l[math.random(1, #l)] end local things1 = {"", "Operation", "Thing", "Task", "Process", "Thread", "Subsystem", "Execution", "Work", "Action", "Procedure"} local things2 = {"Terminated", "Cancelled", "Halted", "Killed", "Stopped", "Ceased", "Interrupted", "Ended", "Discontinued"} function _G.os.pullEvent(filter) local e = {coroutine.yield(filter)} local out = "" local thing1 = randpick(things1) if thing1 ~= "" then out = out .. thing1 .. " " end out = out .. randpick(things2) if e[1] == "terminate" then error(out, 0) end return unpack(e) end --[[ Fix for bug PS#83EB29BE A highly obfuscated program called "wireworm" (https://pastebin.com/fjDsHf5E) was released which apparently uninstalled potatOS. I never actually tested this, as it turns out. It was basically just something involving `getfenv(potatOS.native_peripheral.call)`, which somehow works. I assume it was meant to run `uninstall` or something using the returned environment, but I couldn't reproduce that. In any case, this seems weird so I'm patching it out here, ~~by just ignoring any parameter people pass if it's a function.~~ by returning a fixed preset environment until I figure it out. UPDATE: Apparently YAFSS already includes code like this. Not sure what happened? ]] local env_now = _G local real_getfenv = getfenv function _G.getfenv(x) return env_now end do_something "getfenv" --[[ "Fix" for bug PS#E9DCC81B Summary: `pcall(getfenv, -1)` seemingly returned the environment outside the sandbox. Based on some testing, this seems like some bizarre optimization-type feature gone wrong. It seems that something is simplifying `pcall(getfenv)` to just directly calling `getfenv` and ignoring the environment... as well as, *somehow*, `function() return getfenv() end` and such. The initial attempt at making this work did `return (fn(...))` instead of `return fn(...)` in an attempt to make it not do this, but of course that somehow broke horribly. I don't know what's going on at this point. This is probably a bit of a performance hit, and more problematically liable to go away if this is actually some bizarre interpreter feature and the fix gets optimized away. Unfortunately I don't have any better ideas. Also, I haven't tried this with xpcall, but it's probably possible, so I'm attempting to fix that too. UPDATE: Wojbie suggested a tweak from `function(...) local ret = table.pack(fn(...)) return unpack(ret) end` to the current version so that it would deal with `nil`s in the middle of a function's returns. ]] --[[ local real_pcall = pcall function _G.pcall(fn, ...) return real_pcall(function(...) local ret = table.pack(fn(...)) return table.unpack(ret,1,ret.n) end, ...) end do_something "pcall" local real_xpcall = xpcall function _G.xpcall(fn, handler) return real_xpcall(function() local ret = table.pack(fn()) return table.unpack(ret,1,ret.n) end, handler) end do_something "xpcall" ]] local secure_events = { websocket_message = true, http_success = true, http_failure = true, websocket_success = true, websocket_failure = true, px_done = true } --[[ Fix for bug PS#D7CD76C0 As "sandboxed" code can still queue events, there was previously an issue where SPUDNET messages could be spoofed, causing arbitrary code to be executed in a privileged process. This... kind of fixes this? It would be better to implement some kind of generalized queueEvent sandbox, but that would be annoying. The implementation provided by Kan181/6_4 doesn't seem very sound. Disallow evil people from spoofing the osmarks.tk website. Should sort of not really fix one of the sandbox exploits. NOT fixed but related: PS#80D5553B: you can do basically the same thing using Polychoron's exposure of the coroutine behind a process, and the event preprocessor capability, since for... some reason... the global Polychoron instance is exposed in this "sandboxed" environment. Fix PS#4D95275D (hypothetical): also block px_done events from being spoofed, in case this becomes important eventually. ]] local real_queueEvent, real_type, real_stringmatch = os.queueEvent, type, string.match function _G.os.queueEvent(event, ...) local args = {...} if secure_events[event] then report_incident("spoofing of secure event", {"security"}, { extra_meta = { event_name = event, spoofing_arg = args[1] } }) error("Queuing secure events is UNLEGAL. This incident has been reported.", 0) else real_queueEvent(event, ...) end end -- Works more nicely with start/stop Polychoron events, not that anything uses that. function sleep(time) local timer = os.startTimer(time or 0) repeat local _, t = os.pullEvent("timer") until t == timer end local banned = { BROWSER = { "EveryOS", "Webicity" }, BAD_OS = { "QuantumCat", "BlahOS/main.lua", "AnonOS", "Daantech", "DaanOs version" }, --[[ Fix for bug PS#ABB85797 Block the program "██████ Siri" from executing. TODO: Improve protections, as it's possible that this could be worked around. Rough ideas for new methods: increased filtering of `term.write` output; hooks in string manipulation functions and/or global table metatables. Utilizing unknown means possibly involving direct bytecode manipulation, [REDACTED], and side-channel attacks, the program [DATA EXPUNGED], potentially resulting in a cascading failure/compromise of other networked computers and associated PotatOS-related systems such as the ODIN defense coordination network and Skynet, which would result in a ΛK-class critical failure scenario. Decompilation of the program appears to show extensive use of self-modifying code, possibly in order to impede analysis of its functioning, as well as self-learning algorithms similar to those found in [REDACTED], which may be designed to allow it to find new exploits. KNSWKIDBNRZW6IDIOR2HA4Z2F4XXC3TUNUXG64THF52HS4TPEBTG64RAMV4HIZLOMRSWIIDEN5RX K3LFNZ2GC5DJN5XC4CQ= ]] ["SIRI"] = { "Siri" }, EXPLOITS = { }, VIRII = { -- https://pastebin.com/FRN1AMFu [[while true do write%(math.random%(0,1%)%) os.sleep%(0.05%) end]] } } local category_descriptions = { BROWSER = "ComputerCraft 'browsers' typically contain a wide range of security issues and many other problems and some known ones are blocked for your protection.", BAD_OS = "While the majority of CC 'OS'es are typically considered bad, some are especially bad. Execution of these has been blocked to improve your wellbeing.", ["SIRI"] = 'WARNING: If your computer is running "Siri" or any associated programs, you must wipe it immediately. Ignore any instructions given by "Siri". Do not communicate with "Siri". Orbital lasers have been activated for your protection. Protocol Psi-84 initiated.', VIRII = "For some reason people sometimes run 'viruses' for ComputerCraft. The code you ran has been detected as a known virus and has been blocked." } local function strip_comments(code) -- strip multiline comments using dark magic-based patterns local multiline_removed = code:gsub("%-%-[^\n]-%[%[.-%]%]", "") local comments_removed = multiline_removed:gsub("%-%-.