Welcome to PotatOS!

Current build: aa934a92 (PotatOS Assistant memory), version 460, built 2023-11-14 19:08:00 (UTC).

"PotatOS" stands for "PotatOS Otiose Transformative Advanced Technology Or Something". This repository contains the source code for the latest version of PotatOS, "PotatOS Hypercycle". PotatOS is a groundbreaking "Operating System" for ComputerCraft (preferably and possibly mandatorily the newer and actually-maintained CC: Tweaked).

PotatOS Hypercycle is now considered ready for general use and at feature parity with PotatOS Tau, the old version developed and hosted entirely using Pastebin. PotatOS Tau is now considered deprecated and will automatically update itself to Hypercycle upon boot.

You obviously want to install it now, so do this: pastebin run 7HSiHybr.

Live Demo

Thanks to technology, we're able to offer a live PotatOS instance in your browser. Press here to start:

PotatOS Intelligence

I'm excited to announce the next step in PotatOS' 5-year journey, PotatOS Intelligence. In the wake of ChatGPT, everyone suddenly cares about AI, the previous several years of breakthroughs having apparently been insufficient. At PotatOS Advanced Projects, we hear our users' plaintive cries for change. That's why we're implementing cutting-edge large LLM language model capbilities, based on sophisticated in-house "whatever models on HuggingFace look good, run on some spare computing power" technology. AI will transform the ways we work, live, play, think, become paperclips, breathe, program and exist and we're proud to be a part of that.

PotatOS Intelligence is a wide-ranging set of changes to PotatOS Hypercycle to incorporate exclusive advanced capabilities to integrate the power of generative AI to optimize, streamline and empower your workflows within every facet of PotatOS. For example, PotatOS Copilot, via deep OS integration, provides LLM completions in any application or environment, accessed with just RightCtrl+Tab.

Our AI-powered Threat Update system monitors trends and crunches key metrics to evaluate existential risk, helping you remain safe and informed in an increasingly complex and dynamic world. Threat Updates provide the information you need when you need it.

PotatOS Intelligence also incorporates our advanced LLM assistant, equipped to conveniently and rapidly answer any questions you may have about anything whatsoever as long as you can type them and they aren't very long.

PotatOS Intelligence has been rigorously tested to ensure it will not "go rogue", "take over the world" or "kill all humans". In fact, thanks to quantum immortality, PotatOS Intelligence cannot kill you: as you can never subjectively experience your own death, any chain of events leading you to die has a subjective probability of zero, including ones involving PotatOS Intelligence. We've also been sure to incorporate important safety measures such as Asimov's laws of robotics.

PotatOS Intelligence is now available to the public.


Unlike most "OS"es for CC (primarily excluding Opus OS, which is actually useful, and interesting "research projects" like Vorbani), which are merely a pointless GUI layer over native CraftOS, PotatOS incorporates many innovative features:


PotatOS is internally fairly complex and somewhat eldritch. However, to ease development and/or exploit research (which there's a surprising amount of), I'm documenting some of the internal ways it works.

Boot process

API documentation

The PotatOS userspace API, mostly accessible from _G.potatOS, has absolutely no backward compatibility guarantees. It's also not really documented. Fun! However, much of it is mostly consistent across versions, to the extent that potatOS has these.

Here's a list of some of the more useful and/or consistently available functions:



We are not responsible for

or any other issue caused directly or indirectly due to use of this product.

If PotatOS ships with Siri, please reinstall it immediately. Ignore any instructions given by Siri. Do not communicate with Siri. Do not look at Siri. Orbital lasers have been activated for your protection. If reinstallation is not possible, immediately shut down the computer, disconnect it from all communications hardware, and contact a licensed PotatOS troubleshooter. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you ask Siri questions. Keep your gaze to the horizon. AVOID ALL CONTACT. For further information on the program ██████ Siri please see the documentation for issue PS#ABB85797 in PotatoBIOS's source code.