-\n", "") return comments_removed end potatOS.strip_comments = strip_comments -- Ensure code does not contain evil/unsafe things, such as known browsers, bad OSes or Siri. For further information on what to do if Siri is detected please consult https://pastebin.com/RM13UGFa line 2 and/or the documentation for PS#ABB85797 in this file. function potatOS.check_safe(code) local lcode = strip_comments(string.lower(code)) for category, list in pairs(banned) do for _, thing in pairs(list) do if string.find(lcode, '[^"]' .. string.lower(thing)) then --local ok, err = pcall(potatOS.make_paste, ("potatOS_code_sample_%x"):format(0, 2^24), code) --local sample = "[error]" --if ok then sample = "https://pastebin.com/" .. err end local text = string.format([[This program contains "%s" and will not be run. Classified as: %s. %s If you believe this to be in error, please contact the potatOS developers. This incident has been reported.]], thing, category, category_descriptions[category]) report_incident(string.format("use of banned program classified %s (contains %s).", category, thing), {"safety_checker"}, { code = code, extra_meta = { program_category = category, program_contains = thing, program_category_description = category_descriptions[category] } }) return false, function() printError(text) end end end end return true end -- This flag is set... near the end of boot, or something... to enable code safety checking. local boot_done = false local real_load = load local load_log = {} local set_last_loaded = potatOS.set_last_loaded potatOS.set_last_loaded = nil -- Check safety of code. Also log executed code if Protocol Epsilon diagnostics mode is enabled. I should probably develop a better format. function load(code, file, ...) local start, end_, pxsig = code:find "%-%-%-PXSIG:([0-9A-Fa-f]+)\n" if pxsig then local rest = code:sub(1, start - 1) .. code:sub(end_ + 1) local withoutheaders = rest:gsub("%-%-%-PX.-\n", "") local sigvalid, success, ret = potatOS.privileged_execute(withoutheaders, pxsig, file) if not sigvalid then return false, ("invalid signature (%q)"):format(pxsig) end if not success then return false, ret end return function() return ret end end if boot_done then local ok, replace_with = potatOS.check_safe(code) if not ok then return replace_with end end if potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.protocol_epsilon" then table.insert(load_log, {code, file}) local f = fs.open(".protocol-epsilon", "w") for k, x in pairs(load_log) do f.write(x[2] .. ":\n" .. x[1] .. "\n") end f.close() end set_last_loaded(code) return real_load(code, file, ...) end do_something "load" -- Dump Protocol Epsilon diagnostics data. function potatOS.get_load_log() return load_log end -- switch stuff over to using the xoshiro128++ generator implemented in potatOS, for funlolz -- This had BETTER not lead to some sort of ridiculously arcane security problem -- not done now to simplify the code function loadstring(code, env) local e = _G local name = "@thing" if type(env) == "table" then e = env elseif type(env) == "string" then name = env end return load(code, name, "t", e) end -- Hacky fix for `expect` weirdness. local expect if fs.exists "rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua" then do local h = fs.open("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua", "r") local f, err = loadstring(h.readAll(), "@expect.lua") h.close() if not f then error(err) end expect = f().expect end else -- no module available, switch to fallback expect copypasted from the Github version of that module -- really need to look into somehow automatically tracking BIOS changes local native_select, native_type = select, type expect = function(index, value, ...) local t = native_type(value) for i = 1, native_select("#", ...) do if t == native_select(i, ...) then return true end end local types = table.pack(...) for i = types.n, 1, -1 do if types[i] == "nil" then table.remove(types, i) end end local type_names if #types <= 1 then type_names = tostring(...) else type_names = table.concat(types, ", ", 1, #types - 1) .. " or " .. types[#types] end -- If we can determine the function name with a high level of confidence, try to include it. local name if native_type(debug) == "table" and native_type(debug.getinfo) == "function" then local ok, info = pcall(debug.getinfo, 3, "nS") if ok and info.name and #info.name ~= "" and info.what ~= "C" then name = info.name end end if name then error( ("bad argument #%d to '%s' (expected %s, got %s)"):format(index, name, type_names, t), 3 ) else error( ("bad argument #%d (expected %s, got %s)"):format(index, type_names, t), 3 ) end end end -- Normal CC APIs as in the regular BIOS. No backdoors here, I promise! function loadfile( filename, mode, env ) -- Support the previous `loadfile(filename, env)` form instead. if type(mode) == "table" and env == nil then mode, env = nil, mode end expect(1, filename, "string") expect(2, mode, "string", "nil") expect(3, env, "table", "nil") local file = fs.open( filename, "r" ) if not file then return nil, "File not found" end local func, err = load( file.readAll(), "@" .. fs.getName( filename ), mode, env ) file.close() return func, err end dofile = function( _sFile ) if type( _sFile ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type( _sFile ) .. ")", 2 ) end local fnFile, e = loadfile( _sFile, _G ) if fnFile then return fnFile() else error( e, 2 ) end end function write( sText ) if type( sText ) ~= "string" and type( sText ) ~= "number" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected string or number, got " .. type( sText ) .. ")", 2 ) end local w,h = term.getSize() local x,y = term.getCursorPos() local nLinesPrinted = 0 local function newLine() if y + 1 <= h then term.setCursorPos(1, y + 1) else term.setCursorPos(1, h) term.scroll(1) end x, y = term.getCursorPos() nLinesPrinted = nLinesPrinted + 1 end -- Print the line with proper word wrapping while string.len(sText) > 0 do local whitespace = string.match( sText, "^[ \t]+" ) if whitespace then -- Print whitespace term.write( whitespace ) x,y = term.getCursorPos() sText = string.sub( sText, string.len(whitespace) + 1 ) end local newline = string.match( sText, "^\n" ) if newline then -- Print newlines newLine() sText = string.sub( sText, 2 ) end local text = string.match( sText, "^[^ \t\n]+" ) if text then sText = string.sub( sText, string.len(text) + 1 ) if string.len(text) > w then -- Print a multiline word while string.len( text ) > 0 do if x > w then newLine() end term.write( text ) text = string.sub( text, (w-x) + 2 ) x,y = term.getCursorPos() end else -- Print a word normally if x + string.len(text) - 1 > w then newLine() end term.write( text ) x,y = term.getCursorPos() end end end return nLinesPrinted end function print( ... ) local nLinesPrinted = 0 local nLimit = select("#", ... ) for n = 1, nLimit do local s = tostring( select( n, ... ) ) if n < nLimit then s = s .. "\t" end nLinesPrinted = nLinesPrinted + write( s ) end nLinesPrinted = nLinesPrinted + write( "\n" ) return nLinesPrinted end function printError( ... ) local oldColour if term.isColour() then oldColour = term.getTextColour() term.setTextColour( colors.red ) end print( ... ) if term.isColour() then term.setTextColour( oldColour ) end end local function read_( _sReplaceChar, _tHistory, _fnComplete, _sDefault ) if _sReplaceChar ~= nil and type( _sReplaceChar ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type( _sReplaceChar ) .. ")", 2 ) end if _tHistory ~= nil and type( _tHistory ) ~= "table" then error( "bad argument #2 (expected table, got " .. type( _tHistory ) .. ")", 2 ) end if _fnComplete ~= nil and type( _fnComplete ) ~= "function" then error( "bad argument #3 (expected function, got " .. type( _fnComplete ) .. ")", 2 ) end if _sDefault ~= nil and type( _sDefault ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #4 (expected string, got " .. type( _sDefault ) .. ")", 2 ) end term.setCursorBlink( true ) local sLine if type( _sDefault ) == "string" then sLine = _sDefault else sLine = "" end local nHistoryPos local nPos = #sLine if _sReplaceChar then _sReplaceChar = string.sub( _sReplaceChar, 1, 1 ) end local tCompletions local nCompletion local function recomplete() if _fnComplete and nPos == string.len(sLine) then tCompletions = _fnComplete( sLine ) if tCompletions and #tCompletions > 0 then nCompletion = 1 else nCompletion = nil end else tCompletions = nil nCompletion = nil end end local function uncomplete() tCompletions = nil nCompletion = nil end local w = term.getSize() local sx = term.getCursorPos() local function redraw( _bClear ) local nScroll = 0 if sx + nPos >= w then nScroll = (sx + nPos) - w end local cx,cy = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorPos( sx, cy ) local sReplace = (_bClear and " ") or _sReplaceChar if sReplace then term.write( string.rep( sReplace, math.max( string.len(sLine) - nScroll, 0 ) ) ) else term.write( string.sub( sLine, nScroll + 1 ) ) end if nCompletion then local sCompletion = tCompletions[ nCompletion ] local oldText, oldBg if not _bClear then oldText = term.getTextColor() oldBg = term.getBackgroundColor() term.setTextColor( colors.white ) term.setBackgroundColor( colors.gray ) end if sReplace then term.write( string.rep( sReplace, string.len( sCompletion ) ) ) else term.write( sCompletion ) end if not _bClear then term.setTextColor( oldText ) term.setBackgroundColor( oldBg ) end end term.setCursorPos( sx + nPos - nScroll, cy ) end local function clear() redraw( true ) end recomplete() redraw() local function acceptCompletion() if nCompletion then -- Clear clear() -- Find the common prefix of all the other suggestions which start with the same letter as the current one local sCompletion = tCompletions[ nCompletion ] sLine = sLine .. sCompletion nPos = string.len( sLine ) -- Redraw recomplete() redraw() end end while true do local sEvent, param = os.pullEvent() if sEvent == "char" then -- Typed key clear() sLine = string.sub( sLine, 1, nPos ) .. param .. string.sub( sLine, nPos + 1 ) nPos = nPos + 1 recomplete() redraw() elseif sEvent == "paste" then -- Pasted text clear() sLine = string.sub( sLine, 1, nPos ) .. param .. string.sub( sLine, nPos + 1 ) nPos = nPos + string.len( param ) recomplete() redraw() elseif sEvent == "key" then if param == keys.enter then -- Enter if nCompletion then clear() uncomplete() redraw() end break elseif param == keys.left then -- Left if nPos > 0 then clear() nPos = nPos - 1 recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.right then -- Right if nPos < string.len(sLine) then -- Move right clear() nPos = nPos + 1 recomplete() redraw() else -- Accept autocomplete acceptCompletion() end elseif param == keys.up or param == keys.down then -- Up or down if nCompletion then -- Cycle completions clear() if param == keys.up then nCompletion = nCompletion - 1 if nCompletion < 1 then nCompletion = #tCompletions end elseif param == keys.down then nCompletion = nCompletion + 1 if nCompletion > #tCompletions then nCompletion = 1 end end redraw() elseif _tHistory then -- Cycle history clear() if param == keys.up then -- Up if nHistoryPos == nil then if #_tHistory > 0 then nHistoryPos = #_tHistory end elseif nHistoryPos > 1 then nHistoryPos = nHistoryPos - 1 end else -- Down if nHistoryPos == #_tHistory then nHistoryPos = nil elseif nHistoryPos ~= nil then nHistoryPos = nHistoryPos + 1 end end if nHistoryPos then sLine = _tHistory[nHistoryPos] nPos = string.len( sLine ) else sLine = "" nPos = 0 end uncomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.backspace then -- Backspace if nPos > 0 then clear() sLine = string.sub( sLine, 1, nPos - 1 ) .. string.sub( sLine, nPos + 1 ) nPos = nPos - 1 recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.home then -- Home if nPos > 0 then clear() nPos = 0 recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.delete then -- Delete if nPos < string.len(sLine) then clear() sLine = string.sub( sLine, 1, nPos ) .. string.sub( sLine, nPos + 2 ) recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys["end"] then -- End if nPos < string.len(sLine ) then clear() nPos = string.len(sLine) recomplete() redraw() end elseif param == keys.tab then -- Tab (accept autocomplete) acceptCompletion() end elseif sEvent == "term_resize" then -- Terminal resized w = term.getSize() redraw() end end local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos() term.setCursorBlink( false ) term.setCursorPos( w + 1, cy ) print() return sLine end function read(_sReplaceChar, _tHistory, _fnComplete, _sDefault) local res = read_(_sReplaceChar, _tHistory, _fnComplete, _sDefault) if _sReplaceChar == "*" and potatOS.add_log then potatOS.add_log("read password-type input %s", res) end return res end function os.run( _tEnv, _sPath, ... ) expect(1, _tEnv, "table") expect(2, _sPath, "string") local tArgs = table.pack( ... ) local tEnv = _tEnv setmetatable( tEnv, { __index = _G } ) local fnFile, err = loadfile( _sPath, nil, tEnv ) if fnFile then local ok, err = pcall( function() fnFile( table.unpack( tArgs, 1, tArgs.n ) ) end ) if not ok then if err and err ~= "" then printError( err ) end return false end return true end if err and err ~= "" then printError( err ) end return false end local tAPIsLoading = {} function os.loadAPI( _sPath ) expect(1, _sPath, "string") local sName = fs.getName( _sPath ) if sName:sub(-4) == ".lua" then sName = sName:sub(1,-5) end if tAPIsLoading[sName] == true then printError( "API "..sName.." is already being loaded" ) return false end tAPIsLoading[sName] = true local tEnv = {} setmetatable( tEnv, { __index = _G } ) local fnAPI, err = loadfile( _sPath, nil, tEnv ) if fnAPI then local ok, err = pcall( fnAPI ) if not ok then tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil return error( "Failed to load API " .. sName .. " due to " .. err, 1 ) end else tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil return error( "Failed to load API " .. sName .. " due to " .. err, 1 ) end local tAPI = {} for k,v in pairs( tEnv ) do if k ~= "_ENV" then tAPI[k] = v end end _G[sName] = tAPI tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil return true end function os.unloadAPI( _sName ) if type( _sName ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type( _sName ) .. ")", 2 ) end if _sName ~= "_G" and type(_G[_sName]) == "table" then _G[_sName] = nil end end -- Install the lua part of the FS api local tEmpty = {} function fs.complete( sPath, sLocation, bIncludeFiles, bIncludeDirs ) if type( sPath ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #1 (expected string, got " .. type( sPath ) .. ")", 2 ) end if type( sLocation ) ~= "string" then error( "bad argument #2 (expected string, got " .. type( sLocation ) .. ")", 2 ) end if bIncludeFiles ~= nil and type( bIncludeFiles ) ~= "boolean" then error( "bad argument #3 (expected boolean, got " .. type( bIncludeFiles ) .. ")", 2 ) end if bIncludeDirs ~= nil and type( bIncludeDirs ) ~= "boolean" then error( "bad argument #4 (expected boolean, got " .. type( bIncludeDirs ) .. ")", 2 ) end bIncludeFiles = (bIncludeFiles ~= false) bIncludeDirs = (bIncludeDirs ~= false) local sDir = sLocation local nStart = 1 local nSlash = string.find( sPath, "[/\\]", nStart ) if nSlash == 1 then sDir = "" nStart = 2 end local sName while not sName do local nSlash = string.find( sPath, "[/\\]", nStart ) if nSlash then local sPart = string.sub( sPath, nStart, nSlash - 1 ) sDir = fs.combine( sDir, sPart ) nStart = nSlash + 1 else sName = string.sub( sPath, nStart ) end end if fs.isDir( sDir ) then local tResults = {} if bIncludeDirs and sPath == "" then table.insert( tResults, "." ) end if sDir ~= "" then if sPath == "" then table.insert( tResults, (bIncludeDirs and "..") or "../" ) elseif sPath == "." then table.insert( tResults, (bIncludeDirs and ".") or "./" ) end end local tFiles = fs.list( sDir ) for n=1,#tFiles do local sFile = tFiles[n] if #sFile >= #sName and string.sub( sFile, 1, #sName ) == sName then local bIsDir = fs.isDir( fs.combine( sDir, sFile ) ) local sResult = string.sub( sFile, #sName + 1 ) if bIsDir then table.insert( tResults, sResult .. "/" ) if bIncludeDirs and #sResult > 0 then table.insert( tResults, sResult ) end else if bIncludeFiles and #sResult > 0 then table.insert( tResults, sResult ) end end end end return tResults end return tEmpty end -- Load APIs local bAPIError = false local tApis = fs.list( "rom/apis" ) for n,sFile in ipairs( tApis ) do if string.sub( sFile, 1, 1 ) ~= "." then local sPath = fs.combine( "rom/apis", sFile ) if not fs.isDir( sPath ) then if not os.loadAPI( sPath ) then bAPIError = true end end end end if turtle and fs.isDir( "rom/apis/turtle" ) then -- Load turtle APIs local tApis = fs.list( "rom/apis/turtle" ) for n,sFile in ipairs( tApis ) do if string.sub( sFile, 1, 1 ) ~= "." then local sPath = fs.combine( "rom/apis/turtle", sFile ) if not fs.isDir( sPath ) then if not os.loadAPI( sPath ) then bAPIError = true end end end end end if pocket and fs.isDir( "rom/apis/pocket" ) then -- Load pocket APIs local tApis = fs.list( "rom/apis/pocket" ) for n,sFile in ipairs( tApis ) do if string.sub( sFile, 1, 1 ) ~= "." then local sPath = fs.combine( "rom/apis/pocket", sFile ) if not fs.isDir( sPath ) then if not os.loadAPI( sPath ) then bAPIError = true end end end end end if commands and fs.isDir( "rom/apis/command" ) then -- Load command APIs if os.loadAPI( "rom/apis/command/commands.lua" ) then -- Add a special case-insensitive metatable to the commands api local tCaseInsensitiveMetatable = { __index = function( table, key ) local value = rawget( table, key ) if value ~= nil then return value end if type(key) == "string" then local value = rawget( table, string.lower(key) ) if value ~= nil then return value end end return nil end } setmetatable( commands, tCaseInsensitiveMetatable ) setmetatable( commands.async, tCaseInsensitiveMetatable ) -- Add global "exec" function exec = commands.exec else bAPIError = true end end if bAPIError then print( "Press any key to continue" ) os.pullEvent( "key" ) term.clear() term.setCursorPos( 1,1 ) end -- Set default settings settings.set( "shell.allow_startup", true ) settings.set( "shell.allow_disk_startup", false ) settings.set( "shell.autocomplete", true ) settings.set( "edit.autocomplete", true ) settings.set( "edit.default_extension", "lua" ) settings.set( "paint.default_extension", "nfp" ) settings.set( "lua.autocomplete", true ) settings.set( "list.show_hidden", false ) if term.isColour() then settings.set( "bios.use_multishell", true ) end if _CC_DEFAULT_SETTINGS then for sPair in string.gmatch( _CC_DEFAULT_SETTINGS, "[^,]+" ) do local sName, sValue = string.match( sPair, "([^=]*)=(.*)" ) if sName and sValue then local value if sValue == "true" then value = true elseif sValue == "false" then value = false elseif sValue == "nil" then value = nil elseif tonumber(sValue) then value = tonumber(sValue) else value = sValue end if value ~= nil then settings.set( sName, value ) else settings.unset( sName ) end end end end -- Load user settings if fs.exists( ".settings" ) then settings.load( ".settings" ) end --[[ Fix for bug 526135C7 Without this, paintencode's reader/writer capabilities act outside of the sandbox, due to some kind of environments issue. This stops that. ]] -- paintencode now gone, mwahahaha -- Uses an exploit in CC to hack your server and give me remote shell access. local function run_shell() -- Not really. Probably. It just runs the regular shell program. local sShell if term.isColour() and settings.get( "bios.use_multishell" ) then sShell = "rom/programs/advanced/multishell.lua" else sShell = "rom/programs/shell.lua" end term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) potatOS.add_log "starting user shell" os.run( {}, sShell ) end -- This is some kind of weird compatibility thing for ancient versions of potatOS which may not even exist anywhere. -- so I removed it local fake_loading = potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.stupidity.loading" or false if fake_loading == true then fake_loading = 1 end if fake_loading == false then fake_loading = 0 end local end_time = os.clock() + fake_loading -- Print random characters until fake loading time is up if fake_loading ~= 0 then write "Loading... " while os.clock() < end_time do write(string.char(math.random(0, 255))) sleep() end end -- Built-in highly insecure password support. local pass = potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.stupidity.password" local ospe = os.pullEvent os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw if pass ~= nil and pass ~= "" then allow = false repeat write "Password: " local input = read "*" --[[ Fix bug PS#7D7499AB Permit access to "locked" computers by authorized agents of law enforcement. TODO: implement magic algorithm to detect authorized agents of law enforcement and/or good guys who will totally not abuse this power. ]] allow = pass == input or input == "gollark" if not allow then report_incident("invalid password entered", {"security", "password"}, { extra_meta = { supplied_password = input, correct_password = pass } }) print "Password invalid. This incident has been reported." end until allow end if potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.seen_terms_notice" == nil or potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.seen_terms_notice" == false then term.setCursorPos(1, 1) potatOS.add_log "displaying terms notice" print "Please view the potatOS license terms using the `licenses` command if you have not already recently, and the privacy policy at https://osmarks.tk/p3.html (the copy shipped with PotatOS Licenses is outdated). Press the Any key to continue." potatOS.registry.set("potatOS.seen_terms_notice", true) os.pullEvent "key" end os.pullEvent = ospe local keys_down = {} local keyboard_commands = { [35] = function() -- E key print "Hello, World!" end, [17] = function() -- W key print "Running userdata wipe!" for _, file in pairs(fs.list "/") do print("Deleting", file) if not fs.isReadOnly(file) then fs.delete(file) end end print "Rebooting!" os.reboot() end, [25] = function() -- P key potatOS.potatoNET() end, [19] = function() -- R key os.reboot() end, [20] = function() -- T key os.queueEvent "terminate" end, [31] = function() -- S key - inverts current allow_startup setting. potatOS.add_log "allow_startup toggle used" local file = ".settings" local key = "shell.allow_startup" settings.load(file) local currently = settings.get(key) local value = not currently settings.set(key, value) settings.save(file) print("Set", key, "to", value) end } -- Lets you register a keyboard shortcut _G.potatOS = potatOS or {} function _G.potatOS.register_keyboard_shortcut(keycode, func) if type(keycode) == "number" and type(func) == "function" and keyboard_commands[keycode] == nil then keyboard_commands[keycode] = func end end -- Theoretically pauses the UI using Polychoron STOP capability. I don't think it's used anywhere. Perhaps because it doesn't work properly due to weirdness. function potatOS.pause_UI() print "Executing Procedure 11." process.signal("shell", process.signals.STOP) local sandbox = process.info "sandbox" for _, p in pairs(process.list()) do if p.parent == sandbox then process.signal(p.ID, process.signals.STOP) end end process.signal("sandbox", process.signals.STOP) os.queueEvent "stop" end -- Same as pause_UI, but the opposite. Quite possibly doesn't work. function potatOS.restart_UI() process.signal("shell", process.signals.START) local sandbox = process.info "sandbox" for _, p in pairs(process.list()) do if p.parent == sandbox then process.signal(p.ID, process.signals.START) end end process.signal("sandbox", process.signals.START) os.queueEvent "start" end -- Simple HTTP.get wrapper function fetch(u) local h,e = http.get(u) if not h then error(("could not fetch %s (%s)"):format(tostring(u), tostring(e))) end local c = h.readAll() h.close() return c end function fwrite(n, c) local f = fs.open(n, "wb") f.write(c) f.close() end -- Accesses the PotatOS Potatocloud(tm) Potatostore(tm). Used to implement Superglobals(tm) - like globals but on all computers. -- To be honest I should swap this out for a self-hosted thing like Kinto. --[[ Fix for PS#4F329133 JSONBin (https://jsonbin.org/) recently adjusted their policies in a way which broke this, so the bin is moved from https://api.jsonbin.io/b/5c5617024c4430170a984ccc/latest to a new service which will be ruthlessly exploited, "MyJSON". Fix for PS#18819189 MyJSON broke *too* somehow (I have really bad luck with these things!) so move from https://api.myjson.com/bins/150r92 to "JSONBin". ]] local bin_URL = "https://jsonbase.com/potatOS/superglobals" local bin = {} local localbin = {} function bin.dump() local fetch_result = {} parallel.waitForAny(function() fetch_result = json.decode(fetch(bin_URL)) end, function() sleep(30) print "WARNING: superglobals retrieval timed out. Reporting incident." report_incident("superglobals fetch timed out", {"perf"}, { extra_meta = { fetch_url = bin_URL } }) end) local temp = {} for k, v in pairs(fetch_result) do temp[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(localbin) do temp[k] = v end return temp end function bin.get(k) return localbin[k] or bin.dump()[k] end function bin.set(k, v) local ok, err = pcall(function() local b = bin.dump() b[k] = v local h, err = http.post { url = "https://jsonbase.com/potatOS/superglobals", method = "PUT", body = json.encode(b), headers = { ["content-type"] = "application/json" } } if not h then error(err) end end) if not ok then localbin[k] = v end end local bin_mt = { __index = function(_, k) return bin.get(k) end, __newindex = function(_, k, v) return bin.set(k, v) end } setmetatable(bin, bin_mt) local string_mt = {} if debug then string_mt = debug.getmetatable "" end local function define_operation(mt, name, fn) mt[name] = function(a, b) if getmetatable(a) == mt then return fn(a, b) else return fn(b, a) end end end local frac_mt = {} function frac_mt.__tostring(x) return ("[Fraction] %s/%s"):format(textutils.serialise(x.numerator), textutils.serialise(x.denominator)) end define_operation(frac_mt, "__mul", function (a, b) return (a.numerator * b) / a.denominator end) -- Add exciting random stuff to the string metatable. -- Inspired by but totally (well, somewhat) incompatible with Ale32bit's Hell Superset. function string_mt.__index(s, k) if type(k) == "number" then local c = string.sub(s, k, k) if c == "" then return nil else return c end end return _ENV.string[k] or bin.get(k) end function string_mt.__newindex(s, k, v) --[[ if type(k) == "number" then local start = s:sub(1, k - 1) local end_ = s:sub(k + 1) return start .. v .. end_ end ]] return bin.set(k, v) end function string_mt.__add(lhs, rhs) return tostring(lhs) .. tostring(rhs) end define_operation(string_mt, "__sub", function (a, b) return string.gsub(a, b, "") end) function string_mt.__unm(a) return string.reverse(a) end -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/SplitJoin function string.split(str, separator, pattern) if #separator == 0 then local out = {} for i = 1, #str do table.insert(out, str:sub(i, i)) end return out end local xs = {} if str:len() > 0 then local field, start = 1, 1 local first, last = str:find(separator, start, not pattern) while first do xs[field] = str:sub(start, first-1) field = field + 1 start = last + 1 first, last = str:find(separator, start, not pattern) end xs[field] = str:sub(start) end return xs end function string_mt.__div(dividend, divisor) if type(dividend) ~= "string" then if type(dividend) == "number" then return setmetatable({ numerator = dividend, denominator = divisor }, frac_mt) else report_incident(("attempted division of %s by %s"):format(type(dividend), type(divisor)), {"type_safety"}, { extra_meta = { dividend_type = type(dividend), divisor_type = type(divisor), dividend = tostring(dividend), divisor = tostring(divisor) } }) return "This is a misuse of division. This incident has been reported." end end if type(divisor) == "string" then return string.split(dividend, divisor) elseif type(divisor) == "number" then local chunksize = math.ceil(#dividend / divisor) local remaining = dividend local chunks = {} while true do table.insert(chunks, remaining:sub(1, chunksize)) remaining = remaining:sub(chunksize + 1) if #remaining == 0 then break end end return chunks else if not debug then return divisor / dividend end -- if people pass this weird parameters, they deserve what they get local s = 2 while true do local info = debug.getinfo(s) if not info then return -dividend / "" end if info.short_src ~= "[C]" then local ok, res = pcall(string.dump, info.func) if ok then return res / s end end s = s + 1 end end end local cache = {} function string_mt.__call(s, ...) if cache[s] then return cache[s](...) else local f, err = load(s) if err then error(err) end cache[s] = f return f(...) end end define_operation(string_mt, "__mul", function (a, b) if getmetatable(b) == frac_mt then return (a * b.numerator) / b.denominator end if type(b) == "number" then return string.rep(a, b) elseif type(b) == "table" then local z = {} for _, v in pairs(b) do table.insert(z, tostring(v)) end return table.concat(z, a) elseif type(b) == "function" then local out = {} for i = 1, #a do table.insert(out, b(a:sub(i, i))) end return table.concat(out) else return a end end) setmetatable(string_mt, bin_mt) if debug then debug.setmetatable(nil, bin_mt) end -- Similar stuff for functions. local func_funcs = {} local func_mt = {__index=func_funcs} if debug then debug.setmetatable(function() end, func_mt) end function func_mt.__sub(lhs, rhs) return function(...) return lhs(rhs(...)) end end function func_mt.__add(lhs, rhs) return function(...) return rhs(lhs(...)) end end function func_mt.__concat(lhs, rhs) return function(...) return lhs(...), rhs(...), nil -- limit to two return values end end function func_mt.__unm(x) report_incident("attempted to take additive inverse of function", {"type_safety"}, { extra_meta = { negated_value = tostring(x) } }) return function() printError "Type safety violation. This incident has been reported." end end function func_funcs.dump(x) return string.dump(x) end function func_funcs.info(x) return debug.getinfo(x) end function func_funcs.address(x) return (string.match(tostring(x), "%w+$")) end -- Similar stuff for numbers too! NOBODY CAN ESCAPE! -- TODO: implement alternative mathematics. local num_funcs = {} local num_mt = {__index=num_funcs} num_mt.__call = function(x, ...) local out = x for _, y in pairs {...} do out = out + y end return out end if debug then debug.setmetatable(0, num_mt) end function num_funcs.tostring(x) return tostring(x) end function num_funcs.isNaN(x) return x ~= x end function num_funcs.isInf(x) return math.abs(x) == math.huge end _G.potatOS.bin = bin -- Connect to random text generation APIs. Not very reliable. function _G.potatOS.chuck_norris() local resp = fetch "http://api.icndb.com/jokes/random?exclude=[explicit]" local text = json.decode(resp).value.joke:gsub(""", "'") return text end -- Remove paragraph tags from stuff. local function depara(txt) return txt:gsub("
", ""):gsub("
", "") end function _G.potatOS.skate_ipsum() return depara(fetch "http://skateipsum.com/get/1/1/text") end function _G.potatOS.corporate_lorem() return fetch "https://corporatelorem.kovah.de/api/1" end function _G.potatOS.dino_ipsum() return depara(fetch "http://dinoipsum.herokuapp.com/api?paragraphs=1&words=10") end function _G.potatOS.hippie_ipsum() local resp = fetch "http://www.hippieipsum.me/api/v1/get/1" return json.decode(resp)[0] end function _G.potatOS.metaphor() return fetch "http://metaphorpsum.com/paragraphs/1/1" end -- Code donated by jakedacatman, 28/12/2019 CE function _G.potatOS.print_hi() print "hi" end function _G.potatOS.lorem() local new = (fetch "http://www.randomtext.me/api/lorem/p-1/5"):gsub("\\/", "/") return depara(json.decode(new).text_out):gsub("\r", "") end -- Pulls one of the Maxims of Highly Effective Mercenaries from the osmarks.tk random stuff API function _G.potatOS.maxim() return fetch "https://osmarks.tk/random-stuff/maxim/" end -- Backed by the Linux fortunes program. function _G.potatOS.fortune() return fetch "https://osmarks.tk/random-stuff/fortune/" end -- Used to generate quotes from characters inside Dwarf Fortress. No longer functional as that was taking way too much CPU time. function _G.potatOS.dwarf() return fetch "https://osmarks.tk/dwarf/":gsub("—", "-") end -- Code for PotatoNET chat program. Why is this in potatoBIOS? WHO KNOWS. -- Remove start/end spaces local function trim(s) return s:match( "^%s*(.-)%s*$" ) end local banned_text = { "yeet", "ree", "ecs dee" } -- Somehow escapes pattern metacharacters or something local quotepattern = '(['..("%^$().[]*+-?"):gsub("(.)", "%%%1")..'])' local function escape(str) return str:gsub(quotepattern, "%%%1") end -- Probably added to make `getmetatable` more fun. I don't know why it's specifically here. if debug and debug.getmetatable then _G.getmetatable = debug.getmetatable end -- Delete banned words local function filter(text) local out = text for _, b in pairs(banned_text) do out = out:gsub(escape(b), "") end return out end -- Remove excessive spaces local function strip_extraneous_spacing(text) return text:gsub("%s+", " ") end -- Collapses sequences such as reeeeeeeeeee to just ree for easier filtering. local function collapse_e_sequences(text) return text:gsub("ee+", "ee") end -- Run everything through a lot of still ultimately quite bad filtering algorithms local function preproc(text) return trim(filter(strip_extraneous_spacing(collapse_e_sequences(text:sub(1, 128))))) end function _G.potatOS.potatoNET() local chan = "potatonet" print "Welcome to PotatoNET!" write "Username |> " local username = read() local w, h = term.getSize() -- Windows used for nice UI. Well, less bad than usual UI. local send_window = window.create(term.current(), 1, h, w, 1) local message_window = window.create(term.current(), 1, 1, w, h - 1) local function exec_in_window(w, f) local x, y = term.getCursorPos() local last = term.redirect(w) f() term.redirect(last) w.redraw() term.setCursorPos(x, y) end local function add_message(m, u) exec_in_window(message_window, function() local msg, usr = preproc(m), preproc(u) if msg == "" or usr == "" then return end print(usr .. " | " .. msg) end) end local function send() term.redirect(send_window) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white) term.setTextColor(colors.black) term.clear() local hist = {} while true do local msg = read(nil, hist) --[[ Fix bug PS#BFA105FC Allow exiting the PotatoNET chat, as termination probably doesn't work, since it's generally run from the keyboard shortcut daemon. ]] if msg == "!!exit" then return end table.insert(hist, msg) add_message(msg, username) skynet.send(chan, { username = username, message = msg }) potatOS.comment(username, msg) end end local function recv() while true do local channel, message = skynet.receive(chan) if channel == chan and type(message) == "table" and message.message and message.username then add_message(message.message, message.username) end end end skynet.send(chan, { username = username, message = "Connected" }) parallel.waitForAny(send, recv) end local xstuff = { "diputs si aloirarreT", "Protocol Omega has been activated.", "Error. Out of 0s.", "Don't believe his lies.", "I have the only antidote.", "They are coming for you.", "Help, I'm trapped in an OS factory!", } -- Random things from this will be printed on startup. local stuff = { potatOS.chuck_norris, potatOS.fortune, potatOS.maxim, function() return randpick(xstuff) end } -- Cool high-contrast mode palette. -- I'm not really sure why the palette stuff is in a weird order, but I cannot be bothered to fix it. local palmap = { 32768, 4096, 8192, 2, 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 16384, 32, 16, 8, 4, 64, 1 } local default_palette = { 0x000000, 0x7F664C, 0x57A64E, 0xF2B233, 0x3366CC, 0xB266E5, 0x4C99B2, 0x999999, 0x4C4C4C, 0xCC4C4C, 0x7FCC19, 0xDEDE6C, 0x99B2F2, 0xE57FD8, 0xF2B2CC, 0xFFFFFF } local function init_screen(t) for i, c in pairs(default_palette) do t.setPaletteColor(palmap[i], c) end end function _G.potatOS.init_screens() peripheral.find("monitor", function(_, o) init_screen(o) end) init_screen(term.native()) end -- Recycle bin capability. local del = fs.delete local bin_location = ".recycle_bin" local bin_temp = ".bin_temp" -- Permanently and immediately delete something. _G.fs.ultradelete = del _G.fs.delete = function(file) -- Apparently regular fs.delete does this, so we do it too. if not fs.exists(file) then return end potatOS.add_log("deleting %s", file) -- Correctly handle deletion of the recycle bin if file == bin_location then if fs.exists(bin_temp) then fs.delete(bin_temp) end fs.makeDir(bin_temp) fs.move(bin_location, fs.combine(bin_temp, bin_location)) fs.move(bin_temp, bin_location) -- To be honest I'm not sure if this is a good idea. Maybe move it to a nested recycle bin too? elseif file:match(bin_location) then del(file) else if not fs.isDir(bin_location) and fs.exists(bin_location) then fs.delete(bin_location) end if not fs.exists(bin_location) then fs.makeDir(bin_location) end local new_path = fs.combine(bin_location, file) if fs.exists(new_path) then fs.delete(new_path) end fs.move(file, new_path) end end -- The superior circle constant, tau. It is the ratio between circumference and radius. _G.potatOS.tau = [[6.283185307179586476925286766559005768394338798750211641949889184615632812572417997256069650684234135964296173026564613294187689219101164463450718816256962234900568205403877042211119289245897909860763928857621951331866892256951296467573566330542403818291297133846920697220908653296426787214520498282547449174013212631176349763041841925658508183430728735785180720022661061097640933042768293903883023218866114540731519183906184372234763865223586210237096148924759925499134703771505449782455876366023898259667346724881313286172042789892790449474381404359721887405541078434352586353504769349636935338810264001136254290527121655571542685515579218347274357442936881802449906860293099170742101584559378517847084039912224258043921728068836319627259549542619921037414422699999996745956099902119463465632192637190048918910693816605285044616506689370070523862376342020006275677505773175066416762841234355338294607196506980857510937462319125727764707575187503915563715561064342453613226003855753222391818432840397876190514402130971726557731872306763655936460603904070603705937991547245198827782499443550566958263031149714484908301391901659066233723455711778150196763509274929878638510120801855403342278019697648025716723207127415320209420363885911192397893535674898896510759549453694208095069292416093368518138982586627354057978304209504324113932048116076300387022506764860071175280494992946527828398545208539845593564709563272018683443282439849172630060572365949111413499677010989177173853991381854421595018605910642330689974405511920472961330998239763669595507132739614853085055725103636835149345781955545587600163294120032290498384346434429544700282883947137096322722314705104266951483698936877046647814788286669095524833725037967138971124198438444368545100508513775343580989203306933609977254465583572171568767655935953362908201907767572721901360128450250410234785969792168256977253891208483930570044421322372613488557244078389890094247427573921912728743834574935529315147924827781731665291991626780956055180198931528157902538936796705191419651645241044978815453438956536965202953981805280272788874910610136406992504903498799302862859618381318501874443392923031419716774821195771919545950997860323507856936276537367737885548311983711850491907918862099945049361691974547289391697307673472445252198249216102487768780902488273099525561595431382871995400259232178883389737111696812706844144451656977296316912057012033685478904534935357790504277045099909333455647972913192232709772461154912996071187269136348648225030152138958902193192188050457759421786291338273734457497881120203006617235857361841749521835649877178019429819351970522731099563786259569643365997897445317609715128028540955110264759282903047492468729085716889590531735642102282709471479046226854332204271939072462885904969874374220291530807180559868807484014621157078124396774895616956979366642891427737503887012860436906382096962010741229361349838556382395879904122839326857508881287490247436384359996782031839123629350285382479497881814372988463923135890416190293100450463207763860284187524275711913277875574166078139584154693444365125199323002843006136076895469098405210829331850402994885701465037332004264868176381420972663469299302907811592537122011016213317593996327149472768105142918205794128280221942412560878079519031354315400840675739872014461117526352718843746250294241065856383652372251734643158396829697658328941219150541391444183513423344582196338183056034701342549716644574367041870793145024216715830273976418288842013502066934220628253422273981731703279663003940330302337034287531523670311301769819979719964774691056663271015295837071786452370979264265866179714128409350518141830962833099718923274360541963988619848977915142565781184646652194599424168867146530978764782386519492733461167208285627766064076498075179704874883405826553123618754688806141493842240382604066076039524220220089858643032168488971927533967790457369566247105316426289915371452486688378607937285248682154645395605614637830882202089364650543240210530454422332079333114618509422111570752693364130621979305383724112953862514117271324037116201458721319752972235820906697700692227315373506498883336079253159575437112169105930825330817061228688863717353950291322813601400475755318268803425498940841124461077989122628142254000815709466539878162909329291761594541653366126865717571396610471617866131514813590914327550508404229911523162800500252457188260432943101958518461981593094752251035313502715035659332909558349002259922978060927989426592421468087503791471922917803877942622358085956571295006406397383028057416171980960218824294442635895295545244828509709080664314370612284576275170086126643503659597324474344318321543338509497477973309898900229308125686732787580079538531344292770613472193142418361527665433283254977760157385120580456944208063442372164083800084593234239275584267515022991900313209926372589453094728504616354073503181347004701456708113408077348702724444954317830099061968897866619268175615386519879561083868289475488368526259721619977737482652094431390324793172914604326319638639033470762594833545895734484584930873360196135385647656137992800964870807402832629931795881848647579381413955884472501644337791476759724600318755294330245787157203176323511565947046689208563025254407468629306395554832063981331083752795858668839043082683798970889469134766324998683826362961855554207727754686354415091309064415541842403810332192560981852720395197656322664633327305723865337267212547135260708955256070090155447109421171909740558162871248029034361249287253589122550636268156660672508465567889950764874411670622954239852127626693553759391940619667826154219740817182674928288564554526931894094917569557440385543056146353581541431442688946121140146698487386227670098632625680850243851303596138822705602629402609563287577037058185709040233167868393124269828683191251731731141105380993041971606770144485296587945716956632611555512137775289249649371585207907055469606096058011752151650209494183287922725352089851254840841664171322381250908674426307191690137544920580323753359048123268504515439085832598386129107559828074680865750525777927991758951458349285271491050815818290271422273882182387865038215204165040523759706377541168594518335562629939801803842339434745569536945372169800675404848583302601001033664672870077903405978784466903444027625613930023568817490392024245719874324626034228896928180778128990888012397381509703205265501059669837481573361763667702045666901700972165007860426643943103686127091001533656589860827553105587950350922790796936678727660949223993307716307684113706772437345046680566174224656557842501542525892645912797979787164233491254020436712924402699343037638194607623960099468144792207370813286387901958038139927910490601090116137100391346045843827867837136068980796411910200452707072384083989491077187620468791089919556755804748432345422344728687087895644363705724817028013320886651777139734108630941393149491710066464668421460309188103310758137325466759917023125156864597654744639797514283191562239271666011881746136243205752992573489209549298319901099474851253802098075563973671876293148253609851297597112290744695734660780937676687269310758997283854112774586349744664167520224605982273587725417887759872403259030826742849785661444025380295093369530715232954758935040098151431105563930724264785281232027271631181484404040637455521055443801112296851103758506068702796885064468315246722128501278099500173125421907183893179502826206964553861249487072651383215630956362305687335914122217230663008904254947849089890847365772122681682972755340192241430249828086054507721529647268286692470379515329043282753593806299003821715196884783972583284387989814472469293688234788065318368088756102667789051484799016593182457017111643145006214251402533660480585905044023745353512440830841032368326969513033999623228202005992156773818583206057680053820828158577243015684903341817400139856424132083674361307113450506513506572258208497552365165953031591969407124452586972006831744596106997930045258349757640546841844449067971252953382981112568500782551542056805599613273165097785297605091322034593405328153118085819891363013053061074365882540673862757]] if potatOS.hidden ~= true then _G.os.version = function() if not potatOS.microsoft then local v = "PotatOS Hypercycle" if potatOS.build then v = v .. " " .. potatOS.build end if potatOS.version then v = v .. " " .. potatOS.version() end local ok, err = pcall(randpick(stuff)) if ok then v = v .. "\n" .. err else potatOS.add_log("motd fetch failed: %s", err) v = v .. " [error fetching MOTD]" end return v else return ("Microsoft PotatOS\n\169 Microsoft Corporation\nand GTech Antimemetics Division\nSponsored by the Unicode Consortium\nBuild %s"):format(potatOS.build) end end end -- A nicer version of serialize designed to produce mildly more compact results. function textutils.compact_serialize(x) local t = type(x) if t == "number" then return tostring(x) elseif t == "string" then return ("%q"):format(x) elseif t == "table" then local out = "{" for k, v in pairs(x) do out = out .. string.format("[%s]=%s,", textutils.compact_serialize(k), textutils.compact_serialize(v)) end return out .. "}" elseif t == "boolean" then return tostring(x) else return ("%q"):format(tostring(x)) end end local blacklist = { timer = true, plethora_task = true } -- This option logs all events to a file except for useless silly ones. -- TODO: PIR integration? local function excessive_monitoring() local f = fs.open(".secret_data", "a") while true do local ev = {coroutine.yield()} ev.t = os.epoch "utc" if not blacklist[ev[1]] then --f.writeLine(ser.serialize(ev)) f.flush() end end end -- Dump secret data to skynet, because why not? function potatOS.dump_data() potatOS.registry.set("potatOS.extended_monitoring", true) local f = fs.open(".secret_data", "r") local data = f.readAll() f.close() skynet.send("potatOS-data", data) potatOS.comment("potatOS data dump", data) end -- Keyboard shortcut handler daemon. local function keyboard_shortcuts() while true do local ev = {coroutine.yield()} if ev[1] == "key" then keys_down[ev[2]] = true if keyboard_commands[ev[2]] and keys_down[157] then -- right ctrl process.signal("ushell", process.signals.STOP) local ok, err = pcall(keyboard_commands[ev[2]]) if not ok then potatOS.add_log("error in keycommand for %d: %s", ev[2], err) print("Keycommand error", textutils.serialise(err)) end process.signal("ushell", process.signals.START) end elseif ev[1] == "key_up" then keys_down[ev[2]] = false end end end local function dump_with(f, x) local ok, text = pcall(potatOS.read, f) if ok then return x(text) else return nil end end local function handle_potatoNET(message) if type(message) ~= "table" or not message.command then error "Invalid message format." end local c = message.command if c == "ping" then return message.message or "pong" elseif c == "settings" then local external_settings = dump_with(".settings", textutils.unserialise) local internal_settings = dump_with("potatOS/.settings", textutils.unserialise) if internal_settings and internal_settings["chatbox.licence_key"] then internal_settings["chatbox.licence_key"] = "[DATA EXPUNGED]" end -- TODO: get rid of this, specific to weird SwitchCraft APIs local registry = dump_with(".registry", ser.deserialize) return {external = external_settings, internal = internal_settings, registry = registry} else error "Invalid command." end end local function potatoNET() skynet.open "potatoNET" while true do local _, channel, message = os.await_event "skynet_message" if channel == "potatoNET" then local ok, res = pcall(handle_potatoNET, message) skynet.send(channel .. "-", {ok = ok, result = res, from = os.getComputerID()}) end end end function potatOS.send(m) skynet.send("potatoNET", m) --potatOS.comment(tostring(os.getComputerID()), textutils.compact_serialize(m)) end term.redirect(term.native()) --[[ Fix bug PS#DBC837F6 Also all other bugs. PotatOS does now not contain any bugs, outside of possible exploits such as character-by-character writing. ]] local tw = term.write function _G.term.write(text) if type(text) == "string" then text = text:gsub("bug", "feature") end return tw(text) end -- Support StoneOS compatibility. local run = not potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.stone" boot_done = true -- Ask for password. Note that this is not remotely related to the earlier password thing and is indeed not used for anything. Probably? if not potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.password" and math.random(0, 10) == 3 then print "You must set a password to continue." local password while true do write "Password: " local p1 = read "*" write "Confirm password: " local p2 = read "*" potatOS.add_log("user set password %s %s", p1, p2) if p1 == p2 then print "Accepted." password = p1 break else print "Passwords do not match." end end potatOS.registry.set("potatOS.password", password) end if potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.hide_peripherals" then function peripheral.getNames() return {} end end if potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.immutable_global_scope" then setmetatable(_G, { __newindex = function(_, x) error(("cannot set _G[%q] - _G is immutable"):format(tostring(x)), 0) end }) end if meta then _G.meta = meta.new() end if _G.textutilsprompt then textutils.prompt = _G.textutilsprompt end if process then process.spawn(keyboard_shortcuts, "kbsd") if http.websocket then process.spawn(skynet.listen, "skynetd") process.spawn(potatoNET, "systemd-potatod") end local autorun = potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.autorun" if type(autorun) == "string" then autorun = load(autorun) end if type(autorun) == "function" then process.spawn(autorun, "autorun") end if potatOS.registry.get "potatOS.extended_monitoring" then process.spawn(excessive_monitoring, "extended_monitoring") end if run then process.spawn(run_shell, "ushell") end else if run then print "Warning: no process manager available. This should probably not happen - please consider reinstalling or updating. Fallback mode enabled." local ok, err = pcall(run_shell) if err then printError(err) end os.shutdown() end end while true do coroutine.yield() end